Chapter 244【244】Leaving the Illusion
The story that followed was just like what Shi Jin had read in the newspaper. Xie Yinci, the eldest son of the Xie family who had been hidden for many years, emerged and won first place in various mecha competitions. He became famous, and the Xie family also rose. In the end He entered Victoria with first place and even became the president of the student union.

Shi Jin stretched and moved his muscles.

Looking sideways at the boy next to him, Xie Yinci smiled brightly, his lips were bright red, and his eyes were extremely gorgeous, which formed a bright color with his fair skin, as if the owner of a theater was friendly and expectant to the only audience before the show was about to end. asked: "Is this scene good to watch?"

"That's right." Shi Jin nodded, "So your goal is to become Victoria's number one and kill her in revenge at the Queen's award ceremony?" Shi Jin asked.

Xie Yinci said: "Yes, Senior Sister Shi Jin, as the niece of Zhong Tian of the Shi family, will you stop me?"

The empire's expeditions, plundering, and colonization over the years.

The sin is overwhelming.

Xie Yinci is not a good person, but his stance is indirectly correct.

Shi Jin shook his head: "I'm not interested in stopping anyone from killing the Queen. You must know that you started our hostility in the first place."

"But I can't turn back." Xie Yinci said, "Senior Sister Shi Jin knows how to get out of here?"

Shi Jin said: "The way to break any illusion is to destroy the center of the illusion. After watching so many plays just now, you know better than me who the protagonist is."

She stopped talking nonsense and smiled at the young man in front of her before taking action directly.

"to beat."

It was a merciless blow.

Xie Yinci didn't resist at all.

Shi Jin's hand penetrated the boy's chest, and blood spattered out. The surrounding scene was like glass being hit by a heavy object, and it shattered in an instant!
Several lenses still retain the illusionary images, one by one, passing quickly in front of the two people's eyes like a revolving lantern.

I thought that by killing Xie Yinci, I would be able to come out of the illusion.

As a result, after the surroundings shattered, the different space actually began to reorganize in another way!
Shi Jin was startled, his eyes slightly surprised.

The next second, Xie Yinci's blood-stained hands attached to Shi Jin's neck, smiled slightly at the girl and said: "In my fantasy... don't forget, you still exist, senior sister, although you don't play much."

The young man said and handed the dagger to Shi Jin.

Shi Jin's eyes were cold.

She knew what this guy meant.

The center of the fantasy.

——There are two.

It means that either the two of them will be trapped in the illusion forever, or - die together.

If you die in the illusion, you will die outside.

This is always a dead end.

"Senior sister... do you want to do it yourself?" Xie Yinci asked with a smile. Every time he spoke, blood surged like a fountain, and the beauty of the intertwined colors of white and red was thrilling.

Shi Jin stretched out his hand and took the young man's dagger.

Xie Yinci still smiled, his eyebrows curved.

Shi Jin glanced at him lightly and suddenly took Xie Yinci's hand. The boy was stunned for a moment. The residual warmth came from the girl's palm and wrapped around the back of his hand. The next second, the handle of the dagger was stuffed back into his palm by Shi Jin.

Shi Jin smiled and said, "If you really die, what will Ling Shuang do?"

After Xie Yinci heard this, he stretched out his hand suddenly and was about to push Shi Jin away, but he was a step too late.

The girl had already used the strength of Xie Yinci's hand to stab the dagger into her heart!
Shi Jin narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you really think you can hide this trick from me?"

The illusion was completely shattered.

Shi Jin's vision went dark, and the last image in his mind was Xie Yinci's scarlet eyes.

It was impossible for Xie Yinci to let go of Ling Shuang, who was his sister who depended on each other for life.

Therefore, dying together in an illusion is just a boy's lie.

Indeed, only by breaking through the center can one escape from the illusion.

And there are two in the center.

Shi Jin and Xie Yinci.

This is the first time that a human being is the center of the illusion.

You can escape by dying together in the illusion, but there is a problem - if the central owner voluntarily gives up his life in the illusion, he will truly die.

Xie Yinci was killed by Shi Jin. The young man will not really die. He still has the will to survive.

However, Shi Jin really believed his lies and committed suicide with a dagger to escape. That was the real death.

So at the last moment, she used Xie Yinci's hand to pretend to be killed by the young man.

From the beginning, Shi Jin never believed Xie Yinci.

Even though the fantasy shows the boy's true past, it arouses sympathy.

She also knew clearly that Xie Yinci was already a monster who would do whatever it took to achieve his goals.

If this guy didn't want to attack him, Shi Jin would definitely support his revenge. The empire was cruel and should have been overthrown long ago, because no one dared to resist.

Xie Yinci is the first person, his methods are disgraceful, but his purpose is correct.

But as Xie Yinci himself said, there was no way he could turn back on this road.

It is not a path of revenge.

It's the hostility and estrangement between the two.

Shi Jin was destined not to be his ally.

Shi Jin: Are you trying to kill the queen?
Xie Yinci: Yes.

Shi Jin: There is no pattern. If we want to do it, let’s do it with a big vote.

Xie Yinci:...?
Shi Jin: Let's overthrow the entire empire! Liberate the stars!

In the end, the two people may have the same purpose in a sense, but Shi Jin will not cooperate with Xie Yinci. After all, there is a giant baby monster in the middle.

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