Chapter 33 [033] Clearing Weapons

The chest is the entire control center of the mech, and the cockpit is also there. Once it suffers a serious injury, the mech will lose control and fall to the ground.

An Suyu felt as if his heart had been pierced together, and the real simulated pain made him gradually lose consciousness in the pain.

——Who is actually so powerful? !Is there anyone in the academy who is still hiding? !
Before he fell into a coma, he stared at the mecha in front of him, trying to remember the girl's voice in his mind.

[Player An Suyu has lost the ability to move and has been eliminated. 】

The mechatronics announcement suddenly sounded in the team.

The other four members of Kervey's team were startled.

——An Suyu was eliminated? !

Ling Shuang frowned, obviously the game had just started, and she was only in the scout stage, why did that guy disappear? !
Shi Yan said coldly: "I just said that if a person goes out recklessly, he will definitely die."

Shi Jiu pushed his glasses: "Who killed him?"

Ling Shuang said: "Except for Jiang Yan, who in that team has the ability to deal with An Suyu."

"Not necessarily." Shi Jue's voice was flat, and he quietly said his reasons: "An Suyu is very strong in melee combat, and his operation skills are also good. He is good at fighting, and he can get sweets from him. A guy with better fighting ability than him."

"But as far as I know, although Jiang Yan has high mental strength, flexible mecha operation, and high strength, he is not good at melee combat."

"At least in the duel with An Suyu, the winner will not be determined so quickly. However, it does not rule out that An Suyu was besieged."

Shi Yan refuted his last sentence: "If he is besieged, he will notify his teammates, instead of fighting alone. The only thing that can arouse his interest in a duel is a one-on-one duel."

and so.

——In the mecha team on the opposite side, there must be a pilot who can arouse An Suyu's interest in duels and whose melee strength is superior to his.

In just a few words, the analysis is over.

"What does the president think? Do you want to change the previous strategy?" Ling Shuang asked suddenly, asking the young man who had been smiling and watching them discuss.

Xie Yinci's eyebrows were still gentle, "No need. Continue to deploy monitoring devices. It's in the early stages of the game, and the opponent will not act rashly."

The young man stood by the tower and asked Shi Shi, "Have you found the scout on the other side?"

"Traces have been found and are following."

Xie Yin resigned: "Don't follow too closely, she must have already noticed you, and then led you to their ambush area."

Shi Zhu nodded: "I understand, President."

The blue tiger mecha shuttled through the rainforest, Shi Juan's handsome face was indifferent, and the emerald green mecha not far ahead was reflected in his pupils.

Chameleon model, which will change the appearance color according to the venue it is in, is a very excellent exclusive scout mecha.

Shi Jing followed behind her unhurriedly, but his eyes were calculating the distance.

300 meters...200 meters...100 meters...


The mecha in front accelerated again and opened the distance from Shijiao.

The boy's eyes froze for a moment, and he said, "We've entered the ambush zone."

"geographic range?"

"Statistics are being made, the central area of ​​F-125 area has an approximate area of ​​[-] square meters." Shi Hou carefully scanned the devices that could be detected along the way: "Including three fixed-point cannons, two quantum beams, and thirty monitoring alarms devices, and the monster jamming devices at the four corners."

Ling Shuang said: "Then let's start cleaning."

(End of this chapter)

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