Chapter 60 [060] Varieties of Green Tea

An hour later, Jiang Yan and others came back.

But none of them had a good look on their faces.

Jiang Yuan pursed her lips. Although the two brothers Feng Yan and Feng Yu were paralyzed, it could be seen from their dark eyes that they were also in a bad mood.

Shi Jin had a premonition that something was wrong, and frowned: "What's wrong? Did the academy say something?"

The blond boy walked in and put the light brain on the table, his fair and delicate face was a bit dull, "After showing the information to the director, we immediately went to the supervisor in charge of the rainforest area, in order to avoid radiation Affected, they launched the drone to investigate the F-842 area."


Speaking of this, Jiang Yan's eyes flickered, and he became a little more serious: "The vegetation around the area has been completely destroyed, and it looks scorched black. It should be struck by lightning, and the huge rock is also missing."

"It's the same as the lightning marks I saw last time. The tree trunks and vegetation seem to have been struck by lightning." Jiang Yuan said.

The boulder is missing? ?

Shi Jin stood up, his eyes slightly surprised.

It was still there before I left, and the surrounding animals and plants that could be controlled by it have also disappeared. How did the boulder disappear?
"We also reported the matter of the previous email to the director, including the one related to Xie Yinci." Jiang Yuan straightened her lips, frowned, and her voice was deep and hateful: "But, that guy, can I really know how to say it."

Recalling Xie Yinci's apologetic look, Jiang Yan clenched his fists angrily at the other party's hypocrisy.

"Xie Yinci is here?" Shi Jin frowned.

"He came from behind." Jiang Yuan put her hands on her hips, her cheeks flushed with anger, and sparks were shining in her eyes. "The director called him over and asked about why the email was not reported and replied without authorization."

I thought I could pierce Xie Yinci's mask, but in the end——

[I'm so sorry, Director, and——students. 】The young man’s eyebrows were soft, but there was a slight remorse in his expression:【I replied to that email without permission, and put the responsibility on the student union. I read the description that there was a lot of radiation there, so I am worried that everyone in the Exploration Department will go to the heavily radiation area again , There are a lot of mutated animals and plants in that place, I am very worried about their safety. 】

[As for why I didn’t report it for the time being, it’s because of a very important point——I can’t confirm the authenticity of the picture in the rainforest. 】

[After all, this is too similar to the simulated scene in the Xingwang training ground. The moment I saw the email, I was also worried whether it was a prank. I took a video of the virtual monster in the Xingwang rainforest and sent it as a video to In the college inbox. 】

【It wasn’t like this happened in the past. At that time, the college thought that the rainforest had really changed, and sent high-level officials to investigate, but found nothing. Later, it was discovered that it was just a prank by the students. 】

[Thus, after all considerations, I choose to investigate first by myself. If it is true, then I will report it immediately. If it is false, then there is no need to waste the energy of the academy. 】

Speaking of which, Xie Yinci's eyes fell on the scorched rainforest area, and his eyes flickered: [But after I rushed there, I found that the F-842 area was already a piece of scorched earth, and the mutated animals and plants described in the email, Super large radiant energy boulders seem to have great discrepancies. 】

[However, the mecha did detect some radiation around it, so everything became confusing, and I rushed back immediately, wanting to report this matter to the academy. 】

[It's because I thought too much and didn't explain in time.] Xie Yinci looked at Jiang Yan, with a half-smile in his dark eyes: [I'm so sorry, let Jiang Yan and other members of the Rainforest Exploration Department Members, they all misunderstood that I wanted to take credit for this time. 】

Shi Jin: "..."

After hearing Jiang Yuan's retelling up to this point, she finally understood why everyone was so angry.

In just a few words, he created an image of a super good president who is serious and responsible, worried about the safety of his classmates, and afraid of pranks wasting the energy of the college.

What kind of green tea is Xie Yinci? ?
Apologize first, then explain why, and then apologize!

Depend on!
Really good at talking!

"The boulder is missing. If it was still there, this matter would be easy to deal with, but it is gone." Jiang Yan rubbed his brows, "The rainforest is too huge, the military academy is built on this planet, and there are still many areas without We went to investigate, and we don't know if it will appear in other places after it disappears."

The rainforest area starts from the letter A and ends with the letter H. Currently, the academy has only reached area E. No one has set foot in area F for the time being, and there are still many unknown things hidden.

Queen Victoria is 38 years old this year. She was in power at the age of 15. After taking office, she introduced a series of policies and laws related to expeditions. The military academy was established when she was 20 years old, and it has only been 18 years.

"What is the academy's treatment of the F-842 area?" Shi Jin asked.

"Blockade." Jiang Yan said: "Even if the stone disappears, there are still radiation effects there, so other people with rainforest passes are prohibited from approaching."

"It's a waste of time." Jiang Yuan gritted her teeth slightly.

The atmosphere suddenly became suppressed again, and everyone seemed to be surrounded by black mist at the moment.

Very gloomy.

The Queen Victoria Military Academy was established on an earth-like planet about 50 kilometers away from the central emperor star. This planet has only one continent, accounting for 30.00% of the entire planet, and the remaining 70.00% is seawater, which is too salty. , the biomass is actually not much.

The entire eastern and southern parts of the mainland are covered by rainforest, while the northwest is an endless desert.

Shi Jin's face darkened slightly, the boulder needed a strong vitality to provide it with energy.On this planet, only the rain forest has the most vigorous life, so it must still exist here.


"Sorry, Shi Jin."

Shi Jin was thinking about how to find the boulder, but Jiang Yan suddenly raised his eyes and smiled at her, with a bit of apology on his brows: "Did we bring you a bad mood because of our low pressure?" ?”

Shi Jin: "..."

The boy's light blue pupils are like exquisite sapphires, and there is a little light in them when he smiles.

He seemed to be blaming himself, not only because of the sulking of the few people, but also because of the guilt when everyone put in their efforts but failed to get the results they wanted.

She looked at Jiang Yan, and the depression in her heart inexplicably dissipated, she curled her lips and said helplessly: "It's not your fault, so why apologize."

"Because I feel that Shi Jin is too concerned about this matter, so I think the result is unsatisfactory, and you should feel the most uncomfortable in your heart." The voice was clear and light, but there was a feeling of comfort.

Jiang Yuan also immediately stepped forward to hold Shi Jin's hand, smiled and cheered up the atmosphere: "Okay, okay! Don't be in a hurry! The academy is not in a hurry, why should we be in a hurry? If there is any problem at that time, that is also The school is responsible, we have tried our best, what else can we do!"

Feng Yan nodded: "Well, Ah Yu thinks so too."

Feng Yu: "I'm hungry."


The four suddenly looked at Feng Yu.

The boy was expressionless: "Why are you looking at me? I've been busy all morning. Are you hungry?"


(End of this chapter)

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