The unicorn fell to the ground, as if the fire had gone out.

Shi Jin parked the mech next to it, then opened the cockpit and walked out.

She stood on the platform in front of the breastplate and looked down, her eyes fell directly on the unconscious Chu Yan's face through the hole she smashed.

Even with his eyes closed, that guy can still make people see the frightened state before.

Shi Jin jumped off the high platform, and fell straight into the big hole leading to the cockpit of the Unicorn Immortal amidst the exclamations of the surrounding students.

Of course, she didn't do it for Chu Yan.

The young man's angry face was already covered in fear, and his face was covered with sweat, and the combat tights he was wearing were also scratched by the sharp fragments left after the hole was shattered.

But his face didn't seem to be injured at all, it was nothing compared to Shi Ye's severity.

So she stood beside Chu Yan, stretched out her hand, and slowly grabbed the guy by the collar.

Although she was not as tall as this guy, it did not prevent her from lifting him up. Chu Yan's legs were slightly bent, and the unconscious man had no strength to support him, and his limbs drooped.

Shi Jin stared at him with cold eyes, raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't think that you don't have to be beaten just because you're dizzy."

"You will only die worse."

After the words fell, she slammed her fist directly on Chu Yan's face!

The arena was silent.

Even the auditorium was silent for a long time.

The referee standing on the high platform on the inner side looked puzzled. Ever since Shi Jin jumped into the cockpit of the Unicorn Fairy, the girl hadn't come out and stayed there for three to four minutes.

He asked Xie Yinci beside him, a little worried: "President Xie, do you need to go and see?"


No one responded.

The referee turned his head to look at the opponent, but saw the young man standing next to him with no expression on his face at the moment, his dark pupils were calm and calm, staring at the place where the two mechas were.

"...President?" The referee whispered again.

This time, Xie Yinci turned his head slowly, squinted his eyes at the referee, and suddenly showed a gentle smile on his handsome and delicate face, and said with a little helplessness in his tone: "...this matchup doesn't matter How, very happy, what do you think?"

That look, as if the indifference and coldness in his eyes just now were just the referee's illusion.

He nodded and followed Xie Yinci's words: "Yes..."

"Go and have a look, and call a group of medical staff over, and don't forget to thank them for your hard work." Xie Yinci said softly, then turned around and walked slowly down the stairs on the right side of the high platform.

He didn't leave, but walked straight towards the two mechas in the center of the field.

Near the giant unicorn's arm, the boy looked up, and at that moment Shi Jin poked his head out from the cockpit!

She looked down and met Xie Yinci's eyes.

The breeze blew the field, and the hair of both of them shook.

The young man smiled at her, and was about to speak, but Shi Jin stepped forward and said, "Thank you, President, just right! Help me pick it up!"

"Take?" Xie Yinci was startled, he quickly realized that Shi Jin was about to jump off, so he stretched out his hand gently and said, "Come on, senior sister Shi Jin, I will catch you."

"Thank you!" Shi Jin said gratefully, but in the next second, she suddenly waved her hand, and threw the black-haired boy who was being beaten up by her below directly towards the black-haired boy!

Xie Yinci: "?"

Throwing objects!
He dodged subconsciously.


Something happened suddenly.

But his reaction was quick, Chu Yan didn't hit him...he hit the ground.

Perhaps the pain had thoroughly stimulated the nerves.

The guy woke up a little bit.

Xie Yinci lowered his eyes to look at Chu Yan, whose eyes moved slightly on the ground, but saw that the other party's face was swollen like a pig, with bruises and purple spots, and blood flowed from the mouth and nose. It seemed that he had just experienced a brutal beating.


Before the boy could ask, Shi Jin frowned and complained: "President, didn't you say you would catch it?"

Xie Yinci: "..."

Chu Yan opened his eyes slightly, and Shi Jin jumped down and landed beside him. Seeing this, he made a decisive decision, pointed at the side with a finger and thanked Yin, saying: "It's none of my business! He didn't catch you!"

However, the moment he saw Shi Jin, he suddenly widened his eyes, screamed and then fainted from fright!

Xie Yinci: "..."

He couldn't help asking: "Sister Shi Jin, what did you do to classmate Chu Yan in the cockpit just now?"

When Shi Jin heard it, he felt as if his tail had been stepped on, and retorted: "No way! He was injured, and I just rescued him! You don't praise my beautiful spirit of saving people regardless of past suspicions, how could you Doubt me?? Obviously he fell like this in the cockpit just now, his face was swollen, I fished him out, please help me to pick it up, but you promised well, you didn’t pick it up?? That’s right ! Isn’t it the president that you didn’t catch him?! I’ve already asked you, what do you hide when someone throws it to you??”

Xie Yinci: "..."

It's the first time I've seen someone so confident in throwing away the pot.

It's a little less today, sorry, the kitten suddenly vomited soft stools tonight, and was sent to the hospital for a while, and it will be back in the double shift tomorrow! !

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