Chapter 8 [008] School Cheerleading Team

This kind of thing is really troublesome to explain.

Shi Jin also couldn't directly say "Why don't you try it" to Shi Zhui.

She could only say: "I was out of breath at the time, so I didn't think too much about it. You also know that people can always burst out their potential when they lose their minds."

Shi Ju was noncommittal to this cousin's remarks.

He could hear the other party talking nonsense, but since the girl didn't want to talk, he didn't ask any more questions, he just said, "Xiao Ye can't participate in the competition this afternoon, did Second Uncle and the others make you responsible?"

Shi Jin nodded: "Of course, they wanted me to replace Xiaoye, but you also know that my C-level mental power can't even drive a transport-type mecha, let alone compete."

"What does Xiaoye mean?" Shi Ju pushed his glasses and asked.

"Of course I don't agree." Shi Jin said, "He's worried that I'll embarrass him by using his name."

"This worry is not without reason," the boy nodded: "After all, my cousin is indeed a waste in the family."

Shi Jin: "..."

Shi Jue was sometimes quite rude when speaking, and now she was a little unclear about the young man's attitude towards her, whether he respected her like an older sister, or hated her like Shi Ye?
"So currently only Shiyan has participated in the competition? This is the first time that Shi's family has participated in so few large-scale competitions." Shi Zhuo said.

Shi Jin complained silently in his heart: It's just two people participating and only one person participating--what's less, it's less in the first place!
But looking at the meaning of Shishou, it seems that he deliberately wants to put some responsibility on himself.

She thought about it, and suddenly her eyes lit up, and she asked, "Speaking of which, there must be a lot of spectators in this kind of competition, right?"

"Well, all the teachers and students of the school, as well as foreign journalists and TV stations, as well as some famous nobles will come to represent them. The scale of the competition is second only to the Queen's viewing... What are you asking for?"

Shi Jin blinked, and a smile appeared on his bright little face: "Cousin, as one of the organizers, speaking of it, have you recruited cheerleaders? If there is no one to create momentum for this kind of competition, to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene , isn't that dry?"

Unexpectedly, the young man said: "No, that kind of thing has no effect. As long as there are spectators and wonderful games, there will be no lack of atmosphere."

Shi Jin's Xiao Jiujiu was ruthlessly punctured, and she sighed, "But I also want to contribute to Xiao Yan, she will compete in the afternoon, and as a cousin, I have to show it anyway."

"It's up to you." Shi Jiu pushed his eyes, glanced at the message sent to his optical brain just now, and said, "There is a spontaneous cheerleading team in the college. If you are interested, you can join one. The student union will have a meeting, we will Let's go first, goodbye sister."

After finishing speaking, the boy turned and left without waiting for Shi Jin's response.

The girl who stayed in place heard his last few words, and the flame that had been poured with cold water in her heart burned again.

——There really are cheerleaders!
She blinked, a strange excitement rising up.

Isn't that what retirement living is all about?
There's no square dancing, so cheerleading -- isn't it too much?

Shi Jin is actually very mobile, otherwise he wouldn't have struggled in the last days and worked his way up to the position of the eldest sister.

After getting the relevant information from Shi Zhu, she immediately searched for the information of the cheerleading team in the summer camp competition on the Optical Brain Campus Network, and she really found a lot.

No one from the student union will participate in this competition. They are behind-the-scenes staff, so avoid suspicion.

Those who participate in the summer camp competition are basically the top ten of each grade in the college.

Shi Jin is now in the fifth grade, which belongs to the graduation grade. She should have been two years older than Shi Ye Shijuu and the others.

If you fail to pass the graduation this academic year, you will not get a diploma and you will be dismissed directly.

For a big family like the Shi family, this kind of thing is naturally a shameful scandal.

Therefore, the family members will try their best to urge Shi Jin to study, using all kinds of means.

There are many cheerleading teams, Shi Jin chose the team that supported Shi Yan, and sent an application to the team leader.

Soon, her application was approved, and the respondent asked her to gather directly in the small garden behind the teaching building at noon for cheerleading training.

Shi Jin closed his brain and breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the joy of finally finding an easy job for himself.

Now, in addition to studying, there will be more hobbies and activities in college life in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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