Die the blood-sucking man

【036】Who is doing the tricks?

Jon shot and killed a bat, turned around intuitively, and found the source of laughter in the window above the door.

——It’s Mulan Yu.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Jon's mouth, he jumped quickly and climbed up to the window where Mulan Yu was, unexpectedly he appeared right away!But Mulan Yu appeared in the open space outside the auditorium at a faster speed.

"Don't underestimate the speed of my old lady!" Qiao Enlu said coldly, and also jumped out of the window, chasing after her.

"Lu. It's a trap, don't chase after it!" Shen Weishang's voice didn't reach Qiao Enlu's ears in time, and they couldn't see her anymore. They wanted to catch up, but there was a change in the auditorium at this moment...

More and more bats slowly approached the auditorium, a large black mass, as if to prevent several people from catching up with Qiao Enlu.

The expressions of Shen Weishang, Li Mochen, and Shui Shuiyou finally changed slightly at this time. They originally wanted to do something to the vampires, and then use the strength of the four of them to destroy them. It was not difficult.

But now, it seemed that the vampires also expected that they would use their tricks, so they made complete preparations.Moreover, their goal was obviously Qiao Enlu, which made Shen Weishang and the others very puzzled.

Why is it Jon Lu?

It is not impossible for the three of them to completely eliminate the bats in the synagogue, but it will take a lot of time. If this continues, Qiao Enlu will be in danger.

Thinking of this, Shen Weishang and the others all had the idea of ​​'avoid fighting as much as possible and chase Qiao Enlu back', so they always looked for opportunities to escape during the battle.

On the other side, Qiao Enlu, who followed Mulan Yu out, chased to the roof of Yeluote's laboratory and stopped.

On the top of the building, the moonlight shines even brighter. Opposite Qiao Enlu, with their backs to the moonlight, are standing large and small figures,

The young one is of course Mulan Yu, and the big one has a slender body in a tight black windbreaker, and her silver hair is somewhat luminous because of the moonlight, which is extremely elegant when blown by the night wind.

The most conspicuous thing is that his eyes are shining with a purple light...

☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Divide, cut☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★

Ouch, the silver-haired vampire appeared again.

But, a baby suggested, why are all the purebred vampires in the novel silver-haired and purple-eyed?This Mou Xiao really doesn't know, she has such a feeling!So after this chapter, the hair color of the silver-haired vampire will change a little~, but the eye color will remain the same, hehe~.

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