Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 114 Slightly Modified Billion Points

Chapter 114 Slightly Modified Billion Points
across the world.

This is definitely something that humans have never dared to imagine now.

Even for Chen Sheng, it was definitely a new thing.

Even though Chen Sheng just sent a strand of his own consciousness to a different world with random time and space, the special feeling in it still made Chen Sheng feel unforgettable for a long time.

He only felt that his thoughts seemed to be in a small boat, shuttling through the deadly silence.

But when I perceive it carefully, I will find that I actually seem to merge with something that is constantly growing wildly, and then take some unspeakable shortcut and instantly take root in an extremely strange place.

When the consciousness is liberated from the shackles, what greets the eyes is a bright light.

Similar to the situation encountered by most traversers, the first thing he saw was an unfamiliar ceiling.

It was a thatched roof.

In the surroundings, there is a language that has never been heard before.

Chen Sheng wanted to get up and look at the surrounding situation, but the body from which he was viewing didn't seem to be able to move according to his thoughts.

After a long silence, a bad premonition flashed in Chen Sheng's mind.

Opening the system panel, he looked at the text message above:
[Yuktrazil Minimalist Edition: Let consciousness go to the far end. 】

[You have now arrived in an unknown world 500 years ago. The current condition of the consciousness boarder is not good. It is recommended that you help him repair the physical damage as soon as possible. 】

[When your strand of consciousness is about to die out, when you take the initiative to determine that you want to go back, the power of Uktrasir Minimalist will send you back to the place where you were. 】

Seeing such words, Chen Sheng fell silent.

Undoubtedly, this information reveals a piece of bad news: he, who traveled over with his ideology, seems to be staying in a certain living body in the form of boarding.

This means that my actions here will be somewhat limited.

He wanted to try to get his consciousness out, but his keen intuition was crazily warning him, as if as long as his consciousness was out, there would be some bad results.

The worst thing was that the body he was boarding in had suffered a lot of damage, and if it wasn't treated in time, it would probably die soon.

At that time, there is a high probability that Chen Sheng will return home immediately for this trip.

Such a result made Chen Sheng want to frown suddenly, but he obviously couldn't do such a thing because of his ideology.

If that's the case, then at most his trip can only see the scenery of the other world.As for trying to use unrestricted power to research the idea of ​​helping the defenders in a different world where spiritual rules are active, it can only be ignored.

"System, I can only use this little bit of strength here, can't I?"

Chen Sheng suddenly frowned and asked.

Even if it is to heal the host, at least let him use his own consciousness to mobilize power.

But the result now is that my consciousness is bound in this weak body, and I, who can mobilize many forces even with only a strand of consciousness, seem to be imprisoned by some invisible shackles at this moment.

[Your strength depends on the health and strength of the host body]

[The current host is in a coma, and your power cannot be transmitted through it. 】

Hearing this, Chen Sheng could only fall into silence and began to wait, praying that the host would wake up sooner.

During this period, he could only listen to the conversation outside through the girl's body.

Even with the wisdom baptized at his fifth-level spiritual power level, it is difficult to understand the meaning of this language in a short time when he can't see and can only hear such a strange language.

However, he could clearly hear that there was a growing sense of urgency in the surrounding conversation, and the owners of several different voices were obviously competing to discuss something.

The speed of their speech speeded up from time to time, and the volume was always raised unconsciously, obviously wanting their views to overwhelm the opponent.

After a long time like this, Chen Sheng suddenly felt a sense of being released from restraints, filled with an unprecedented sense of relaxation.

The power is back, or it should be said that part of the shackles of power has been undone.

Although he was still hindered when trying to extend his power beyond this body, Chen Sheng could feel that he could understand the language of the outside world at this moment.

And at least I don't need to rely on the picture in front of me that is synchronized with the host's perspective to observe the outside world. The spiritual perception ability allows Chen Sheng to use his intuition to perceive all the details within ten meters around him, and imagine a nearly perfect picture in his mind.

He could sense a group of creatures gathering around him, and most of them had weak spiritual power reactions in their bodies.

The topics they discussed basically revolved around their daily life and which direction it would be more appropriate to escape.

Such a conversation made Chen Sheng vaguely aware of something, as if these guys were busy running for their lives?

As for the host I am boarding with, it seems to be a young girl who has just opened her closed eyes at this moment.

At the same time, his fixed perspective began to change.

Apparently the girl lying on the hospital bed sat up slowly.

The picture in sight suddenly became much richer, from only thatched ceiling to a group of humanoid creatures around.

Compared with the subtlety of spiritual power perception, seeing the scene in front of me only from the girl's visual level has a special flavor.

I saw that these creatures looked the same as humans, but their ears were obviously much thinner.

In addition, their appearance also grew above Chen Sheng's aesthetics, and both men and women were uniformly blond and blue-eyed.

For such a humanoid creature with handsome males and females and slender ears, Chen Sheng almost immediately thought of the elves in legends and fantasies.

In various legends, the characteristics of the elves can be summarized as follows: longevity, good at art, nobility, elegance, intelligence, beauty, a certain degree of cleanliness and nature are almost integrated, good at using magic and bows and arrows.In legends, they usually live in the forest, forming a relatively loose kingdom, and they are equal and friendly to each other.Elves are usually very kind, they are hostile to evil races, and can get along with good races.

While Chen Sheng was thinking, these creatures that looked like elves also spoke:
"Aya, how do you feel?"

"Are you all right, Aya?"

"Aya, is there any pain in your body?"

Everyone asked more concernedly.

Facing the concern of so many people, the girl named Aya said: "I'm fine..."

But she could only make a somewhat hoarse, fuzzy voice.

Although it still sounds understandable, it is definitely not good.

This made Aya's voice stop abruptly.

Her mood dropped visibly.

Although she tried her best to conceal it, the woman who lived beside her day and night noticed her drooping head unconsciously.

Seeing this, the woman sitting beside Aya's bed waved her hand: "Okay, everyone, let's disperse, Aya's throat has been seriously damaged, so don't gather here, and leave Aya alone Have a good rest."

Hearing this, everyone left the thatched cottage obediently and slowly.

The woman also touched Aya's arm distressedly. It was covered with cloth wrapped with herbs. Apparently, Aya's arm was also injured a lot.

But the woman understands that what Aya cares more about is that she has a magical singing voice.

Aya liked to sing since she was a child, but unfortunately now it is difficult to pronounce a complete, clear and pleasant syllable.

Obviously, not long ago, Aya released too much sound magic for the group to retreat safely, and her throat has been completely ruined.

"Then I'll go first, as long as you're fine, and then take a good rest. If you need anything, just shake the bell beside the bed."

As the woman spoke, she turned and left the thatched cottage.

She knew that what Aya needed more at this time was actually to be alone for a while.

As the woman left, the surroundings fell into silence.

Aya, who was weak, hugged her chest tightly, buried her head in her arms and remained silent for a long time.

In fact, she understands that being able to survive is already the greatest favor.

In the face of those evil monsters, she did not die like those unfortunate clansmen who escaped, which is already the blessing of God.

However, there is still an inexplicable sadness lingering in his chest.

This pain... just...

"Sometimes it's better to cry."

A voice suddenly sounded, expressing Aya's inner thoughts in one sentence.

This strange voice made Aya raise her head in a daze, and after looking around, she found that there was no one in the room.

There was a flash of panic on her face, but the girl calmed down quickly.

"I am the last child born from the tree of life, and the taste should be much better than others."

"If I don't resist, can Lord Xiemo let my other clansmen go?"

Aya whispered calmly into the air.

But the slightly trembling arm clearly showed that the girl was not completely unafraid.

However, the tempering of the troubled times made the girl almost instinctively choose to sacrifice herself for the group.

"Is there a possibility that I am not a demon?"

The strange man's voice sounded again.

Before Aya could think about it, she felt that the picture in front of her eyes changed suddenly.

The next moment, the self who was supposed to be lying on the bed appeared in a vast world.

Under her feet was the endless clear water. She stood on it like this without sinking, but with some ripples.

Above her head was the blue sky, a view she had never seen since she was born.

On the day she was born from the tree of life, the sky had already turned red due to the invasion of demons, just looking at it made people feel oppressed.

Since childhood, she has been living in a never-ending escape.Only from the narratives of the elders, I have heard of the blue sky and white clouds.

In addition to this, there is a tree in this vast world, a giant tree that towers into the sky.

Looking up, you can only see two thick trunks extending upwards, as if erecting a dense green umbrella leading to the sky.

The yellow-brown bark is slightly rough, the branches are winding and intricate, and the leaves are fist-shaped.There are red mulberry fruits, which grow densely among the dense leaves.

Under the tree, there was a man with a calm face standing there.His features without pointed ears were something Aya had never seen before.

Aya understands that maybe this man just talked to her.

"Who are you? Where is this place?"

Aya cautiously did not approach, and asked the man from a distance.

"My name is Chen Sheng, the sage of the stars of Yongzhou, and I come from a far away place."

Chen Sheng pondered for a moment, and revealed the identity of a so-called sage of the stars.

According to reality, it is now 2500 years ago, before he was born.According to the setting, he obviously would not be the leader of Yongri 2500 years ago.Therefore, Chen Sheng compiled such an identity.

Sage - Leader Reserve.

Hearing this, the tip of Aya's nose wrinkled, apparently not understanding Chen Sheng's words very well.

Everlasting?Unheard of, what is this?
"So, where is this place?"

Although she was still not sure if this man was a demon, Aya naturally pretended to understand, and then continued to ask questions that Chen Sheng hadn't answered just now.

Here, where is it?

One second she was recuperating in the thatched cottage, and the next second she came to this magical place.

There is not only the blue sky that has not been polluted, but also the water surface that will not make people silent.

The most important thing is that the towering tree is simply ridiculously big, even bigger than the most important tree of life in their group.

And from this tree, Aya felt that she could vaguely feel a hot and majestic feeling.


Hearing this, Chen Sheng looked around and smiled.

"This is your inner spiritual world, and you have entered here in the form of spiritual consciousness."

"And I, have made a little modification here."

There was a little smile in Chen Sheng's words.

This is the place where he will live for a period of time, so it is natural to take good care of it.

He reproduced it one by one according to the appearance of the hibiscus tree.


Aya froze for a moment, and tilted her head a little unresponsively.

He was obviously a little confused by Chen Sheng's extremely informative words.

Since this is my spiritual space, why are you in my spiritual space?
And you call such a transformation a little bit?Who is the master here? !
Aya wanted to ask these questions very much, but she was temporarily down because she wanted to ask too much.

After a long time, she asked a crucial question: "How do I get out of here? How long are you going to stay here?"

To this, Chen Sheng immediately replied: "As long as you want to go back, you can do it right away. Just treat this place as your own home, and I won't stop you."

Aya couldn't help but twitched the corners of her mouth slightly when she heard the words, but considering that the man in front of her might be so strong, she simply pretended that she didn't hear anything.

"As for how long I'm going to stay here..." Chen Sheng said, he paused, "It depends on what you mean by demons?"

"Tell me about the demon."

Chen Sheng's expression became serious.

Let’s not talk about it if the demon is from the local faction of this world, but if the demon is from the forces of the abyss...

Wouldn't it be a waste of time not to rectify the abyss.

Any action that can weaken the abyss and stumbling the abyss is what Chen Sheng can never tire of.

It's all here, it would be too contemptuous of others if you don't take a look at the abyss.

 Ask for a reward, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for an automatic subscription~

(End of this chapter)

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