Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 116 Turning into a Real Boundary Monument Project

Chapter 116 Turning into a Real Boundary Monument Project

"Such berries need to be cleaned up again according to this process. Please take a good look at the purification runes I drew, and don't make any mistakes!"

Aya squatted on the ground seriously, and said patiently to a group of children around her.

On the table in front of her, there was a plate of weird berries that seemed to exude a fascinating smell, and there was even a lot of slime on the purple-black surface.

There are many elf children sitting around the table.

The next moment, Aya's fingertips touched the berries, and the spiritual power in her body began to use the purification runes.

The disgusting-looking berries on the table immediately began to change back to normal.

"Wow! Is this edible?"

"Teacher, can we try to purify the runes ourselves now?"

A group of elf children started chatting and discussing.

Facing these problems, Aya began to explain them seriously and patiently.

Teaching children is not her job as the current patriarch, but now is a rare time to rest, so she also comes here as a temporary teacher.

On top of Aya's head were flowers picked by the children from uncontaminated areas, with a happy smile on her face.

She is happy to be able to teach the next generation of her people such important things.

Ever since she was injured and unconscious against a certain abyss monster that day, she had a teacher after waking up.

With the teacher's teaching and help, they have a chance to breathe in this world where the power of the abyss is blooming everywhere.

For example, this simplified version of the purification rune directly makes the lives of the clansmen better.

Many foods that cannot be eaten due to the influence of the abyss can be purified, and there are more food sources at once, which liberates everyone's strength.

Many injuries that have become serious due to the influence of the abyss can also be dispelled by the purification rune, which has a higher probability of healing.

Therefore, everyone can live a better life in this world where one step is wrong and there is no redemption.

Looking at the children lying on the grass and studying seriously, Aya always felt that they were just like her former self.

Each of their immature faces was full of seriousness, and when they were all lying on the grass, their respective calves were dangling up and down in unison.

While retaining a part of their original innocence, the children also have a preliminary understanding of this doomsday world, and understand that only by studying and working hard can they and their group survive.

Thinking about it, Aya was ready to start practicing and refining potions again.

Although she wanted to take a break at first, but now the more she looks at these lively children, the more she wants to become as strong as the teacher now.

Drive out the abyss and return my hometown.

Although she doesn't have such a strong obsession as the older generation, she also wants to see the place where she was born, the tree of life of the elves.

This may be the obsession of all elves who have ever been born from trees.

Aya got up slowly, bid farewell to the new generation of children bred by these male and female elves, and walked seriously to her room.

After the previous trip to the Mutant Forest was over, Aya returned to where the clansmen were.

Under Chen Sheng's sneak attack from time to time, he continued to train himself.Strive to hone your vigilance to the extreme.

At the same time, it is best to develop a certain intuition.

In the spiritual worldview, intuition is not something vague and unrealistic.

Intuition is an important part of the extraordinary spiritual worldview, and it is an important factor that is indispensable for practicing the spiritual system.

Some people who are born with strong intuition are much faster than others in cultivating the spiritual system.

Chen Sheng not only wanted Aya to use her intuition to avoid danger, but also wanted to cultivate enough intuition for her to continue on the path of spirituality and transcendence.

At the same time, Aya is also learning to make various potions under the guidance of Chen Sheng, and plans to personally turn the evil spirit grass obtained from the Mutant Forest into a potion that will help her advance.

This is exactly what Aya will do when she returns to her room.It's been so long since she came back, and she hasn't successfully refined it yet.

You must know that each level of spiritual power has a transformation that is as different as heaven and earth.

After she uses the potion to jump from the peak of the first level of spiritual power to the second level of spiritual power, her strength will also usher in a leap forward.

In this process, her ability to refine medicine is undoubtedly also advancing by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, Aya was very concerned about refining the evil spirit grass potion, and became even more spurred on herself who wanted to rest.


In addition, Chen Sheng was drinking tea silently in Aya's spiritual space while thinking carefully about how he could help this world.

This small world, which is only about the size of the earth, is a small world of the round sky type plane, which has been gradually eroded by the abyss and is riddled with holes.

Various sporadic places have been eroded into abysses, dotted randomly in various places in this world, even in places that have not been eroded and mutated, monsters will rush out of the eroded area from time to time.

While food and water sources are in short supply, one must always be on guard against the approach of monsters from the abyss.

People in this world have to survive in such a harsh environment.

Even the most important thing is that the power of the abyss from the outside world is still pouring in. Sooner or later, this humble world will completely fall into the abyss and become one of the countless worlds eroded by the abyss.

In this regard, Chen Sheng truly experienced the middle of an abyss invasion and experienced the feeling of the end of the world.

Even from his point of view, it is very difficult to help the world.

However, after all, Aya is the apprentice he just accepted, and in the past few days here, there has been a considerable increase in organizational experience due to fighting against the abyss and propagating the eternal day.

Therefore, Chen Sheng still wanted to give it a try.

After all, if you think about it carefully, it is not impossible to touch the abyssal power of this world.

First of all, although there is a steady stream of abyss power pouring in to erode this world, this is not intentional by the abyss.

Chen Sheng can be sure that there is no abyss consciousness coveting the outside world, not even an abyss apostle.

This place is just unconsciously infected by the power emanating from the adjacent abyss.

After all, if the abyss is treated as carefully as the material universe, the world will only fall in a much shorter time than an instant.

It can only be said that the insignificant power released at will when the abyss passed by is still not used up.Although many, but not endless.

As long as enough power erupts outside the world, maybe something can be done...

Secondly, the feeling of the Mutant Forest was evaporated with one blow a while ago, and it also gave him a lot of insights.

Even though he is just a wisp of consciousness, his strength is still strictly related to Aya's physical strength.

However, he found that his strength was still terrifying enough to make his scalp tingle, perhaps because his current strength was the strength that his ray of consciousness, who had already reached level 5 spiritual power, should have.

He can feel that this world where spiritual rules are active is different from the material universe where spiritual rules are obscure.

My own strength has undergone a completely different change here, and the shackles that have been fixed on my body for a long time have quietly disappeared.

Although it is fixed by the new shackles named Aya, there is only a sliver of consciousness at the same time.

However, the power he can exert now cannot be underestimated.


Time passed by quietly.

While experiencing the changes in his power in a world where spiritual rules are active, Chen Sheng taught his apprentice Aya from time to time.

After Aya also became a psychic with a level 2 spiritual power, she continued to practice hard.

On another quiet afternoon, Chen Sheng, who stayed in Aya's spiritual space and taught her some martial arts, suddenly froze.

First, a strong abyssal breath condensed continuously in the distant sky.

Then there was a special and familiar breath permeating the sky.

This made him a little surprised.

Ah? ? ?
This second breath? !
Is it... Eternal Day? !

The special warm spirituality that belongs to Yongri is so conspicuous.

Maybe others don't know, but as a leader, Chen Sheng can be sure that he feels nothing wrong.

But... this is a different world, and it was 2500 years ago.

How could the false organization Eternal Day, which he compiled on Earth 2500 years later, appear here? !
At this moment, even Chen Sheng, who often cheated and fooled the world into believing it was true, couldn't help but fell into a long silence.

He wanted to spread out his spiritual perception immediately to find out what happened in that direction.

But in a world without suppression, it should have been able to spread to a galaxy-sized perception range far beyond the scope of this world.

At this moment, due to the limitation of Aya's physical body, she cannot release too far away.

Even if Aya is already a psychic with level 2 spiritual power, it is not enough to support him to expand the range of spiritual perception there.

"Teacher, who is that?!"

Aya was equally shocked and speechless.

Putting the former her here, one can only feel that there are two terrifying magical powers in the sky contending, one comes from demons, and the other is unknown.

But for her now, she can feel it more clearly.

One is the power of the abyss, slowly eroding from outside the world.

The other force is very similar to the spiritual fluctuations shown by the teacher.

This can't help but make Aya a little surprised.

"Go and see."

Chen Sheng didn't say much.

Because even he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Hearing this, Aya nodded knowingly.

She quietly disappeared into the tribe's settlement, and ran towards it with Chen Sheng's consciousness.

It's been a long journey.

After crossing half of the swamp eroded by mutations, there is still nowhere to go in that direction.

Chen Sheng, who disliked that Aya's footsteps were not fast enough, had a thought, and made Aya turn into a ray of light and flee in that direction.

Along the way, he passed through countless areas of erosion and mutation, and also passed through countless intact areas where there are still survivors lingering.

Chen Sheng didn't care too much about it, he was more concerned about what happened to Yong Zhou's breath.

Therefore, his speed is getting faster and faster.

In the many erosion and mutation zones passing along the way, there are abyssal monsters and creatures affected by the power of the abyss, trying to catch up with Aya who is galloping past.

But they were all thrown by Aya, who passed by the light, so that she couldn't even see the taillights of the car.

For an unknown amount of time, Chen Sheng controlled Aya to stop slowly.

The scene in front of them made Chen Sheng and Aya both stand in place and ponder for a long time.

This is a tall tree.

Not to mention that it is as tall as a hibiscus tree, it is at least several hundred meters high.

A large area around it has been eroded and mutated. As for itself, all the leaves have withered and yellowed, and the vitality in its body is dying.

Above the tree, there was a stone tablet floating in the sky, standing motionless against the dark clouds condensed by countless abyss forces overhead.

Rolling boundless dark clouds, tall trees hundreds of meters high, large swathes of land eroded by mutations, and stone monuments floating above the sky.

All this gives people a strong sense of impact.

"tree of Life……"

Aya suddenly knelt down on the ground, looking devoutly at the tree in front of her.

Although Aya has never seen the tree of life since she remembered, the records from books and the instinct of her body still made her realize everything.

This is the ancestral land of the elves.

Compared to Aya, Chen Sheng's shock was not small.Although he quickly controlled his expression again, he was still shocked and remained silent for a long time.

From the moment I came here, everything was actually clear.

Why is there the breath of eternal day here?
Everything has been clearly written on the stone tablet in the sky.

[Boundary Monument Project has been terminated]

【Boundary monument has fallen asleep, waiting for eternal day to wake up】

On the stone tablet that is probably the boundary marker, such words are written.

The background story of the previous secret realm and ruins was an action called the Boundary Project. Yong Zhou used [Yuktra Hill] to teleport to the surrounding world, and built a formation called a Boundary to block the abyss. Perception, so that every time it locates the real world, it will be slowed down and hindered, thereby reducing the frequency of abyss erosion.

To protect!In order to achieve such a phased victory, countless members of Everlasting Day have stepped forward!
This plan ended in failure. The monsters from the abyss found a different world where the members of Eternal Day had just arrived, and interrupted the implementation of the boundary marker plan.

Giants, demon wolves, vicious dogs, long snakes, and poisonous dragons from the abyss stirred up the wind and clouds in that different world and destroyed everything they could see.

The members of the organization fought against it, and after sacrificing, they combined their spiritual power and turned it into a seal, sealing [Yuktrazil].Avoid the abyss and find the main world along the [Yuktra Hill] that connects several worlds.

It now appears that, in addition to having a Nordic mythological relic on Earth corresponding to the background story, there are more things that appear with this relic.

Perhaps, the ruins of the Boundary Monument Project in the background story have already appeared in various worlds at this moment.

At this moment, the clones of Uktrasir in various worlds are gradually losing their power due to the sealing of Uktrasil's main body, and the boundary markers placed in different worlds have also fallen into a deep sleep.

And now, he has come to this world with Yuktrasir clone through [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version], and the boundary marker has also awakened with the perception of his power.

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng couldn't help swallowing.

He originally thought that the secret realm and the ruins were only limited to the ruins according to the story, but now it seems that this is not the case.

The background board-like boundary marker plan in the background story seems to have been changed accordingly.

Looking at it this way, it is also clear why he possessed Aya.

He who traveled through [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version] should have landed in [Yuktrazil Clone] in this world.

But the [Yuktrazil Clone] of this world has died because of the abyss invasion.

However, the Uktrasir clone in this world gave birth to the elves, and Aya, as the last elf conceived in the Uktrasir clone, had a very complicated connection.

He also took advantage of it.

Chen Sheng pondered, and various thoughts kept flashing.

Today's surprise is really too big.

 Hehehe, temporary changes, the chapter name has changed~
(End of this chapter)

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