Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 118 Teacher, Are You Already a Leader?

Chapter 118 Teacher, Are You Already a Leader?
The breeze blew, and the leaves swayed gently, making a rustling sound.

The elixir all over the mountain swayed in the wind and made a beautiful sound, like someone blowing a huge bamboo flute.

In the headquarters cave, which should have been calm without wind, the huge hibiscus tree swayed in the breeze.

Under the tree, Chen Sheng squatted halfway and stretched out his fingertips, still maintaining the movement of touching the palm-sized [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version].

The next moment, Chen Sheng, who was motionless, withdrew his fingers and raised his head.

The surrounding breeze stopped abruptly.

Chen Sheng knew the approximate time between the release of his spiritual perception, which was exactly one second after he traveled through [Yuktrazil Simplified Version].

Time did not pass, but only Chen Sheng knew what he had just experienced.

The feeling of time trance arises spontaneously.

His consciousness was sent to a different world 2500 years ago by [Yuktra Hill Minimal Version], where the abyss invaded and it was on the verge of doom.

He met Uktrasir Clone, the ruins of the Boundary Monument Project, and the gaze of the poisonous dragon Nidhogg...

On top of that, he also met an apprentice named Aya.

It was a time he missed.

With his rich knowledge and strength, he led the girl to grow up all the way, and gradually became an elite who could lead the entire ethnic group.

It's a pity that after using the power stored in the boundary marker to give Ned Hogg a hard blow, Chen Sheng's wisp of consciousness began to lose the basis of its existence due to excessive force.

There is not much time left for him to exist.

Chen Sheng still remembered Aya's expression of reluctance, yet powerless about everything.


On the sky that was instantly empty, Chen Sheng's phantom began to dissipate slowly.

Although the surrounding dark clouds and the breath of the abyss disappeared under the golden light, Chen Sheng's existence also began to be stripped away.

"Aya, after the boundary marker is fully activated, this world will be far away from the abyss."

"Without the subsequent influx of more abyssal power, the future of this world depends on you."

Chen Sheng only had time to say that, and then returned to the material universe due to the collapse of consciousness.

What happened after that, Chen Sheng didn't know anything about it.

He didn't know what happened to Aya later.

Years old and cloudy, Xingshuang flies by.

What happened after that, to Chen Sheng at this moment, was the history of another world more than 2000 years ago, and he knew nothing about it.

Memories are like water droplets falling into a calm lake, blurring layers of delicate textures.

There are joys and disappointments.

Chen Sheng got up slowly, looked at [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version] who was only palm-sized under his feet, complex thoughts flashed in his eyes.

Each use of [Yuktrazil Minimalist Edition] needs to consume a substance.This substance was not spiritual power, but a special substance that Chen Sheng could not yet touch.It can absorb itself slowly in daily life, and the absorption efficiency fluctuates.

But now, after he went back and forth once, [Yuktrazil Minimalist Edition]'s special substance reserves have been exhausted, and he has entered a long process of special substance absorption and storage.

In a short time, he will definitely not be able to go to another world to activate the site of the Boundary Monument Project again.

He was silent for a long time.

It wasn't until Bai Yu slowly came to his side that Chen Sheng ended his silence.

"Leader, here is a report on the results of the recent removal of Abyss believers."

While talking softly, Bai Yu handed over a document.

The Abyss Believers Clearance Plan has mobilized most of the organization's current peripheral forces and almost all students of Dawn Academy.

Under such a serious plan, many abyss believers have been discovered all over the world, and related trials have been carried out.

Chen Sheng took the document and browsed it roughly.

Under Yong Zhou's timely response, most of the abyss believers in the entire world stopped before doing evil deeds.

Facts have proved that it is quite necessary to pay attention to the abyss believers in a timely manner.

After being silent for a while, he raised his head to catch the breath of the stars in the sky, and opened a video call in the air in front of him using the spark chat group.

Soon, projections of Russell, Romero, John, Martha, Zhang Zihang, and Owens appeared in the air.

"Your branch construction work should have been initially completed, right?"

"After a while, we can bring back the students who have taken the social practice assessment outside in batches, and give them mulberries to activate their spirituality."

"At that time, the assignment of the students will almost start."

"You all get ready."

Chen Sheng gave instructions to several people.

Tests and exercises are enough, and then each member should officially step into the boundary of level 0 spiritual power level and become an official psychic user.

From then on, Yongri's power will undergo a qualitative change.

Hearing this, several people nodded.

"You old members, don't waste your time, and strive to reach the second level of spiritual power as soon as possible."

"If you are caught up by these freshmen, you teachers will be ashamed and humiliated."

Chen Sheng suddenly said this to several people.

The old members are at least at the mid-level of the first-level spiritual power level, and this speed of improvement can actually be said to be not too slow.

But there are not many talents in Chenxi Academy.

It may not be difficult to come from behind.

Hearing this, the eyes of several people became more serious.

It would be a real shame if they were passed so far ahead of these newcomers.

Therefore, everyone silently made a plan for additional training in their hearts.

After finishing the matter, Chen Sheng was about to say something more, but he suddenly turned his head as if feeling something.

There was a spiritual breath exuding spatial fluctuations that attracted Chen Sheng's attention.

He looked at the place where the wave came from, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Originally, after sending him back and forth, [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version] should have entered a quiet charging state.

But at this moment, Chen Sheng discovered that the branches of [Yuktrazil Minimal Version] were full of energy.

Chen Sheng could feel that some kind of endless spiritual force ignored the barriers of the world and was coming across the barriers of the world.

Such an easy ability to penetrate barriers is obviously [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version]'s own strength doing something.

Chen Sheng observed silently.

A moment later, a white shiny fruit hung on the branch of [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version].

This fruit is surrounded by strong space power, even Chen Sheng can't see its existence.

Chen Sheng didn't understand what happened, so he subconsciously clicked on the system panel.

[Organization name: Yongzhou]

[Organization Leader: Chen Sheng (Leadership Privilege: Psionic Level = Organization Level + 3)]

[Organization Level: 2]

【Experience: 2840/10000】

[Secret Realm of Organization: Advanced Cave·Yongzhou Headquarters, Ruins·Then Become a Spark, Dongtian·Dawn Academy, Ruins·Time to Farewell, Ruins·Last Guardian]

[Functional accessories: hibiscus tree, sea of ​​learning, gate of secret realm, spark (integrated into the starry sky), body training tower (self-made), abyss crack stabilizer (finished product*1), large-scale spiritual power perception equipment (drawing), [especially Ketra Hill Minimalist Edition], Boundary Monument*1 (in another world)]

[Heroic spirits have been recalled: Erlang, Shoumin, Aya (arriving)]

The various data on the panel don't look abnormal.

Apart from……

Aya among the heroic spirits has been recalled, and the words "arriving" after the word.

If Chen Sheng understands correctly, perhaps the reaction of [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version] at this moment is precisely Aya's arrival here.

However, is this possible?
[Yuktrazil Minimalist Edition] Isn't it only able to transmit a ray of consciousness?And isn't the current [Yuktrazil Minimalist Edition] exhausted?

In Chen Sheng's mind, various complicated thoughts kept circulating.

However, the changes in the outside world will not stop because of Chen Sheng's silence.

The next moment, [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version] the condensed fruit on the branch shattered.

A clear sound of glass breaking rang in everyone's ears.

Not only Chen Sheng, but everyone nearby, including Bai Yu and Russell, were all attentively watching the changes before them.

After the sound of shattering glass ended, a beam of brilliance radiated from the small fruit.

Then, a graceful woman slowly appeared next to [Yuktrazil Minimalist Version].

The feeling of beautiful intangibility arises spontaneously.

Especially Bai Yu, who was so close at hand, was so startled by the lovely and beautiful girl in front of her that her breath became stagnant.

Russell and the others who were making a video call with Spark also stared intently at the girl with elf ears.

On the clothes on his chest, there are sun patterns exuding spiritual aura, which is the symbol of Yongri.

Apparently, this person was another senior whom the new generation didn't recognize.

Everyone turned their attention to Chen Sheng, curious about the identity of this girl who suddenly appeared.

Chen Sheng, on the other hand, stared at the girl intently.


There were complex emotions in his voice.

He deeply understands that he may just be separated from him.But the girl in front of me must have made too much effort in the past 2500 years in order to find her.

In particular, Chen Sheng could vaguely feel Aya's hard work with his spiritual power already at the peak of the third level.


With a bright smile on Aya's face, she threw herself into Chen Sheng's arms.

When Bai Yu and the others around saw this, they all looked at the two of them in amazement and curiosity.


Is it an acquaintance of the leader who came back this time? !

Complicated thoughts kept flashing through everyone's minds, but the two who were looking at the old days were a little speechless.

"Teacher, is this the hibiscus tree?"

"In my dream that has been sleeping for 2000 years, I have imagined the appearance of the hibiscus tree for too long."

Aya looked up at the 2000-meter-high hibiscus tree, complex thoughts flashed in her eyes.

Among them are excitement, longing, excitement, gratification...

"Tell me how you got here."

Chen Sheng looked at Aya with a smile, wanting to hear about her most likely painful experiences.

"After you're gone, the world leaves the Abyss's continuous power input."

"Then, I led the people to grow and united with other surviving races. I resisted in various abyssal erosion areas that have no follow-up support..."

Aya excitedly reported to Chen Sheng.

That look is like a child who is actively eager to ask for credit from his parents.

Her proud appearance makes people feel very cute when they look at it.

Chen Sheng nodded in satisfaction, and patted Aya's head in satisfaction.

Hearing Aya's struggle and hard work over the years, and her continuous struggle against the abyss, he couldn't help but feel relieved.

But Bai Yu and the others swallowed silently.

Listening to the content of the chat between the two of them at the level of 2000, everyone was quiet and silent, waiting for this opportunity to eat melons.

The first Yongzhou blows the white jade, and even more quietly holds his breath, waiting for the next information that can be used to brag to the new members.

"Finally, after more than 200 years of fighting, I embarked on the road to find you, Teacher."

"After merging with the dead Uktrasir clone, I fell into a dream for more than 2000 years, and finally appeared here."

Aya had a smile on her face.

"Teacher, more than 2000 years have passed, are you still the sage of the stars?"

Suddenly, Aya looked at Chen Sheng curiously.

"After the failure of the Boundary Monument Project, the surviving Wood Sage succeeded the third-generation leader. He is the forest god Vilda who survived the twilight of the gods in Norse mythology, and is also a sentence representing wood and life in Huaguo mythology. Mang is my teacher."

"It's been a long time since then, and I've gone through a lot."

"Until a long time ago, I was appointed by the sage of the wood as the reserve leader left behind after the dissolution of the third generation of Eternal Day. I silently hid in the peaceful development of human history until the abyss invaded again."

"I have succeeded four generations of leaders."

Chen Sheng looked at Aya, and told about the past that he had never told anyone else. He had already compiled the past based on the background story of the ruins.

"Teacher! So you are already the leader?!"

Aya looked at Chen Sheng excitedly, like a little girl.

Under the teacher's teaching, he heard the teacher tell too many stories about Yongri, and he has great admiration for the leader of Yongri.

After hearing that the teacher, Chen Sheng, had taken over as the leader, she was surprised at first, and then nodded in a serious manner.

In her heart, the teacher is the most powerful, and it is reasonable to succeed the leader.

And Bai Yu and the others also widened their eyes in surprise.

They were not surprised by Chen Sheng's status as the current leader, nor were they surprised by the secrets about the three generations of Yongzhou leaders they heard for the first time.

What surprised them was that the leader had already been a member of Yongri more than 2000 years ago.

The leader at that time, whose position and identity sounded very powerful [Sage of the Stars].

The leader at that time went to save a different world invaded by the abyss.

It turns out that Chen Sheng, their current fourth-generation leader of Yongsun, has always played an important role in human history that they could not imagine.

Although the leader has never said it, Bai Yu and others can already imagine the magnificent life of the leader in human history and mythology.

Now, the leader once again shoulders the burden.

Transformed from [Sage of the Stars] to [Fourth Generation Leader of Eternal Day].

Great responsibilities lay upon him, but he was never cowardly.

In everyone's heart, a sense of admiration silently rose.

(End of this chapter)

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