Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 134 Want to learn?I teach you!

Chapter 134 Want to learn?I teach you!

The temple is a place where believers can pray with peace of mind. All those who come here hope to find spiritual sustenance.

The rising soot and the lingering sound of chanting bring a feeling of washing the whole body, making people feel fresh and comfortable.

Immersed in the tranquil atmosphere of the temple, you can feel a realm that transcends time and space. This realm makes people clean, and the sense of spiritual far-reaching is also unconsciously enhanced.

Chen Sheng said that if he was staying overnight, he was staying overnight. He entered the room and never went out.

On the second day of the stay, when many monks were busy, Chen Sheng still stayed silently in the room arranged by Master Chang Jie.

He is also immersed in this sense of spiritual far-reaching beyond time and space.

While listening to the ethereal chanting sounds that seemed to be right next to my ears, I put my hands on the wooden box on the table and felt it carefully.

After meeting Xuanzang yesterday, he just briefly introduced himself and was not in a hurry to communicate too much.

After all, he came here for other things.

During those days in Nalanda Temple, he had a long exchange of spiritual practice system with Master Jiexian.

In the end, not only did he improve his spiritual power system, but even he himself had a little way of cultivation.

If he only relies on the power of the spiritual cultivation system to act, he can achieve his goal with less time and space disturbance threshold consumption.

For example, in the wooden box in front of him now, there are three wisps of life from the monster he just caught, all of which he tried to catch with the power of the spiritual cultivation system, and the time-space disturbance threshold consumed is indeed much less.

At this moment, he is using the power of the spiritual practice system to mobilize the power of faith around him to maintain the suppression and seal of the three strands of monster vitality.

This is exactly what he said, other things that need to be done after coming to Jingtu Temple.

The birth of the spiritual practice system is inseparable from faith, so it is naturally very compatible with the power of faith, and can slightly mobilize the inert power of faith.

Superficially mobilizing the power of faith to maintain the seal of the three strands of monster vitality would save Chen Sheng a lot of power.

Although the large group of monster vitality in Master Jiexian's body is difficult to solve with the power of faith alone, it must be suppressed with the assistance of the spiritual practice system.

But if it's just these three wisps of monster vitality, then the power of faith is quite powerful.

As he thought about it, Chen Sheng's spiritual practice system, which had cultivated to the sixth sense, spread out, and he carefully perceived the three strands of monster vitality sealed in the wooden box.

From the current point of view, the three strands of monster vitality kept hitting a wall in the wooden box seal, and there was absolutely no possibility of escaping.

The power of the spiritual practice system depicted on the wooden box and the continuous irrigation of faith from the outside world make the monster alive like an eggplant beaten by frost.

After escaping, the three wisps of monster vitality attached to the monkey, wild boar, and catfish, after being pulled out by Chen Sheng again, their appearance still maintained the appearance of these three wild animals.

They tried to break through the obstacles and performed various actions. The three fierce beasts opened their fangs and kept biting towards the barrier of the wooden box seal.

But the result was nothing but failure.

And as Chen Sheng guided the power of faith with the spiritual power of the sixth consciousness, the continuous irrigation of faith made the wooden box seal that was difficult to break through even stronger.

After feeling that there was no problem, Chen Sheng looked at the opened door behind him with a slight smile.

Xuanzang was standing at the door with a meal on a wooden board.

Seeing Chen Sheng discovering himself, Xuanzang was stunned for a moment, and then quickly explained: "I have just been here not long ago, so I didn't bother you when you were engrossed..."

"It's okay, come here."

Chen Sheng smiled and waved to Xuanzang.

Seeing this, Xuanzang heaved a sigh of relief, and said as he approached, "Master Changjie saw that you stayed in the room and did not come out, so he asked me to bring you food."

"Thank you, Master Xuanzang."

Chen Sheng took the meal with a smile and placed it on the wooden table.

And Xuanzang couldn't help grinning after hearing Chen Sheng's address.

Although he was still young, he could tell that Chen Sheng's words about Master Xuanzang were not a joke like the second brother and the others, but rather a serious evaluation.

This made Xuanzang, who had been very happy since he passed the exam to become a monk, couldn't help being even happier.

Looking at Xuanzang with a smile on his face, thoughts flashed in Chen Sheng's mind.Maybe my own arrival can make this child laugh for a while.

This year is 615 AD, and Yang Guang, Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, has been fighting Goguryeo for three years.

While gaining nothing, he also lost a large number of elites, and he finally decided to give up and continue fighting Goguryeo.

But after the three years of fighting, the consumption in all aspects is huge, and the various problems that existed in the past are hard to return.The interior of the Sui Dynasty was already full of wolf smoke, and peasant armies everywhere began to uprising.

Although the country is big, belligerent must perish.

Although the world is safe, if you forget to fight, you will be in danger.

There will be years of wars until Li Tang rules.Such a smile on Xuanzang's face, I'm afraid it will be difficult to see it again.

In this regard, Chen Sheng flashed complicated thoughts.

Chen Sheng always felt that the reason why Xuanzang set foot on the road to the west after that.

Not just to sort out the heterogeneous, chaotic, and inconsistent Buddhist traditions, but to seek a unified final explanation at the origin of Buddhism.

More may be for common people.

Xuanzang lived in the period of war between the two dynasties, and his own experience was ups and downs. He saw too many things that the people were struggling with.

Perhaps, it was precisely for the solution in his heart that could save all living beings that he embarked on the road of finding the answer with unprecedented perseverance.

Looking at the pensive Chen Sheng, Xuanzang waved his palm curiously in front of Chen Sheng: "Benefactor Chen? Is today's fast meal not enough?"

Xuanzang couldn't help but think about it.

The green vegetables in the Zhaitang today are really amazing, and the plain noodles are also kneaded quite vigorously, but I don't know what is dissatisfied with this benefactor Chen.

"That's not it."

Chen Sheng regained his composure when he heard the words, silently put the wooden box on the table on his waist, picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

Xuanzang beside him couldn't help but stare curiously at the wooden box on Chen Sheng's waist.

Carved railings and jade are generally used to describe buildings, but Xuanzang feels that this small wooden box the size of a palm can also be described by this word.

On the wooden box, all kinds of carvings are vivid and look quite charming.

Just simple coloring makes people feel as if they are really inlaid with jade.

This sense of high class, even Xuanzang before becoming a monk, had never seen it before.

You must know that the Chen family that Xuanzang belonged to before he became a monk was also a generation of hairpin tassels. From the ancestors in the Eastern Han Dynasty to the generation of Xuanzang's grandfather, life has not been bad. It is a typical official family.

That is to say, in his father's later years, he left the officialdom for the sake of literati's character, and then the family fortune fell.

So Xuanzang had actually seen a lot of things in the world when he was a child, but even he had never heard of such a small wooden box.

Xuanzang can be sure that the exquisiteness and detail of the decorative patterns on it cannot be achieved even if the top sculptors and painters of the world come here.

In other words, if today's people go to the treasury to search, they will never find objects with such exquisite carvings.

Seeing this, Chen Sheng took out the wooden box from his waist, put it on the table, and pushed it in front of Xuanzang.

"Why, are you curious?"

Chen Sheng asked with a smile.

As the wooden box was pushed close to Xuanzang by Chen Sheng, the three strands of monster life sealed inside were visibly excited for a moment, wanting to break through the barrier of the wooden box seal.

But Chen Sheng only had sharp eyes for a moment, and the strong pressure made the three monsters wilt again.


Xuanzang nodded, looking at the wooden box in front of him, he couldn't help but shine his eyes.

In normal times, he doesn't just like reciting Buddhist scriptures and being a foodie.

Without his curiosity and pioneering spirit, he would not have resolutely embarked on the slow westward journey in history.

"Then let me take a closer look?"

As Chen Sheng said, he picked up the wooden box and put it in Xuanzang's hands.

Hearing this, Xuanzang took it subconsciously.

Then his eyes couldn't help looking up and down carefully.

Observing it so closely, you can feel the charm of the various carvings on the wooden box even more, which is simply amazing.

And playing with it at such a close range, Xuanzang even discovered details that he hadn't found when he took a rough look at it before.

That is a line written in Sanskrit: only consciousness has no bounds.

As a genius who is proficient in Buddhism, Xuanzang is no stranger to this Sanskrit sentence, and generally understands the meaning of it.

This also made Xuanzang love the small wooden box even more.

But the more I look at it, the more I like it.

But Xuanzang just played with it for a while, and then returned the wooden box to Chen Sheng.

After all, it's not his stuff.

"Chen Benefactor, could you tell me who made the carvings on this wooden box?"

Xuanzang's words carried expectations.

The young and innocent Xuanzang had no other thoughts, at the moment he just wanted to know who such a powerful person was.

"Far in the sky, right in front of you."

Chen Sheng put the wooden box back on his waist, and immediately met Xuanzang's inquiring eyes.

"Want to learn? I'll teach you!"

Chen Sheng continued to say something mischievously.

And his words obviously made Xuanzang stunned.

After a long silence, Xuanzang made another sound.

"That sentence above..."

Xuanzang asked subconsciously.

The phrase "Consciousness without Boundary" is really interesting and quite Zen-like.Just looking at these words, Xuanzang felt that he could feel a Buddhist master teaching him earnestly in his ears.

"That's from an admirable master."

When Chen Sheng said this, his expression obviously became more serious.

This wooden box was jointly built by him and Master Jiexian. Its purpose was to assist him in sealing the life of the escaped monsters, and to minimize the consumption of the seals that maintained the life of the captured monsters.

But soon, Chen Sheng couldn't hold back such a serious expression, and changed the topic directly.

"By the way, don't you really want to learn from me?"

Chen Sheng put the wooden box in front of Xuanzang, with a slightly smiling expression on his face.

"Xuanzang is just curious about sculpture, and I still have some unfinished business, so I can't say goodbye lightly."

Xuanzang shook his head politely to express his refusal.

He really likes the engravings on the wooden box, but he also really wants to refuse.

He is not constrained by various rules, constrained by his newly graduating status.

It's because apprenticeship is really not something to say lightly, it has a deep meaning.

Besides, at this moment, he has vaguely found some unshakable goals in life.

Although he still can't tell what he wants to pursue, he already has a vague idea at this moment.

"So what?"

Chen Sheng chuckled, and suddenly shook the wooden box in his hand.

The next moment, a sharp and panicked monkey and pig cry came from the wooden box.

Seeing this, Xuanzang suddenly widened his eyes.

What is the nature of Buddha?Can mortals eventually become Buddhas?How to save the common people?Does the afterlife really exist?
There is no definite answer to these questions in the Buddhist classics, nor is there an explanation by an eminent monk that can convince Xuanzang.

For a monk, this is a confusion rooted in the depths of the soul.

Xuanzang, who was still young, already understood that he might spend his whole life to unravel the confusion in his heart and seek the meaning of life.

Therefore, although Xuanzang loved the amazing carving skills, he didn't want to agree to learn from that man.

He has an inexplicable attachment to Buddhism.

In the limited time, he wanted to do something in the field of Buddhism.


Such thoughts only lasted until Chen Sheng shook the wooden box in front of him.

When the wooden box was shaking in front of him, the strange cry that suddenly sounded inside made him unable to help but widen his eyes.

Is it a trick?

But what is the principle?
The most important thing is, why does this strange sound like monkey and pig make him always feel creepy and shuddering? !

Or could it be said that this is the stage in the legend of Zhiguai, with monkey monsters and pig monsters in the wooden box?
The more he thought about it, the more puzzled Xuanzang became.

After swallowing subconsciously, Xuanzang fell into a long silence.

"Don't you really want to learn?"

Seeing Xuanzang in a dazed state, Chen Sheng smiled and shook the wooden box in his hand.

This time he shook more vigorously, and then another strange cry sounded.

This time the strange cry seemed a lot more urgent.

Xuanzang may not understand, but Chen Sheng can understand everything.

The three wisps of monster vitality in the wooden box have a wild instinct since they parasitized on monkeys, wild boars, and catfish.

Even after he was pulled out of the bodies of the three mutated monsters, he still instinctively used to make parasitic calls to express his emotions.

At this moment, they were screaming excitedly because of Chen Sheng's shaking.

If the meaning expressed in each emotion is translated, it will definitely be a swear word among swear words.

After Chen Sheng released it intentionally, the monkey and pig calls that Xuanzang could hear clearly reached Xuanzang's ears.

Regarding this, Xuanzang was silent for a while.

Seeing this, Chen Sheng even threw the wooden box at Xuanzang.

Xuanzang quickly caught it.

He only heard the moment when the wooden box stopped suddenly in his hand, the strange screams from the wooden box stopped abruptly, and then there were several more urgent strange screams.

Seeing Chen Sheng's casual look.

Xuanzang tentatively shook the wooden box lightly, and then kept changing the speed.

Listening to the weird cry in the wooden box that changed in size according to his shaking, the light in Xuanzang's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Combined with the performance of these weird screams, every time they appear, they will make me feel creepy.

Xuanzang gradually became certain of one thing.

This is definitely not as simple as a trick.

Could it be that there are really some demons and ghosts sealed in this wooden box?

Thinking about it, Xuanzang couldn't help turning his eyes to Chen Sheng in front of him for knowledge.

"This is not a long story, are you interested in listening to me?"

Chen Sheng said to Xuanzang's eyes seeking knowledge.

 Ask for a monthly ticket~ask for a reward~

(End of this chapter)

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