Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 138 One person's shadow cannot cover the earth

Chapter 138 A person's shadow cannot cover the earth

After saying goodbye to the small mountain village, Chen Sheng, Xuan Zang, and Bai Jingjing continued to move forward.

This place is not far from Chang'an.

Chang'an is the current capital of the Tang Dynasty. Since the fall of the Sui Dynasty, Xuanzang and Chen Sheng have never been to a city of this level.

Bai Jingjing wanted to see if places like Chang'an were more lively and prosperous than the human cities that she passed along the way before.

Xuanzang, on the other hand, wanted to go to the present-day capital to take a look and see if there were any new Buddhist ideas here.

Along the way, everyone was silent.

After Bai Jingjing heard Xuanzang's analysis when she was exterminating bandits, she couldn't be happy all the time. She wanted to say something but couldn't say it.

In the mouth of the senior brother, because of something to reverse the influence of participating in the general trend of the times, the departure of the master seems to be inevitable.

So what should they do after that?
From the day Master said that she would give her a chance to reform, she secretly decided to follow Master all the time.

In this world, Bai Jingjing just wanted to stay by her senior brother and master's side, silently admiring the scenery along the way.

She asked for nothing else.

She wanted to ask Master if he could stay.

But when she looked up at the master who was walking forward silently, the countless words she wanted to say in her heart couldn't be said at this moment.

At this moment, she seemed to have changed back to the timid girl when she first met, feeling confused and helpless but not knowing what to do.

So, she just lowered her head and followed behind Master and Senior Brother.

And Xuanzang didn't say a word, and followed the seemingly slow but urgent footsteps of Master.

It took him a lot longer than Bai Jingjing to maintain such a state of thinking and depression.

When Bai Jingjing became more lively because of Master's love, he, who was always funny, became silent at every turn.

After all, junior sister Bai Jingjing only knew that Master might be leaving, and he had already guessed it.

After Xuanzang beat to death the corrupt official who embezzled the relief food that day, he understood something from the gratified and helpless eyes of the master.

After that time of looking at each other, he could no longer recover the excited state of punching the villain to the flesh.

The possibility that the master will leave has always weighed heavily on his shoulders.

The possibility took his breath away.

He is obviously familiar with many Buddhist teachings, he should understand the pain of parting better than anyone else, and he should be able to see through all this better than anyone else.

But the truth is, he can't see through it.

From the time Master asked his name in the Zhaitang of Jingtu Temple 11 years ago, Xuanzang could never forget this man who would influence his life.

In the past 11 years, Xuanzang, who has done psychotherapy for too many people with his profound Buddhist attainments, has fallen into it himself at this moment.

He just followed Chen Sheng step by step without saying a word.

This look is very similar to when the master held his arm and led him to punch when he was a child.

At that time, although he knew nothing, he followed Master ignorantly and firmly.

The atmosphere of silence for a long time has been lingering in the team of these two people and one monster.

And Chen Sheng also felt this atmosphere, and realized that the two disciples had already realized that he was about to leave.

Chen Sheng, who was not good at facing parting, didn't say anything, but silently quickened his pace a little.

In fact, the time-space disturbance threshold is consumed too quickly, so it is naturally best to reach Chang'an City before leaving.

Along the way, it was a good time to think about what I wanted to tell the two of them.

Among them, Xuanzang had to explain the most things, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that there is no need to explain too much at all.

Xuanzang is good enough.

I still remember that I wanted to find Xuanzang at the beginning, because the sage Jiexian of Nalanda Temple needed a genius disciple, a demon who could reach the eighth consciousness and inherit the seal in his body.

So he immediately thought of Xuanzang, the disciple of Master Jiexian in the original history.

When he came to the Pure Land Temple 11 years ago, he made a decision to accept Xuanzang as a disciple and let Xuanzang join Yongri.

Then, everything changed.

Xuanzang in the original history, on the way to the west, faced the evil people from all over the world, the oppression of irresistible natural disasters, and the torture of endless loneliness...

I still remember the saying in "Da Tang Western Regions" that there are no birds on the Liusha River, no animals below, no water and no grass.During the day, the sand covered by the wind blows over the sky, and at night, the sky is full of will-o'-the-wisps, flashing like stars, ghosts and monsters, and the shape is terrifying.

Accompanying Xuanzang is an old horse, and there are only endless phantoms of demons to disturb his mind.

But today's Xuanzang is quite different.

No sight or hallucination can shake his mind, no gust of wind or dust can shake his body.

Not to mention the so-called monsters in the hallucinations, even if there were real monsters, they would only be sent to the west with two punches by the current Xuanzang.

Such Xuanzang made Chen Sheng feel at ease.

The task of exterminating the vitality of the last monster can probably be entrusted to him to complete.

Inheriting the monster seal in Master Jiexian's body can probably be handed over to him.

After being silent, Chen Sheng thought about Bai Jingjing again.

The monster he had given his name found the meaning of his existence six years ago.

Then, accompanied by him and Xuanzang, he changed from timid to lively and cheerful all the way.

For her, Chen Sheng's only expectation is that she can be happy forever.

It's a pity that now that he is leaving, Bai Jingjing will probably not be happy in the future.

In silence, Chen Sheng continued to move forward.

After crossing patches of green water and green mountains, two people and a monster who came to the official road gradually met pedestrians.

Moisture in the air moistens.

Looking around, it seems that a big river can be vaguely seen in the distance.

This is the Wei River, the largest tributary of the Yellow River.

After coming here, it is not far from Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty today, and it will be less than [-] kilometers away.

The two and one monster continued to move forward, and they didn't show too exaggerated foot strength when there were already pedestrians around.

But even so, they arrived in Chang'an soon before dark.

For Bai Jingjing who hadn't been to a big city in the six years since she was born, everything in Chang'an City in front of her really opened her eyes.

So much so that she, who had always been depressed because her master was about to leave, couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise.

Chang'an City in Tang Dynasty was based on Daxing City in Sui Dynasty.

The planning and layout of its construction system is characterized by unprecedented scale, the creation of an imperial city, the use of three layers of the city, the use of six slopes, symmetrical layout, wide streets and lanes, neat squares, uniform shapes, vertical and horizontal canals, green shade covering the city, and altars in the suburbs. .

Like the heavenly capital, the layout of the palace city, imperial city and Guocheng Zhongfang in the capital city according to the positions of the stars and stars embodies the mystery of the unity of man and nature and the divine right of the monarch.

When Bai Jingjing's eyes widened, Xuanzang also looked around in surprise.

On the surrounding streets, the number of Buddhist disciples seems to be somewhat unusual.

On their way to Xingshan Temple, the largest in Chang’an, Xuanzang saw too many monks discussing Taoism on the spot.

Many shops have even set up plain signboards to receive many monks who seem to be traveling and come from afar.

Silently, Xuanzang took his master and junior sister to a shop along the street, ordered three bowls of plain noodles and sat down.

"Are there so many monks in Chang'an City?"

Bai Jingjing looked around in surprise, and said the first sentence along the way.

Obviously, she also discovered the abnormality here.

"I don't know, maybe I can ask the waiter about it."

When Xuanzang said this, there was also a hint of curiosity and inquiry in his words.

Recently, he has been traveling around the mountains and rivers around the Qinling Mountains, and has no well-informed channels for obtaining various news from the outside world.

So, he doesn't know what's going on here.

However, Chen Sheng, who was at the side, had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and looked at Xuanzang: "Today, there are indeed some special activities."

If it is said that before finding out that Chen Sheng was leaving, Bai Jingjing wanted to come to the big city Chang'an to watch the excitement, and Xuanzang wanted to come to Chang'an Xingshan Temple to exchange Buddhism.

Then Chen Sheng's purpose is to send his disciple Xuanzang to the place where he should be in time for 626 AD.

In 626 A.D., the monk Parapodrometra, who came from India, gave a public lecture in the city of Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty.

Many Buddhists came to listen to his lectures.

In the original history, Xuanzang had a new understanding of many concepts in Buddhism during this lecture, and suddenly became enlightened.

It was also in this lecture.

Xuanzang in the original history understood what he had been perplexed all along, and understood what he had been secretly wanting to do...

The monk from India gave him enlightenment.

If in China, various Buddhist concepts are incomplete, and there is no correct solution to save the world and help people.

So if you go to the Western Regions, can you find the true meaning of various Buddhist concepts in the origin of Buddhism?
While perfecting Buddhism, is it possible to seek a correct solution that saves all living beings and saves the world?

Since then, Xuanzang has made up his mind to go to the Western Regions.

And Chen Sheng, now brought Xuanzang to this predestined place.

"Buddhist activities?"

When Xuanzang heard Chen Sheng's speech, he looked at Chen Sheng with more curiosity.

"Yes, a Buddhist from the Western Regions is going to give lectures along the street."

Chen Sheng replied to Xuanzang.

Hearing this answer, Bai Jingjing pouted in a slightly bored manner, and then ate the plain noodles brought by the waiter in the shop.

She is not interested in what Buddha is not.

In these years, every time when her senior brother was studying Buddhism, she would sneak to the back kitchen to clean up all the food.

In this way, she could see the distraught expression of the gluttonous senior brother after the study was over.

It's one of her favorite pleasures.

Compared to Bai Jingjing who was not interested, Xuanzang had a gleam in his eyes.

Silently ignoring the hand that his junior sister extended towards his bowl of plain noodles, Xuanzang fell into silence.

"I know what you've been thinking."

"Since you were young, you have always felt that there are too many mistakes in the current Buddhist teachings, right? Since you were young, you have always felt that there is no correct solution for saving sentient beings in Buddhist teachings, right?"

"Now, is there a brand new decision born in your heart?"

Chen Sheng looked into Xuanzang's eyes.

Xuanzang was stunned by the successive questions, and then gave a helpless wry smile: "Indeed, nothing can be hidden from you, Master."

"Under my influence, in fact, you have long known that there is an expert in the Nalanda Temple in the Western Regions that I respect more?"

"Why never tell me you want to go?"

Chen Sheng looked at Xuanzang and asked.

His time is running out, and now it may be time to start explaining everything.

"I want to follow Master."

Xuanzang answered without hesitation.

This answer made Chen Sheng pause, and the words that were about to explain his funeral came to an abrupt end.

And Bai Jingjing raised her head in surprise, she didn't even have time to swallow the plain noodles in her mouth.

She was also a little surprised by her brother's performance.

That senior brother who has always only known gluttony and smugness, that senior brother who beats and kills at every turn and doesn't look like a Buddhist disciple, would say such provocative words.

For a moment, the table fell into a long silence.

After a long time, Chen Sheng said slowly, "Then I will be leaving soon."

Chen Sheng didn't say anything about what Xuanzang said that he only wanted to follow him, but he just straight to the point narrated a topic that he had never shared with his disciples before.
He is leaving.

These words made the surrounding atmosphere even more gloomy.

If it was just a little embarrassing in the silence just now.

So now the silence is full of reluctance and confusion.

The two people and the monster were silent all the way, and they didn't dare to explain the problem, which was brought to the fore at this moment.

Seeing that the disciples did not speak.

Chen Sheng continued to speak: "Xuanzang, you will have a heavy burden in the future, and I have left you, brother, with more tasks."

"The ray of monster life that I haven't completely wiped out, you must find and solve it for me."

"Then, just as you want to go to the Western Regions, the Nalanda Temple in the Western Regions has a second master that I arranged for you waiting for you."

"There, you have to learn to become stronger, and inherit the monster's vitality in Master Jiexian's body, and wipe it out in your lifetime."

When Chen Sheng said this, he saw Xuanzang still bowed his head without saying a word, and then he looked at Bai Jingjing, who didn't want to eat:

"Xiaobai, listen to your senior brother more in the future."

"Then, within our ability, try our best to wipe out the ray of monster life that hasn't been found yet."

As he spoke, Chen Sheng patted Bai Jingjing's head.

Bai Jingjing lowered her head and let Chen Sheng caress her, but she still didn't say a word.

After Chen Sheng explained everything, the two disciples still bowed their heads in silence, as if they didn't want to face the current situation.

"Okay, I'm leaving, don't you have anything to say?"

Chen Sheng sighed, and used the power of the spiritual cultivation system to provoke the two to lower their heads.

"Got to go, right?"

Bai Jingjing tentatively asked, there seemed to be tears in the corners of her eyes.

To this, Chen Sheng nodded.

Bai Jingjing took a deep breath when she heard the words, and said seriously: "I will look for you, Master!"

"A word is settled!"

Hearing this, Chen Sheng seriously made a hook with Bai Jingjing.

Xuanzang at the side watched this scene silently for a long time without saying a word.

He already knew that Master would leave, and he had thought about it for a long time.

Although it is still unacceptable at the moment, he understands that sometimes there is nothing he can do about it, so the calmer he is at this time.

"A person's shadow cannot cover the earth, but some voices can travel far."

"The unfinished business will be left to you."

Chen Sheng looked at the two of them seriously, his eyes were unprecedentedly serious and serious.

Regarding this, Xuanzang and Bai Jingjing nodded firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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