Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 149 Joking is not nonsense

Chapter 149 Joking is not nonsense (seeking a monthly ticket)

Because the time-space closed loop was not formed until Chen Sheng returned to reality, so Chen Sheng did not go to look for Bai Jingjing under the peach tree since the establishment of Yongri.

Just like Aya who pursued Chen Sheng through Uktra Hill 2000 years ago.Before Chen Sheng obtained Yuktra Hill in the real time and space, Aya's own history was still an illusion that had not been finalized, and it was a closed loop of time and space that had not yet been logically and self-consistently linked.

It wasn't until Chen Sheng obtained Uktrasil in the real time and space that Aya, who had been sleeping in the illusion for more than 2000 years, became real and came to Chen Sheng's side.

The same is true for Bai Jingjing here.

Before Chen Sheng went to change history, in the original history, there was actually nothing under the peach tree.

After Chen Sheng came back after changing the past history, there was a white bone under the peach tree since ancient times.

For such a space-time closed loop, space-time will give an explanation.

The reason why Bai Jingjing has not been discovered is that she absorbed the vitality of all fleeing monsters including apes, wild boars, and catfish 1400 years ago, which made her sleep for 1400 years to integrate her power.

In order not to disturb her, Chen Sheng never went to dig her out.

Such a reason, when Chen Sheng just came back, was already brought into mind by the will of time and space.

For the stability of time and space, Chen Sheng naturally nodded his head and readily agreed to such a reason.

Looking at the excited girl in front of him, Chen Sheng showed a gratified smile.

For the original promise of "I will definitely come to you", Bai Jingjing buried herself in the soil and waited for more than 1000 years.

This made Chen Sheng feel very complicated.

He didn't know what to say, without him, Bai Jingjing might not exist, but after having him, Bai Jingjing was lonely for more than 1000 years.

The thousands of words in his mind made him silent for a long time before he spoke slowly:
"A person's shadow cannot cover the earth, but some voices can travel far."

"After I left, you have done a good job of completing the unfinished things I asked you to do."

"Really good."

Chen Sheng smiled and praised Bai Jingjing in front of him.

He didn't know how to express his complex emotions, so he chose to speak from the business at this moment.

Before he left Xuanzang and Bai Jingjing, he entrusted them to deal with the rest of the monster's vitality, so that human history can continue smoothly and normally.

Then, they both did.

This naturally made him feel very relieved.

He didn't have a real task to complete, but two apprentices helped him solve it, which made him feel in a trance after watching the two grow up.

"I said……"

"I will definitely come to you."

Bai Jingjing didn't care about Chen Sheng's compliment, but threw herself into Chen Sheng's arms.

There was a hint of crying in her voice.

She didn't cry when we parted.

But at this moment, she couldn't help sobbing in a low voice.

"Thanks a lot."

Chen Sheng patted Bai Jingjing's head, comforting the child who finally found her parents.

Bai Yu sat on the wheelchair and remained silent.

She felt that staying here at the moment was a bit of a shame, but it seemed too deliberate to push the electric wheelchair and leave here.

She simply sat quietly without saying a word.

While watching the two reminiscing about the old days, he thought about some things about this bone spirit.

She didn't pay much attention to the family's past before, but now she has to take a closer look.

This peach tree has belonged to their family since ancient times, and even after experiencing several turmoil in the world, it finally returned to their family.

Combined with the several altars of peach blossom wine exposed in the pit, one can roughly infer a conclusion: their Bai family had an inexplicable relationship with Yong Zhou a long time ago.

This made her ponder, and for a while she had the idea of ​​wanting to explore her own history.

Could it be that his family was once a descendant of the White Bone Demon?Or maybe his ancestors are inextricably linked with the White Bone Demon?

While she was thinking, the two masters and apprentices, a human and a demon, were still communicating.

"After I left, how are you and Xuanzang doing?"

Chen Sheng asked with concern.

"It's a long story."

Bai Jingjing raised her head and looked seriously at Chen Sheng who was listening.

Hearing this, Bai Yu, who just wanted to be a backdrop, couldn't help but widen her eyes.

What did she hear?Xuanzang? !
Did the leader just say something about Xuanzang? !
If I remember correctly, there should not be many famous people named Xuanzang in historical legends...

Xuanzang and the Bone Essence made her have many unreasonable associations.

Could it be said that Journey to the West is documentary literature?That old boy Wu Chengen is not simple?
Or is Journey to the West just a magically reformed narrative of a certain real past?So what kind of identity does Yong Zhou play in it?

Many speculations flashed in her mind, which made her, the first Yong Zunchuan, couldn't help but get excited.

So her eyes flickered, and then she silently took out a recording pen from the space token, intending to record everything she was about to tell.

These will all be precious information.

As a teaching material, it can completely increase the sense of belonging of the members of the organization.


And Bai Jingjing didn't care about the excited Bai Yu, since the master didn't say much, it meant that the existence of this woman had no effect, so she slowly narrated the past.

Bai Yu and Chen Sheng also listened carefully.

According to Bai Jingjing, after Chen Sheng left, the two of them did not fall into silence and sadness for too long.

Soon, the two had a decision.

Bai Jingjing traveled all the way to the east and across the ocean to find the life of the monster, and Xuanzang went all the way to the west to Nalanda Temple to inherit the seal of Master Jiexian.

On the sea, the vast ocean that ordinary people can't get through is nothing but leisure for Bai Jingjing.

But Chen Sheng naturally understood that the loneliness of wandering in the vast sea is not something to be taken lightly.

Afterwards, Bai Jingjing passed through the vast ocean, saw uncivilized human races on the other side of the ocean, saw civilizations that were still in the tribal period, and saw various animals and plants...

"There is a plant that I have never seen before. The dried leaves are like millet, and the flowers are like ears of rice. Its buds are as long as fists, its whiskers are like red velvet, and its grains are like gorgon seeds. It is large and white, and the flowers bloom on the top. End in knots."

"Although it's weird, it's abundant in yield, and the taste is also unusually to my liking."

When Bai Jingjing said this, she was obviously a little excited.

Obviously, during the lonely days of searching for the life of the monster, without the company of her senior brother and master, finding delicious food became a very impressive thing for her.

"It's called corn. It's everywhere in the Central Plains. I'll take you to eat it every day."

Chen Sheng fondled Bai Jingjing's head.

Corn originated in Central America and is the most widely distributed crop in the world today.

Back then, Bai Jingjing could only taste the corn on the other side of the ocean. Today, Chen Sheng, as the master, promised to make her eat as much as she wanted.

But thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little distressed for his apprentice.

Unexpectedly, in order to find the monster's vitality, Bai Jingjing even crossed the Pacific Ocean and went to America. The hardships involved are beyond human experience.

Chen Sheng was silent.

But Bai Jingjing continued to tell.

During this difficult and novel exploration process, her energy was finally not in vain, and she finally found the monster's vitality in a certain rainforest and caught it.

For the process of this battle, Bai Jingjing didn't describe too much. For her who has fused many strands of monster vitality, it is not too strenuous to deal with the monster that the last strand of monster vitality turned into.

645 AD.

Xuanzang inherited the sealed monster's vitality and a large number of Buddhist scriptures and returned to the Central Plains. She also traveled across the ocean to find the monster's vitality and returned to meet Xuanzang.

On that day, Qingdu went on strike and greeted each other along the road.Since the holy pilgrimage, there has never been one.

Most of the people in Chang'an City flocked to look forward to the return of the holy monk. On that day, Bai Jingjing also mixed in the crowd to watch her senior brother show off.

Compared with her senior brother who had no choice but to become famous as a holy monk all the way westward, she who had never met anyone along the way was hardly heard of.

But she had no idea about it.

Bai Jingjing likes to be lively, and likes to watch the world of mortals in the folk.During those days on the other side of the ocean, she, who had nothing to see in the world of mortals, really felt a kind of loneliness deeply.

But although she likes the excitement, she doesn't like being the center of the excitement. She just wants to watch the world of mortals quietly.

So when she came back, she didn't go directly to her senior brother.

Not long after, when Xuanzang, who had been negotiating with the then emperor Li Shimin and others for a long time, was arranged in Hongfu Temple, she sneaked in quietly.

The two senior brothers and sisters met in Hongfu Temple for a long time, and each narrated their own experiences.

Compared with her, Xuanzang's experience is not much better.

Speaking of this, Bai Jingjing's tone became a little excited: "Compared to my boring experience of not seeing intelligent creatures, senior brother has experienced a lot along the way."

"Master, three years after you left, brother officially left Chang'an and embarked on the road to the west."

"Although I have encountered various natural disasters and natural dangers along the way, with the strength of my senior brother, I broke through directly."

"Whether it's a desert or a snow-capped mountain, a lake or a plain, nothing can stop my brother. I don't know how many horses are exhausted along the way, but my brother is still acting like a normal person."

"In addition to the natural environment, when encountering robbers or other man-made disasters on the road, the senior brother will tear them up and bury them skillfully. That's called a clean and neat one without leaving any traces."

"The kings along the way only knew how to marvel at the brother's great perseverance, and directly respected him as a holy monk, but they didn't know that this holy monk never showed mercy, and everyone who saw him shot died."

Bai Jingjing excitedly told what she learned when chatting with her senior brother at Hongfu Temple in those few days.

Brother is still as fierce as ever.

When Chen Sheng heard the words, he nodded in relief.

As it should be!

The purpose of Chen Sheng's cultivation of Xuanzang is to alleviate the hardships of Xuanzang's westward journey and strengthen Xuanzang's decisive character of distinguishing between love and hate.

Isn't this effect coming out?
To the outside world, Xuanzang is a holy monk who is known to everyone, and has great perseverance to persist in traveling westward. To the inside, Xuanzang is a reckless King Kong who insists on justice that he believes is righteous.

However, even with his participation, the development of history still seems to have changed little.

Everything seems to lead to the same goal, and the result is no different from the real history.

And Bai Yu, who was on the side, gradually opened his mouth wide.

From Bai Jingjing's narration, she roughly understood that Xuanzang is the Xuanzang who traveled westward in history, not the Xuanzang in Journey to the West.

It's just that this Xuanzang is somewhat different from the Xuanzang in history that she knows.

That Xuanzang who possessed great perseverance turned into a reckless King Kong in Bai Jingjing's mouth at this moment?A person casually pierced through the copy of Westward Journey? !

In terms of Journey to the West, it means that Tang Sanzang broke the nine-nine-eight-one difficulty alone, easily eliminated a monster with one punch, and finally went directly to the Great Leiyin Temple in the West to obtain the scriptures.

She really wanted to complain: Where did you find this unofficial history? !As the saying goes, joking is not nonsense, and adaptation is not random making up...

But thinking of the important role her organization played behind the history, she had to accept such a fact that shocked her three views:
Xuanzang, a super fierce man, was the leader's original disciple. It seems that he traveled west not only to find the real Buddhist scriptures, but also to complete a task that the leader once entrusted to him.

But thinking about this, some historical records made her a little confused.

If most of the details recorded in history do not match Xuanzang's macho image, it can probably be attributed to errors and changes in historical records.

However, the records about Xuanzang's illness and death in his later years should not be wrong, right?

How could such a fierce person come to such an end? Can the pain and disease in the world really make such a fierce person die?
Regarding this, before she could ask, Bai Jingjing continued to tell her the answer.

"It's a pity that the life of the senior brother is not very good."

"Although he said that translating Buddhist scriptures is very happy, I can see the chaos in his body. He is just pretending to be fine."

"After inheriting a large group of monster vitality from Master Jiexian, he has been tortured by monster vitality before reaching the eighth consciousness."

"It's like Master Jiexian just sealed the monster's vitality for a few years, and then he became confused, seriously ill, and physically deficient. After delivering the monster's vitality to Xuanzang, he has entered the countdown to his death."

"Brother, although his talent is more intelligent and he is very talented in the spiritual cultivation system, he has never been able to reach the realm of the eighth consciousness, and has been tortured by the vitality of monsters in his body for many years."

"I want to help absorb some monster vitality, but I find that I can't absorb so much at all."

"Later, when Li Shimin passed away, after Li Zhi came to power, he lashed out at the old ministers, and his brother was also involved, and was placed under house arrest by Li Zhi for a long time. In short, various worldly troubles followed."

"I want to go directly to kill Li Zhi, the kid who knows how to make trouble, but my brother told me not to participate in this political affairs, and not to interfere with the general trend of the times as you said, Master. He just wants to finish your job quickly, Master An entrustment before leaving."

"Fortunately, he finally touched the realm of the eighth consciousness and solved everything before passing away."

"After that, I went to the south of the Yangtze River to find a family with good wine making. After giving them some luck, I slept under their peach tree."

After Bai Jingjing finished talking about the past, she glanced at Chen Sheng resentfully.

This made Chen Sheng couldn't help being silent.

Xuanzang's choice of letting Er's east, west, north, south wind is obviously because he punched to death the embezzlement and food relief officials, which caused an impact and forced Chen Sheng to leave early.

After so many years, Xuanzang has always remembered this incident.

Therefore, Xuanzang subconsciously chose to obey the general trend of the times that involved him.

His pain made Chen Sheng feel that he had some reasons for it.

Moreover, Master Jiexian's death also had some influence from him.Although Master Jiexian is willing to bear the pain himself, although the time of Master Jiexian's death is no different from the original history.

But Chen Sheng still couldn't help being silent.

Fortunately, though, there was something he could do.

"Xuanzang has touched a trace of the eighth consciousness, and the eighth consciousness of the spiritual practice system corresponds to the fourth-level true god realm of the spiritual practice system."

"That is to say, he was a demigod before he passed away, and he realized a trace of immortality."

Chen Sheng spoke slowly.

"Master, what do you mean?!"

When Bai Jingjing heard this, her breath became short of breath.

"He's not dead yet, I can save him!"

(End of this chapter)

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