Chapter 151
Xingjiao Temple, also known as "Da Tang Protecting the Country and Xingjiao Temple", is the first of the eight great temples in Fanchuan in the Tang Dynasty, and one of the ancestral homes of the eight Buddhist schools in Huaguo.

It is located in Duqu Street, Chang'an District, XA City, SX Province, on the bank of Shaolingyuan about 20 kilometers south of the city.

This is the resting place of Master Xuanzang, a famous translator, traveler and Buddhist scholar in the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, after learning the Xunzhang Bureau of extraordinary power from Xuanzang's classics and quotations, the first stop at this moment is naturally this Xingjiao Temple, trying to find more special features.

To go to Xingjiao Temple, you can take bus No. 917 from Xi'an TV Tower and get off at Xingjiao Temple.Or drive to Huayan Temple and continue southward, turn left at the Y-shaped intersection, and you will see the Xingjiao Temple signpost.

Huairen and many colleagues from the Xunzhou Bureau naturally drove to Xingjiao Temple.

A total of three ordinary black cars drove slowly towards Xingjiao Temple, looking ordinary and low-key.

This was the third day after discovering that Huairen had acquired extraordinary powers. Zhang Shouquan had already returned to the headquarters of the Xunri Bureau, and accompanied Huairen and others to Xingjiao Temple.

After learning that Huairen had learned the extraordinary power, Zhang Shouquan subconsciously left everything he had experienced on Mui Ne Island behind.

After hurriedly returning to the headquarters of the Day-Xun Bureau that day, the first thing he did was to look at the research data of Huairen's strength performance made by scientists, and then classified these data as top secret.

Then quickly assist Huairen to sort out the general content of the practice system left by Xuanzang, and block and control the transmission channels containing this information.

After taking a series of secrecy measures, Zhang Shouquan led a group of professionals and Huairen to Xingjiao Temple in XA City, SX Province.

Along the way, most people are silent.

And Zhang Shouquan, who was in the same car with Huairen, couldn't help but stare at Huairen with bright eyes.

Huai Ren cast a helpless glance at Zhang Shouquan, the burning gaze he had been seeing along the way made him really unbearable.

He subconsciously shrank to the side.

On the other hand, Zhang Shouquan still had fiery eyes, and a series of thoughts and ideas in his mind never stopped after he came back and confirmed that he had really learned extraordinary power.

He had seen that series of research data.

In addition to the substantial improvement in the perception ability of the eyes and nose, Huairen's overall physical fitness and mental strength have also increased to a certain extent.

According to Huairen himself, this power system is very complete. The first five levels greatly enhance the senses such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body, and at the same time will improve a certain degree of physical fitness and mental strength.

After the first five realms are completed, there will be an extraordinary spiritual perception ability, and then there will be deeper and more powerful realms and abilities.

This traceable way of practice, this extraordinary power that can be exercised step by step, is of great significance to the country.

Therefore, Zhang Shouquan was always excited.

This means that the country can officially open and get in touch with the extraordinary power system, which is likely to go ahead of all countries.

It can even be said that the progress in transcendence has surpassed Europa.

After all, there is only one person in Europa who has extraordinary power, and because of inheriting Thor's Hammer, it is impossible to increase it for the time being.And they are a systematic and extraordinary practice system that can be learned on a large scale.

There is no comparison between the two.

It's just a pity that the difficulty of practicing this kind of extraordinary power is still not small.

According to Huairen, this is a practice system that focuses on spiritual strength, and requires the practitioner to have tenacious willpower, an open mind, and it is best to have an understanding of the three religions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism.

Such requirements are very complex and stringent.

However, from a national perspective, this is not unsatisfactory, and some qualified talents can still be found.

If you don't pursue quality too much and learn a little bit, you should be able to find a lot of qualified talents.

The most important thing is that Huairen said that when he deeply experienced the experience of Master Xuanzang in the Tang Dynasty Records of the Western Regions, it was easier for him to practice the spiritual practice system.

Based on this, Zhang Shouquan had already prepared a plan in his mind to go west again.In the future, the daily exercise of the Xunzang Bureau may be to re-take the road to the west and deeply understand the state of mind of Master Xuanzang.

Moreover, it is just possible to use the country to build a team to maintain the Silk Road as a cover, to help the country advance a series of Silk Road plans along the way, and at the same time not forget to train ourselves.

It is not required that everyone can cultivate to the fifth, sixth, or seventh consciousness, but it is also very good to have a first consciousness.

While thinking, the convoy stopped at the gate of Xingjiao Temple.

The gates here are deserted and empty, not like a tourist attraction.

There was only one old man standing at the gate of the monastery.

This is because the Xunzhou Bureau temporarily notified Xingjiao Temple to suspend its opening to the public for the convenience of investigation, and wait until their investigation work is over.

So there are no tourists here at this time, only the abbot of Xingjiao Temple is waiting at the door.

"Master Kuanchi!"

After Huairen got off the car, he walked up to the old man familiarly and bowed slightly.

This old man can be regarded as one of the contemporary Buddhist masters. He has the deputy secretary-general of the Buddhist Association of SX Province, the vice-chairman of the Buddhist Association of XA City, the member of the XA CPPCC, the vice-chairman and secretary-general of the Zhongnanshan Buddhist Association of Chang'an District, and the CPPCC of Chang'an District. A series of titles such as members of the Standing Committee.

When the Xunzhou Bureau invited Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism before, it also considered this one.

But at this moment, the most important identity of Master Kuanchi is still the abbot of Xingjiao Temple.

"Huai Ren... what are you planning to do here today?"

"Not sure what I can do?"

Master Kuanchi looked at the few acquaintances in front of him, and he couldn't help but have some doubts.

The Xunzhou Bureau has a very high level of authority. Before that, it could even block the Mount Tai scenic spot and evacuate the surrounding area. Naturally, no explanation is needed to suspend Xingjiao Temple's business.

Therefore, Master Kuanchi only knew that there was something important today that needed to block Xingjiao Temple.


Huairen turned his head to look at Zhang Shouquan when he heard the words, wanting to ask what to say.

Based on his relationship with Master Kuanchi, he had listened to Master Kuanchi's teachings many times, so he naturally didn't want to hide it, but this matter is top-secret information, and as a member of the Xunzhou Bureau, he naturally understands that he cannot make arbitrary decisions.

"Master Kuanchi, it's like this..."

Zhang Shouquan didn't think for long, and decisively explained the whole story to Master Kuanchi.

In Zhang Shouquan's thinking, in the future, he will recruit more masters of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism and other talents with firm minds, so that more people can learn these extraordinary cultivation systems.

Among them, there is this Master Kuanchi.

Therefore, Zhang Shouquan chose to directly tell him the truth about the arrival of the Day-seeking Bureau.

The scriptures left by Master Xuanzang contain the content that can truly allow people to cultivate extraordinary power.

Zhang Shouquan said such words calmly.

When Master Kuanchi heard the words, he, who had always been calm, couldn't help flashing a look of astonishment.

Can the philosophical thinking of looking at the world in Buddhist scriptures really be used for cultivation? !

Such a statement obviously made Master Kuanchi a little suspicious.

Do you high-secret officials like to tease old monks?
Such a statement is simply too...

The thoughts in Master Kuanchi's mind stopped abruptly, because Huairen suddenly shone with golden light in front of him, looking so dazzling.

This truly miraculous scene stopped the doubts in Master Kuanchi's heart abruptly.

"If you want to investigate, I hope you don't destroy this century-old temple."

As Master Kuanchi said, he took a step back and slowly pushed open the gate of Xingjiao Temple.

Zhang Shouquan nodded seriously when he heard the words.

"Master Kuanchi, please rest assured. On March 1961, 3, Xingjiao Temple was announced by the State Council as the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units."

"If any losses are caused, all of us in the Xunzhou Bureau will have their salaries deducted as a punishment, and by the way, they will be used for the repair work of the temple."

Zhang Shouquan's tone was very serious, and it sounded very convincing that he would not cause sabotage.

Master Kuanchi smiled, then turned around and led the crowd to the temple
As soon as they entered the door, most of the people took various observation and recording instruments and dispersed according to the pre-planned route to investigate and record various data in various places in the temple.

And a small number of people followed Master Kuanchi to an extremely important place - the Xuanzang Stupa.

They came here for Xuanzang, to investigate what is special about Xuanzang, who left behind an extraordinary practice system.

Therefore, the Xuanzang Stupa, the burial place of Master Xuanzang, is naturally the top priority.

Xuanzang Pagoda stands in the middle of the pagoda courtyard of Xingjiao Temple.

Soon, a group of people have arrived here.

There are three pagodas located in the courtyard of the Ci'en Pagoda of Xingjiao Temple. The tallest one in the middle is the Xuanzang Stupa, which was built in the second year of Tang Gaozong Zongzhang (669).

The Xuanzang Pagoda is made of bricks, with a total height of 21 meters, five floors, a square plane, imitating a pavilion.The side of the ground floor is 5.2 meters long, and bricks are used to make simple bucket arches under the eaves of each floor.On the top of the bucket arch, "tooths" are built with oblique angles, and eaves are stacked on top of it.

There is a relatively small brick pagoda on the left and right, the west side is the stupa of Xuanzang's disciple Kuiji built in the first year of Yongchun (682) of Emperor Gaozong of Tang Dynasty, and the east side is the Silla Pagoda built in the fifth year of Song Huizong Zhenghe (1115) The Wangzhisun Yuance stupa has the same form as the Xuanzang Pagoda.

Arriving here, the remaining small group of people also brought various detection and recording instruments, and began to scientifically analyze the three towers from the perspectives of optics, infrared rays, and sound waves.

As for Zhang Shouquan, he stood in front of the three pagodas with Huairen and Master Kuanchi in silence for a long time.

Master Kuanchi bowed his head silently, as if he was reciting some Buddhist scriptures.

Zhang Shouquan was chatting with Huairen.

"Master Xuanzang himself must not be simple, to be able to leave behind this extraordinary practice system."

"But we can't fully expect anything to come from the investigations here."

"After all, although this is the place where Master Xuanzang's bones are buried, the relic of Master Xuanzang's body is not here now."

Zhang Shouquan analyzed calmly.

"Indeed, but just standing here is already very meaningful."

Looking at the Xuanzang stupa, Huairen felt the extraordinary power in his body, and couldn't help being a little emotional.

"As for those few corpse relics, I have already sent people from the Day Searching Bureau to try to retrieve them."

Speaking of this, Zhang Shouquan couldn't help but pause.

The relic of Master Xuanzang's body is so significant in commemoration that it has been divided into too many parts and enshrined in temples in different places.

Jinling, Beiping, Guangzhou, Taiwan, even India and Japan... Master Xuanzang's body and relics were scattered to the temples in these places.

The body relics enshrined in domestic temples can be collected quickly, and it is possible to study whether there is anything special about them.

As for the corpse relics scattered in India and Japan, there are some troubles, and it is not so easy to retrieve them.

The relic of Xuanzang's body in India was brought back to the ruins of the Nalanda Temple where Xuanzang once studied, and together with the ruins of the Nalanda Temple are used as exhibits.

In this regard, Zhang Shouquan plans to send a team to negotiate, and at the same time, he can also start some investigations at the ruins of the Nalanda Temple.

It was the place where Xuanzang studied, and it was the end point of Xuanzang's journey to the west.

For Zhang Shouquan and others, Xuanzang, who has now put on a layer of extraordinary veil, must have something special about his journey to the west that he made up his mind to. This Nalanda Temple is worth investigating.

Therefore, for the Indian side, Zhang Shouquan has already dispatched a professional team to investigate the Nalanda Temple while negotiating and trying to retrieve the relics of the corpse.

As for the corpse relics left in Japan, it will take a little effort.

Japan also has a profound background in Buddhism, and they also worship Master Xuanzang abnormally. They will definitely not agree to the negotiation from Hua.

Perhaps, some special means are needed to get back the corpse relic, and maybe some other things can be brought back along the way...

Zhang Shouquan was thinking, but found that Huairen beside him stood in front of the Xuanzang Stupa at some point.

I saw Huairen caressing the body of the tower seriously, with a gleam in his eyes.

"Leader, I feel..."

Huairen looked shocked, he stroked the Xuanzang Stupa in front of him, not knowing what he was talking about.

Seeing this, everyone around looked at Huairen.

Zhang Shouquan also stopped thinking, and looked at Huairen seriously: "What did you feel suddenly?"

"This is, far beyond my strength."

Huairen murmured.

In his newly awakened extraordinary perception, he suddenly found a force inside the Xuanzang stupa.

This power is similar to the extraordinary power he just learned, but it is much stronger and stalwart.

Don't wait for him to continue to perceive.

The Xuanzang stupa suddenly shook, and words with golden light appeared on its surface little by little.

After just reading a few sentences, Huairen understood that this was a more complete and clear spiritual practice system, which was more organized than the spiritual practice system he summed up in a few words in Xuanzang's classics.

Obviously, this is the original text of the spiritual practice system.

After recovering from the shock, he just wanted Zhang Shouquan and others to record these words.

But Zhang Shouquan was already playing back the video to check whether there was any mistake in the recording of these words.

Obviously, Zhang Shouquan had long thought of the need to record these contents.

Seeing this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to observe the original text of this spiritual practice system seriously.

The more you look at it, the more you experience something new.

I see!I see!
A satisfied smile appeared on Huairen's face.

He felt that he was gradually understanding everything.

(End of this chapter)

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