Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 163 I want to see the people behind the scenes who push the wheel of the times

Chapter 163 I want to see the people behind the scenes who push the wheel of the times

"The level of secrecy in the country of Hua is very strict. It is difficult for us to find some other details of the meteorite incident. Although the country of the United States is not so strict, it is still a matter of secrecy that a superpower seriously carries out."

"But the Europa United system is different. In terms of strength, they are indeed not inferior to the other top powers, but their predecessor is essentially a multi-national federation. Compared with it, it seems that there are many things that can be infiltrated. Mouth."

"This is the data I finally hacked from a laboratory in a small country of the Europa United System after analyzing several scientific research institutions that may be eligible to participate in this incident."

While Xiao Yin talked about the hard-won materials in his hands, he manipulated the computer in front of Jiang Xihua and called out a message:
"Report on a comprehensive study of the material contained in the fragmented meteorite - Luxembourg Materials Science Laboratory"

Jiang Xihua lowered his head.

Looking at the new information on the computer that was called out again, he looked at the three enthusiastic SEEKER members around him.

He couldn't help but fell silent.

The actions of these three guys are indeed quite extraordinary, and he, the messenger of justice who has been active in the gray area for many years, can't help but want to praise him like this.

God knows what he's been watching all this time.

Glancing at the gradually dimming sky by the window from the corner of the eye, Jiang Xihua couldn't help but recall everything he saw in this room.

At the beginning, it was the video records that Xiao Yin intercepted from the space agencies of various countries.

What he saw there made Jiang Xihua's brain buzz even now.

A tiny figure.

One punch shattered the super huge meteorite.

This scene was shocking to the extreme, making Jiang Xihua seriously suspect these three people who claimed to be members of seekers, and showed him a special effects film.

But later, a series of supporting materials were provided on the computer, such as the research data of space agencies of various countries and a bunch of private astronomers, which recorded the operation record of the meteorite.

Without exception, these records stopped abruptly after the man smashed the meteorite, and the specific movement of the meteorite could no longer be observed.

Only three countries with ultra-long-distance optical observation technology have relevant video records of what happened after this.

And those video records are right in front of him at this moment.

In addition, there is still a lot of evidence, which makes Jiang Xihua have to believe that this is really information from the aerospace departments of the three major countries.

After this, Xiao Yin showed her a series of other extraordinary clues.

There are troops stationed in the San Cristo Mountains of the United States for unknown reasons for a long time; the abnormal astronomical phenomenon and missing people in Europa Tromso; large-scale evacuation of people in the Huaguo Taishan area...

In the recent period, led by America, China, and Europa, the whole world seems to have undergone too many strange changes secretly.

Although some relevant clues found by seeker are not deep enough, they all have full reasons to suspect and investigate.

There is no doubt that the world is changing!

According to the investigation and research of these three talents, a special and mysterious extraordinary organization has initially revealed a corner of its huge body in front of him.

The weight of the news made him breathless.

Looking at another message opened by Xiao Yin on the computer, he slowly clicked on it.

Like Zhang Shouquan, he felt that there must be something special about this meteorite, which would allow that mysterious extraordinary organization to send it to Earth with one punch.

"Report on a comprehensive study of the material contained in the fragmented meteorite - Luxembourg Materials Science Laboratory"

The message begins with a description of a series of observations made of the substance, as well as a series of tests performed.

Numerous properties appear to be just ordinary metals.

Until an experimenter carried out an alloying experiment on it...

The door to a new world has opened!
The substance does not differ much from iron oxide on its own, but when it is part of an alloy material, the changes occur.

The experimenters couldn't figure out the principle, but they knew that as long as a little meteorite debris was fused into any material, it would cause a qualitative change.

Various alloys have different adaptation fields and have unique and excellent properties.And this kind of meteorite debris can strengthen their characteristics in these aspects.

The principle is unknown, and the enhanced effect also looks magical.

This is not purely enhancing the hardness, toughness, and heat insulation capabilities, but it can increase the overall excellent properties of the material by a percentage. The specific percentage is determined by the amount of meteorite debris mixed.

At the end of the research note, is a researcher's description:
【I don't know how to describe it... This is simply a miracle of God!Humanity is about to enter a new era, thanks to Yong Zhou! 】

Looking at the research records of this material, Jiang Xihua couldn't help opening his mouth slightly.

" it serious?!"

Jiang Xihua couldn't believe it.

This level of disbelief was almost comparable to his surprise when he saw the man smashing the meteorite.

What does this universal enhancer mean?
It means that human science will take a leap forward!
Material science is the threshold that restricts most modern technologies. With this universal enhancer, most of the thresholds can be cut off abruptly.

With better material.

It seems that the rapid entry of mankind into the space age may no longer be a dream, and the wheels of the development of the times will be irresistibly turning again.

Jiang Xihua really couldn't believe it.

"There is a high probability that it is true. After all, the experiment in the research report is not difficult. We have chipped off some powder from the meteorite you picked up when you were unconscious, and integrated it into this sword according to the experimental process."

Hearing this, the bald man took a long sword with a sheath from the corner of the wall.

Looking at the sword, Jiang Xihua could clearly recognize the feeling of modern handicraft.

And it seems that the words "Made in Yiwu" can be vaguely seen in the corner of the scabbard.

Looking at Jiang Xihua's curious eyes, the bald man smiled and pulled out his long sword.

The next moment, Huaguang flashed.

Jiang Xihua can be sure that there is no lighting equipment around, and the cold light is shining from the edge of the long sword.

Swallowing, Jiang Xihua didn't say much.

He is looking forward to an opportunity.

A chance to verify that everything I've seen on my computer so far is real or not.

The bald-headed man didn't say much when he saw this, but took the long sword and slashed upwards across the solid wooden table next to him, without any resistance or stuttering in the whole process.

In the next second, the upper part of the table slowly slid down, revealing a smooth cut.

Immediately afterwards, the bald-headed man didn't pause in his movements, and let go of the sword with the blade facing down.

The long sword fell down due to gravity.

Then it sank into the ground more smoothly than a hot knife cutting butter, leaving only the hilt stuck on the ground.

There was no lag in the whole process, as if the reinforced concrete under my feet was just air.

Regarding this, Jiang Xihua was silent.

This level of sharpness is already close to the level of magic, and it can be said that it is gradually transcending reality.

Even with a lightsaber, it's impossible to pierce the ground so neatly.

Jiang Xihua even wondered if the sword would fall all the way down due to the attraction of gravity if there was no hilt.

This is obviously not the power of handmade products from Yiwu Small Commodities.

Otherwise, Yiwu Small Commodities would have ruled the world long ago.

This is the effect of doping with meteorite powder.

Obviously, this meteorite powder does have a magic-level strengthening effect.

It's just against the rules!
At this moment, it is verified that the effect of meteorite powder is true.

Naturally, he had to believe the series of words that seeker had said to him before.

Looking at the hilt of the sword raised above the ground.

Jiang Xihua's breathing changed from calm to rapid.

He knew that the wheel of the times had already begun.

Now it's not just meteorite powder that is about to bring upheavals comparable to the first industrial revolution.

The behind-the-scenes organization that promoted the advent of this new era—Yong Zhou, may bring more unimaginable changes to the world.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xihua, who had been pursuing the truth all his life, calmed down instead.

He was dubious before, and he always felt greatly shocked.

It is now confirmed that everything is true.

Instead, he was not so excited.

Because at this moment, he clearly understands what he wants to do at this moment.

At this moment, he is at the intersection of the old and the new era!
The wheels of the times are rolling down!

He desperately wants to look through the wheel of the times and see clearly the person who drives the wheel!
Thinking about it, he already had a decision.

After pondering for a moment, he looked at the bald man who was obviously the leader of seeker and said:

"Do you... have five insurances and one housing fund?"

Jiang Xihua's inquiry was very serious.

We already have a team, so it’s not too much to want to receive some salary and benefits.

Hearing this, the bald-headed man smiled: "Six insurances and two gold tops are paid, and the monthly salary starts from [-]."

In terms of money, he can still get it.

After all, there is no time to pursue the truth without money.

It is worthwhile to exchange some money for a talent who sticks to the bottom line and fights against evil forces in the gray area.


Headquarters cave.

Standing under the hibiscus tree, Chen Sheng could vaguely see through the luxuriant leaves, more than 1000 newly engraved names on the branches.

This is a record for full members.

When Chen Sheng left to blast the meteorite that day, in addition to the spirituality of the victim sent to the starry sky, the remaining more than 1000 students of Dawn Academy became full members here.

They ate more than 1000 mulberries.

From then on, he officially became a psychic and stepped into the door of mastering extraordinary spiritual power.

They also received spark baptism and link here.

Like Bai Yu and his predecessors, these students of Dawn Academy were baptized in the light of the sparks that merged into the starry sky.

The experience fragments of countless pioneers flashed in their minds, taking them back to the past years and witnessing the greatness of the pioneers.

Witnessing the past of those seniors with their own eyes gave Bai Yu and the others an unprecedented sense of belonging.

Admiration, yearning, and honor...

There are so many emotions pouring in that it's hard to put into words all at once.

At the same time, the protection and blessing of the spiritual level are also integrated along with this baptism process, making their mentality that has been honed by Xuehai more tenacious.

As for the link to the spark, there is no need to say more. Those who have been baptized by the spark have joined the newly created group chats of various departments in the spark chat group according to their identities.

Then there is the oath.

From the video records recorded by the organization and prepared to be archived, Chen Sheng could clearly see the determination in the eyes of those who made the oath.

"Those souls who have been baptized by the flames of war will be fused with the destiny of mankind."

"Today we live to die, just to be the spark of humanity."

"Giving light to mankind is like the sun always rising the next day."

Such a familiar oath sounded again in this land.

Chen Sheng remembered that the last time such an oath was made was by Bai Yu and the other seven.

In a blink of an eye, more than 1000 people took the oath together.

In silence, Chen Sheng happily closed the video record that was archived and sealed.

There is no need to look at the subsequent process, only the distribution department in the last step is left.

The distribution of many members has been roughly planned. In the previous social practice activities to eliminate the Abyss believers, the departmental distribution of each Dawn Academy student was roughly determined.

After giving many students a seven-day holiday.


The heads of various divisions, the captain of the quick response force, and the vice president of Chenxi College all came to take their people away through the gate of the secret realm.

He recalled the official member conferring ceremony that he did not participate in before.

Standing under the hibiscus tree, Chen Sheng looked at the starry sky at the headquarters, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

In fact, there is one thing that has been bothering him after he smashed the meteorite.

That is the system that has not responded for a long time. In fact, a prompt popped up on the day he smashed the meteorite:

[You have completed the hidden achievement: New Era]

[Achievement Introduction: New seeds have germinated, and the bewildered human beings are moving towards a new era under your impetus. 】

[Congratulations on your reward: random secret realm*1 (equipped with sleeping heroic spirits)]

This is undoubtedly a free reward

Just like he completed a hidden achievement [opening the curtain] when he first started recruiting students.

Now, a new hidden achievement [New Era] has been completed again.

The reward this time is not the secret realm and ruins plus heroic spirit fragments, but the so-called random secret realm.

And this reward was what bothered Chen Sheng.

Facing the reward for nothing, Chen Sheng was naturally very happy.

Not to mention that this random secret realm also comes with a sleeping hero.

But the problem is...

This random secret realm is really random, the main thing is a surprise.

After a systematic introduction, Chen Sheng knew that the random secret realm for this reward was not just randomly selected from the cave or the ruins, but he didn't know what it was.

Most importantly, he appeared in a random position after claiming it.

This was exactly what troubled Chen Sheng.

Over the past few days, various countries have gained a lot of research on meteorite materials, and they have all begun to carry out preliminary practices.

But he still hasn't found that secret realm yet.

In this regard, Chen Sheng could only continue to complete the refining of large-scale spiritual power sensing equipment with a helpless mood, and get out this good thing that was about to be completed as soon as possible.

Anyway, the system said that when the random secret realm is discovered, he will receive a reminder, so let's let this surprise that can't be found be buried for a while.

With this in mind, Chen Sheng continued to refine a wide range of spiritual power perception equipment.

Instead of thinking about surprises, look in front of you.

When the refining of this thing in front of him is completed, Yong Zhou will be able to monitor the spiritual power of most areas around the world to ensure that any troublesome behavior with spiritual power fluctuations will not be hidden from Yong Zhou.

 Good book recommendation!
  Good book recommendation!

  Good book recommendation!

  Good book recommendation!

  Group portraits, management forces, and One Piece World as the starting point to conquer the world, I still like to watch it very much.


(End of this chapter)

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