Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 168 The Second Generation of Yonghi in the Background Story

Chapter 168 The Second Generation Eternal Day in the Background Story
After the formation of the spirit net.

The huge earth is basically covered by Yongri's detection power.

Chen Sheng, who used to routinely detect and perceive the world every day, can relax a little from now on, and no longer needs to monitor the world every day.

In addition, the Yongzhou members and branches that are basically in place in various places, as well as the sustainably regenerated flesh and blood monster corpses owned by the logistics department are used as spiritual power materials.

The entire Yongzhou can be said to have completely entered an era where it can continue to operate without Chen Sheng.

Except for those special circumstances that are too out of specification, Yong Zhou no longer needs Chen Sheng to take care of him all the time like taking care of a child.

Therefore, Chen Sheng had a lot of leisure time.

The time left for myself to exercise and study every day has become more, and more energy has been allocated to the refining of various special spiritual power items.

For example, the Abyss Fissure Stabilizer that can replace the secret realm to suppress the Abyss Fissure, he currently only has one finished product.

In this kind of idle time, it is natural to use the free time to refine as much as possible.

Only by holding enough abyss crack stabilizers in his hands can he have enough confidence to some extent.

In order to maintain enough calmness in the case of the sudden appearance of the abyss crack.

In addition, there are some clues to simplify the small world that Aya created when he suppressed Kun before.

As he thought before, if he could come up with simpler and less labor-intensive techniques, and popularize the techniques of creating special spaces for fighting, it might be possible to reduce damage in battles on Earth.

Perhaps in the future when the members of Yongzhou encounter monsters from the abyss, their first reaction is to slap their hands into the mirror space, just like Chen Sheng sent Aya and Kun to other spaces to fight at will, easily dragging the battle into other places that will not affect reality field.

For this aspect, Chen Sheng is looking forward to it.

Thinking about it, Chen Sheng looked at the shining hibiscus tree above his head with helpless eyes.

The spiritual nets are all set up.

Several major powers have jointly landed on the moon.

But he still hasn't found the random secret realm rewarded for completing the hidden achievement.

Although the system said that when the secret realm is discovered, he will receive a corresponding reminder.

But it's been so long, why...

As soon as Chen Sheng thought about it, he subconsciously widened his eyes.

Perhaps it was the intuition of the advanced life essence that made him think about the random secret realm at this time.

Because the system's reminder sounded just at this moment.

【Random Secret Realm Has Been Discovered】

【Location: Nearest star system, third planet, subsidiary satellite】

[Secret Realm Type: Ruins]

Hearing this, Chen Sheng's eyes lit up.

This bright does not refer to some kind of rhetorical technique, but the real light in the eyes.

The hibiscus tree seemed to sense something, and the ten small sun prototypes hanging above also faintly glowed, as if echoing Chen Sheng's eyes.

The next moment, Chen Sheng's vision instantly rose.

This gaze broke through the spatial barrier of the cave.

In an instant, he arrived at the place where the secret realm was discovered by the system.

The third planet and satellites.

The third planet refers to the planet that is the third closest to the star, and this so-called satellite naturally refers to the moon.

The vast lunar soil was exceptionally cold and silent.

Chen Sheng's eyes swept over, and he arrived at the place where the secret realm was discovered in a few moments.

Here is a huge crater.

Chen Sheng ignored the spider-shaped detection robot and other small objects on the mountain.

His gaze was directed at the essence.

It is easy to see through and see that this crater is just the shell of something, and there is a super huge object wrapped and buried deep inside it.

Its shape made Chen Sheng feel familiar.


Chen Sheng opened his eyes wide and was stunned.

On the huge propeller with a diameter of 295 kilometers at the jet port alone, there is Yongri's iconic aura.

Chen Sheng was sure that this was the remains of Yong Zhou.

However, this was the first time he had seen a relic of this style.

A large amount of bright black matter is like a spaceship shell full of metal texture in a sci-fi movie, forming this huge propeller.

At first glance, it's not extraordinary at all.

It's like something out of a sci-fi movie.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Sheng resolutely continued to extend his probing eyes.

The bright black shell that can block the detection of shock waves, electromagnetic waves and many other means, under Chen Sheng's gaze at this moment, looks very... obedient?
Chen Sheng felt that he could feel an emotion from the shell material of the thruster, and that emotion expressed closeness to it.

After feeling his gaze.

The shell removed part of its ability to isolate the outside world from observation, as if it spread its legs apart, allowing Chen Sheng's inquiring eyes to go deep.

This allowed Chen Sheng to easily access the inside of the thruster.

Inside the thruster, Chen Sheng saw a lot of strange structures.

Everything looks like the inside of a sophisticated instrument.

It gives people a feeling of ignorance.

In addition, there are a large number of spiritual power runes carved in every corner of this thruster.

Compared with those mechanical structures that cannot be understood.

These spiritual runes came to Chen Sheng's professional field.

Take a quick look.

Chen Sheng saw runes with active functions such as "stability", "gathering energy", "balance", "regulation", "toughness", and "explosion", distributed in every corner of the thruster.

According to the functions and distribution locations of these spiritual power runes, Chen Sheng can probably judge their usefulness.

"Is it really a thruster?!"

Chen Sheng subconsciously twitched the corner of his mouth.

The comprehensive function of these runes is basically to concentrate the energy in the energy storage structure as much as possible and eject it stably from the jet port at the tail.

At the same time, in this process, maintain and protect the entire thruster structure from being damaged by huge amounts of energy.

Those mechanical structures that Chen Sheng couldn't understand should basically assist the existence of these spiritual power runes.

There is no doubt that this is really a thruster.

Putting aside his doubts about the purpose of this thruster for the time being, Chen Sheng continued to cast his eyes on the energy storage part of this thruster.

With everything around him being close to him, Chen Sheng reached a huge space without hindrance.

Countless spiritual power runes with the functions of "seal", "suppression", "absorption" and "transformation" are filled everywhere in this huge empty space.

This entire huge space is just a seal.

In the very middle of this sealed space, there is a woman with her hair combed in a high bun and wearing a long jacket with wide sleeves, her body curled up into a ball and suspended in the air.

The woman's face is peerless, and she is wearing gorgeous clothes in the style of the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

But her hands are mechanical, and one eye is also mechanical, which looks very different from the smooth snow-like skin on other parts of her body.

This makes this woman's painting style give people a feeling of being extremely contradictory and split.

Chen Sheng's intuition told him that this was the heroic spirit sleeping in this secret realm.

The surrounding seals and confinement were not aimed at her.

Instead, she was targeting something in her arms.

I saw her holding a purple light ball tightly in her arms, and the purple light ball was covered with various runes.Judging from these runes, the purple light cluster is the energy source of this thruster.

Chen Sheng could feel that the energy in this purple light cluster was so terrifying that he couldn't help but face it squarely.

And there is a faint breath of abyss in it.

This made him subconsciously want to perceive it more carefully.

However, the woman holding the purple light ball was aware of it at this moment.

After a few shudders.

The woman's intact left eye and the technologically-sounding mechanical right eye opened at the same time.

Chen Sheng's gaze is composed of spiritual perception, and for him who has reached the fifth level of spiritual power, spirituality is material.

In an instant, his gaze became solid.

A clone controlled by Chen Sheng appeared out of thin air in front of the woman.

The moment the two eyes meet,

It seems that there is some kind of special blend produced.

Chen Sheng could feel a large number of harmless memory fragments trying to flood into his mind.

In response, Chen Sheng readily nodded and accepted.

The pictures from ancient times and the background stories compiled by the system for Yongzhou are presented in front of you.

That was the girl's fragmentary memory.

At the beginning.

It is part of the memory of the girl named Heng'e in the first half of her life.

[Darkness, pollution, the world seems to be filled with these]

[The evil beasts in the abyss are endless, and the girl who has joined the eternal day can't help but fall into deep despair at this moment]

[Bones filled the wild, blood flowed...]

[Yong Zhou's sacrifice seems to have never stopped, and their large army that broke into the opposite side of the crack seems to be in an unsolvable situation]

[This is the area already occupied by the abyss, and a lot of power is accumulated]

[There are more horrors still waiting to be seen, and more indescribable beings have yet to be shot]

[But even so, a large number of colleagues have begun to be eroded by the power of the abyss, and gradually began to have the characteristics of the abyss]

[Even if it is her, she still feels that her power is vaguely blurred by the power of the abyss]

[When she was about to give up, the closed crack behind her seemed to be forced open]

[Heng'e can see that the straight hook that condenses the power of fate cuts through everything, making even the high-ranking beings in the abyss who are paying attention to everything here can't help but retreat a little bit]

【This familiar power makes her feel at ease...】

[Then he lost consciousness. 】

[When she woke up again, she was awakened by the familiar voice of the monarch:]

【"I designate Heng'e as the Taiyin, cleanse the soul!"

This is the voice of the second-generation monarch Jiang Gong. It is the voice of the monarch who is good at the power of water, and it is so soft and comfortable]


This is the voice of the sage Tiamat, the deputy of the monarch, although it is brief, it is full of deep meaning.It means: the rule level erosion of the abyss has too much influence, and her Heng'e, as the leader of the large force to test the neighboring border, has been given the most attention by the abyss, so it is impossible to completely shape her Heng'e. 】

At this point, the girl's memories of the first half of her life came to an abrupt end.

After digesting it for a while, Chen Sheng roughly understood the experience in this memory.

The girl is a member of the second generation of Nagahiru, and led the troops to explore in order to explore the adjacent world occupied by the abyss invasion.

Then the force on the opposite side was too strong, and this army was almost defeated. It was the second generation Yongzhou's support force who rescued her.

After that, it is the place where the most information is revealed in this memory.

In this background story compiled by the system.

Who is Jiang Gong who is the leader of the second generation of Yongzhou?It also used the Conferred God List to purify and wash the souls of many members of Yongri who were corroded and polluted by the power of the abyss.

The sage of life named Tiamat molded a physical body for Heng'e, but it seemed that due to the heavy influence of the power of the abyss, it failed somewhat.

The performance of this failure is probably that the girl Heng'e in front of her is no longer the original match with her hands and one eye.

Thinking of this, Chen Sheng narrowed his eyes.

This is the first Heroic Spirit with a clearer background. Compared with Erlang and Shoumin, the system has set a lot more background for this Heroic Spirit this time.

But it can also justify itself.

Erlang is a member of the second generation of Yongzhou, the boy who controlled the water, slashed the dragon, and saved the world. He did have some relationship with Jiang Gong in the mythology.


The memory so far does not have the origin and function of this thruster at all, nor does it explain the origin of the girl's mechanical prosthesis.

At least judging from the fragmentary memories of the girl's first half of her life, they are all extraordinary pictures.

In silence, Chen Sheng continued to receive the follow-up related memories with anticipation.

This memory is even more fragmented.

Even more ambiguous.

[The disabled Heng'e should have retired, after all, the influence of the rule level prevented her from returning to normal]

[However, after the preliminary launch of the Boundary Monument Project, she still couldn't help herself and wanted to join the project]

Then there are a few flickering screens.

[Yuktra Hill's experiment went wrong, time and space turbulently surged, Heng'e was involved]

[There are special rules of psionic technology in the unknown world]

【Learning and Mastering Psionic Technology】

[Yong Zhou's Boundary Pillar Project Troops are here, Heng'e returns to Yong Zhou]

【Bring back the core energy of psionic technology, but it is a pity that it has been suppressed in the material universe. 】

[Decided to join the Moon Palace Project, sleeping and becoming one of the successors of human beings...]

Fragmentary pictures kept flashing.

Chen Sheng squinted his eyes and understood everything.

Although these memories are very fragmented, the key information is basically all there.

If the memory of the first half is the important life experience of the girl, it is the disclosure of some details of the second generation Yong Zhou.

Then the second half is the origin of this thruster.

This is the Moon Palace Project, using the psychic technology obtained by chance as one of the backs of human beings.

When it is possible for this material universe to accept some spiritual rules, a world that no longer suppresses psychic technology may be formed.

At that time, this backhand composed of psionic technology can be immediately mobilized and used.

In its undeployed state it is a thruster buried in the Moon.

After unfolding, it will be a complete moon palace, and the mechanical psionic structure will quickly spread and arm the entire moon, forming a lunar fortress—the moon palace.

The thrusters are both weapons and the power to move the Moon Fortress.

This moon palace is the big killer left by Yongri, and it is also an ark that can be used to lead humans away.

Regarding everything he knew so far, Chen Sheng couldn't help being a little silent.

This kind of reward is really a bit powerful.

It's a pity that the type of this secret realm is a relic, and the Moon Palace may not be fully developed.


"The thruster itself should still be intact, so it can be used at any time, right?"

Chen Sheng confirmed to the girl Heng'e in front of him.

He understood that while he knew Heng'e's memories, Heng'e had also confirmed his identity as the leader of the four generations.

"Leader, confirm the departure?"

When Heng'e heard this, the machine's eyes flashed with light.

The purple light cluster held in his arms also flickered fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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