Chapter 170 The Wandering Moon

"Eternal day... Yongzhou..."

Zhang Shouquan couldn't help murmuring softly.

Standing in the earth command center of the four-nation joint moon landing operation, looking at the ever-improving sketch of the detection data simulation on the big screen in front of him.

His mood couldn't stop fluctuating.

if you can.

He really wanted to go back and continue to study the wooden box left by Yongri with the researchers, continue to study spiritual practice with Huairen and the others, and continue to study the expanded application of meteorite materials with the researchers.

Instead of being like this...

I just stared blankly at the detection results of the suspected planetary engine in front of me, feeling my eyes go dark.

No way, this question is too out of line!I really don't understand!
Zhang Shouquan felt a little confused as he looked at the increasingly clear sketch drawn with every corner detail after the detection data was collected.

Although he had expected it a few days ago when he saw someone smashing the meteorite, there is a high probability that Yongri's power will not be limited to the earth.

But when he really saw the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

He only knew that Yong Zhou's power might spread out, but he didn't expect it to spread out so much.

He thought that Yongri would just leave footprints on the moon and many planets, but he didn't expect to leave behind a propeller that could push the planets.

If you think about it in this way.

Then on Mars, Venus and even more other planets, will there be traces left by the same or even more exaggerated eternal day?

Could it be said that all the celestial bodies in the solar system are marbles that are allowed to be played with?

Could it be that the sun pattern logo of Yongzhou is not just sun worship, but is really inextricably linked with the sun?

Zhang Shouquan was silent and subconsciously timid due to the super-superior pictures and frightening associations.

He didn't do the psychological preparation he had made before, and he could only silently watch the astronauts on the big screen continue to carry out the exploration work according to the original plan.

In the silent radio channel, only the astronaut's breathing sounded.

Everyone silently watched the astronaut's next move through the synchronized video.

I saw him controlling hundreds of spider-shaped robots, preparing to try to drill and sample the shiny black man-made object according to the original plan.

According to everyone's assumptions, this action has a certain probability of drilling through the bright black matter and successfully sampling, or it may be broken by the light of the bright black matter just like the lunar rover controlled by Jerry before.

"and many more!"

After eating half a bag of milk candy, Andrew finally relieved his mood, and then subconsciously shouted.

Hearing this, the astronauts whose signal delay was only a few seconds stopped decisively, and the silence in the command center was also broken, and everyone looked at this man one after another.

"Perhaps, we should have due respect for the strong!"

"While the Yongzhou organization still exists, it would be too arrogant for us to try to study what they left behind without permission."

Andrew said seriously.

This man from the most arrogant and powerful country in the world has expressed such an idea at this moment.

And his two words made the entire command center look at each other in dismay.

Yes, Eternal Day still exists!
This ancient mysterious organization that runs through human history still exists!

Why do they dare to get their hands on this thing?
Is it because of the superiority in their hearts caused by being in the position of a powerful country all the time, so that they ignore this issue intentionally or unintentionally?
Or the benefits brought by Yong Zhou are so great that they are so jealous that they are desperate?
Or is it because Yong Zhou has always been too close to the people, and even left a piece of spiritual practice to be passed on to the world, so that they subconsciously feel that it was given to them by Yong Zhou?

However, at this moment, they have not actually obtained the consent of Yong Zhou who still exists.

In fact, it wasn't until this moment that they witnessed the horrifying remains of Yongri and saw the planetary engine with a diameter of 295 kilometers, and everyone was shocked by the majestic power displayed.

Such a meddling behavior may have some unimaginable consequences, which also made everyone who finally reacted subconsciously turn pale.

Weakness is the original sin, but arrogance is more likely to lead to disaster than weakness.

And they are downright arrogant and weak.

In front of Yong Zhou, they are ants who face the dragon.Not to mention resisting, even if he wanted to see the whole picture of Yongri, he had never done it so far.

If their behavior really offended Yong Zhou...

Think about it.

An atmosphere of silence and depression immediately enveloped everyone present.

Shocked by Andrew's words, Zhang Shouquan shrank his pupils and fell silent.

The astronauts on the moon were synchronously receiving the news from the Earth command center with a delay of a few seconds, so he, who also heard Andrew's words, couldn't help but stop at this moment.

The hand that was about to press the button also stopped in mid-air.

So... do you want to press it?

The astronaut twitched the corners of his mouth, listening to the discussion in the Earth Command Center on the radio channel, he couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

Looking at the huge Bailey crater in the distance, and thinking about the huge man-made objects hidden underneath, the astronauts naturally didn't want to press down.

He is here after all.

Press it to make the spider robot start drilling, and he may not be able to bear if some counter mechanism here is triggered.

Silent, he just wanted to say something.

A burst of purple brilliance lit up and shone within the entire range of Bailey Crater.

At the same time, the detection device of the spider-shaped robot, which has not yet been retracted, has also detected the drastic change and sent it back to the earth command center.

The earth command center under discussion was silent.

"Report, the seismic wave detection data has changed drastically, and the nature of the surrounding soil is changing rapidly!"

"It is reported that the electromagnetic wave and heat detection devices have changed, and a high-energy reaction is rapidly soaring under the Bailey crater! It is currently beyond the detection range of the spider-shaped robot."

"Report, Bailey Crater, which is wrapped in huge man-made objects, is cracking and falling off!"

All kinds of reports kept ringing.

In the real-time monitoring screen of the astronauts.

A large piece of the nearby lunar soil was cracked and peeled off, revealing the bright black man-made objects inside.

It was so spectacular that the astronauts couldn't help but stare blankly for a few seconds.

Until he started to stand a little unsteady, he immediately realized that this was a city-level crater that was constantly peeling off its shell.

This is completely a scene of natural disasters.

The world is collapsing everywhere in front of my eyes.

If you look at it from a higher perspective device such as a lunar exploration satellite, the huge Bailey crater is setting off countless dust.Layers of shell peeled off, revealing the bright black man-made objects that looked like jets.

Zhang Shouquan stared at the astronauts far away on the moon and shouted: "Run!"

This scene of peeling off the shell is already like a natural disaster, but it is nothing compared to the high-energy reaction detected just now.

The moon's core has long since cooled.

There is not much magma here, and there is no plate movement or magnetic field.

But now under such circumstances, there is actually a high-energy reaction underground.

Then the high probability can only be that this suspected thruster has begun to warm up and is ready to start.

This is a propeller with a diameter of 295 kilometers at the jet port, but it is much larger than a provincial capital of Shu.

What kind of glow and heat it will emit is simply unimaginable.

I'm afraid that even on the earth, you will see that glow shining in the universe.Even the area in the dark night will be lit up for a moment by the activation of this thruster.

At this moment, the astronaut is nearby.

If you don't leave, I'm afraid it will evaporate in an instant.


With such terrifying power, how far do you have to run?

After shouting to run quickly, Zhang Shouquan fell silent.

People on the earth have no other way to do this, but the moon is far away, separated by a distance of thirty diameters of the earth.

Astronauts are on their own.

While he was thinking like this, time waited for no one at all.

next moment……

A ray of light that was enough to shock everyone rose into the sky from the huge thruster nozzle.

There are countless energies and particles gathered in the thruster to form a huge white jet stream, and the light easily tore through the darkness of space.

This huge jet of energy didn't escape at all, and with the help of some unknown force, it stabilized into a beam of concentrated energy.

In the next second, in the observation data of countless detectors, the people in the Earth Command Center found that the moon seemed to have begun to shift slightly! ! !

This thruster is really a planetary engine!
Everyone was silent, horrified by the image of the moon being moved.

As the commander-in-chief, Deterin also stared wide-eyed, and swallowed his saliva watching the filming of "Wandering Moon" in front of his eyes.

Don't wait for him to continue reading.

Countless probes were destroyed by energy fluctuations in almost a second, and even those lunar exploration satellites orbiting the moon did not survive.

The people in the Earth Command Center immediately lost all vision.

I only saw the flash of light rushing up and the planet being pushed up, but I haven't had time to see more spectacular pictures.

They don't know where the moon will wander.

The picture on the big screen has turned into a black screen.

But just these pictures, just these miraculous pictures, are enough to make people feel incredible.

Everyone in the Earth Command Center also fell into silence.

Countless doubts and shocks flickered in my mind.

[This thing is actually a planetary engine? 】

[Although the diameter of 295 kilometers is large enough, can it really push the moon with only a jet port with a diameter of 295 kilometers? 】

[Why didn't the power of this thruster affect the surrounding area?Although there is only a momentary image, it can be clearly seen that the overall structure of the moon has not been distorted or broken, and the land around the propeller has not collapsed. 】

[What is the principle?How does it warm up and prepare so quickly?Under such a high explosion, what kind of energy does it use? ! 】

All kinds of doubts and shocks flickered in everyone's hearts.

Compared with their doubts, Zhang Shouquan had more things to think about at the moment.

Although they don't know the specific situation on the moon because of the loss of vision, Zhang Shouquan understands that there is a high probability that the astronauts will not be able to escape.

Such a glow.

It is not something humans can escape.

The jet stream rushing from the 295-kilometer jet is enough to evaporate a city.

This is the scene beyond most nukes.

Shining a magnificent scene never before seen in human history!
Even if he only saw it for a moment, Zhang Shouquan understood the horror of its power.

The planet is pushed...

The mighty power of Yong Zhou is displayed in front of his eyes.

Zhang Shouquan understood:
Their arrogant and unaware behavior seems to be responding at this moment.

The planetary engine turned on instantly, melting all offensive behaviors into the torrent of energy.

Gradually, Zhang Shouquan felt that the image of Yongri in his heart was becoming more and more lofty, and at this moment it seemed that he was formally and vaguely equal to the stalwart god.


And everyone's thinking didn't last too long.

In such an emergency situation, everyone just paused for a few seconds, and the next moment, all the people in the Earth Command Center started running immediately.

After the planetary engine was discovered and the moon was pushed, everyone understood what kind of huge impact it would bring.

Deterin directed the crowd to mobilize satellites and observation means that can observe the details of the moon.

They are eager to know the situation in the sky at this moment.

In addition, Detlin also mobilized monitoring data on geographical conditions around the earth.

The moon is very important to the earth.

Its gravity can balance and maintain the stability of the earth's climate and environment, and the tidal force it brings also has an important impact on marine life, coastlines and tidal power generation...

So even if the moon only moves a little bit, its impact on the earth will be super far-reaching, not to mention that it is not known where it will be pushed by the planetary engine like now.

Soon, the earth's observation data of the moon and the earth's observation data of its own geological environment changes were all collected.

After a little screening, what they can see now is displayed on the big screen:

In the astronomical telescope, the moon hangs in the sky well, as if it has not moved at all.There was no displacement, and no huge energy flow was seen on it.

In data such as the earth's environmental geology, the earth seems to have never been affected, and the tidal force brought by the moon has not changed much.

Everything seems to be just a dream.

It is the illusion of everyone in the command center of the earth.

It seemed that there had never been any thrusters, and it seemed that the moon had never moved.

Silence, I don't know how many times it fell on everyone in the Earth Command Center again.

"Is it a dream?"

Zhang Shouquan murmured softly, as if expressing the aspirations of everyone present.

Everyone was silent and didn't know how to answer.

But everyone vaguely understood that all this was not a dream!
The videos of everything they did before are still there, and their various lunar exploration equipment was actually sent up and destroyed by the energy impact.

and so……

This is the mighty power of Eternal Day, restoring everything to perfection.

Only they can do this!

So what is their reason for doing this?

What did they make the moon brake when it first started, and then return to the original place?
There was silence, and there was an exclamation from outside.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw a man in a spacesuit lying on the ground at the entrance of the conference room of the Earth Command Center, sleeping.

Apparently, this is the man sent to the moon.

Only Yongri has the power to transport people on the moon across a distance of [-] earths in an instant, and put them at their door silently.

At this moment, Zhang Shouquan understood what Yong Zhou meant.

Yong Zhou is driving their people back!

At the same time, this is also a warning!
For their arrogant and unaware of their weakness, Yong Zhou responded at this moment:

The moon is their forbidden zone!
 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for support!

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for support!
  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for support!
  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for support!
  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for support!
  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for support!
(End of this chapter)

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