Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 174 Ahead, but the abyss

Chapter 174 Ahead, but the abyss
After the rescue order was issued.

Yin Jing, Yin Shangwen, and Jiang Xihua jumped out of the car carrying some important luggage.

But Zhou Chongxian made a turn, pointed the car at the monster in scales and rushed over.

The roar of the engine.

A few black birds were startled over the jungle.

A reminder to all hearing creatures, too.

The child playing in the mud raised his head, and the monster in scales turned around, and both of them noticed the speeding car at the same time.

Toyota Prado has excellent off-road performance and a solid body.

When it picks up speed and comes oncoming.

It brought about a strong sense of oppression.

The child playing in muddy water ran away in a hurry, but the monster in scales did not avoid it at all.

This lizard-like monster stretched out its hands, facing the speeding car without avoiding it.

There was a sudden loud noise.

The lizardman was not knocked into the air as expected, but slowly stopped after rubbing his feet on the muddy ground, leaving two long marks.

The place where the front half of the vehicle touches the lizard man's hands is sunken, which is the deformation caused by the huge impact combined with the huge pressure.

Fortunately, the overall shock absorption and anti-collision performance of the vehicle is good, coupled with the protection of the airbag that popped up in time, so that Zhou Chongxian in the car did not suffer any injuries.

Seeing this, the lizard man was about to do something.

But he felt a sudden chill on the back of his neck, and bursts of cold air rose there.

Before it could think about anything, the cold gun barrel was aimed at its neck, and the trigger was pulled without any hesitation.

At such a close distance, half of the lizard man's neck was instantly shattered.

Followed by a long knife.

It penetrated from behind the neck like a hot knife cutting butter, and stabbed out from the front of the lizard man's neck.

This made its head droop, and its whole body collapsed weakly, lying motionless on the sunken hood of the car.

behind it.

Yin Jing, who was holding a small liquid nitrogen tank, and Jiang Xihua, who was holding a modified gun, breathed a sigh of relief.

There is almost no need to say much about this wave of small cooperation.

During such a period of getting along, Jiang Xihua has already established a tacit understanding with several teammates.

Yin Shangwen silently wiped away the blood splashed when he moved the knife.

Zhou Chong first attracted attention and wrestled with the car, and the three of them went around and launched a sneak attack. This whole set of movements can be said to be smooth and neat.

Without too much nonsense, the few people pulled out the knife from the monster's corpse.

When he came to the door, he used the long knife added with meteorite material to dismantle the door three times, five times and two times.

After pulling Zhou Chong out of the coma and confirming that he has no obvious injuries, the expressions of several people eased.

"Huh, what's the situation with this monster, can it wrestle with off-road vehicles?!"

Looking at the corpse of the monster lying on the hood of the car, Jiang Xihua murmured in shock.

Leaving aside the appearance of the human figure in scale armor, this terrifying power is simply shocking.

"Perhaps, this has something to do with the extraordinary."

While confirming Zhou Chongxian's vital signs, Yin Jing answered Jiang Xihua's question.

Although a group of them have been pursuing the traces of the extraordinary, in fact, this can be regarded as the first time they have encountered a real sign of the extraordinary.

"In fact, there is also the possibility of genetic mutation. Maybe this is a monster created by some scientific method, and it has nothing to do with Chaofan?"

Jiang Xihua approached the monster's body, looked at the wound on the neck that was not bleeding, and made a reasonable guess.

Immediately, Jiang Xihua turned around and stopped looking at the monster's corpse.

Instead, he squatted beside Yin Jing and said seriously, "Should we take this monster's body away?"

Although this monster seems weak.

But it is definitely a good material, and it may be of great help to them in exploring the extraordinary goal.

While the two were discussing, Yin Shangwen brought the child who had run away a little while ago to his side.

"Children, don't talk about today's affairs everywhere."

Yin Shangwen turned his face and stared at the child with a frightening expression.

It is impossible for them to kill and silence them, so they can only scare this child who may be from a nearby village.

"Forget about the monsters you met today!"

"Forget everything that happened today!"

"Absolutely don't talk nonsense everywhere!"

Yin Shangwen looked serious, trying to intimidate the seemingly underage child in front of him.

"But, I should have no chance to talk nonsense."

The child pointed around.

Yin Shangwen looked along suspiciously.

And this glance made his hair stand up for a moment.


A black flying bird flitted from the corner of the eye.

And in the center of his line of sight, it can be clearly seen.

Monsters in scales appeared in the surrounding jungle at some point, and they couldn't be seen clearly if they didn't look carefully.

A rough total, there are at least thirty or forty.

This made Yin Shangwen swallowed involuntarily.

When did they appear around?
Why didn't you notice it at all? !
A few people sneaked up and killed one just now, what should we do now that there are thirty or forty?
An urgent sense of crisis welled up in my heart.

Yin Shangwen didn't think that these monsters who approached quietly came to play house with him, and now everyone's situation seemed to be in danger.

Complicated thoughts kept flashing through Yin Shangwen's mind.

Jiang Xihua, Yin Jing, who were squatting on the ground, and Zhou Chongxian who had just woken up, heard the obscenities blurted out by the team leader Yin Shangwen, and followed Yin Shangwen's eyes suspiciously.

And this glance at the past made the three of them feel a chill in their hearts.

Zhou Chongxian's eyes widened, and at this moment, he felt that he might wake up in the wrong way.

Jiang Xihua's eyes widened in disbelief.

Where did so many monsters come from? !
Why didn't you pay attention just now?
When did he become dizzy and let down his vigilance to this point? !

Or does this monster actually have some means of concealing its figure?

All kinds of unreasonable thoughts flashed by.

But Jiang Xihua stood up immediately after doubting his life for a moment, grabbed the barrel of the gun in his hand and came to the captain Yin Shangwen.

No matter what, save your life first.

Yin Jing looked at the liquid nitrogen bottle in her hand, and silently stood shoulder to shoulder with the captain.

Zhou Chongxian also got up immediately, took out a gun from the car next to him and stood beside the captain.

A bottle of self-developed simple weapon that can spray frozen nitrogen to attack, two self-made simple rifles, and a long sword mixed with meteorite material.

Other than that, the four of them had no energy left.

The faces of the four were tense and serious, and they had suddenly become desperate at this moment.

This might be because they wanted to save someone, but everyone didn't have any regrets in their hearts at the moment, and they still faintly surrounded the child.

It's useless to talk too much, let's live first.


In a certain jungle in Vietnam.

A Toyota Prado off-road vehicle was parked motionless on a country road.

I saw that the front of the car that was supposed to be sunken was still intact at this moment.

It was as if he had never collided with any lizardmen before.

In the car, all the members of SEEKER sat there without moving, only the black ravens on their shoulders shook their heads from time to time.

Outside the car, Marlowe was leaning against the car and looking helplessly at the phone in his hand.

The goddaughter he had identified was asking him when he would go back next time.

Marlowe had no answer to this question.

It's really hard to take a vacation.

After he finished the vacation brought by the Perfect Nai Island incident, he has been busy almost all the time.

You must know that after the official deployment of the spiritual network, all members of Yongzhou have been busy for a while to arrest the abyss believers.

And I was assigned to the Southeast Asia branch, so I can only say that I really can't go back in a short time.

"After this mission is over, maybe I can relax a little bit soon."

Marlowe murmured, and smiled at the four people in the car who were motionless with their eyes closed.

As the senior who was sent to guide these chosen ones to join Yong Zhou, he was really looking forward to the joining of these people to relieve his pressure.

But according to the information he got.

These four guys seem to be talents, but as ordinary people, they can perceive the existence of Yongri and are on the road to pursue Yongri.

This point is even stronger than he was before.

So there is a high probability that these four guys will become colleagues who share the pressure with him in the future.

Thinking of this, Marlowe looked at his raven expectantly: "Raven 114514, how far have those boys progressed in the fantasy world?"

Hearing this, Raven 114514, who was standing on Marlowe's shoulder and licking fur, replied, "They are struggling under the siege of lizardmen. The kid named Jiang Xihua has already rushed out to clear the way for his teammates..."

"I remember the Raven Illusion assessment. We just need to see if the selected one has any idea of ​​helping others?"

Marlowe raised his eyebrows, slightly puzzled.

Before Yongzhou recruits people, background checks are necessary, and there is already a layer of screening for the ability and character of the selected candidates.

Then use the Raven Illusion to filter again from the character level.

However, the enrollment of this second batch seems to be somewhat different from his batch.

"The new decision discussed by the leader and the vice-president of the college includes the spirit of daring to resist in the assessment of the illusion, so the content of the illusion has been extended."

Raven 114514 answered Marlowe's doubts.

It is impossible for any recruitment rules to be set in stone all the time.

In consideration of reducing the workload of re-screening in Chenxi Academy and considering the pressure on members of Yongzhou in the future, the senior management of Yongzhou listed the spirit of resistance as a compulsory option before joining.

The spirit of rebellion means that when facing a powerful opponent, you must show your sword resolutely when you know you are invincible, and even if you fall, you will become a mountain and a ridge!

Even if you encounter insurmountable difficulties, you must face them bravely.Failure is not terrible, but what is terrible is not having the courage to face it.

This is the quality that members of Everlasting Day must have.

In the future, the erosion of the abyss will only become more frequent and severe, and the current tranquility is only a temporary illusion.

They always need members who know they can't do it.

Hearing this, Marlowe nodded.

He naturally knows what it means to do what he knows he can't do, and what it means to resist the spirit.

When facing Kun, he was left alone to deal with it.

When facing flesh and blood monsters, he also resolutely took over the most dangerous job of flying monster kites.

The future may become more and more dangerous, and those who join the eternal day must have awareness.

Thinking, Marlowe suddenly looked into the car.

I saw that the boy named Jiang Xihua had come to his senses and was groping himself up and down with a confused expression.

Apparently his illusion test is over.

Seeing this, Marlowe couldn't help chuckling.

Jiang Xihua's reaction reminded him of the past.

I think that when I died in the illusion, I was so confused after waking up suddenly.

And heard Marlowe's laughter.

Jiang Xihua obviously recovered from his confusion.

He looked at the comatose companions around him, and then at Marlow who was looking at him from outside the car, apparently he had already vaguely realized something.

Jiang Xihua got out of the car slowly and came to Marlowe's side.

Looking at the ravens on Marlowe's shoulders, and at the ravens on the shoulders of himself and his companions, Jiang Xihua pondered for a moment and said, "Just now, I seemed to be torn to pieces by a bunch of lizard-men monsters."

He narrates his experience.

Obviously those pains are so real.

But why is he still alive now?

Why are all the companions in a coma, as if everything just now was just a dream.

This made Jiang Xihua look suspiciously at the man in front of him.

He believed that he might be able to learn something from this man.

"hold on."

Marlowe didn't answer Jiang Xihua directly, but looked at the three remaining people in the car with their eyes closed.

He has to do more than lead the way.

If it is to lead the way, only using the raven is enough, and the ubiquitous Yongri force will even bring surprises to the chosen ones in the process.

It's just that the situation of the four people in front of them is a bit special.

Because it is still rare that all four people who can travel together are qualified to be selected, the superiors simply asked him to come over to supervise the whole process without any mistakes.

Not long after, the other three woke up one by one.

Looking at the reaction of the ravens on the heads of those people, Marlowe immediately understood that it was all passed.

Looking at the four people in front of him who were wary of him, Marlowe finally spoke:
"Actually, the illusion has already begun when you saw the black crow passing by."

"There were never any children, and there were never any lizardmen monsters."

Marlowe explained the doubts of several people.

Without waiting for a few people to react, Marlowe signaled the raven on the shoulders of those people to start the process.

The four ravens turned into golden rays of light, and then condensed into a sentence written in the air:
【Eternal Day Dawn Academy】

[President: Chen Sheng, the fourth-generation leader of Yongzhou]

【Dear Sir/Madam: We solemnly inform you that you have been approved to study in Yongri Chenxi College. 】

[If you agree to dedicate your strength to the bright future of mankind, please silently agree. 】

[Vice President: Sincerely Zhang Zihang]

This was a letter similar to an invitation letter, which made the four people who were full of doubts pause in place.

"If you agree, we can continue talking."

"But as a boring senior passing by, I want to remind you solemnly."

"The front is the abyss!"

Marlowe said, smiling.

This sentence can be said to be a metaphor, or it can be said to be a real statement of facts.

 I just left the hospital after taking care of the elders, my mind is in a daze, I don't know what to write.

  If the plot is a bit boring recently, please bear with me.

  I'll sort out what to write next tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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