Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 176 Kun classmate only wants to have the eternal day system

Chapter 176 Kun classmate only wants to have the eternal day system

The giant beast is like a fish and a bird.

It rises from the surface of the lake and returns to the water with a graceful arc.

When the splashing water was approaching the shore, it was blocked by an invisible barrier.

The crowds coming and going on the shore seem to be familiar with this.

However, many people who had just arrived at the headquarters because of the second batch of recruitment were dumbfounded, including Nora and Lucas naturally.

They subconsciously wanted to avoid the monstrous spray, but found that it was unnecessary.

this moment.

Countless thoughts flashed through the minds of Nora and Lucas.

Wasn't this monster defeated?
in their memory.

The monster was so huge and terrifying that they once thought that the aircraft carrier formation would not be able to solve it.

The terrifying size and sense of oppression made them think that the end of the world was coming.

However, when the everlasting Marlowe led the team to look for the monster, they found that everything was calm the next day, as if nothing had happened.

They thought that the monster was being suppressed silently, and they sighed at the horror of Yongri for this reason.

But now it seems...

This monster seems to have been incorporated?
The two thought for a while, and suddenly felt that Yong Zhou seemed to be more powerful this way.

There was a moment of silence, and the two stopped thinking about it.

They looked at where they were at the moment.

According to the introduction information given to them by the members of the Southeast Asia branch before coming here, this place is called Teleportation Square.

This is a vast field, and in front of it stands a stone tablet with the word "Yongzhou" written in inexplicable and magical characters.

At the back is a boundless lake with giant animals, and behind the stone monument in front is a valley surrounded by three mountains and hibiscus trees.

It is said that there is a larger plain beyond the valley, but the two people standing on this huge square cannot see the plain outside.

And in this teleportation square.

There are rows of secret realm doors that are always open on both sides, as well as a series of identity verification devices supporting the door, which is the origin of the name of the teleportation square.

Each Rift Gate is spaced far apart to make room for these resizable Rift Gates for future resizing that may be needed.

There is a sign in front of each secret door, which clearly states where the secret door will lead to.

For example, the gate of the secret realm that Nora and Lucas came out of had the sign saying "Southeast Asia Branch".

All kinds of people shuttle between the gates of the secret realm.

Nora's scrutinizing eyes quickly glanced over the signs with words such as South Asia Branch and North America Branch, and keenly discovered a sign that was not quite right.


ah? !Seriously?
Was this the moon she knew?

So, has Yong Zhou's power extended to this extent?
Everyone on Earth is vying for that bit of resources, but Yong Zhou has been able to drive all the branches directly to the moon!
This made Nora couldn't help but gasp at her discovery.

Sure enough, the more she understands Yong Zhou, the more she realizes that Yong Zhou is actually bottomless.

During these days of working for Yongri as a peripheral member, she only realized the ubiquitous tentacles of power in Yongri, but she didn't know that this vast network of influence was only the outermost and most superficial part of Yongri.

Eternal day is like an iceberg floating on the surface of the sea. You think the part above the sea is big enough, but what you don’t know is that it’s hidden under the deep sea, which is hundreds of times bigger than the part above the sea. , Thousands, tens of thousands of times the ontology.

In fact, the real eternal day is far beyond imagination.

She wanted to explore the headquarters, but Lucas, who was beside her, patted her on the shoulder.

"Let's go, no matter how curious you are, finish the business first. There should be opportunities to explore here in the future."

Lucas said to Nora with a smile.

He obviously saw Nora's curiosity and excitement.

The headquarters cave is naturally extremely miraculous, and many things in it can be exciting to study for a long time.

Even if he was able to calmly think about the way out in the face of the approaching giant beast, at this moment, he still couldn't bear the excitement and excitement in his heart.

Nora was shocked by the portal leading to the moon, so how could he not be shaken by the hibiscus tree that seems to run through historical myth and reality.

It's just that the warm light of the ten light clusters on the hibiscus tree comforted him, and his own reason was always controlling his own behavior.

As the second batch of students recruited by Chenxi Academy, most of them are only peripheral members of Yongzhou, and they are not qualified to come here at ordinary times.

Before formally passing a series of temporary assessments and joining Dawn Academy, those who have not obtained the preparation of reserve members do not have the qualifications and authority to run around.

If not, despite the fact that there is no protective and alert force in the vast surrounding square, in fact, the hidden magic circle to deal with foreign intruders is enough to evaporate everyone in an instant.

You must know that this is the headquarters of Yongzhou, and the teleportation square at the foot is also the transportation hub of Yongzhou.

Although there is not even a person guarding the gate of the secret realm here, in fact, various formations are everywhere, and it is not surprising that there are many hidden methods.

In fact, they were lucky to be able to come to Yongzhou headquarters to take a look.

The people here are all taking the internal referral route. Basically, they all know the existence of Yongzhou and have served as peripheral members under Yongzhou's command. After being recommended by Yongzhou's official members, they are qualified to participate in the recruitment.

Those members who were recruited based on background information and past experiences are all aware of the existence of Yongri for the first time under the operation of Yongri's various forces at this moment, and are shocked by Yongri's ubiquity, but they are not as lucky as them Get in touch with headquarters early.

Nora naturally nodded when she heard Lucas' words.

According to a member of the Southeast Asia branch and the precautions explained by them, the two headed towards the teleportation square and approached the gate of the secret realm marked "College of Dawn".

Outside the secret gate leading to Dawn Academy.

There are two men browsing information on a tablet, discussing something while browsing.

Vaguely, Nora could hear some strange sentences.

"Are you still studying?"

"There is still an alchemy exam today. I heard that those who fail will be criticized at the opening ceremony of the second batch of students."

"Hiss! Is it true?! Alchemy is to put cinnabar, Zengqing, alum stone, lead mother, and vermilion grass into the furnace, and then use rhinoceros horn to blend it? I remember right?"

"Rhino horns are not good. The artificially bred rhinos on the plains are not enough to use. The medicinal properties have not been developed yet, so don't use them indiscriminately."

"Then use ordinary rhino horn."

"What's the use of that? We still need to use the flesh and blood of the pseudo-undead attribute as the main material..."

"There will be some conflicts in this way?"

"You don't understand. The conflict is the conflict, as long as it works, it's like a bug in a program that can run normally. You can say that the program is not running."

Although Nora couldn't understand it, she thought it was very powerful.

Time passed quickly, and Nora and Lucas didn't wait too long here, and many people with ignorant and expectant eyes gathered here.

Apparently these guys are here for admissions.

Everyone is waiting quietly.


After looking at the time, the two people who were chatting suddenly became serious, and then one of them shouted loudly: "The referral members who participated in the second batch of recruitment of Dawn Academy, please gather here as soon as possible."

Hearing this, everyone lined up immediately.

Those who can come here are all dragons and phoenixes.

After all, most of the people who can be recommended by official members are excellent existences.

And the recommendation letter can be approved and come here, and Yongzhou has recognized his performance and past experience during working for Yongzhou.

Therefore, it goes without saying that these people are all high-quality and actively lined up.

But just as Nora and Lucas entered the queue, they suddenly heard the sound of water coming from behind.

They heard the reputation.

I saw that huge beast that looked like a fish and a bird suddenly soared into the sky and broke away from the water.

Then, under the horrified eyes of all the newcomers, his entire figure shrank rapidly in the air.

As if completely disobeying the conservation of mass, from a giant beast hundreds or thousands of meters long, it suddenly turned into a Q-version image less than one meter long.

Then, the shrunken behemoth fell beside Nora and Lucas.

This height has no effect on it, it can only make it bounce a few times on the ground.

Then, I saw it bouncing on the ground to the end of the line.

In response, the entire team fell silent.

Wait... Didn't you mean the collection of referral members who participated in the second batch of recruitment?
How could this behemoth...

Could it be that! ! !
This guy is actually part of the enrollment of Chenxi Academy? !
Everyone was a little shocked at the same time.

Before everyone could react, the voice of another of the two men sounded: "We will confirm and verify your identity here, and then issue exclusive ravens to you."

After the voice fell, a ray of light rose from under everyone's feet, and a magic circle pattern with complex lines suddenly appeared on the ground.

Everyone just felt a flash of being peeped and watched.

Although I don't know what is verified and reviewed by this blatantly extraordinary method, everyone understands that this is probably the so-called identity verification and confirmation.

The next moment, the magic circle disappeared.

In front of everyone, the secret door leading to Chenxi Academy began to flicker.

There were waves of ripples at the gate of the secret realm like a water curtain.

The next moment, a black cloud emerged from it.

After looking carefully, I found that hundreds of ravens flew out of it.

I saw the black cloud formed by these ravens spread out.

Each raven found its owner one by one and landed on their shoulders.

Nora looked at the raven on her shoulder, with a flash of excitement in her eyes.

She's been waiting for this for a long time.

Although this raven only looks like it has a few more golden lines than normal ravens, Nora can deeply understand the difference.

This is no ordinary creature!

This is a super pet!

It's a raven with spiritual abilities!

It is the partner of all Yongji members when they study, and it is also the partner of all Yongji members when they fight.

When Yong Zhou first entered Dawn Academy, he would distribute a raven to everyone for free.

Nora used to only know the existence of ravens, but because she didn't open her spirituality, she never saw the ravens of the regular members who appeared occasionally.

It's different now.

She was recommended by an internal recommendation to participate in this recruitment, and she has the raven that she has always dreamed of.

This made her look forward to the future.

Looking at the number on the raven's paw, Nora's eyes had a trace of sincere happiness: "Please take care of me in the future, Raven A1314."


And at the end of the line.

The shrunken Kun looks cute in painting style.

At this moment, Kun, who was wearing the raven distributed by the organization on his head, was as excited as these new students.

Going to school is really a strange vocabulary.

It has complicated emotions towards Yong Zhou.

500 years ago.

A beam of light penetrated the boundless world sea, and this beam of light seemed to be able to light up the surrounding infinite sea of ​​boundaries.

The power in it made him feel scared, and deeply understood the fact that he was just an ant.

And the sun pattern imprinted on the dragon's corpse after the golden beam of light disappeared was also deeply engraved in its young heart.

So after coming to Yong Zhou's territory, it chose to surrender without hesitation.

After cheekily expressing the idea of ​​joining Yongzhou, it was put under supervision by Yongzhou.

As a descendant, it has been actively cooperating with Yong Zhou's various actions.

Whether it needs to study its body tissue or need it to call the wind and rain, Kun has done everything to the extreme with all his heart.

Finally, today, all hardships come to an end.

Kun, who actively cooperated with Yong Zhou's various measures, was finally recognized.

It showed its hard work and was allowed to join the second batch of Chenxi Academy's enrollment.

In this regard, it is full of expectations.

The leader told him at the beginning that after it was recognized, it would teach it what it wanted to know and lead it to a higher realm.

But after staying in Yongtian headquarters for so long, Kun understood one thing:

It doesn't matter whether you become a demigod or not, the way to be a regular member of Yongzhou is the kingly way.

It clearly witnessed the scene where the members of Eternal Day were sent to the starry sky after death to become eternal.

Witnessing the promotion of the hibiscus tree, it has become an existence that it can't even understand.

Witness the return of the pioneers of the Eternal Day demigod level.

All of this shocked it, and made it understand the future of following Yongri.

In contrast, the abyss will only order it ruthlessly and squeeze it.

But Yongzhou here has stable and generous welfare benefits, and has a personal development space that makes it impossible to see the end at a glance.

Yong Zhou is the eternal big daddy!

The leader is the eternal morning star!
As long as he successfully joins Yong Zhou's organization this time, the demigod will not be its end.

Perhaps the true God is only its beginning.

It is obviously an innate creature raised by nature.

It is a super mythical beast that can travel through the sea of ​​realms when it reaches adulthood.

It is the vanguard sent by the abyss to invade.

But at the moment.

It is the amiable Kun classmate.

It is the second batch of students recruited by Dawn Academy.

Kun's biggest goal now.

It's a way to blend in with a regular member of Yongzhou in a safe and secure way.

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(End of this chapter)

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