Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 192 Mutated Marine Iguana?Nuke Godzilla!

Chapter 192 Mutated Marine Iguana?Nuke Godzilla!
With the burning of consciousness.

The fragments of the world where the dwarves live are driven by the reactivated Eternal Spear.

The brilliance that shines in the sky.

Breaking the path like an indestructible drill.

Chen Sheng and the dwarf clan's preparations for the past 20 years were all launched at this moment.

The spatial positioning ring is activated by the amethyst charge.

The boundary monument is still shining with the glow that has protected the fragments of the world for thousands of years.

Chen Sheng has no idea what will happen next.

Is it sinking somewhere in the infinite sea of ​​multiple worlds?Or are we still on the way to the material universe?
Although he believes in the efforts he and the dwarf family have made over the past 20 years.

But he really doesn't know the ending of the world fragment.

With his consciousness burned out, just like the last time he was in Aya's world, he returned to the time and space when he left after his consciousness dissipated.

In the cave of the eternal day headquarters of the material universe, he still maintained the posture of touching [Yuktrassil minimal version] with his fingertips.

Everything seems to have never happened.

It seemed that he had never left for 20 years, just spent the blink of an eye.

At this moment, time seems to have no meaning and is being easily manipulated.

The hibiscus trees rustled automatically in the calm wind.

Chen Sheng, who had just recovered his consciousness from the drifting fragments of the world, opened his eyes, and a brief sense of confusion in time and space flashed away.

But he soon came back to his senses.

Firstly, it was because he had experienced such a consciousness trip to another world.

Secondly, with his fifth-level spiritual power, such confusion is not worth mentioning.

Retracting his fingertips to touch [Yuktrassil: Minimalist Version], Chen Sheng narrowed his eyes while looking at the second fruit condensed on the tree.

Just like the time when I went to Aya's world, a fruit condensed on this small world tree again, a white and shiny fruit.

There was a strong and mysterious force of time and space condensed on it, which Chen Sheng couldn't quite see clearly.

There is no doubt that this fruit has special effects, but it is not known yet.

But even his fifth-level spiritual power level felt that the fruit, which was too advanced to understand, must have some extremely important function.

His intuition told him that it might not be needed now.

But in the not-too-distant future, there will be a day when its function will be known, and there will also be a day when it will be necessary to use it.

In silence, Chen Sheng looked at the headquarters where people were coming and going.

Suddenly, he found Bai Yu walking hurriedly towards the foot of the hibiscus tree.

Soon, Bai Yu came to him and handed Chen Sheng a document, which recorded a piece of news that was not simple.

This caused Chen Sheng's attention to move away from the second space-time fruit condensed on [Yuktrassil Minimalist Version].

It is not yet known when the world fragments will arrive in the material universe, and the specific function of the space-time fruit is still unknown.

So at this moment, the most important thing is the news reported by the subordinates: "Marine iguanas in the Pacific Ocean turned into giant beasts under the influence of nuclear radiation and awakening"

When he first saw the title of this document, Chen Sheng felt that he was suddenly aroused. Did he just annihilate a ray of consciousness and have a hallucination?

Damn, does the burning of consciousness affect the body?
How do you see Godzilla come true? !
Although Chen Sheng's first reaction was very confused.

But considering the recent related matters handled by the Discipline and Law Department and the Human Moral Safety Committee, Chen Sheng suddenly felt that there was a high probability that he was not hallucinating.

Nuclear radiation combined with awakening may indeed lead to some unpredictable results.

This made Chen Sheng silent for a moment, and then he continued to read with a serious mood.

According to the information on the file:

Within the Pacific Ocean, Solomon Burke, a formal member of Everday, encountered a giant monster when he invited new members to join the peripheral organization.

Although it is only a glimpse, the huge tail is enough to make people understand its whole appearance.

The owner of that hundred-meter-long tail must have a shockingly huge size.

After Burke reported the matter immediately, everyone in Yongzhou took the matter very seriously.

After all, a monster approaching a hundred meters with its tail is definitely not simple, and even Yong Zhou couldn't help but subconsciously pay attention to it.

Because Burke jumped into the ocean in time to collect, he obtained various biological traces and environmental data.

So let Yong Zhou have a reasonable guess about the origin of this monster.

Near the waters where the giant tail appeared, the levels of radionuclides such as tritium, strontium-90, cesium-137, cobalt-60, and carbon-14 seriously exceeded standards.

At the same time, some remnants of biological tissue found in the seawater allowed Yong Zhou to determine that the monster seemed to be a marine iguana, or it should be said that it was once a normal marine iguana of the Chordata phylum.

In addition, the spiritual network monitoring system also discovered a fleeting spiritual power fluctuation in that sea area at the time when Burke discovered the tail of the giant beast.

So, things become clear:

Under the combined effect of the radiation brought by the nuclear sewage and the power of awakening, a normal marine iguana was turned into a monster.

Nuclear radiation is a type of ionizing radiation.

When cells receive high-energy nuclear radiation, the electrons in the atoms are attacked.

It can break the phosphodiester bonds between deoxyribose molecules, or cause deoxyribose molecules to break down, causing DNA chain breaks.

It will denature the base molecules and lose their original function of carrying genetic information.

It will cause DNA-protein cross-linking, which will cause DNA inactivation and chromosomal malformations.

All in all, nuclear radiation will bring about mutations.

That is a mutation in an unpredictable direction.

Change the underlying information of life into a special form.

In most cases, the result of this kind of nuclear radiation mutation is only the death of the body, but now there is such a special case.

It was a marine iguana that became awakened when it encountered nuclear radiation.

Nuclear radiation caused it to mutate without dying, and the awakening power brought by the spiritual rules of the ocean tide added fuel to the process.

From this moment on, things began to develop in an unpredictable direction.

This is no longer a mutant marine iguana now.

Considering the possible effects of the awakening and the [-]-meter-long tail that has been exposed, it is probably certain that this is a nuclear Godzilla.

Its specific combat strength cannot be accurately judged for the time being.

According to Yong Zhou's rough judgment, this monster has reached the second level of spiritual power, and may have some additional super-standard nuclear power.

Overall, it doesn't seem difficult for Yong Zhou to solve it.

The returning ancestors in the organization have the ability to deal with this monster.

Even the first batch of seven members of their fourth generation Yong Zhou, in fact, it will not take long to break through to the second level of spiritual power.Fighting is not a problem.

The most important problem at present is to accurately find its location in the vast ocean.

Although this monster tentatively codenamed "Godzilla" looks very big, in fact, it can stand on most of the seabed with no head visible at all.

Finding a Godzilla in one of the planet's oceans is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Not to mention that this Godzilla never revealed any spiritual power after its awakening, as if its awakening only strengthened its physical body and assisted its process of mutation by nuclear radiation.

Without the fluctuation of spiritual power, even Chen Sheng would have difficulty finding Godzilla quickly.

What Yongzhou has to do now is to try to mobilize enough satellites, sea vessels, coastal monitoring stations, and people in sea areas around the world to increase his field of vision as much as possible.

To ensure that the existence of Godzilla can be discovered in time and solved.

Of course, in addition to this, Yong Zhou was also ordered to speed up the crackdown and punishment on the country that deliberately caused marine nuclear pollution.


In a Japanese ramen shop.

Nora used her chopsticks to stir up the ramen soup in the bowl with a little helplessness, and looked at Lucas who was eating the second bowl of ramen in front of him and couldn't help but feel a little helpless.

"It's really tiring to be rotated to the Disciplinary and Legal Affairs Department and the Human Ethics and Safety Committee recently."

Nora looked at the gradually getting late sky outside the window of the ramen shop and felt so sincerely.

Since the opening ceremony of the second batch of students not long ago, they, the second batch of students of Chenxi Academy, have been busy non-stop.

Except for laughing a little when she saw some seniors’ funny apologies at the opening ceremony, Nora had never smiled much until now.

Yongzhou's newly established Discipline and Law Department, Diplomacy Department, and Lunar Research Branch needed manpower. Their second batch of members barely studied at Chenxi College for a few days before they were sent to the three departments for internship rotations.

It would be great if I was assigned to a lunar scientific research position on a certain week. Not only could I go to the moon and see the world, but I could also do some slightly easier work.

After all, the Lunar Research Branch has some members, and it cannot be completely empty.

It's a pity that most of the second batch of members who have no talent in scientific research can only occasionally go to the Lunar Research Branch for rotation internships. Most of them still rotate internships in the discipline and law department and the diplomatic department.

Internship this week and return to school the next week.

Such a back and forth cycle has become the daily routine of all the second batch members.

It can be said that they have lived the life of full members early: that is, while doing the main work they are responsible for, they return to school regularly for in-depth study.

During this process, these human elites understood for the first time what it felt like to be so tired that they rolled their eyes.

During this process, each of them has made great progress, and can basically go directly to various departments to take charge of formal work soon.

It's just that before they take the mulberry pill and become full members, they are only preliminary members and can only continue to rotate internships for the time being.

"It's normal to be tired."

"Hurry up and eat more bowls of ramen while you are free now. Although I can't eat seafood ramen for the time being, at least the flavor is still the Japanese style you like."

"After a while, Senior Baitao will happily take us to arrest people again."

"We might not be able to eat for several days."

Lucas responded to Nora's complaint.

He, who has always been calm, understood that now it was best to seize the time to replenish his strength, or in other words, to seize the time to relax.

After all, they are the second batch of members who have been rotated into the Discipline and Law Department and the Human Moral Safety Committee this week, but they have a very heavy task.

Participate in the guidance of public opinion in various countries, conduct on-site investigations and calculate the spread and impact of nuclear sewage, cooperate with Kun and many nuclear pollution experts to deal with discharged nuclear sewage, supervise and investigate the nuclear energy control work of other countries, and investigate the principal and accomplices of the nuclear sewage incident...

Because of the recent incidents related to nuclear sewage, these are things that the disciplinary department and the Human Ethics and Safety Committee need to do.

It can be said to be quite numerous.

Kun, a classmate who had a good relationship with the two of them, took a group of experts in related fields to participate in and lead the cleanup of nuclear sewage.

The mission Nora and Lucas participated in was a joint mission with the rapid reaction force. The main mission details include:

Cooperate with the rapid response force to secretly arrest the principal criminals and accomplices involved in the nuclear sewage incident, and try them on the spot according to the regulations of the discipline and law department. They will be detained as experimental products of psionic technology, all personal property and political status will be confiscated, and various types of torture will be carried out. ...

During this process, the two of them have to cooperate with the Bai Tao team sent by the rapid response force to carry out operations, including but not limited to providing their current investigation results and conducting on-site trials of prisoners in accordance with the "Anti-Human Punishment Regulations" of the discipline and law department. .

Hearing this, Nora was about to reward herself with another bowl of ramen, when she realized that there was Aite himself in the Spark chat group in her mind.

According to the invisible rules within the organization, "Use the Spark chat group for serious business, and use modern communication methods for casual chats and other trivial matters," Nora knew that there was a high probability that she would have a new mission.

In a group named "Quick Reaction Force Team 2 - Bai Tao Group", the team leader Bai Tao sent a message to Etenola and Lucas.

[Bai Tao: @NOLA, @Lucas, you two come to the coast quickly, the coordinates are as follows: ****]

[Bai Tao: Recently, due to the multi-party operation of the Human Moral Safety Committee and the pressure of public opinion, the person in charge of nuclear sewage discharge is apologizing at the nuclear sewage discharge site that has been shut down a few days ago. 】

[Bai Tao: Captain Shou... ahem... The white-haired captain told me that I could try to trip that guy up and let him take a bath in nuclear sewage. 】

[Bai Tao: Now that he has just arrived at the place where nuclear sewage is stored, it shouldn’t be surprising if he accidentally falls into the nuclear sewage tank...]

Seeing this, Nora and Lucas couldn't help but raise their heads and look at each other.

For some reason, they also had the same idea as Team Leader Bai Tao.

After a moment of silence, the two decisively paid the bill and left.

Soon, they arrived at their destination according to the coordinates given by Team Leader Bai Tao.

I saw the group leader Baitao standing under the stage with a big grin, looking at the group of bowing craftsmen on the stage together with reporters from various countries.

Without a camera or microphone, he didn't look like a reporter, but he didn't seem to be noticed even among the crowd.

Nora and Lucas looked at each other, and then in tacit agreement, they let the ravens on their shoulders perform a spell to reduce their presence.

Then, the two of them stood next to Team Leader Bai Tao as if there was no one else around, facing the countless flashlights and cameras under the small platform on the coast.

"Team leader, what should we do next?"

Lucas asked quietly.

Although there are ravens that can reduce the sense of presence, they should not show their sense of presence too arrogantly. It is necessary to reduce the volume.

"The person standing in position C is today's target. According to the "Anti-Humanity Punishment Regulations" newly compiled by the Discipline and Law Department some time ago, it is a third-level anti-humanity felony. Later we will find a way to make it very natural. Fall into the nuclear sewage, and the few accomplices nearby will slowly concoct it later."

"You, the second batch of members, do not need to be responsible for the more difficult extraordinary events for the time being, such as the events related to the Abyss believers and the Awakened. It would be good to practice with these scum of society first."

Bai Tao said to the two people beside him.

Hearing this, Nora and Lucas nodded silently.

The two of them are not virgin bitches, and they understand that such people deserve to be punished.

The three of them stayed in the crowd of reporters and watched quietly as the bowmen on the stage apologized.

Suddenly, there was a huge sound breaking through the water in the distance.

This made everyone present subconsciously follow the prestige.

(End of this chapter)

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