Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 197 The way to survive is to follow the heart

Chapter 197 The way to survive is to follow the heart (please vote for me)
Wipe the sweat off his head.

There was a hint of excitement on Moriwaki Eriko's face, holding her mobile phone.

Because of the Godzilla incident, countless people in surrounding cities were quickly evacuated.

Many of them tried to go against the flow of people to where Godzilla appeared.

Some of them are simply curious about the existence of Godzilla, some want to shoot videos and become rich overnight, and some want to stick to their careers as media professionals...

Eriko Moriwaki is also one of them. In order to support herself, she is ready to take risks to shoot precious images of Godzilla.

At this time when the whole world is paying attention to Godzilla, once such an image is uploaded, it can harvest a wave of traffic like crazy, which is enough to change her daily difficult life.

It's just that most of the rebels like her have been found and intercepted by the people who manage order everywhere.

Only Moriwaki Eriko is different.

Her hiding place was chosen so well that it was not found by anyone else who looked like an official.

As a girl whose family was full of conflicts because her parents believed in a cult, Moriwaki Eriko found her own way of survival early on, which was to shoot things and make videos everywhere.

Some time ago, she planned to use the hot spot of nuclear sewage discharge into the sea as a gimmick to go to a ghost town where only a few people went to take pictures.

Then I made a video on the theme of the pain caused by nuclear radiation. I didn’t care whether my body would be worn down by the radiation.

As a result, Godzilla suddenly lands.

The parties responsible for organizing the evacuation did not expect that there were still people active in several nuclear-contaminated cities near the nuclear sewage storage base.

Those places are literal ghost towns.

Everything stayed at the moment of the nuclear disaster caused by the earthquake, as if only all human beings suddenly disappeared.

Vines climbed over the buildings and stretched into the car windows on the side of the road.

Except for the base where the nuclear wastewater left over from the disaster was stored, there is almost no trace of human activity in this large area.

As a result, Moriwaki Eriko's existence was ignored.

And this also gave Moriwaki Eriko an excellent opportunity to shoot Godzilla.

From the network that was soon disconnected, Moriwaki Eriko learned about Godzilla, and she immediately decided to take a first-hand account.

No one stopped me along the way.

Except for the continuous loud noises, missile trajectories across the sky, and fighter jet groups, Moriwaki Eriko's journey was relatively smooth.

Because this is a ghost town, the only nuclear sewage storage base with human activities was evacuated due to the appearance of Godzilla.

After arriving at a commanding height, Moriwaki Eriko found that she could finally see the entire nuclear sewage storage base from a distance.

There was a piece of land near the sea that was scorched black by the bombing, and the fire still filled the ground.

She could barely see the huge size of Godzilla when she looked at it.

This shocked and excited her at the same time.

She pointed her phone at Godzilla in the distance and began to focus, and skillfully shot the video.

After focusing dozens of times, she could vaguely see that the behemoth had three wounds on its body and was drinking swigs of nuclear sewage.

Obviously, this is the result of the previous loud noises, and human weapons are effective.

It's a pity that when she was climbing the mountain before, she didn't catch the trajectory of the LGM-30G ballistic missile across the sky in time, nor did she catch the real-time video of Godzilla being hit by modern firepower.

But this is enough for now.

It was enough to plunge people all over the Internet into a round of heated discussions again.

As long as the official does not release some images, then her only image data will be here.

Wait until you leave this area where the official signal has been blocked and you can't connect to the Internet.

She would quickly cut a few video clips and put them online as a preview, and then start the live broadcast immediately after gaining enough popularity.

This process will definitely make her wealth free!

She finally had the confidence to get rid of her parents and the couple who killed her brother and emptied the family's property because of their superstitious cult.

Moriwaki Eriko was thinking excitedly.

But suddenly he raised his head as he felt something was wrong.

She saw a spot of light shining in the sky, attracting her attention.

"This is……"

Before Moriwaki Eriko finished speaking, she couldn't help but paused.

A golden trajectory instantly penetrated the sky.

Then it quickly expanded into a huge golden light pillar that reached the sky and the earth.

The golden beam of light, which was so huge that it had a radius of several kilometers, suddenly stopped when it expanded to a few hundred meters away from Moriwaki Eriko.

The whole process happened so fast that Moriwaki Eriko didn't even react.

The hot wind blows in the face.

That was the hot wind caused by the compressed air of the rapidly expanding golden light pillar, not the energy of the golden light pillar itself that had escaped.

Otherwise, Moriwaki Eriko would just vaporize instantly.

When the golden beam of light slowly dissipated, when she finally recovered from the shock.

She discovered that the large nuclear sewage storage base had been reduced to nothing, and the raging Godzilla was completely missing.

Only a huge pit with a radius estimated to be several kilometers appeared in front of him, and the depth looked like an abyss at first glance.

It seems like an endless supply of seawater pours into the sinkhole from the sea, forming a huge seawater waterfall falling to the bottom of the sinkhole.

The earth, the buildings, Godzilla...

Everything was meaningless in front of the golden beam of light that suddenly appeared just now.

A piece of the ground was just gouged out without any hindrance.

To say it's a hot knife cutting butter would be an understatement.

This is completely like a laser cannon hitting a mosquito, or a two-way foil hitting Voyager [-].

Moriwaki Eriko's world view was greatly challenged at this moment.

Space-based weapons?

But this power is a bit too outrageous, isn't it? Current space-based weapons are only capable of knocking down nearby satellites with lasers, right?
She was silent for a long time.

Then, he immediately checked the images recorded on his phone anxiously to confirm whether he had recorded the exaggerated scene just now.

She was in such a hurry to confirm that she failed to press the correct button several times.

This made her not know for a moment whether she was shocked by the golden light pillar, or whether she was excited because of the possibility of recording this amazing thing.

a long time.

After taking a few deep breaths, Moriwaki Eriko finally clicked the replay button.

When the scene of the golden light beam spreading was played, her breathing could not help but stagnate.

When the video played to the sinkhole left after the golden light beam dissipated, she clenched her fists in excitement.

very good!

All captured on film.

Moriwaki Eriko excitedly took a few more photos of the sinkhole and recorded a few more videos.

Until the phone’s memory is almost full.

He put the phone away like a treasure and hid it in the middle of his clothes.

Then he turned around and left here without stopping.

She knew that this place would definitely become the focus of the world's attention soon.

Not to mention others, the military personnel who launched the missiles will soon take over here.


There were no obstacles in Moriwaki Eriko's way home.

Just as there was no one when she came, there was still no one when she returned.

After walking down the mountain road, he got into his own private car in the nuclear-contaminated ghost town and headed towards his rental house in the next city.

As the car drove into the bustling city, it was actually quiet.

The traffic lights were still flashing on their own.

But the town was deserted.

This place is like the nuclear-contaminated ghost town when she came, with no trace of human beings.But there is no spread of vines and erosion of time.

Moriwaki Eriko understood that people were quickly evacuated because of the Godzilla incident.

This is just a small town, or rather a habitable city near the nuclear-contaminated ghost town. In fact, they are all small towns.

So the evacuation was very quick.

With Yong Zhou's participation, there were not even a large number of crowded vehicles parked on the road, and everyone was evacuated in an orderly manner.

As a result, Moriwaki Eriko returned to her home smoothly.

Walking in a deserted neighborhood, stepping up empty corridors.

Soon, Moriwaki Eriko returned home.

After opening the door, Moriwaki Eriko was not in a hurry to go in.

Instead, he glanced at the empty room first, then squatted down quietly and gently lifted the carpet at the entrance.

After confirming that the cookies under the carpet were not broken, she stepped over the carpet with confidence and walked in before closing the door behind her.

It is a habit she has developed over the years to make sure there are no strangers breaking into her home before entering.Even though she desperately wanted to go back to the study to edit the video and prepare for the next traffic harvest, she did not forget to check the cookies under the carpet.

This is a habit developed by a girl who grew up in a family full of conflicts. This is a habit developed by a girl who moved out to live alone at a very young age.

But at this moment, after confirming that no one had come in, she excitedly took out her mobile phone and walked towards the study.

But he stayed where he was the moment he opened the study.

She saw a strange girl who looked similar to her, sitting on a chair with a lollipop in her mouth, her back to her, and controlling the computer in front of her.

After hearing the sound of the study door opening, the girl slowly turned around, took out the lollipop in her mouth and showed a kind smile: "Yo, you're back."

"I'm Yin Jing, may I meet you?"

The strange girl's words were very playful, but they made Moriwaki Eriko a little confused.

The military discovered her taking the video and sent someone to find her?

But is it so fast?
Or is it because the parents who believe in a cult have caused some trouble?Have the debt collectors caught up with her who is living in seclusion here?

After thinking for a moment, Moriwaki Eriko turned around and left without hesitation.

But a man appeared behind her and stood quietly.

He was looking serious, holding a photo book of her family in his hand and looking through it. There seemed to be a faint bulge on his waist.

Is it a gun? !
In just a moment, Moriwaki Eriko immediately concluded that she was invincible.

She wanted to quickly turn around and grab the strange girl behind her as a threat.

But as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was pushed hard to the ground by this strange girl.

In an instant, the world was spinning.

When she reacted again, Moriwaki Eriko found that she had fallen to the ground.

The process from taking action to falling was so fast that Moriwaki Eriko didn't react at all.

"Eriko Moriwaki, it's time to upgrade the method of placing cookies under the carpet at the door."

Yin Jing smiled and let go of her hand, signaling Moriwaki Eriko, who had been knocked down by her, to stand up from the ground.

Moriwaki Eriko stood up from the ground silently without saying a word.

She made no further moves, knowing that her struggle would most likely be useless.

She didn't want to respond to Yin Jing's words.

Moriwaki Eriko still doesn't understand the situation and doesn't understand the origins of the two people in front of her.

Because my parents have always been believers in a cult organization, in this island country, a country where various religious organizations have always been rampant, it is easy to participate in various political activities.So no matter what kind of killer or creditor, she wouldn't be surprised if anyone came to her door.

She knew her parents too well, and she knew too well that her life was fucked.Now she just wants to make money as soon as possible and then live in a foreign country.

For her parents, she had already gone from disgust to fear.

Some time before the nuclear sewage discharge incident, she vaguely heard that the cult where her parents belonged had undergone a series of major changes.

Then her parents showed up with people in the city near the remote nuclear-contaminated zone where she currently lives, scaring her into thinking that her parents were coming to find her.

Eriko Moriwaki went to a nuclear-contaminated ghost town to shoot a video. On the one hand, she wanted money rather than her life, and on the other hand, she wanted to hide from her parents.

But fortunately, they left here again in the end, and they didn't seem to be looking for her.

After being distracted for a moment, Moriwaki Eriko quickly came back to her senses.

"What... do you want to do?"

Seeing that the man had been reading the information and the woman had been staring at him with a smile, Moriwaki Eiriko didn't know what to do for a moment.

So she spoke first to break the silence.

"Let's not talk about the purpose of our coming here. You must have some ulterior motives for staying here when everyone has evacuated."

Jiang Xihua, who had been looking at the photo book, raised his head and glanced at the mobile phone held tightly in Moriwaki Eriko's hand.

He remembered that even when the woman was thrown to the ground, she refused to let go of the phone.

Could it be that this woman has any secrets?What does it really have to do with the Abyss believers?
This made Jiang Xihua frown.

He and Yin Jing turned out to be members of Seeker, and their main focus was to explore the traces of Yongzhi.

As a result, after exploring and exploring, he was packed and sent to Yongzhou to become the second batch of Chenxi Academy students.

This is their first mission outside of their rotational internships in the discipline and law department, the diplomatic department, and the lunar scientific research branch.

The task content is to follow several official members to investigate the behind-the-scenes factors of the island country’s decision to discharge nuclear sewage, and to investigate the influence of the Abyss believers in it.

This group of Abyss believers who have been brainwashed by the Abyss are happy to promote the discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea, thereby causing trouble for Eternal Day and mankind.

The Abyss believers secretly hid behind the scenes, and through layer after layer of relationships or one special method after another, they prompted a group of high-level officials who had the intention but did not dare to make the decision to eliminate the sea.

After the members of SEEKER were all packed up to Yongzhou, it can be said that their abilities have undergone earth-shaking changes.

During this period of time, the investigation of the Abyss believers was in full swing.

On the line he was responsible for, he had already been connected to the Unification Church through the connections of a certain nuclear sewage discharge official, and then he had investigated everything about this sect called the Unification Church.

What is now certain is that the parents of Eriko Moriwaki are accomplices of the Abyss believers.

Although he is not an abyss believer, judging from his various behaviors, he has definitely violated at least the first-level felony against humanity stipulated in the "Anti-Humanity Punishment Regulations".

Their location has been handed over to members of the rapid response force for arrest, and they are ready to be taken back to the disciplinary and law enforcement department for trial and processing.

Before Jiang Xihua came here, he had initially ruled out the possibility of Moriwaki Eriko being involved in this matter through her various background experiences.

After all, Moriwaki Eriko had been at odds with her mentally challenged parents who believed in cults since she was a child. Because her younger brother was indirectly killed by her parents, she even decided to move to this remote place as an adult.

But considering that it is relatively close to the place where the nuclear sewage discharge incident occurred.

Jiang Xihua and Yin Jing went to Moriwaki Eiriko's house and prepared to conduct an in-depth investigation for confirmation.

Originally, the two of them didn't find anything, so they were ready to leave quietly.

But seeing the sudden return of Moriwaki Eriko, she was so concerned about her mobile phone.

Jiang Xihua couldn't help but narrowed his eyes slightly.

Could it be that……

Did you make a mistake in your judgment?


As the golden light beam dissipated.

After the shock.

The nearest American ground troops began to send people to slowly approach the kilometer-deep sinkhole.

At the same time, they separated more than half of their troops and began to spread to the surrounding area, preparing to draw a cordon that would not allow anyone to approach.

Because most of this circular sinkhole is on land near the coast.

As for the small half located on the sea surface, there is no need to worry about anyone approaching from the sea.

Because the fleet headed by the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier is approaching here on the sea surface, and is preparing to join forces with multinational fleets to conduct a joint blockade of the surrounding waters.

When the four countries that had jointly landed on the moon began to blockade the area, almost no one in the world could break through the blockade.

And after making preparations for various warning blockades.

Scientific researchers from the four countries that had previously jointly landed on the moon started from the coast of China and used the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier as a transfer springboard. They arrived at the surrounding area of ​​the sinkhole within half a day.

They put on chemical protective suits and began various researches.

Various observation instruments were set up around the tiankeng, and drones were used to observe and sample the edges of the tiankeng.

Because of the rising water levels at the bottom of the sinkhole, they used underwater exploration equipment to conduct research.

Soon, a series of data results were obtained.

First of all, it is certain that Godzilla and a large area of ​​nuclear wastewater storage tanks are missing.

Under the ultra-high-energy attack, they couldn't resist at all.

After all, the energy level of this attack was too strong, and it was impossible to guess the specific power level based on various remaining traces.

But just looking at the expressiveness and control is enough to illustrate the problem.

The second and most important point is the changes in nuclear radiation here.

Under that blow.

Not only are Godzilla and the nuclear sewage storage tank missing, but the nuclear radiation has also been eliminated.

This is almost the same as using hydrogen bombs to eliminate nuclear radiation.

The last step is to investigate the source of the attack.

The officials of the four countries tacitly understand that this is probably the power of Yongji. If it were the technology of other countries, the world would have been turned upside down long ago.

They actually wanted to know where the Sword of Damocles hanging above their heads was and what its specific form was.

At first they wanted to investigate.

It's a pity that due to technical capabilities and fear and awe of Yongzhi, in the end they silently decided to ignore the death hanging above their heads.

However, during this period, the Xunzhou Bureau quietly applied for diplomatic permissions.

Then he got in touch with Nagari's Communications Office in China, which is located in the concentrated area of ​​the Kyoto consulate.

Suddenly I saw such a big treasure of Yongzhi, why don't I immediately contact him to prove my obedience?
They asked Raven 1001, the eternal day envoy, some things: For example, was Godzilla's final fate completely turned into ashes?For example, does the land where the sinkhole is located need to be permanently sealed?For example, does the handling of the awakened ones require more support from them?For example, is there a need for some basic but complete science and technology system?
The main theme is don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask.

The main theme is to show extra attentiveness no matter what.

There is something to be said for being a good person, they just want to have a relationship with Yong Zhou.Can they ask about a big killing weapon like the golden beam of light?
The way to survive is to follow the heart.

(End of this chapter)

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