Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 199: The Great Sun God?No!Magnetic Martial God!

Chapter 199: The Great Sun God?No!Magnetic Martial God!
Regarding the follow-up treatment of incidents such as Godzilla and nuclear sewage discharge into the sea, the huge machine of Yongju has already begun to operate.

Everything is gradually coming to an end.

In addition to providing subsidies to many people who were persecuted because of cults under Yong Zhou's management, there are actually many details that need to be dealt with.

There is so much to do.

For example, many members of Everday in the island country are assisting the island country, whose political arena has been cleaned up, to organize the people who have been evacuated because of Godzilla to go home.

A series of reasonable expenses incurred during this period were always forcibly deducted from politicians who were involved in the nuclear sewage incident but not guilty of death, and the people were overreimbursed.

As for the public relations department, they are discussing how to explain the Godzilla incident to the public.

The current external claim is that nuclear pollution caused Godzilla to appear, and the military used secret space-based weapons to defeat Godzilla.

The four most powerful countries on earth will then endorse so-called space-based weapons.Even if most people don't believe it, they still have to believe it.

The four most powerful countries have jointly declared this truth. When the warring area will be blocked for a long time in the future, the people will believe this truth over time.

However, the specific external propaganda caliber will take some time to be compiled and unified. People around the world are still waiting for the news.

Some members of the second batch of Dawn Academy students are following the official members of the rapid response force to investigate and eliminate the Abyss believers behind the island country's nuclear sewage discharge incident.

This incident involves the political arena of various countries, many capitals in the West, and many religions in East Asia.

Those Abyss believers who were further severely punished because of the spiritual network tried to hide among these forces and quietly create obstacles for humans and Eternal Day.

The discharge of nuclear sewage into the sea this time was also their fault.

After this incident, Yongzhou launched a massive crackdown.

After the investigation is clear, a series of activities will be carried out forcefully.Following the clues one by one, some Abyss believers were captured.

As for the many capitals and political arenas of small countries that harbored filth and evil, they were all cleaned up by Yong Zhou.

As for cults, they will attack them without mercy.

The entire East Asia region, where cults are rampant, has gone from surviving to a sudden death due to this deeper attack.

After the cult is eradicated, the scope of the evil caused by the cult will be determined, and then the funds obtained after the eradication will be used to give back to the poor people in the area and improve the welfare benefits in the area.

for a while.

People in peninsulas, island countries, and a large number of areas along the coast of Southeast Asia have clearly felt that their daily lives have suddenly improved.

If the measures that Yong Zhou has been working hard to improve people's livelihood and welfare are slow and silent, then after the influx of a large amount of cult funds, life has improved visibly to the naked eye.

In short, this Godzilla incident and the nuclear sewage discharge incident involve more than just island countries.

The huge machine of Yongzhi is running for this matter all over the world.

It has long been the giant Yongzhi.

Even handling such a huge amount of work is easy and there is no need to worry.

There is a clear division of labor in all aspects.

Everyone is busy.The heads of the major branches are coordinating and managing local activities, and several captains of the rapid response force are also trying to manage complicated matters. Chenxi College sent a large number of students to participate in this incident, and the discipline and law department is even more busy because of this incident. .

But when everyone below is busy.

As a leader, Chen Sheng could actually be said to be free.

him at the moment.

He was sitting cross-legged under the hibiscus tree in the cave of the headquarters.

On Chen Sheng's legs, the Eternal Spear, which had shown great power in the outside world with just a trace of insignificance, was quietly lying there.

There was an unstoppable smile filling the corners of his mouth.

Today is undoubtedly a good harvest day.

The Eternal Spear brought the fragments of the world to him across the sea of ​​multiple realms.

In the midst of this, even the powerful people with fifth-level spiritual power dare not say that Chang Yun was lucky to be able to return safely to the chaotic area of ​​​​the multi-realm sea.

Such success means that in the future, the consciousness will go to another world through [Yuktrassil: Minimal Edition].

You can try to recover the organizational heritage located in those other worlds and bring it to the material universe.

In addition to such iconic significance, he was even more surprised by the substantial rewards he had received so far.

Eternal Spear, Boundary Monument, Dwarf Clan, Runes, World Fragments, Chaos Energy Amethyst, Space Positioning Ring...

At this moment, the Eternal Spear is in his hand.

The dwarf crypt, the fragment of the world that carries the remaining information, is floating in the low-Earth orbit of the earth, hiding its figure in its own unique way.

Yong Zhou's foundation will undoubtedly improve dramatically after this time.

But not before taking stock of those gains.

Chen Sheng still has one important thing to do.

Thinking about it, Chen Sheng had an idea in his mind.

The next moment, a blurry and transparent mini Godzilla body appeared in front of Chen Sheng, like a translucent crystal doll more than one meter tall.

Compared with the extremely scary state before, Godzilla now looks very delicate.

That was the Godzilla who was born with the Holy Spirit and should have been killed by the Eternal Spear.

However, the power of the fifth-level spiritual power level has entered a stage where it is gradually becoming fantasy.

Under the extremely outrageous micro-management, the majestic power of the Eternal Spear did not bring any attack attributes that endangered spirituality, but only penetrated and obliterated Godzilla's body full of impurities and radiation.

Before Godzilla's spirituality was about to be blasted to smithereens by a trace of the Eternal Spear's charm, Chen Sheng used great power to store it in its spiritual state.

Now, Chen Sheng released it naturally because of his original idea: to subdue it as a sacred beast to protect religion.

Spiritual perception pervades the past.

Chen Sheng discovered that Godzilla in his spiritual state is more special than any other creature.

Spirituality is composed of many vague and metaphysical concepts such as intelligence, understanding, wisdom, perception, soul, spirit, will, true spirit, etc.

The spirituality of most living things is invisible.

Only the spiritual power of the fourth-level spiritual power level possesses some vague shapes and appearances.

But Godzilla at this moment.

But it actually has an exquisite appearance.

Obviously, just like Chen Sheng's previous perception, this represents Godzilla's potential. Before it grows into a fourth-level true god at the target planet level, its path has always been unobstructed.

Chen Sheng thought and continued to feel deeply.

Godzilla in his spiritual state can be seen clearly in Chen Sheng's eyes.

The special ray of budding planet consciousness in his body serves as an extremely special component in Godzilla's body.

That state of mixture of planetary consciousness and innate spirituality gave Chen Sheng a more complete understanding of Godzilla's existence.

Godzilla is planetary consciousness.

Planet consciousness is not Godzilla.

This is a very miraculous and special state. It is actually somewhat inappropriate to describe it with the innate Holy Spirit and planetary consciousness.

But no matter what, this is a good seed suitable for embarking on the extraordinary path.

Chen Sheng vaguely understood.

It is this planet that instinctively prompts the birth of such Godzilla, allowing it to carry the will of heaven and earth and grow to the point where it can run rampant in troubled times in the future.
The planet senses possible chaos.

This is a self-protection measure for its investment.

After realizing this, Chen Sheng knew that the process of conquering Godzilla would not be difficult.

When he upgraded to the 4th level of spiritual power, he vaguely noticed that the instinctive planetary consciousness had an affinity towards him.

Therefore, it is most likely not difficult to conquer Godzilla.

Thinking and studying for a moment, Chen Sheng began to stimulate Godzilla who was in a state of silence.

After being hit head-on by the Spear of Eternity.

Even if he only faced one ten thousandth of the power of the Eternal Spear for a moment, it still left Godzilla with a psychological shadow on the entire beast.

Out of self-preservation, it curled up its consciousness and fell into a state of suspended animation.

But in fact, in the eyes of most people, Godzilla who has lost his body is basically really dead.

But in Chen Sheng's eyes, being spiritually intact means that he is not dead yet.

Those organizations who had sacrificed their weak, involuntary spirituality, or whose spirituality was damaged due to attacks by spiritual creatures, Chen Sheng was unable to resurrect them in the world.

But Godzilla who has merged with the consciousness of the planet is different. His spirituality is already like the structure of a true god with a fourth level of spiritual power, with his own shape and vague and weak perception.

Like Xuanzang who came into contact with the demigod realm, it can be resurrected by Chen Sheng.Because in Chen Sheng's eyes, they are not completely dead yet.

It's just reshaping his body, so it's not a big problem for him.

While Chen Sheng was thinking this.

Godzilla's spirituality was stimulated to awaken.

But the moment he opened his eyes, this ray of Godzilla's spirituality couldn't help but feel frightened. The powerful fear made him fake death again in the next moment.

Because as soon as it opened its eyes, it saw the Eternal Spear with a familiar aura, calmly placed on the legs of the man in front of it.

Just look at the Gun of Eternity.

Memories flooded out subconsciously.

The power of the fifth-level spiritual power level weapon, even if it is in a damaged state, has a trace of aftertaste.

It still makes it unforgettable for a long time, as a little monster with the peak level of second-level spiritual power.

With the consciousness of the planet fused into its own body, it has more perceptive abilities than most creatures, and can clearly see the gap between it and the eternal gun as wide as heaven and earth.

That is a chasm, a chasm.

It is an absolutely uncrossable dimension.

Even Mother Earth, which gave birth to it, seems to be nothing in front of this eternal gun.But before it could fake death, the man holding the Eternal Spear forcibly maintained its consciousness.

This makes it unable to close its eyes even if it wants to.

She could only tremble and watch the man slowly approach her.

After a while, the man stretched out the eternal spear in front of it, which it was extremely afraid of.

With eyes that were so frightened that he almost fainted, he slowly said, "Do you want to join Yong Zhou? I can give you this toy to play with."

This is a spiritual language that can be understood by any intelligent being.

The content of the words is soft and full of temptation like the devil.

In response, Godzilla suddenly felt his heartbeat.

Although some of the emotions of Mother Earth in the body cannot determine its thinking, it can be said to be quite exciting emotions that affect it.

It seemed that Mother Earth wanted to let her get close to the man in front of her.

In addition, Godzilla himself was also seduced by the words of the man in front of him.

Can you play the Eternal Gun if you join? !

Respectful and fake? !
Godzilla looked at the Eternal Spear so close at hand, and his body in a spiritual state couldn't help but tremble a little.

It doesn't know if it's fear or excitement,
"Join Yongzhi, little one."

Chen Sheng smiled and casually threw the Eternal Spear in the direction of Godzilla.

This made Godzilla tremble and want to run away.

But it was restrained by Chen Sheng and could not move. It could only watch helplessly as the Eternal Spear fell into its little paws, and then grabbed it without any trouble.

Even in its spiritual state, it still holds the spear of eternity.

But that’s not what Godzilla is focused on.

When he realized that he had grasped the Spear of Eternity, an extremely complicated feeling came over him.

It doesn't know what it is.

But Godzilla can clearly feel that there is happiness and excitement in this complex feeling.

It understands that it still wants to hold it!
So, Godzilla quickly stared at Chen Sheng with earnest eyes.

"Relax your mind completely."

Chen Sheng smiled slightly when he saw this, and his strong spiritual perception poured into Godzilla's spiritual body.
Without resistance, it let go of Chen Sheng everywhere.

This allowed Chen Sheng to easily leave a trace of his own breath in the deepest part of his body where spirituality and planetary consciousness combined.

This is a necessary limitation.

After Chen Sheng's imprint was left on the lowest level of spirituality, they could no longer resist Chen Sheng.

Kun, who also had unlimited potential in the organization, was also restricted by Chen Sheng in this way.

Moreover, Godzilla's low intelligence was boosted by Chen Sheng at this moment.
Soon, Chen Sheng's spiritual perception exited Godzilla's spiritual body.

Looking at Godzilla who could be said to be one of his own, Chen Sheng smiled and waved his hand.

The hibiscus tree above my head immediately sprung up automatically in the absence of wind.

A few branches fell off, and hundreds of mulberries fell straight down from the tree.

On the small sapling-like [Yuktrassil Minimalist Version] at his feet, there were even a few rays of silver energy rich in the power of time and space spontaneously emerged.

The next moment, these extraordinary substances condensed together.

Melts and blends into a colorful mass.

Then, this colorful mass merged directly into Godzilla's spiritual body.

At this moment, the rays of light flickered.

Godzilla, who had lost his body, began to manifest a new body out of thin air.

This is undoubtedly a big deal.

The hibiscus tree itself is a plant with a fifth level of spiritual power, and [Yuktrasiel·Simplified Version] does not know its specific level.

Using these extraordinary substances as materials, it can be said that Godzilla suddenly had an extraordinary starting point.

Just this new body allows Godzilla, who has integrated spirituality, to reach the peak of the third level of spiritual power.

This kind of operation seems to be able to produce strong ones in batches, but in fact it cannot be done all the time.

Spirituality is the essence of everything.

If he extracts the spirituality of many other Yongzhi members and integrates it into this body, which is at the peak of the third level from the beginning, the result will only be that the weak spirituality will be trapped and annihilated in this body.

It was also because Godzilla's spiritual strength had reached the prototype of the fourth level of spiritual power early that Chen Sheng could strengthen it in such a manipulative way.

Not long after, all the special effects dissipated.

The two-meter mini Godzilla body stood quietly in front of Chen Sheng.

This new body is completely different.

Since Chen Sheng created a new body for him, he would not be limited to the original shape.

He tapped into his artistic side a little bit.

The original blue inverted triangular dorsal fin of Godzilla has been completely changed into a crystal clear shape that looks like solidified flames.

Its overall body, including its neck and head, has become thicker, and its two short forelimbs have also become slightly thicker and larger.

Through this new body, Chen Sheng can see that Godzilla's spirituality is adapting to this body.

Not long after, the brand new Godzilla in front of him opened his eyes.

Although only two meters high.

But it has unprecedented momentum.

Compared with the previous one, it is completely different.

This is because the nature of the material used to shape his body is too high. If Godzilla's spiritual nature were not high enough, he would not be able to control it at all.

"I'm smaller, but stronger!"

Godzilla unskilledly used the spiritual knowledge left in his body to try to mobilize his mental power to vibrate the air and make a sound.

"You still need to adapt to your current body."

"Although the materials that make up your body are not many, they are essentially more advanced than your planet mother."

"From today on, you follow me and learn the power of the sun to realize your body's full potential and your strengths as a planetary consciousness."

Chen Sheng said and pointed the eternal gun at Godzilla.

The next moment, even Godzilla, who had reached the peak of the third level of spiritual power, was sent to the vicinity of ten small sun light groups on the fuso tree without any resistance.

A warm and genial light shone upon it.

A stream of special information and insights also poured into my mind during this process.

This makes Godzilla constantly feel that his spirituality is sublimating, and countless knowledge is rapidly enriching it and uplifting its essence.

As a planetary consciousness and a born Holy Spirit, it possesses extraordinary understanding, and it immediately begins to realize the Tao when taught by its owner.

Standing next to the prototypes of ten little golden crows, Godzilla is almost as if he is sitting in the sun and realizing enlightenment.

In addition, the body itself has the power of hibiscus tree.

In addition, the nature of its planetary consciousness is somewhat consistent with the way of the sun.

So, Godzilla feels...

I realized it myself!I understand!

The way of the sun, so it is!
It began to have powerful power fluctuations on its body.

The unfamiliar power of the body was immediately mastered, and its spirituality, which was not completely consistent with the body, fit perfectly at this moment.

And it is still improving its aura.

It has sufficient potential both physically and spiritually, and at this moment it launches a charge towards a higher realm.

The path of the demigods looms open in front of it.

That's a new way to touch and try to master the rules!
Godzilla saw his own path in the infinitely majestic essence of the sun!
In an instant, everything in the entire headquarters cave that was lower than Level [-] began to faintly shake.

And Chen Sheng looked at Godzilla who was beginning to come into contact with the rules and become a demigod.

Looking at the flame-like dorsal fin behind its new image, a trace of electric light began to flash.

But his face darkened.

Having a second demigod in the organization would have been a good thing.

However, as a fifth-level spiritual powerhouse with the status of Lord of the Stars, he originally expected Godzilla to have an epiphany and become the Sun God who was in contact with the essential rules of the sun.

The Lord of the Stars wants a star as his younger brother. Isn't that too much?

But Godzilla seems to have only taken a fancy to one of the rules among the infinite sun essence displayed by the ten little golden crows.

"I asked you to learn the nature of the sun, why did you only focus on part of it?"

"It seems that there will be no Sun God in the future, only the Magnetic Martial God."

Chen Sheng twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly.

Could it be said that Godzilla, who can remotely set off real fire from the sun, will never be seen in the future?

We can only see the berserker fighting against the human Ola Ola Ola with his face close to his face?

 Recommend a good book. I really like to read this fan novel. The protagonist uses the world government as the foundation to conquer all the worlds.


(End of this chapter)

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