Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 201 How can I, Drif, be so virtuous? !

Chapter 201 How can I, Drif, be so virtuous? !
Diplomacy usually means that in order to realize its foreign policy, a country establishes embassies in each other's capitals, sends or accepts special missions, visits from leaders, participates in international organizations such as the United Nations, participates in governmental international conferences, and uses negotiation, communication and the conclusion of treaties. and other methods to handle its international relations activities.

Behind diplomacy, it relies on strong enough strength to support it.

As Yongzhou's foreign minister, Xuanzang had full confidence in Yongzhou's strength.

Even though this is the newly born fourth generation Yongzhou, it still possesses extremely powerful power and is recovering its strength at an absurdly fast rate.

He is also confident about his future responsibility of communicating with humans and races from other worlds, having the experience of traveling to the west.

However, this is the first activity since the establishment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In fact, strictly speaking, it is not diplomacy at all.

The task given to him by his master was to place 314 dwarf members.

This is not so much diplomacy as accepting refugees.

Moreover, these dwarves once had a deep relationship with Yong Zhou, but now they are just returning to Yong Zhou's arms, which is not diplomacy.

But despite this, he will seriously follow the instructions given by his master.

The first is the residence of the dwarves.

According to the leader's previous plan, the great plain outside the headquarters' Dongtian Valley could be used as a residence for various different races in the future.

So Xuanzang, after discussing with Bai Yu, Yongzhou's chief steward, finally planned a residence for the dwarves based on their number and various needs.

To this, Dreif, the leader of the dwarf clan, fully agreed.

Only a fool would disagree with being able to live in such a dreamlike place.

They don't miss the desolate area that has been wandering in the sea of ​​multidimensional worlds for countless years.

If it weren't for the amethyst crystals transformed into chaos by boundary monuments, it would be a big problem for them to even meet their own food needs.

But here it is different.

The huge hibiscus trees and vast lakes in the distance are extracting and transforming usable spiritual power from the ocean of spiritual rules at all times and spreading it into the air.

The spiritual energy permeating the air is extremely rich, and it is particularly righteous, gentle, and easy to absorb.

By staying here, the spiritual power absorbed involuntarily is enough for people to avoid eating.

If you stay for a long time.

It can even slightly optimize your physique in a small way.

This place can be said to be a paradise, a thousand or ten thousand times better than the place where the dwarves stayed before.

Even though they were just a group of stinking blacksmiths who once lived in dark caves all day long, they still fully yearned for a better living environment.

Therefore, everyone in the dwarf clan is excitedly discussing their future life and staying on the land planned for them by Yongzhou to discuss building houses.

The personnel sent by Yong Zhou to help with the construction were left aside. Apparently, the dwarves planned to build the house themselves.

Derif, the current leader of the dwarf clan, continued to follow Xuanzang to visit Yongzhou, and listened to Xuanzang's explanation of the arrangements for them.

While heading towards the valley, Xuanzang introduced eloquently:

"Yong Zhou will make arrangements based on the different personalities and abilities of your dwarf clan."

"Those who are good at weapon refining will be assigned to the Lunar Research Branch, those who are good at combat will be assigned to major branches or rapid response forces, and the rest will be assigned to some civilian positions."

"But before that, you need to study with the second batch of students from Chenxi Academy and conduct systematic study under the guidance of Yong Zhou."

"Those who cannot pass the studies can only live a normal life and will not become full members."

Yongzhou has always implemented a meritocratic system.

It requires both ability and belief.

It’s not just about building their abilities.

It is also to cultivate their character, cultivate their three views, cultivate their beliefs, and strive to cultivate a group of teams that belong to Yongzhou.

After all, these dwarves joined halfway. If their ancestors had not had some connections with Yongzhou, they would most likely not be eligible to join Yongzhou as soon as they came back.

This is a screening process and a returning process.

In response, Derif naturally nodded.

He really wanted to embrace Yong Zhou's lap through his ancestral connections.

Isn't it just that I believe in Yongzhi's philosophy from the bottom of my heart? There is absolutely no problem with this.

For these, he didn't care too much.

At this moment, more of his attention was actually attracted by the hibiscus tree in the valley not far away.

That 3000-meter-high majesty exists.

Not only does its huge size attract attention, but the fluctuations in spiritual power that are difficult to ignore are also breathtaking.

It can be said that after being sent here instantly by the senior executive of Yongzhou, he couldn't help but secretly glance at the hibiscus tree from time to time.

It was definitely comparable to or even surpassed the existence of the Eternal Spear that the dwarves had worshiped for thousands of years.

It's just that with his weak strength that has just reached the third level of spiritual power, he can't immediately see the strength of two things that are far beyond him.

But one thing is certain, this big tree is at least on the same level as the Eternal Spear.

Moreover, the aura of this big tree is intact, as if it is in peak condition.

Even on the tree, he could faintly feel ten prototypes of new life, as well as an existence similar to the aura of the previous giant blue sphere.

Just the breath of life on these eleven trees made Drif couldn't help but widen his eyes.

In front of it, Dreif could feel his own insignificance.

He also realized more deeply how great Yong Zhou was to him.

"Care about the hibiscus tree? That's normal."

"No one will ignore this towering tree after coming to the headquarters cave."

"This is the sign of the new fourth generation of eternal daylight."

Xuanzang looked at Derif and smiled.

He and Xiaobai were like this when they first arrived here, with all kinds of surprises flashing through their hearts.

"Yes, such a giant tree..."

"Already beyond the world!"

Dreff couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

The world he is talking about is naturally the world outside the material universe that starts with the size of a planet.

In fact, the hibiscus tree has indeed transcended those worlds long ago.

The current hibiscus tree is essentially a fifth-level spiritual power level.

In the material universe, its essence is actually no different from that of the sun in the sky.

Even though it's only 3000 meters tall, in terms of size, it can't even be considered an ant in front of the sun.

But if Chen Sheng uses the power of the boundary monument to cancel the suppression on the fusang tree, then the fusang tree will really be able to exert a power comparable to that of the sun.

Let it replace the sun in the center of the solar system, and there will be no sense of disobedience.

"You may be able to see it after a while and feel its power up close."

"But I'm afraid it won't work these days."

Xuanzang said to Dreif who looked yearning.

As the only demigod in Yongju, he is the strongest person under the leader, the second disciple of the leader, and the minister of foreign affairs.

He knows many things.

For example, the leader told him before leaving that the hibiscus tree should not be approached in the near future.

"Mortals cannot approach gods easily."

"this is normal."

Drif nodded as expected.

Even among the dwarves, the Eternal Spear that has been enshrined for generations is not something that any dwarf has ever seen.

"No, it's not like that."

"In normal times, we can feel the power of the hibiscus tree that has not yet returned to its full glory."

"The leader allows us to do this."

"But the reason why we are not allowed to get close recently is that there is a guy in the canopy who is making a breakthrough. The master asked us not to disturb him."

Xuanzang explained to Derif who was thinking about it.

There is no need to worship any gods in Yongzhou.

There has never been a savior or a divine emperor.

Although the various specifications and levels are clearly divided, everyone usually gets along very harmoniously.

When there is no business going on, even a truly god-like figure like the Leader Master is always chatting and laughing with them and being amiable.


Drif heard this and looked at the hibiscus tree.

Speaking of which, he did feel a powerful aura breaking through in the tree canopy.

That kind of feeling is definitely not weaker than his.

"Well, the master brought back a little pet, which is currently breaking through to the realm of demigod."

As Xuanzang spoke, he also looked seriously at the hibiscus tree not far away.

That is the realm of demigods.

In the spiritual cultivation system, if we talk about level 0 body refining, level 1 qi refining, and level 2 god refining, then at level 3 you will begin to come into contact with and understand the rules, entering a realm with a huge span of combat power.

In the third level of spiritual power, the weak can only destroy islands and cities with one strike, while the strong can already shake a continent.After reaching the third level, every step of growth is extremely difficult.

Demigods, on the other hand, are the peak beings who have reached the ultimate level at level three, trying to truly master and integrate some of the rules.

At full power, it can clean the surface with one blow, and it can take a certain amount of time to completely destroy a planet.

Although the material universe suppresses the combat power of these spiritual practitioners.

But a demigod like Xuanzang, even under the suppression of the rules of the material universe, can completely evaporate half of an island country with one blow.

Except for some geniuses who can directly integrate into the ocean of spiritual rules after reaching the third level of peak, and step into the immortal fourth level of spiritual power and become true gods.

Most existences go through the demigod state.

Godzilla's progress is now smooth, and Yongju will soon add another general.

Dreif did not notice the complicated expression on Xuanzang's face, but after hearing Xuanzang's words, he couldn't help but show a petrified and confused expression.

What did he just... hear?
pet?Demi god?
No matter how you look at it, these two words don’t go together well.

Did he hear it wrong?
As the leader of the dwarf clan, even if he has been wandering in the sea of ​​multiple worlds for thousands of years, he still knows what a demigod is.

In the few written records in the clan, there is a fairly detailed record and introduction to the fourth level and the spiritual power practice system before that.

Therefore, Derif fully understands the value of demigods.

The so-called peak of demigods has surpassed people like him who are at the third level of primary spiritual power countless times.

In front of such people, he is nothing but an ant.

The demigod is actually still at the peak of the third level, but to be given the title of demigod, it is conceivable that he must have touched some of the characteristics of the fourth level true god.

The ability to borrow the general trend of the spiritual rules of the ocean and the initial ability to possess shallow immortality allowed the demigod to become a transitional state between the third-level peak and the fourth-level true god.

Looking at any world, demigods can never be called pets.

Even in the abyss that conquered countless worlds.

Demigods can be called apostle reserves, and they are the backbone of the army.

They are often the important elites when the abyss conquers and erodes an ordinary world.

But even this kind of demigod who could kill him casually was nothing more than his master's pet in the mouth of the powerful demigod in front of him.

At this moment, Dreff felt his worldview was impacted.

The existence of Yong Zhou seems to be more terrifying than the few words recorded in the clan.

Even though he had been wandering for many years, based on the few words recorded in his clan, he imagined Yong Zhou to be very tall and terrifying.

However, Yong Zhou's true power seems to be beyond imagination.

You know, the current Yongzhou is not the heyday of Yongzhou.

Along the way, Xuanzang also told him that today's Yongzhou is the fourth generation, and it has developed rapidly within one year after thousands of years of silence.

But even so, it can reach this point.

The strong foundation is evident from this.

Silently and non-stop, the two people quickly arrived at the teleportation square of the headquarters, Dongtian.

People come and go here.

Because of the recent Godzilla and nuclear sewage incidents, countless people are busy here, and the frequency of use of the secret door has increased sharply.

"Where should we go first?"

"Go to Dawn Cave to see where you will have to study in the future, or go to the lunar scientific research branch where most dwarves will be assigned?"

Xuanzang smiled and pointed to the many secret doors that stood in front of him.

This is the transportation hub of Yongzhou.

These secret gates are one of the keys to making Yong Zhou's work efficiency far exceed that of any human force.

"Let's not mention where we are going..."

"Those people seem to have some kind of spiritual power tool that can be deployed independently?"

Derif suddenly pointed at the crowd in front of him, as if he suddenly discovered something.

The dwarves have good talent for refining weapons.

As the clan leader, he is also proficient in weapon refining.

So he showed curiosity about the special spiritual props on the people in front of him.

When Xuanzang heard this, he followed Derif's line of sight and found that what Derif was talking about was the Dawn Suit Type II that basically all official members are now equipped with.

This is a prop inspired by the ideas and inspiration given by the master leader and combined with the psychic technology of the Lunar Research Branch.

Under normal conditions, it can be transformed into any form of object to hide. When needed, it can be activated by spiritual power, and then instantly extends to cover the whole body like the venom in American comics, providing the user with a certain degree of combat power increase.

"That is the Dawn Armor Type II. It is one of the standard equipment for the official members of Yongzhi. It will also be assigned to you, the official members of the dwarf clan, in the future."

Xuanzang introduced it to Derif.

"It's really interesting, and I'm starting to look forward to the future of working in the lunar science branch."

Drif's eyes lit up.

The real details can be seen in the details. The power of Yongzhou can not only be seen from the high-end combat power, but also the configuration of this backbone force.

This type of dawn suit type II is beyond words how powerful it is.

But when it comes to the magnitude of enhancement, universal applicability, manufacturing difficulty, and numerous functions...

These suits are extremely excellent.

With just a cursory glance, Derif can feel the craftsmanship and subtlety involved.

In the future, if he enters the so-called lunar scientific research branch and works with these things every day, Drif feels that he will live a very happy life.

This made Derif couldn't help but continue to scan with curious eyes, and soon he saw another thing that interested him.

I saw a young man who had just come out of the gate of the secret realm. His left arm was a cleverly made mechanical arm, which was full of red lines.

"That prosthetic limb... seems very clever."

Derif pointed to the distance like a curious baby, and then looked at Xuanzang.

"That was Ren Yingda, a second-term student of Chenxi Academy. He once lost his left arm when he was a peripheral member. Later, he participated in Yong Zhou's experiment of combining psychic weapons with the human body."

"This prosthesis is the former logistics department of the Lunar Research Branch. After combining modern technology, psychic technology, and spiritual rune systems, it uses some meteorite materials, spiritual materials, and modern alloy materials..."

Before Xuanzang could finish his words, he was interrupted by Derif's eyes flashing.

"Stop talking, let's go to the Lunar Research Branch now!"

Derif grabbed Xuanzang's hand, like an excited baby over 1000 months old.

There are so many refining systems and so many refining materials.

This place is simply a paradise for craftsmen!
"Okay, then let me take you to familiarize yourself with the future working environment of most of your dwarf clan."

Xuanzang smiled and took the lead.

Drif followed behind him excitedly.

The two stopped in front of a secret door with the moon on the label.

After some verifications and reviews involving spiritual power and technological means, the two slowly stepped into the secret door that was as clear as water.

After a period of dizziness across space.

Drif found himself in the endless dark space again.

In the distance is the huge blue sphere I've seen before.

Underfoot, there is gray-white soil.

Drif looked around.

Surrounded by a massive lunar ecosystem shrouded in a special energy film, there are huge buildings that are being constructed in full swing within the ecosystem.

And beside this ecological circle.

Drif's perception could vaguely detect an extremely huge object.

That size was almost beyond the perception range of a third-level parallel importer like him.

At this moment, Drev was completely stunned.

Because just the moment he sensed the huge object, he understood its majesty.

It was an extremely huge spiritual creation.

And its majesty is by no means limited to its huge size. A cursory glance at Drif revealed some quite outrageous designs.

Vaguely, Dreev realized that this was something he could never build in his life.

"This is the Moon Palace. Under normal conditions, it can deploy a planetary fortress, and its combat power exceeds the fourth level of spiritual power and reaches the fifth level."

"And that's not even the limit of it."

"Your main task in the future is actually to participate in the work of repairing it."

Xuanzang explained softly.

Dreev, who was on the side, couldn't help but take a few deep breaths.

A strong sense of pressure surged into my heart at this moment.

Repair a level [-] gadget with your own hands?In other words, it is something that may exceed Level [-].

This is no less difficult than creating the entire world where their dwarf family once lived with their own hands.

He Derif, how could he be so virtuous? !
(End of this chapter)

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