Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 208 Chaotic Space and Immortal Beasts

Chapter 208 Chaotic Space and Immortal Beasts

The wind and sand barrier that covers PL County does not cover it exactly according to the border of PL County.

It is roughly a regular circle with Laangtso Lake as the center, covering most of PL County and scattered areas of other counties.

Even parts of India and Nepal opposite the Himalayas are shrouded.

(Easter egg stamp with picture attached)
This huge circular sand barrier has a total area of ​​about 1 square kilometers.

Most of the area is deserted.

This restricted area of ​​life has some of the most exquisite scenery on earth, but it is also an area with an extremely harsh living environment.

There are hills and deserts everywhere, and only some villages and towns are still inhabited.

Therefore, Marlow's primary purpose when he came in was to rush to Pulan Town as soon as possible and save as many survivors as possible in this relatively developed area of ​​PL County.

Because most people in PL County are gathered in the relatively developed Pulan Town.

However, after entering the wind and sand barrier from the northwest direction of GE County.

Marlowe was stunned by the scene in front of him.

He had walked this road from GE County into PL County many times in the past.Moreover, as a formal member of Yongzhou in charge of the surrounding area, he is actually very familiar with the roads here.

Walk all the way from National Highway 219 to its junction with Provincial Highway 207, and then go all the way south from Provincial Highway 207 to Pulan Town, PL County. This is the road he took most often in the past.

After entering the wind and sand barrier this time, he originally planned to follow this path.

After all, the place is deserted and the terrain is rugged. In addition, the current situation is full of wind and sand, blocking the view and hindering the movement. The fastest speed may be to follow the original national and provincial roads.

But at this moment, the wind and sand seemed to be blinding me.

Marlow felt that something was wrong with the scenery he saw after stepping into the sand barrier.

The surrounding scene was completely different from when Marlow took the car to Pulan Town, PL County.

He entered the sand barrier along National Highway 219. After crossing the sand barrier, he should have found National Highway 219 not far away, but he never saw this national highway.

Looking around, there is only endless gray and yellow.

He couldn't see the sky or the distant scenery because everything around him was foggy.

With the help of the strong wind, every grain of sand hitting the face was painful.

If you accidentally open your mouth, all-pervasive wind and sand will get in.

If you stay in this environment for a long time, your flesh and blood will most likely be bruised by the wind and sand.

This made Marlowe more worried.

After turning on the external material isolation function of the dawn suit, countless winds and sand became unable to move in when they reached an inch away from Marlowe.

"This is definitely not the place for me to come in."

"There's something wrong with the space in the barrier!"

Marlowe stared at everything around him.

Even though the wind and sand have covered it up to calf-deep, it has changed the surrounding terrain to a certain extent.

But Marlow can be sure that this is not anywhere on the xz section of National Highway 219.

On the contrary, it looks a bit like being near the Majia Zangbo River.

Relying on his vast geographical knowledge, as well as his familiarity and intuition about the surrounding terrain, Marlowe can accurately determine where he may be.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the surrounding area was near the Majia Zangbo River in the southern area of ​​PL County, near Pulan Town.

He seemed to have arrived at his destination - near the town of Pulan.


He came in from the northwest of PL County, but the moment he crossed the sand barrier, he arrived at the southern part of PL County, which was his destination.

In an instant, dozens of kilometers were covered.

This made Marlowe couldn't help but frown.

The space here is really confusing, and one step can actually cover dozens of kilometers.

He didn't know his next step or whether he would be sent to another place.

Coupled with the fact that the sky was full of wind and sand that could hurt people, it was not surprising that those people before did not come out of the barrier again.

Even if it were him, it would definitely not be easy to get out of the barrier at this time.

Putting aside the windy sand that can bruise people's flesh and blood, even if they could brave the wind and sand to travel in this desert and hilly place, they would still have to walk dozens of kilometers to get close to the edge of the barrier.

There is a chaotic space hidden somewhere in this, and he can take one step back to the depths of the barrier.

After a moment of silence, Marlow decisively reported the situation here through the Spark chat group.

Fortunately, the Xinghuo chat group was not blocked by this wind and sand barrier.

After Mano reported all the information he knew, he learned that it would take some time for support to arrive.

Because the official members who came from the surrounding areas tried to open the door to the secret realm, but all of them had no effect.

Only people outside the xz area seem to be unaffected by the inexplicable power and can normally open the door to the secret realm and shake people.

Therefore, the high-level power of the organization is now summoned by the gate of the secret realm outside the xz area, and is on its way over with its legs.

Marlow took a brief look at the message, and then rushed towards Pulan Town despite the wind and sand.

Since the chaotic space was sent to the vicinity of Pulan Town, he must have gone there to have a look.

Crossing the river bed that had been covered by wind and sand, Marlow quickly arrived at this familiar place based on the impressions and intuition in his mind.

Standing on a nearby high point and looking down.

Almost nothing could be seen clearly, only the shadows of buildings could be seen vaguely in the endless gray.

Marlowe moved forward with some trepidation.

Along the way, I prayed that I would not encounter any more chaotic dimensions and be teleported away.

I just pray that my sister-in-law, my goddaughter, and the residents of Pulan Town can survive as much as possible.

Soon, Marlow came to the entrance of Pulan Town.

From this distance, there was still no movement in the city. There were only the whistling of the wind and the tiny sounds of sand and dust hitting various things.

When he came to the intersection that he usually had to pass to enter Pulan Town, Marlow looked at the sign above his head that had been rubbed by the wind and sand and blurred most of the pattern, and couldn't help but feel a heavy heart.

The six words "Welcome to Pulan Town" on the sign are now so rubbed that they cannot be clearly seen.

The surrounding buildings were also dead silent, and there was no sense of life.

With an extremely heavy heart and extremely vigilant mentality, Marlowe continued to move forward in silence.

What came into view was an apocalyptic scene.

The severed hands on the roadside sand pile, the car accident scene that was almost buried by the wind and sand at a certain intersection, the dried blood stains scattered on the road from time to time...

He couldn't feel any life.

On the contrary, it was the many corpses that made it difficult for him to breathe.

It might be an exaggeration to say that there are corpses everywhere, but from time to time along the way you will find corpses partially buried by the wind and sand.

Destruction and death filled everything in sight.

Marlowe didn't know how many people died here in Pulan Town.He only knew that there were no living people he saw along the way.

There has always been the omnipotent Yong Zhou, and this is the first time Marlowe has seen such a big crisis.

Even if the Mui Ne Island incident was so big last time, so many people had never died.

But this time... it's different.

He realized more deeply what the so-called war that Chenxi College had been talking about meant.

The previous Mui Ne Island incident was caused by the believers of the Abyss, and the Awakened One incident was only the influence of the ocean tide of spiritual rules indirectly caused by the Abyss.

The real threat coming directly from the abyss appeared in front of him at this moment.

After spending a period of relatively peaceful time, he deeply understood one thing at this moment:

They humans and Yongzhi are bound to fight to the death with the abyss.

This is no small fight, this is a war.

This time the wind and sand barrier appeared in such a remote area, maybe next time it will appear in a certain base in Yongzhou, or in one of the busiest cities among humans.

At that time, it will be another catastrophe.

He forced himself to control his emotions and calm down.

Excessive sadness at this time will only make people lose the ability to control themselves.

As the first batch of students of Dawn Academy, as an elite among humans, and as a formal member of Yongzhou, Marlowe knew that he should get rid of his unnecessary emotions at this time.

After calming down as much as possible, he discovered something more.

"The amount of blood and the way it splatters are so strange..."

"This is not like the traces of bloody flesh rubbed by wind and sand, but more like the blood stains that were sprayed everywhere after an artery was bitten."

"These corpses are also full of bite marks."

" a beast here?!"

Marlowe walked slowly, murmuring and looking at everything around him.

In front of his keen observation, some extremely strange details were discovered.

It was clear that some of these corpses were wrapped in thick cloth, and they were wearing fully enclosed glasses to prevent wind and sand, indicating that they had taken some measures after the sandstorm appeared, but they still died.

According to the inspection, it was found that these corpses did not die from wind and sand, but from some kind of bites and scratches.

Faintly, he realized that what was dangerous in this wind and sand barrier was not just the chaotic space and the boundless wind and sand that blocked the sky and the sun.

There is also some kind of beast, or rather a monster of the abyss, hiding in the darkness.

It's just that Marlowe really can't detect where the beast is hiding, because every particle of the windy sand in the sky carries weak spiritual energy fluctuations, which is a great interference to Marlowe's perception ability.

However, this discovery made Marlowe even more vigilant.

In silence, the raven on Marlow's shoulder turned into a ray of spiritual power and merged into his body, lighting up a spread of golden fine lines on the surface of his body.

However, under the cover of the Dawn Suit II, the changes in Marlowe's body surface could not be seen clearly.

This is one of Marlow's best psychic spells: Will Burning.Every golden fine line on his body is an external manifestation of Marlowe's will being fully mobilized and activated.

This can give him a certain degree of enhancement, which is almost all-round.

However, this technique is difficult and dangerous, and few people know how to use it and dare to use it.

The first stage of will burning only activates part of the will to increase strength. It will only make people tired afterwards, and they can use rest to recover independently.

In the second stage and beyond, it is really about burning your will in exchange for strength. It can be said to be a self-inflicted self-mutilation technique.

Even now, he still needs to let Raven 114514 assist him just like he did when he faced Kun in order to maintain the first stage of this technique for a long time without damaging the foundation.

After giving himself a layer of strengthening buff that activates his will, Marlowe's heavy heart finally eased a little.

Looking at the whistling wind and sand around me.

He felt slightly more fully aware.

"Raven 114514, you will not die if you are a group consciousness, remember to set up a monument for me when you go back."

As he continued to move forward, Marlowe murmured to Raven 114514 inside him.

These familiar words were the same as the last time he faced the giant beast Kun at sea.

"Every time before you go on a mission, you have to ask me to erect a monument for you, right?"

"Go back and stand by yourself."

Raven 114514 complained helplessly.

I do this every time, just like the old general on the stage with all his flags.

I was afraid that I wouldn't die, so I kept stacking buffs and setting flags like crazy.

"If I'm dead, how can I go back and stand alone?"

Marlowe smiled and shook his head, then said nothing more.

Both of them understood that this conversation was to adjust and relieve their nervous mood.

Everything that follows.

All require their full attention.

After a while, Marlowe slowly stopped.

There were no bodies under the road sign blown down by the wind and sand in front of him.

But there is a familiar object that steals Marlowe's attention.

It was a palm-sized doll, like a pink Godzilla.

Ever since Godzilla made a lot of noise when he appeared in the world more than half a year ago, this kind of doll has become a very popular toy on the market.

Regardless of gender, all children are keen to have a Godzilla doll of their own.

This is a small part of the impact of Godzilla.

During that time, Marlowe also bought such a doll as a gift for his goddaughter, which made her happy for a long time.

But at this moment I saw a doll like this.

But he couldn't help but thump in his heart.

But after entering a calm state, he quickly came back to his senses, grabbed the doll on the ground and looked at it carefully.

As a formal member of Yongzhi, he has excellent memory.

He still remembers that the Godzilla doll he bought had the serial number DJS742506, which was a string of numbers woven into the corner of the doll by the manufacturer in order to launch a lottery.

He grabbed the doll.

What came into view was that traces of sand and blood covered the code.

After removing the traces with trembling hands, Marlowe's calm thoughts paused.

At this moment, no matter how calm he was, he couldn't help but tremble a little.

no doubt.

It's the familiar coding on the doll.

At this moment, Marlowe felt heart-wrenching pain.

His comrades from the Mobile Task Force died in front of him on Mui Ne Island.

Now, I have to see the doll that my comrade's daughter likes being discarded on the ground.

Obviously, the daughter of a comrade-in-arms is very likely...

Marlowe was silent for a long time.

The images of corpses he had seen before kept flashing in his mind.

The smiling face of his goddaughter in the past actually overlapped somewhat with those cold and twisted corpses in his mind at this moment.

The thin golden lines caused by the Will Burning Technique on the body surface flickered at this moment like a candle in the wind, as if it was about to be extinguished.

It was as if his will was about to collapse.

But it stabilized again within two seconds.

"I still have important things to do, I can't stop here!"

"Besides, I haven't seen her body yet..."

Whispering, Marlow held the doll tightly in his hand, with a flash of light in his eyes.

In this light.

There is hatred, determination, and hope...

As for sadness, pain, and confusion, there may have been emotions before, but in front of Marlowe, whose character has been tempered many times, these negative emotions are suppressed at this moment.

Now what he has to do...

Just move forward!

Keep going!

Just as he was thinking this, a gunshot suddenly appeared.

This was followed by a series of gunshots.

It was like a guiding light in this windy and sandy area, guiding Marlowe in the right direction.

Although there was a huge noise from the wind and sand, Marlowe was still keenly aware of the gunshot.

He looked around excitedly.

That's the more central direction of Pulan Town.

"Is this the gunshot of QBU-191?"

"Are they the soldiers sent in by the outside army to conduct reconnaissance?"

"The gunshots are getting weaker and weaker. It seems that we are in danger that we cannot deal with. Is it the wild beast that killed everyone?"

Marlowe kept thinking in his mind while accelerating in that direction excitedly.

No matter what, this was the first time he found a living person since he entered the sandstorm barrier.

Along the way, apart from the uninhabited wilderness, there were only corpses everywhere.

This sudden movement undoubtedly means that there are still people alive!

Marlowe's excitement was palpable.

And as he continued to accelerate, he turned around an intersection again and discovered something unusual.

The density of the surrounding sand has been significantly reduced.

There was a small building in front of him, and Marlowe could feel a lot of life inside.

Obviously, everyone is not dead yet!

More than a dozen wolf-like four-legged beasts condensed by the wind and sand roared around the small building, rushing up and trying to attack from time to time.

All possible openings in the small building were fixed with wooden boards and iron sheets so that no gaps were exposed.

And outside the door of the small building.

Several soldiers with large bleeding bodies lay on the ground, uncertain whether they were alive or dead. The wounds on their bodies, which seemed to have been torn apart by sharp claws, had large areas of sand mixed with the blood that had flowed out.

Dozens of young and middle-aged men, wrapped in Tibetan costumes so that no part of their body was exposed, were waving kitchen knives tied to wooden sticks or other weapons.

He resisted the charging sand wolf and protected the wounded whose life or death was uncertain behind him.

There were four or five soldiers standing in front of the crowd. The QBU-191 in their hands accurately shot every sand wolf that came up to them.

However, such an attack has no effect.

Although the sand wolf whose head was shot will disintegrate into the sand on the ground, soon the wind and sand from the sky will fly over, and some of them will condense into new sand wolves and wait for the opportunity.

Obviously, this sand wolf is just some kind of means that comes with the wind and sand barrier.

Within this wind and sand barrier.

The number of such sand wolves seems to be endless.

Marlowe didn't hesitate when he saw this. He put the doll in his arms and rushed forward quickly.

The strong murderous intention and passionate emotions were vented wantonly.

Marleau showed up with great fanfare, attracting the attention of everyone fighting in the outfield.

"My journey..."

"But it took me a long time to endure it!"

Roaring angrily, Marlowe passed by the two sand wolves with the speed of a ghost.

The heads of the two sand wolves were easily torn off one by one by him.

At this moment, everyone, including Sand Wolf, was stunned.

Where did this fierce man come from?

(End of this chapter)

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