Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 215 Repairing the Eternal Gun

Chapter 215 Repairing the Eternal Gun
Chen Sheng, as a leader, no longer needs to do things like loss reporting, paying homage to the dead, and arranging for victims.

After confirming that there were not many casualties.

Chen Sheng went directly to the hibiscus tree and started an important task:


In this incident, the Thousand-Eyed Demon Lord was eliminated before he was completely teleported, and no special materials were left behind.

The remaining corpses of some monsters are enough for the people of the Lunar Research Branch to turn them into materials for refining weapons.

But that monster with the peak level of third-level spiritual power, Naitian, was beaten to death by Gosla.

As well as the fifth-level spiritual monster that was instantly killed by Chen Sheng in space.

But they are all rare and good materials.

The most important thing is that Paka, a relative of the fifth-level spiritual monster, was made into a body refining tower, so Chen Sheng naturally had to give it similar treatment.

After casually sending away Gosla who asked for position and organization, and conveniently taking over the corpse of the monster with the peak level of third level spiritual power in Gosla's hand.

Chen Sheng immediately started refining the weapon.

With the help of the hibiscus tree, Chen Sheng can mobilize the pure true sun fire from it at any time to assist his weapon refining process.

That third-level peak Naitian, he just casually integrated into the body refining tower in an instant to enhance its effectiveness.

The process in between can be said to be relaxing and freehand.

When he was only at the fourth level and used the demigod essence to refine the body refining tower, it didn't take much effort.

Not to mention that he is already at level five now.

Naitian, who was only at the peak of the third-level spiritual power level, was driven by Chen Sheng to turn the sun's real fire into spiritual liquid at will, and then was continuously incinerated into a mass of essence.

One after another spiritual power runes were continuously penetrated into this essence by Chen Sheng.

Soon, this mass of essence began to transform continuously.

Then, Chen Sheng instantly appeared in the Dawn Cave and waved his hand to blend the essence into the body refining tower in the Morning Cave.

With the blessing of the essence of this third-level spiritual power peak monster, the body refining tower can be said to have more powerful effects.

The efficiency of body refining has been qualitatively improved.

With Chen Sheng's much improved techniques, even the corpse of a monster at the peak of the third level of spiritual power was used as the material, which doubled the effect of the body refining tower built with the essence of demigods.

This kind of constant server update of superb skills made all the students who were training their bodies under the body training tower subconsciously feel that something was wrong.

They were keenly aware that the speed of physical fitness improvement had doubled, and they immediately suspected that something was wrong with their training, and hurriedly left the body training tower and went to the spiritual therapy room.

After that, Chen Sheng returned to the headquarters cave in an instant.

Looking at the fifth-level spiritual power materials in his hand, he also made a better arrangement for them.

That is to repair the Eternal Gun.

As a fifth-level spiritual power weapon, the Eternal Spear possesses extraordinary power.

But before that, the Eternal Spear had been in a state of original damage.

Even Chen Sheng, who had the boundary monument to liberate the suppression of the material universe, could barely use the Eternal Spear as much as possible without aggravating his injuries.

Today is different.

With an entire fifth-level spiritual power level of monsters as materials and source supplements, repairing the Eternal Spear is no longer a problem.

Even if the essence of this fifth-level spiritual power monster does not contain the most important ray of true spirit, the body that combines spirit and flesh alone is already a very precious material.

Every trace of this body contains a powerful origin unimaginable by existence before the fifth level.

Just by attacking the source without thinking, you can partially repair the Eternal Spear.

Not to mention that Chen Sheng also has superb skills.

If the Eternal Spear is repaired.

Although Chen Sheng's power will not increase too much, after all, Chen Sheng can be said to be almost at the top of the fifth level of spiritual power. The addition of the Eternal Spear can only be said to be the icing on the cake.

But for the entire Yongzhi organization, it can basically be said that there is an additional fifth-level spiritual power level with independent spiritual power.

This is like adding a Ji Dao Imperial Soldier from a fantasy novel to Yong Zhou.

As long as the weapon spirit is awakened, this "Ji Dao Emperor Weapon" can perform some operations in the field of fifth-level spiritual power.

This will be a great asset to the organization.

It will become a strong foundation of the organization like the Moon Palace Battle Fortress, which is still under restoration.

Moon Palace Fortress can rely on the purple light group formed by the Reimu rules from other worlds at its core to prevent the power it exerts from being suppressed by the material universe, so that it can perform in this material universe with an exceptional level [-] combat effectiveness that is close to that of level [-]. expressiveness.

The restored Eternal Spear can simply and directly rely on its powerful essence to be driven by the other members of Yongzhou to exert some power belonging to the fifth-level spiritual power level at a certain cost.

Of course, if you want to fully unleash the power of the Eternal Spear, you still have to let a strong man with a fifth-level spiritual power control and drive it.

Thinking so.

Chen Sheng chopped the essence of the fifth-level spiritual monster into pieces and divided them into balls according to various expected plans for later use.

Then, while slowly burning these essences with the true fire of the sun, he skillfully punched various spiritual runes into these essences.

From then on, he began to refine weapons seriously.


Headquarters cave.

Liu Xinyue, who was thrown away by Ying Zhongtang, screamed subconsciously.

She thought she would be smashed against the wall, but suddenly she felt as if she had passed through a layer of soft water.


A slight feeling of dizziness came over me.


Her screams stopped abruptly.

When he looked around carefully, he found that he was picked up by a dwarf who looked very tall.

The reason why this dwarf is tall is because he is more than three meters tall, and his thick palms grabbed Liu Xinyue's waist.

The reason why this guy who is more than three meters tall is said to be a dwarf is because his dark skin, thick beard, weapons all over his body, and the strong smell of alcohol that hit his face are so obvious.

Of course, it's not unusual to see a tall dwarf catch you.

In fact, most of Liu Xinyue's attention, after passing through the gate of the secret realm and arriving at this strange place, was taken away by the tall trees above her head that seemed to soar into the sky.

[The bark is slightly rough in yellowish brown, with intricately twisted branches and fist-shaped leaves. 】

This familiar appearance, coupled with the infinite warmth that can still be felt from the tree even after the power to listen to the sounds of all things is temporarily sealed.

Liu Xinyue confirmed the name of the tree almost immediately.

"Fuso! This is the fuso tree!"

"The ten light groups on the tree must be the Golden Crow, right?!"

Liu Xinyue shouted excitedly.

Her petite body, which was grabbed, subconsciously began to twist in response to her excited shouts.

At this moment, Liu Xinyue understood.

She actually came to where the hibiscus tree was!

With a casual flick of Ying Zhongtang's hand, she really crossed the strange portal and was sent to this place that was like a reappearance of a myth.

The excitement is beyond words.

Even though she had always been calm, she couldn't help but lose control of her emotions when she saw this scene.

The reality of this world...

The water is indeed terrifyingly deep!
Yongzhi is awesome!
Amidst the excitement, Liu Xinyue was also looking around, trying to take in all the mystery and splendor of this space at once.

It was only then that she realized that she was being controlled by the huge dwarf in front of her.

"Um...can you let me go?"

Liu Xinyue tried to smile at the tall dwarf in front of her.


Dreif, the dwarf king who caught the girl, also smiled back and then shook his head.She understood the girl's surprise.

Anyone who comes here for the first time will be surprised.

Full of spiritual energy and spectacular scenery, staying here is like staying in a fairyland.

Even he never closed his mouth from the beginning to the end.

But of course it's not allowed to let go of the girl.

After saying that, Derif looked at the unclosed secret door behind the girl, and shouted at her: "Then I will take him away first?"


Ying Zhongtang leaned halfway across from the door to the secret realm and nodded, then turned around and disappeared and canceled the door to the secret realm.

His task has been completed.

Whether Liu Xinyue can successfully take a shortcut to join Yongzhou depends on her own efforts.

As for him, he is now going to cooperate with Gino Peruzzi's speech activities in Linjiang City.

"Where did Ying Zhongtang ask you to take me?"

Liu Xinyue looked at the dwarf who started to stride forward after saying goodbye to Ying Zhongtang, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"To be precise, it's not where Ying Zhongtang asked you to go, but because your superiors have a special task that may fall on you."

"I'm taking you to follow orders."

Dreff explained briefly.

Immediately, he took Liu Xinyue towards the teleportation square not far away in three steps and two steps.

The direction of travel is getting further and further away from the hibiscus tree.

This made Liu Xinyue couldn't help but feel a little itchy.

She really wanted to get close to the foot of the hibiscus tree and feel it. She really wanted to explore various places in this mysterious space.

Just looking at her waist being easily held by big hands, and looking at the ax that was bigger than her around the dwarf's waist, Liu Xinyue rationally chose not to say anything more.

So Liu Xinyue looked helplessly at the fusang tree getting farther and farther away, and at the same time, she crossed another secret gate in the square full of secret gates.

The next moment, the dizziness of space transformation came again.

Liu Xinyue rubbed her head helplessly.

When he looked around again, he found that he had appeared in a new place.

This place is different from the previous mysterious space with a hibiscus tree.

The spiritual power here is not strong enough.

But the sun and clouds in the sky make people vaguely feel that they are very close.

Liu Xinyue didn't have time to observe this, so she was carried forward by Derif.

Almost not long after, she was carried into a conference room.

There were some people sitting here and there.

After Derif sat in one position, he finally put her down and moved to another position.

This made Liu Xinyue, who had always felt helpless and ashamed, breathe a sigh of relief.

After looking around a few times, she saw that everyone seemed to be waiting for someone.

He continued to observe everything in the conference room and passed the time.

She didn't dare to leave or wander around, so she simply used her strong curiosity and observation skills.

In the center of the conference table where everyone is sitting, there is a huge crystal ball-shaped display screen with a very spectacular picture.

Or the endless wilderness, or the dotted hills, or the criss-crossing rivers, or the bustling traffic...

Every scene looks like it was shot from high altitude.

Liu Xinyue looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to her, so she clicked on the huge crystal ball with curious eyes.

The next moment, the crystal ball shot out a ray of light.

A clear holographic image immediately appeared over the entire conference table.

Liu Xinyue couldn't help but be amazed by such high technology.

But seeing everyone chatting around looking over, she quickly lowered her head and pretended as if nothing happened.

"Xiaoyue is interested in surveillance records? Then you should be familiar with this scene, right?"

Derif looked at Liu Xinyue who lowered his head and smiled, then he operated the button projected by the crystal ball, and a video appeared on the holographic projection.

As soon as Liu Xinyue raised her head after hearing this, her attention was attracted by the picture on the holographic projection in front of her.

[I saw a huge centipede-like monster standing across the sky, with countless eyes and limbs showing its terror. 】

[Under the monster is a city Liu Xinyue is familiar with—the Linjiang City where she has lived for many years. 】

[Not long after, a huge floating continent flew over and hit the monster. 】

[The monster fell apart in an instant. 】

The holographic projection screen was placed here, and Derif pressed pause.

However, Liu Xinyue's heart couldn't stop churning.

This scene is too familiar to her.

That day, she was so shocked by the scene above the sky that she was stunned.

This scene can be said to be the beginning of her being caught.

Relive it now.

Liu Xinyue was shocked again and suddenly realized something.

and many more……

What did the dwarf just say?
The holographic projection released by this crystal ball is a surveillance record?

Where is this monitoring record?It should be where your feet are, right?
That is to say...

At her own feet...

Is it that floating continent? !

Liu Xinyue's eyes widened, with a hint of disbelief flashing in her eyes.

Although it was a pity to leave the mysterious space where the fusang tree was located, Liu Xinyue couldn't help but feel bursts of excitement if she were on that floating continent now.

She really wanted to regain her ability and listen to the sounds around her to confirm this guess.

But the normally functioning psychic handcuffs on her hands prevented her from such thoughts.

And when her mind was running wildly.

Two women walked in through the door of the conference room.

One has the name of the Chief of the Interior on his chest, and the other has the name of the Minister of Discipline and Law on his chest.

The two walked side by side, and their arrival attracted the attention of everyone present.

Apparently, this is the one everyone has been waiting for.

I saw everyone sitting upright.

Even the bearded dwarf beside Liu Xinyue straightened his back.

Affected by this, Liu Xinyue, whose thoughts were interrupted, put away the remaining shock in her eyes, and followed the example of the people at the table around her to sit upright.

The two of them walked to the main seat and sat down.

After the chief of internal affairs glanced in Liu Xinyue's direction, he started to get straight to the point:

"The door to the secret realm has failed."

After the words fell, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes.

The door to the secret realm...has failed?

So what door did they pass through when they came?

(End of this chapter)

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