Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 230 Terracotta Warriors and Horses on Mars

Chapter 230 Terracotta Warriors and Horses on Mars

"The current communication delay is 5 minutes and 42 seconds."

"The manned spacecraft has entered orbit and the landing site is being analyzed."

There were bursts of nervous reports.

sounded throughout the BNULM command room.

When the four countries jointly sent the manned aircraft up, they did not give the aircraft a code name because there was no unified naming issue.

Therefore, even in formal occasions like this, manned aircraft is used as the code name.

As non-professionals, Hansen and Zhang Shouquan looked on, while Gary Hall, the professional leader of BNULM, began to conduct.

"The communications department issued an order to the manned spacecraft to orbit Mars for the time being, waiting for the small orbiting probe to detect the specific situation and take pictures and send them back."

"The data department is preparing to analyze and select the landing site based on a series of more accurate shots of the manned aircraft."

Gary Hall said this seriously.

The entire BNULM command room also became busier.

This landing on Mars should not have been so hasty and we only analyzed and selected the landing site now.

Mainly because the unmanned Mars probes that were responsible for responding and surveying the terrain near the landing site were all shut down less than half a month ago.

Curiosity, InSight, and Tianwen-[-] are currently in service, as well as Mars Pathfinder, Phoenix, Spirit, Opportunity, and Zhurong that have completed their missions.

They all lost contact after Du Xing glanced at Mars less than half a month ago.

Even the four orbiting probes Odyssey, Mars Express, Mars Global Surveyor and MAVEN have lost contact.

Du Xing's glance not only caused the visual magnitude of many planets, including Mars, to drop for a moment, but also caused some unknown changes to occur in them.

Since then, they have been blind to the specific conditions on Mars.

Even because of the sudden interruption of communication, there was no time to send back any information, so that they did not know what impact Du Xing's glance had.

It is completely unclear what the current situation is on Mars.

They only had general information about Mars less than half a month ago, and the coordinates of the landing site originally decided based on calculations and screening.

It's just that something like this happened now.

Naturally, the original general information about Mars cannot be trusted at all. Something must have happened now.

Naturally, the originally planned landing location could not be used directly.

Nowadays, manned spacecraft need to release the small orbital detector they carry to conduct orbiting flight detection and determine the specific landing site.

This is also thanks to the cooperation between the four countries and meteorite materials, which has allowed human space technology to advance by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, in addition to carrying four astronauts, the manned spacecraft sent to space by BNULM can also carry a huge amount of supplies compared to before.

A small orbital probe is one of the supplies.

Not only are they small in size and can fly at extremely high speeds, they can also photograph specific scenes on the planet's surface just like orbiting probes such as artificial satellites.

In a quiet rush.

The manned aircraft responded quickly.

[BNULM, please note that we have discovered the debris of Mars orbiters such as Odyssey, and specific pictures have been sent back to the ground. 】

[The small orbiting probe has been released, the full picture of Mars is being detected, and the detected pictures are gradually being transmitted back to the ground. 】

The response from the manned craft was communicated back across a delay of several minutes.

All of us at BNULM have heightened focus.

They all stared at the big screen in the command center, waiting for the pictures to be sent back.

Within a few seconds, the BNULM network system backed by the supercomputing center processed the information sent back by the manned aircraft.

Several pictures immediately appeared on the big screen.

The first are several pictures of the orbiter debris taken in orbit around Mars.

Odyssey, Mars Express, Mars Global Surveyor and MAVEN Mars rover...

These probes sent by human civilization to the orbit of Mars were shattered as if they had received some kind of huge impact.

There are signs that a large part of them have been melted, and it is obvious that the huge force still carries high temperature.

In the empty space, they turned into lonely space junk, orbiting Mars aimlessly under the huge gravitational pull.

The second picture is of the surface of Mars.

Mars is full of impact craters, canyons, dunes and gravel, and has no stable liquid water.The southern hemisphere is dominated by ancient, cratered highlands, while the northern hemisphere is dominated by younger lowland plains.

The picture sent back at this moment is from the southern hemisphere.

Behind the impact craters and sand dunes everywhere is an indescribable desolation.

The environment of this planet, which is hailed by scientists as the most suitable for human immigration, looks so harsh at the moment.

But to be honest, having such an environment in space is already quite generous.

In many ways, Mars can be considered Earth's brother.It has seasons, polar ice caps, volcanoes, canyons and weather.There are many signs of ancient floods on the Red Planet, but now water is mostly found in icy mud and thin clouds.


Everyone at BNULM analyzed the pictures sent back by the manned aircraft based on their respective professional knowledge.

"The overall structure has not changed significantly compared to the data from half a month ago."

"The specific landing locations in the southern hemisphere of Mars have been analyzed and screened, and we are waiting for data from the northern hemisphere for comprehensive consideration."

"Comparing past Mars data, no abnormalities have been found for the time being. However, the rover in the southern hemisphere of Mars is still lost. For now, it can be regarded as having the same fate as the orbiting probe."

"Based on the location of each orbital probe when it was damaged, as well as the specific angle of the damage, it can be roughly analyzed that the force that destroyed the probe came from the northern hemisphere of Mars."

One pass of detection and analysis.

I didn't find anything special about Mars.

We have not discovered the so-called ancient road in the starry sky, we have not discovered the reason why Mars suddenly shines to the naked eye, and we have not discovered why the various detectors on Mars were suddenly damaged.

Or, at least under this rough detection.

It can be tentatively determined that there is probably nothing unusual in the southern hemisphere of Mars.

If there is anything unusual.

It should be in the northern hemisphere of Mars.

And this requires waiting for further detection results from manned aircraft.

The manned spacecraft enters the orbit of Mars close to the southern hemisphere of Mars. Even if a small orbiting probe is released, specific information about the northern hemisphere will have to wait for a while to be detected.

Therefore, the people of BNULM fell into a long-lost tranquility.

Fortunately, when the manned spacecraft was launched, humankind's technological level had already made great progress due to meteorite materials.

This detection process does not take long.

Consider the communication delay of a few minutes and the time required for detection.

No more than 10 minutes at most.

Sure enough, not long after.

Information about manned aircraft came again, and everyone's minds were affected by it.

[Mount Olympus? ! 】

【impossible!This is impossible! ! ! 】【BNULM, please note that we have discovered a possible location where anomalies may exist and apply for a landing attempt near it! 】

[Picture.jpg, Picture.jpg, Picture.jpg]

A series of messages were conveyed to BNULM's command center.

In the aerospace field, aerospace technology that could only send a few kilobytes of information has made many astronauts have the habit of speaking without sending meaningless messages.

This is to save the already limited information capacity.

Even if technology is now so powerful that it doesn’t matter how many messages are sent, the four astronauts on the manned spacecraft should have the habit of not sending random messages.

But now, the information sent back to BNULM is so redundant.

Except for the last sentence, there are too many punctuation marks and short sentences with unclear meaning throughout the article.

This situation made everyone subconsciously feel that something was wrong.

Why did this group of professionally educated elites, these four high-level talents selected from the four countries, scream in surprise in the information sent back to the BNULM command center?
What exactly did they see? !

In silence, BNULM's network system completed analyzing the pictures sent back by the manned aircraft.

Three pictures that shocked everyone were displayed on the big screen.

The first picture is of Mount Olympus.

Olympus Mons is located on Mars in the solar system at 18.65 degrees north latitude and 226.2 degrees east longitude.It is a shield volcano on Mars, the tallest volcano on the surface of Mars and the largest known volcano in the solar system.

Olympus Mons is about 600 kilometers wide and covers an area of ​​about 30 square kilometers. It is formed by the long-term eruption of highly mobile basaltic lava.

It is 21171 meters above the Mars datum, and the height difference from the foot of the mountain to the top is 21.9 kilometers.

Mars Express and the Mars Global Surveyor Orbiter have a large number of survey records on Olympus Mons, and there are many studies on this highest peak in the solar system around the world.

Now on this photo.

There seem to be some pixels on the surface of Mount Olympus that are not quite right?

It's just that the first picture is really hard to see clearly.

The second image is of small black dots spread over a flat area on Mount Olympus.

But I still can't see anything special.

Because the small orbiting probe needs to quickly skip the entire Mars and conduct detection and analysis, there is no time to calibrate the shooting accuracy.

So the first two pictures are a bit blurry.

The third picture is different.

Astronauts on manned spacecraft have extremely high authority and have a high degree of freedom to control small orbiting probes.

Now it is obvious that manual control has begun, causing the small orbital detector to stop running at high speed and get close to and focus on the flat area with black spots.

Now the third picture is the result of manual shooting.

With today's advanced technology, with slow and careful calibration, it is enough to capture newspapers held by humans on the ground.

When everyone in the BNULM command center saw the content of the third picture, they all couldn't help but take a breath.

Now, everyone finally knew why the astronauts on the manned spacecraft were surprised.

I can only see the third picture after accurate calibration.

It is a huge flat area on Mount Olympus, and this area is densely populated with countless humanoid pottery figurines.

Under the precise and rapid analysis of the intelligent system, the number of 12 pottery figurines in the picture was accurately counted.

They were wearing Qin Dynasty-style standard armor, and their overall formation was like an ancient military formation, as if they still had the aura of fighting on the battlefield.

Under the high-precision camera of the small orbiting probe and the excellent side-angle shooting technology of the small orbiting probe, the faces of these pottery figurines can be displayed in front of everyone in a lifelike manner.

This scene looks particularly shocking.

For a moment, the entire BNULM command center fell into silence.

There was no other sound except the sound of swallowing saliva.

These countless pottery figurines look so similar to the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of China that are famous all over the world.

Terracotta Warriors and Horses are a category of ancient Chinese tomb sculptures, which are burial objects made in the shape of terracotta warriors and horses (chariots, war horses, soldiers).

It's not surprising to see it on Earth.


Outside Qin Shihuang's Mausoleum.

Or see the Terracotta Warriors and Horses on Mars, which is tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of kilometers away.

It's just a little too strange.

Why didn’t many previous Mars probes discover these things?
This is more than 12 terracotta warriors and horses!Even on earth, it is not something that can be easily hidden.

Could it be that these things suddenly appeared because of the opening of the so-called Starry Sky Ancient Road?
So what is the significance of these things coming to Mars?
How much connection do these terracotta warriors and horses have with the earth, mankind, and China?
What role does eternal day play throughout human history?
Countless doubts filled everyone's hearts.

Everyone subconsciously looked at the Chinese scholars around them, as if expecting an explanation.

The Chinese scholars also looked at Zhang Shouquan, the highest-ranking person here, with confused expressions, hoping that the top official of this secret department knew something.

As for Zhang Shouquan, he swallowed his saliva and remained silent for a long time, not knowing what to say.

He is just an ordinary human being, just an ordinary director of the Day Searching Bureau.

How can we know what the situation is like on Mars?

He could only guess that all this might be Yong Zhou's doing.

After all, it’s not like Yong Zhou has never been to space before.

Although what he saw and heard this time shocked him.

However, as a senior Nagahiro, he firmly believes that behind most of the extraordinary phenomena in the world, there is a high probability that Nagahiro's power is involved.

Mars is no exception!

Otherwise, he really doesn't know how to explain it.

It couldn't be that the First Emperor built a real tomb on Mars.

Based on human beings' own words, how could He Dehe have landed on Mars thousands of years ago!

There must be Yongzhi's involvement or influence behind this.

After pondering for a long time, Zhang Shouquan asked Gary Hall to give the order for the manned spacecraft to prepare to land on Mars near Mount Olympus.

As for himself.

He left the command center full of shock and stood alone in the empty yard, slowly coming back to his senses under the cool breeze.

It's not that he didn't want to contact Yong Zhou. When the Starry Sky Ancient Road was discovered, he wanted to contact Yong Zhou through the Communications Office in China.

It’s just that this time it involves Mars, the plan in which the four countries have invested a lot, and the future development of external technology of mankind.

Zhang Shouquan was a little worried that like the time on the moon, he would not be able to land on the moon again.

It's just that now things are certain to be big and potentially troublesome, and may involve things left behind by Yongzhi.

Recently, Dingtao has been standing on the sidelines trying to hug his thighs.

If he didn't take the initiative to contact me, he might really let the lighthouse take over.

Perhaps, now is the time to contact the Yongzhou Communications Office in China.

(End of this chapter)

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