Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 241 The world of mountains and seas where the sun rises in the sky

Chapter 241 The mountains and seas in the ten-day sky
But even if Kun doesn’t try to understand this obscure information about starting at the True God level.

Strong curiosity.

It also prompted it to continue observing.

This is undoubtedly a scene that is rarely seen in a century.

No, saying it is a rare sight in a hundred years would be a bit too modest.

At least Kun stayed in that small world for 1000 years, swallowing up the entire small world without even touching the realm of God.

Still lingering at the peak of level three.

What was happening in front of him at this moment was the birth of a spiritual master with a sixth level of spiritual power.

Cheers!Be excited!

Welcome the coming of the Lord!

In most small different worlds, this can be said to be a spectacle that surpasses the birth of the world's creator and the strongest person.

Sixth level of spiritual power.

It is unimaginably great.

Even though Kun has a long bloodline inheritance, he still knows very little about this realm.

Before it upgrades to a higher level, it is only known that the existence of the sixth level of spiritual power is called a spirit master.

That is what the spiritual lord means.

After reaching this level, spirituality will be elevated to a very high and far-reaching level.

Existences of this level will be integrated into the legend.

And as long as living things exist, legends will never die.

As long as the legend exists, the sixth-level spirit master will never truly die.

Just call her by her true name.

Even if the body and soul have been destroyed for thousands of years, there is still a chance that the spirit master will return again.

Such power.

Kun could only say that he didn’t dare to think about it.

I have never dreamed that it was so outrageous.

Even just looking at the changing hibiscus tree in front of him, Kun had an exaggerated guess.

If Yongzhi is returning to its original appearance.

Then could it be that everything in Yongzhi was once a being with a guaranteed spiritual power level of level six or above?

In other words, the name Yongzhou represents the entire meaning of Yongzhou.

This abstract existence has reached the sixth level.

In other words, it has the properties of a sixth-level spiritual power level.

That's why he can still come back after disappearing for so long.

Because they as a whole already have special properties that are integrated into the legend.

To be like this now...

Return from the legend!

The more Kun thought about it, the more it made sense.

The more it makes sense, the more Kun feels that Yongzhou as a whole is unfathomable.

This made him take a breath of cold air.

No wonder……

Yong Zhou can contend with the abyss so far!
It turns out to be so terrifying!
This thigh really needs to be hugged tighter!
No, it should be that I feel honored to be the second batch of students in Yongzhou!
Classmate Kun thought so and couldn't help but straighten his body and stare at everything that was changing in front of him.

I saw new changes taking place on the hibiscus tree.

There are strong emotions conveyed on those ten little sun-like golden crow prototypes.


The ten little golden crows initially possess intelligence and consciousness.

The ten spirits have the meaning of living creatures.

Life is born.

Although they are still unable to move, they cannot control the sun-like light group as their body to leave the big hibiscus tree.

But powerful.

It is already having an initial impact.

The ten Little Golden Crows are all at the peak of the fourth level of spiritual power.

He was only one step away from becoming a fifth-level spiritual king.

Now that they had basic consciousness, they began to move subconsciously.

Hot, hot, hot...

Heat instantly filled the entire headquarters cave.
And its source seems to come from the distant sky.

Kun raised his head when he saw this, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

I saw that the ever-changing starry sky in the cave sky began to gradually disappear at this moment.

The cave sky seemed to begin to darken.

But this is only temporary.

Because in the next moment.

Thousands of orange-red rays of light are like a sword embedded with colorful beads.

Straight from the dark night.

This is a scene that has never been seen in the cave of the previous headquarters.

The night was torn into countless parts.

The world is lit up again by the dazzling sunshine.

The sun is high in the sky.

It's just that...the number of suns is slightly exaggerated.

In the cave of the headquarters at this moment...

It’s a magnificent sight in the sky on the [-]th!

This is the reappearance of the myth!
Countless members who had become addicted to studying the myths of various countries after joining Yongzhi were standing in the cave of the headquarters with their eyes wide open at this moment.

When everyone knows that the organization has a hibiscus tree.

Everyone had expected this day.

But when the day came when this mythical scene reappeared, everyone couldn't help but feel stunned.

[When Yao was captured, he went out for ten days, scorching the crops, killing vegetation, and leaving the people with nothing to eat. 】

【猰貐, Chisel Teeth, Jiu Ying, Gale Feng, Feng Xi, and Cultivation Snake are all harmful to the people.Yao then ordered Yi to cut his teeth in the wilderness of Chouhua, kill nine infants on the ferocious water, and send the strong wind to the swamp of Qingqiu. He shot them for ten days, then went down to kill the scorpions, cut off the snakes in the cave, and captured Feng Xun. Yu Sanglin. 】

This is the story of Ten Days flying in the sky and Yi shooting the sun.


The mythical scene comes again.

It is difficult to think that this legend is just a simple and random story.


There really was a ten-day sky volley scene, and there were really monsters such as Yuqi, Chisel Tooth, Jiuying, Gale, Fengxi, Xiu Snake, etc. that caused harm to the world.

Or maybe.

Those legends and stories are the epitome of something Yong Zhou once did, and they are some abstract records of Yong Zhou's real experience.

It's just that that era is too long ago.

The truth has long been unknown.

At this moment, everyone understood that they only needed to quietly observe the magnificent scene in front of them.

As for whether the sight of the ten-day volley will cause any damage.

Then there is no need to worry.

Not to mention that the sight of the ten-day sky is inseparable from the hibiscus tree in the eternal daylight, and it will most likely not cause any damage.

Even if it does cause damage.

There is absolutely no shortage of Yi who shoots the sun in the eternal day.

I was thinking so.

A figure suddenly appeared in the sky.

That's the leader!

Every day, the video of Yongzhi University begins with a little knowledge about the use of spiritual power from the leader, followed by a bunch of ideological education.

Most people who can come to Yongzhou headquarters will naturally not fail to recognize the leader.

The leader's name is Chen Sheng, and the sage's title is [Xing].

He is the supreme leader of Yongzhou, the top person in charge of the headquarters, the dean of Yongzhou Chenxi College, the director of the lunar scientific research department, and the ruling member of the Sage Committee.

This is the beacon for Yongzhou's progress and the cornerstone for the growth of the four generations of Yongzhou to this day.

It would be strange not to recognize the leader.

Even if nothing can be seen clearly in the distant sky, you can still feel the familiar aura of the leader emanating from a distance.

Moisturizing things quietly comforted everyone.

next moment.

The leader was not seen taking any action.

The ten suns hanging in the sky quickly approached the leader, then gradually shrank and flew into the leader's outstretched palm.

The stars are back.

The hotter environment has returned to its original state.

The figure of the leader disappeared into the sky.

Everyone looked at the starry sky as always.

I can't forget the spectacular scene just now for a long time.

However, after being stunned for a while, everyone immediately came to their senses.

Save the shock for later.

Now, we need to keep busy.

This change has greatly expanded the area of ​​the entire cave, and the time they all planned to travel may have to change due to this.They need to work faster.


Under the hibiscus tree.

Chen Sheng casually threw the ten rays of light in his palm on the ground, and they turned into ten little golden crows sitting in a row on the ground.

Although Chen Sheng was thrown into disarray.

But he quickly stood up straight.

The ten three-legged golden crows all stared at Chen Sheng standing aside with their cute eyes.

They have three legs, a bright black appearance and a golden-red halo that shines around them, making them look extremely handsome.

But it was only the size of a sparrow.

It looks quite cute.

This is not some art of change.

But they have not yet been born in true meaning from the ontology on the hibiscus tree, and still need an opportunity to "break out of the shell".

Appeared here.

Just a wisp of consciousness from ten little golden crows.

Their essence has reached the peak of level four and they have a vague feeling of surpassing this level.

Even if only a ray of consciousness can be separated from the main body, it should have considerable power.

But because I haven’t been born yet.

Therefore, the power that this ray of consciousness can carry is greatly limited, which is far from what an ordinary fourth-level peak spiritual power level can achieve.

But even so.

Still reluctantly relying on a little bit of leaked power, he created the scene of ten days of volleying in the sky.

After all, the essence of the Three-Legged Golden Crow is the sun.

Chen Sheng looked at these ten cute little golden crows sitting in a row, and his desire to say something gradually faded away.

Look at the little Golden Crows standing upright.

Chen Sheng knew that they realized their mistake.

Born with perfect consciousness, they couldn't help but want to come out and play.

But accidentally creating a Tokasu volley scene would not be a good idea.

After all, not everywhere can withstand the weakened version of Tokazuli like the headquarters Dongtian.

If it were anywhere on earth.

Even a wisp of consciousness from the ten little Golden Crows in front of them that had not "broken their shells" created a low-profile Toka Sokong.

It's still a disaster.

It would be easier if Chen Sheng was here.

With Chen Sheng's power, if fully unleashed, it would be no problem to hold ten standard-sized suns.

Even if he is suppressed by the material universe, he can at least suppress the Ten Golden Crows at will.

But if Chen Sheng is not here.

If ten little golden crows act randomly anywhere, they will cause a disaster.

Little Golden Crows need to understand that they need to control their power and cannot use it wantonly.

However, seeing the cute expressions of the little Golden Crows who did not dare to speak, Chen Sheng decided to give some systematic teaching and reprimands after a while.

After all, Little Golden Crow and all.

It's really hard not to like it.

"Remember not to use your power indiscriminately."

Chen Sheng squatted down as he spoke, looked at the ten little golden crows on the ground in front of him and smiled.

When the ten little golden crows on the ground heard Chen Sheng's friendly words, they all immediately became lively and happy.

I saw that they were silent.

But they all happily flew to Chen Sheng's shoulders and head and sat down, as if they regarded these places as their nests.

Chen Sheng also smiled helplessly as he looked at the ten little golden crows leaning against him intimately.

Ten little golden crows are not heavy.

Moreover, they understood that they had to control their power, and they did not scatter light and heat at will.

It's just that the golden-red halo around their bodies that symbolizes the sun has not been closed.

This caused Chen Sheng, whose body was covered with golden crows at this moment, to become gleaming with golden light.

In this regard.

Chen Sheng did not ask them to turn off the special effects.

But I couldn't help but ponder one thing.

Their bodies are still limited by hibiscus trees.

Can this ray of consciousness leave here?
If possible, it would be a bit more maneuverable for Yong Zhou.

In contemplation.

Chen Sheng chose to take a direct step and instantly passed through the secret door without anyone noticing, arriving at the newly established East Asia branch on the southeastern coast of China.

It's only beginning to take shape here.

After all, it was just built and is not as big as the other branches.

After observing for a moment, Chen Sheng suddenly appeared in front of Gosla who was lowering her head to deal with the documents.

"How are you doing, Head of the East Asia Branch?"

Chen Sheng, whose body was covered with golden crows and filled with light circles, sat down across from Gosla's desk.

"I'm so busy, I feel like my head is going to smoke."

"I really want to do something simple..."

Gosla cried and raised her head unsurprised by the sudden appearance of the unhidden aura.

It's just that the words are not finished yet.

All the attention was attracted by Chen Sheng who was covered in special effects in front of him.

"These are...little Golden Crows?!"

Gosla's eyes widened.

There was some excitement in his tone.

She was hung on a hibiscus tree for a period of time to learn the power of the Golden Crows.

The Golden Crows are not only her companions, but also her teachers.

In addition, she has a trace of earth consciousness. Facing the incarnation of the sun, the Golden Crow, she will inevitably have some strange feelings of admiration for Confucianism.

and so.

She was pleasantly surprised by the arrival of these little golden crows.


Chen Sheng nodded.

Then he signaled the little Golden Crows to start playing with the excited Gosla.

His purpose of coming here has been achieved.

It is certain that these consciousnesses of the Little Golden Crows can leave the headquarters cave.

This time the headquarters cave is upgraded.

It is indeed quite cost-effective.

Let’s not talk about the little Golden Crow.

The hibiscus tree has indeed reached the sixth level of spiritual power.

This is the most important point.

If he works together with Fusang Tree, he will be confident in facing most situations.


The biggest change is the entire headquarters, Dongtian.

After the upgrade, it seems to be a complete world.

At least that's how Chen Sheng felt.

After the fuso tree was upgraded to the sixth level of spiritual power, it was not locked into a small dark room by the material universe.

Because the headquarters Dongtian itself has become a complete small world independent of the material universe, the material universe cannot interfere with it across the world.

And not only has its overall area expanded a lot.

In addition to the plains, there are more mountains, rivers, lakes, and forests besides the core valley.

Inside these extra various terrains.

Full of active spirituality.

It seems as if countless substances will absorb spirituality and turn into monsters at any time.

Chen Sheng didn't know what kind of benefits such a change would have, but it must be significant.

And it must be changing for the better.

At least, the records on the system panel have changed accordingly.

In the column of the organization's secret realm.

The original word [Headquarters Cave Sky].

It has quietly changed into the word "Mountain and Sea Realm (Enhanced +2)".

Regarding the profound meaning contained in this and the possible impact in the future.

Chen Sheng was looking forward to it.

 Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

  Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a reward.

(End of this chapter)

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