Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 244: Threats Beyond the Multidimensional Worm Abyss

Chapter 244: Multiple Worms·Threats Beyond the Abyss

When Chen Sheng decided to take a good vacation for himself.

Yongzhou is still running stably.

Although there are no abyss rifts or large-scale abyss invasion events for the time being.

The Abyss believers were also cleaned up on a large scale by Chen Sheng when he had the boundary monument.

But that doesn't mean Yong Zhou can be idle.

About the Awakened and ordinary human crime.

Yong Zhou can still be busy with this.

However, this level of busyness is just a casual matter for Yong Zhou today.

As long as nothing related to the abyss occurs, Chen Sheng does not even need to let go of his perception, which can now easily cover half of the solar system.

Just leave everything to Yong Zhou who has grown to be powerful enough now.

This is not only trust, but also an exercise.

The world is still running smoothly as usual.

It was only when Chen Sheng put away his perception and was busy teaching the students of Chenxi Academy.

On an island country.

A crisis emerged quietly.


Blue fluffy afro.

No matter where you are, it is so eye-catching.

However, Luke, who is very artistic, believes that the stares from passers-by are just envy of him.

Find a bar and sit down.

Luke ordered a bottle of this country's specialty wine.

Take a sip and feel the cool wine and silky smooth taste. The wine mixed with air rolls slightly on the tip of your tongue and then goes into your throat.

A gorgeous burst of aroma similar to melon, cantaloupe, apple...

Luke had to admit.

Sake is surprisingly similar to white wine in a way.

In terms of how picky he is.

I have to admit that this tastes pretty good.

Putting down the wine glass and looking around, he was not too conspicuous here.

This is also the reason why he subconsciously chose this place.

Here there are many people from all over the world.

Although his blue afro is conspicuous, it doesn't seem that strange here.

Some people here are silent, and some people talk loudly.

Luke knew what these people were here for.

Among them are tourists, journalists, Internet celebrities, and some agents from small countries.

It can only be said that the identity is so complicated that it is difficult to explain clearly.

Although more than half a year has passed since the Godzilla incident.

Although no paparazzi can completely avoid radar, satellite, and infrared detection.No reporter can break through the maritime blockade of the multinational aircraft carrier fleet, and no Internet celebrity can sneak in from the land where the joint armies of various countries are stationed.


The curiosity of people around the world is never-ending.

Even though more than half a year has passed since the Godzilla incident, most people have returned to their daily lives habitually.

However, the impact of that incident cannot be completely eliminated in half a year.

This small island country.

Over the past six months, too many people have continued to come.

They all want to know the details of the Godzilla incident.

Even if the core area is inaccessible due to the joint blockade of the four countries.

There are still people coming all the time.

Such crowds of people rushed here one after another, which caused the Japanese economy to collapse due to large-scale changes in public opinion and officials after the Godzilla incident.

Miraculously slowly recovering.

The sale of Godzilla dolls alone is enough to support a multi-billion dollar market.

Not to mention the additional economy brought by the many tourists from around the world.

And Luke is in this group.

It can also be said to be a rather special one.

It can be seen from the easel canvas he is carrying and the brush handle protruding from his afro.

He is an eclectic painter.

To be precise, he is an eclectic and non-mainstream wandering painter.

His purpose of coming here is not exactly the same as those artists who come here to check in - he actually wants to pursue the extraordinary.

what he cares about.

This is a picture of a sinkhole that is occasionally circulated on the Internet.

In the past six months, the intensity of the four countries' joint vigilance has been much reduced, and occasionally some pictures of the areas they have blocked can be seen leaked on the Internet.

Based on the pictures that occasionally circulate on the Internet, a small group of people who are still keen to pursue the truth about Godzilla have made various speculations.

It can finally be determined.

That was the place where Godzilla finally arrived in news reports, and it was also the place where Japan prepared to discharge nuclear sewage.

Now all that remains is a sinkhole filled with seawater.

The dark blue and black color leaves no doubt about its depth to anyone who sees it.

No one knows what happened there.

Luke doesn't know either, but he feels that it is very likely to have something to do with Chaofan.

In other words, there is a high probability that it is caused by extraordinary beings.

I still remember more than a year, almost two years ago.

He had seen two extraordinary events.

The first time was outside the town of Taos, in the conifer forests near the San Cristo Mountains.

His interest grew in the early hours of one morning, so he packed up his tools and left Taos in the middle of the night, painting for a while in the coniferous forest near the San Cristo Mountains.

The private estate there was not allowed to come close, so he simply found a place to paint on the outskirts of the coniferous forest.

Then, a series of explosions and the roar of something like a wild beast were heard.

That kind of monster's roar is definitely not something that any known creature can emit. Just listening to it makes people feel terrified.

Then, there was calm.

He once wanted to leave in panic, but he stood outside the dense forest and could not move his frightened footsteps.

Until dawn comes, a golden beam of light rises into the sky, and infinite warmth suddenly surges into the heart, making people forget their fear.

Along with it, there was the scream of the monster.He could hear the fear in the wail.

It was as if the monster knew that it was facing a god that it knew it was outmatched but could not escape, and could only scream helplessly.

After that, he also experienced being questioned by the official mystery department, which was quickly ended because he really didn't know more details.

Luke had an extremely deep impression of this experience.

The second time was a painting session in Taos.

He painted a vivid portrait of a passer-by of good temperament.

Then it was said that because of the words "Eternal Sun" on the painting, he was called over again not long after returning home from the official special department.

After interrogation for a long time, he was released.

Even so, because he was involved in many extraordinary incidents, he was included in the supervision plan of the Abnormal Countermeasures Bureau for a long time.

It was only recently that they finally completely eliminated his connection with Chaofan, slowed down the supervision of him, and even allowed him to enter and exit the country freely.

Both times involved extraordinary events.

As soon as Jean-Luc finished the supervision plan, he immediately decided to look for traces of the extraordinary.

Bring the guy who paints himself.

His first stop was Japan, the place where the Godzilla incident occurred.

In this town closest to the blockade.

He paused.

He looked around at the various people who were drinking and discussing how to sneak into the official blockade.

Luke slowly sipped the sake in his glass.

Thinking about what to do next.

This is already the closest inhabited place near the blockade.

Discussions about sneaking into the blockade can often be heard here.

Bribe the soldiers of the four countries on the blockade.

Take risks and try to sneak past the blockade.

Various methods of discussion passed through Luke's ears.

However, most of them are not very practical, or there is no specific course of action.

Obviously, what these people talked about in the bar was just empty talk, and no one would say anything practical here.Luke was in no rush about it.

Opportunities are not always available.

He still has a lot of time to pursue the extraordinary, and he also has a lot of time to find a way to sneak into the blockade and take a look at the sinkhole that is rumored to exist on the Internet.

Thinking, Luke looked at the roll at his waist.

There, there is also a portrait painted by him.

That's another portrait with the words Eternal Sun.

He didn't just paint a picture for that elegant oriental man.

One of them was taken away by the Abnormal Countermeasures Bureau as evidence, but he never told anyone about the existence of the other one.

Tell him intuitively.

The only thing in him that might have something to do with the extraordinary might help him at a critical moment.

If you really can't find the extraordinary.

Luke thought that he might be able to display the painting in the open air, and perhaps attract extraordinary people who knew the people and words in the painting.

Of course.

There is a high probability that it will be attracted by the departments that manage extraordinary events in secular countries.

and so.

Luke doesn’t plan to show the portrait just yet.

At least it won't reveal its existence easily.

With this thought in mind, he took another sip of the wine in his glass.

After it bottomed out, he stood up and left the bar.


He planned to walk around near the blockade to familiarize himself with the general terrain.

Although he had no intention of breaking in or sneaking in unwisely.

But it’s always good to familiarize yourself with the terrain.

What if it comes in handy someday?

While thinking wildly.

Luke slowly came to the edge of this town that was bustling with exploration of the Godzilla incident.

He chose a direction at random and walked all the way to a slightly higher place on the edge of the town.

Stand on a higher rock here.

You can see the deserted road under your feet extending into the distance.

Then you can faintly see patrolling soldiers and stretches of checkpoints.

This is a relatively strict blockade.

Although it doesn't look like much firepower at first glance.

But there's a lot of open ground nearby.

This meant that anyone trying to get closer would have no cover from which to approach.

If you want to get close to the checkpoint, you can see it clearly from a few hundred meters away.

It was obviously impossible to sneak in from this direction.

As for breaking in by force, it's even more impossible.

Although the strength of the four-nation joint aircraft carrier formation stationed in nearby waters has weakened, there is still one formation wandering nearby.

As long as you dare to force your way in.

We will face the fire coverage that the aircraft carrier formation will surely arrive within 10 minutes.

And although this blockade doesn't seem to be stationed with heavy firepower, who knows whether there will be a main battle tank group parked on the opposite side of the blockade that can't be seen clearly even if you can't get close!
Watch this blockade with your own eyes.

Only then did Luke realize how serious the attitude of the four countries that jointly blocked this place was.

It seems that I can only try in another direction.

Tomorrow we will go to another blockade near the mountain forest to take a look.

Think so.

Luke planned to go home for the time being and go back to the hotel where he stayed to rest for a while.

It’s just that I don’t have to use a camera to take pictures and record the surrounding scenes.

The sound of gunfire came from a distance.

Luke was so frightened that he trembled subconsciously and immediately looked in the direction of the blockade.

And the gunshot sounded like a signal.

The next moment was the non-stop sound of gunfire and bullets.

densely connected.

This pure display of firepower is definitely not a drill.

Apparently something went wrong in the direction of the blockade of the four-nation coalition forces!
Luke tried to look far into the distance.

Also try adjusting the focus with your phone and camera.

But all they could see was the rising dust on the other side of the blockade.

It was as if some big guy was turning over there.

Strong curiosity arose.

Luke really wanted to go there right now.

But the gunshots that didn't stop made him hesitate.

There is obviously a big monster staying there.

So many bullets were poured in but nothing happened. If he had passed by, he might not have known how he died.

But the transcendence he wanted to pursue seemed to be right in front of him, which made him hesitate.

next moment.

Violent explosions came from afar.

The fire stirred up in the dust.

What followed was a series of explosions, and the firepower escalated instantly.

The shock wave tore through the dust for a moment.

Luke, who was trying to see clearly what was happening at the blockade, opened his eyes wide.

Huge and long and narrow body.

Part of it is revealed at this moment.

Each section is like a caterpillar, showing its presence wantonly.

Obviously, this is not a caterpillar.

There are no caterpillars nearly [-] meters long in the world.

Its segment-shaped body has barbs randomly distributed on its skin.

As well as the bloody mouth covered with rings of fangs at the end of the body, it makes people shiver all over the moment they see it.

This image resembles the death worm in countless film and television fantasy works.

Luke couldn't help but swallow, and stopped all thoughts of getting closer.

Fear filled his heart at this moment.

Any thoughts of pursuing the extraordinary disappeared at this moment.

Although he had experienced extraordinary events before, he had never seen an extraordinary monster so clearly.

And when he saw it with his own eyes at this moment.

He just understood one thing.

Sometimes, it is better to restrain your curiosity.

Those countless bullets can only splash sparks on the skin of the death worm.

The bursts of explosions only shook the death worm, leaving no trace behind.

face such a monster.

Keeping a wide berth is the best option.

Luke thought so, so he turned around and ran away without hesitation.

To speed things up.

Except for a scroll with a painting on his waist, he decisively discarded most of his luggage.


There seemed to be more life in his direction.

The monster that suddenly appeared within the blockade and wreaked havoc.

Suddenly it was also coming in Luke's direction.

The huge movement made Luke glance back subconsciously. When he found the death worm coming towards him, he wished he could grow another pair of legs.


The empty, long distance between him and the blockade.

It doesn't seem like that much of a distance for a death worm.


The loud noise of rubbing against the ground and crushing earth and rocks as it moved was already very close at hand.

(End of this chapter)

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