Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 248 The Flying Pasta God gives me power!

Chapter 248 The Flying Pasta God gives me power!

When the polyworm thing comes to an end.

Chen Sheng headed towards the earth.

The crisis of Chaogang is over, and more cheating forces of Chaogang intervene.

Based on system commitments.

After that, he didn't need to think too much about the multi-worm crisis.

One hundred thousand experience covers all subsequent processing.

The credibility of the system is still trustworthy.

At least for now, Chen Sheng can only choose to trust the system.

The majestic presence beyond the membrane of the world has disappeared.

Abyss's evil plan went bankrupt, and he even set himself on fire.

This made Chen Sheng feel extremely comfortable.

Compared with the previous behavior of using the abyss crack stabilizer taught by the system to reset the progress of the abyss erosion and assimilation of the rules of the material universe to zero.

At this moment, I feel like I am directly returning to my hometown.

Be more happy.

Although still carrying a debt of [-] experience.

But who among modern young people can’t bear some debt?

This does not affect Chen Sheng's happiness.

However, it is still necessary to understand the troubles that experience debt status can cause.

Thinking so.

Chen Sheng slowly walked in space and asked the system: "System, you said before that if you are in a state of experience debt, you will be forced to assign tasks from time to time?"


[Mandatory tasks cannot be violated. At the end of the task, you can only gain experience to repay debts. 】

Hearing this, Chen Sheng looked thoughtful.

To be honest, this is not unacceptable.

Since he obtained the system, except for the initial welfare tasks at the beginning, they were purely rewards and not mandatory.

In fact, only two emergency missions were carried out.

Being given the name of an urgent mission naturally shows that it is not something that Chen Sheng can easily refuse.

Both emergency missions were due to the abyss trying to erode the upper reaches of the timeline, so Chen Sheng had to rush to the rescue.

This task is really not mandatory.

But if you don't execute it, there will basically be only one outcome: successful abyss erosion.

The past timeline will fall.

The current timeline will be overwritten by a new future.

Such urgent tasks are no different from so-called mandatory tasks.

The only disadvantage of mandatory tasks is probably that they only provide experience and no additional rewards.

But actually.

Giving back experience is already very humane.

Therefore, Chen Sheng's rejection of mandatory tasks is not serious.

"Tell me, what mandatory tasks have you had recently?"

Chen Sheng asked.

I’m curious if there are any mandatory tasks that I need to do immediately.

He was eager to complete the task quickly and pay off the debt, and then continue to upgrade properly.

The sense of crisis brought about by the multi-worm incident is too strong.

At this moment, he had a deeper understanding of the powerlessness brought about by weakness.

[Mandatory Mission: The Boundless Sea of ​​Multiple Realms]

[Mission introduction: After this multidimensional worm crisis, you understand that the multidimensional sea is vast and the enemy is not just the abyss.At the same time, there are more than just enemies in the multidimensional sea. 】

[Task requirements: Set off from the ancient starry sky road in three days and go to a new world newly opened by the system to find Yong Zhou and the former allies of mankind. 】

"This mission..."

"Something interesting."

Chen Sheng looked at the introduction of the system and felt that this task seemed to be somewhat interesting.

He is going to another world.

Looking for the former allies of Yongzhi and mankind.

The word "once" is used very cleverly.

It shows that it is in the sea of ​​multiple realms.

There are forces that have interacted with humans in the system settings and in the past.

When setting up the background story of the secret realm and ruins according to the system, there is a high probability that it will have some relationship with human history and myths and legends.

He couldn't help but have some expectations for this.

After pondering for a moment, he changed his direction and headed decisively towards Mars.

Next, let’s wait for a while at the ruins of the Starry Sky Road on Mars.

While seeing how Yong Zhou's [Xin Qin·External Force] completed its mission of setting up a cordon in the asteroid belt, they waited for time to pass.

Think so.

Mars soon appeared in front of us.

Chen Sheng took a few steps to the ruins of Xingkong Ancient Road.

At this moment, the appearance of this place and even the entire surrounding Mount Olympus has undergone considerable changes.

Except for the countless small machines flying in the Martian atmosphere, optical mimicry technology is used to prevent anyone observing Mars from detecting any abnormalities.

There is more Daqin technology.

The moment is changing everything nearby.

[New Afang Palace] This logistics base can produce various technologies and even terracotta warriors and horses, and is equipped with more than [-] ready-made terracotta warriors and horses.

It is undoubtedly equivalent to having strong productivity.

In just a few days, the top of Mount Olympus, around the ruins of the Starry Sky Ancient Road, has been covered with a bright silver iron shell foundation.

Huge starship factories are rising on this foundation.

More than [-] terracotta warriors and horses armed with laser spears patrolled the area tirelessly.

Chen Sheng's arrival was not concealed.

He was instantly discovered by the patrolling Terracotta Warriors team and the detection equipment hidden in the surrounding area.

One of the terracotta warriors in the terracotta team immediately turned his eyes blue, then looked at Chen Sheng and said, "Hello, leader."

Apparently, the AI ​​government took over it.

The psychic technology inherited from the ancestor Yong Zhou makes this [Xin Qin] technology particularly powerful.

"You guys are developing quite fast these days."

Chen Sheng walked towards the Xingkong Ancient Road ruins and looked around with interest.

The surrounding changes are indeed not small.

At least the nearby area on top of Mount Olympus is no longer a barren land.

This is like a high-tech industrial park.

Bright silver metal floors are spread everywhere. They are foundations, detection equipment, and defense methods...


Starship factories are also under construction.

Obviously, this was to prepare for the execution of leader Chen Sheng's previous order for them to station themselves in the asteroid belt.

"Ever since you gave me the authority over the Ancient Star Road, I have been using resources from both worlds to control Afang Palace and the Terracotta Warriors to act according to your wishes."

"In less than two months, we can begin to gradually deploy forces in the asteroid belt."

The AI-possessed Terracotta Warriors responded.

Being able to become Yong Zhou's subordinate again, even if he is an AI, he is excited about it.

This is the yearning and longing rooted in the genes of all [New Qin] people starting from the First Emperor.

And this AI, which is woven with emotion and spiritual power, inevitably has such emotions.

What's wrong with being the dog of eternal day? !

"Well, well done."

Chen Sheng nodded.

Be positive about the changes around you.

Then, he will wait here for the mandatory mission to come.


Yongzhou Headquarters·Shanhai Realm·Teleport Square.

Derif, who had just been teleported from the lunar scientific research department, couldn't help but feel a little emotional when he looked at the translucent sky.

At the headquarters Dongtian...oh no.

It has now been renamed Shanhaijie.

The tribesmen living in the Shanhai Realm told him about the changes in the headquarters the day before yesterday.

The official announcement from Yongzhou also explained the changes at the headquarters.

But not until you see it with your own eyes.Only then can you truly appreciate the details.

The sky, which was originally filled with only dark stars, now became completely bright.

The sun hung high like a living thing.

Spreading light and heat.

It is this thing that gives the lunar scientific research department an additional job to study artificial moons.

As the leader of the dwarf tribe with a third-level spiritual power level, Derif feels the changes in this situation more clearly than most people with low spiritual power levels.

If you look carefully.

On the high-hanging sun, he could see the looming shadow of a three-legged golden crow.

The power fluctuations that he inadvertently exuded at the beginning of a fourth-level true god made him deeply realize the depth of Yong Zhou's foundation.

Every glance towards the sun.

Dreif felt like he could understand something.

Of course.

In fact, he understood nothing.

After pondering for a moment, Derif withdrew his gaze and walked towards a conference room under the hibiscus tree.

This time, he was jointly mobilized by the disciplinary and legal department and the headquarters, and needed to cooperate with these two departments to review the beliefs previously submitted by all members.

Because of the transformative power of this simple ritual, all members need to learn it.

Therefore, representatives from all departments will be sent to participate in this review to make the review as fair, open and impartial as possible.

He Derif represents the lunar scientific research department.


On the way to the conference room, he met two acquaintances whom he had met before.

Those are Ai Xin and Liu Xinyue.

One is the inheritor of the will of a formal member of Yongzhi who died, and the other is an awakened person with a powerful talent in perception.

They are all special temporary members of Yongzhi at the moment and belong to a rather special class.

It is directly managed by the headquarters and can join classes at Chenxi College.

They appear here, obviously they also want to participate in this review meeting.

"Liu Xinyue, Ai Xin!"

Drev greeted with a smile.

Hearing his call, the two girls chatting immediately responded:

"Uncle Dwarf!"

Listening to the two people calling each other in unison, Drev walked to the two of them with a smile.

There are three people I haven’t seen in a while.

As they walked towards the conference room, they chatted with each other about their recent experiences after separation.

After his mission to explore the failure of the secret door in PL County ended, Drif returned to the lunar scientific research department and continued to be a hard-working scientific researcher.

Liu Xinyue was recruited by the Rapid Reaction Force because of her talent, and participated in their various daily operations as a special temporary member.It was promised that as long as she completed the first semester of Chenxi College's homework, she would become a permanent member of the rapid response force.

As for Ai Xin.

Because of Marlowe's sacrifice, he was recently visited and comforted by the Discipline and Law Department and the Employee Care Committee every three days.

The headquarters also has special treatment for her special situation. As long as she completes the first semester of Chenxi College, she will be allowed to inherit Marlowe's number and become a formal member of Yongzhi. The specific departments to be assigned can be free to a certain extent. choose.

Everyone was after the incident at the Sand Boundary in PL County and the Shambhala Cave on Mount Kailash.

They have all gone through a lot.

It can be said that Ai Xin and Liu Xinyue have slowly integrated into Yong Zhou during this period of time.

Today's review meeting.

The headquarters also decided to let the two people participate as representatives.

This gradually gave them both a sense of belonging.


"So, is the lunar scientific research department so busy?"

Liu Xinyue raised her eyebrows, obviously not expecting the lunar scientific research department to be so busy.

This made her pause in surprise, stopping at the door of the conference room and looking at Drif.

During the chat just now.

She complained about the troubles of being an intern in the rapid reaction force, but was told by Derif that the lunar scientific research department was actually the busiest.

The dwarf uncle's comments didn't seem like empty talk.

"That's not."

"However, although the quick reaction force you plan to join is not as busy as us, it is definitely not easy."

Derif smiled at Liu Xinyue.

The lunar scientific research department is indeed the busiest, but the rapid response force is not bad either.


The whole Yongzhou was very busy.

"By the way, where are you, Ai Xin?"

"You haven't said where you want to join after you are officially established as a member?"

When Derif saw the topic reaching this point, he couldn't help but be curious about Ai Xin's thoughts.

Ai Xin was allowed to choose his department freely.

It's not like Liu Xinyue has been assigned to the department because of her outstanding talent, and she has no chance to choose.

"I have considered the disciplinary department. After all, their employee care committee is really good to me."

"However, I haven't officially decided which department to go to yet..."

Ai Xin's words have not yet finished.

I heard a commotion in the conference room behind a few people.

Then there was a huge shadow floating in the air through the roof of the conference room.

The shadow is a flying spaghetti monster.

There were even globs of sauce hanging on top.


Liu Xinyue subconsciously activated the ability to listen to the sounds of all things to perceive.

[A volcano erupting beer]

[A striptease club. 】

[Everything spurting out on the ground is horse urine]

All kinds of strange pictures come to mind.

It can be called a burst of mental pollution.

This made Liu Xinyue, a former Internet writer who is familiar with some messy information from around the world, pale.

After he calmed down, he couldn't help but complain: "This is... the Flying Pasta God? Wasn't this kind of thing eliminated by the previous anti-cult campaign?"

She had some doubts at first.

But after realizing why this thing appeared in this conference room, she couldn't help but feel a little excited.


“Flying Pasta God is not a cult.”

"It seems...people in the conference room are also arguing about this."

Derif looked at the powerful shadow in the sky and explained to the pale Liu Xinyue.

In understanding the influence of eternal day on human mythology, he gained some understanding of human mythology beliefs.

Dreif knew about the so-called Flying Spaghetti Cult.

It is essentially an idea that opposes creationism, and there is nothing wrong with it.

It just seems a little ridiculous.

Regardless of whether the members of Yongzhou did it for fun or for any other purpose, there was no big problem in submitting this belief for review.

It's just Dreev's opinion.

The beliefs approved at this meeting will be submitted to the leader.

Then it was set up by the leader as a designated channel to communicate with the legendary zone. These beliefs will later become a standard power for the members of Yongzhi.

If the members of Yongzhi use this belief as a way to summon the power of the legendary zone outside, the form of expression is really a bit crooked.

He would recite a line of belief in the Flying Spaghetti God at every turn, and then summon the absurd-looking shadow of the Flying Spaghetti God.

Those who don’t know may think that the members of Yongzhou are all a group of cultists.

According to the "Regulations on the Guidance of Internal Belief Management in Yongzhi" drafted by the leader, there is a high probability that this flying pasta god's proposal will be killed by the discipline and law department and the headquarters responsible for this joint review.

"I think this kind of power still has merit in terms of its mental deterrent properties."

"I want to vote for the Flying Spaghetti God to become the chartered faith of Eternal Day."

Liu Xinyue, who had calmed down, suddenly smiled and rushed into the conference room excitedly.

in her heart at this moment.

To tell a lie: Who said that the special effects of power have to be great enough?
Yong Zhou's main theme is that it doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice, it is a good cat.

To be honest, it would be really cool if I could summon this kind of shadow in the future!
Her main thing is to watch the fun and not take it too seriously.

Seeing Liu Xinyue rushing into the conference room excitedly, Ai Xin and Derif were stunned for a moment, and then followed helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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