Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 252 The miraculous giant wall

Chapter 252 The miraculous giant wall
[The eighth day of multi-dimensional worm invasion into the abyss]


The damage of the Abyss is steadily increasing.

Although there is a high probability that the damage rate will occasionally decrease due to the efforts of the Abyss side to repair it, the damage rate will be increased again by multi-dimensional worms within a short period of time.

The ancient title of polyworm is indeed not vegetarian.

Looking at this updated data.

Chen Sheng felt sincerely happy both physically and mentally.

The invasion of the abyss during this period has brought far less damage to the material universe than the system throwing the multi-dimensional worm over.

Refreshment comes from the inside out,

This has also led to the behavior of checking data every day, which has become Chen Sheng's daily routine.

have to say.

Relaxing your mood really does wonders for your daily work.

At least he is processing documents much faster these days.

It has now been five days since he brought Poseidon back to the material universe from [Foreign Land: Atlantis], and then brought Poseidon back to Earth from Mars.

Regarding Poseidon's arrangements, Chen Sheng had an idea after thinking about it for some time.

Although this sudden fourth-level true god, no matter in terms of position or power level, it is not easy to make a decision.

But after some simple thinking.

Chen Sheng decided to temporarily let it belong to the diplomatic department, and temporarily accept it as an alliance diplomat like the dwarves.

Let’s not talk about the specific preparation for now.

Its current residence is temporarily arranged in the headquarters.

After finishing the matter of settling Poseidon.

Chen Sheng's life these days has returned to a peaceful routine again.

In addition to practicing, Chen Sheng's daily life is to deal with matters that require his decision-making.

Like now.

He stayed in the building complex under the hibiscus tree in Shanhaijie, and had just finished browsing today's files.

There are some needs from various departments.

There are management suggestions put forward by various middle and senior levels.

However, except for the special situation in the audit of faith statistics, nothing seems to be a big deal.

As for the lunar scientific research department, it was reported that the artificial moon and Kui cattle breeding projects have officially begun.

As for the details of each branch's handling of the previous 1000 million US dollars allocated for infrastructure construction, and the construction of the new library in Dawn Cave Sky.


Therefore, Chen Sheng mainly made a decision on the issue of belief: "There is freedom of belief, but Yongzhi itself is always the first belief of the members."

After putting forward such a central idea.

Chen Sheng then finished processing today's documents with a stroke of his pen.

Then he began to enjoy the physical and mental pleasure mentioned above. He glanced at the abyss damage data with interest from time to time.

As mentioned above.

He feels that maintaining this habit of paying attention to injury data is good for his physical and mental health.

After seeing that the real-time abyss damage data reported by the system had increased a bit, Chen Sheng continued to browse other interfaces in a refreshed manner.

In terms of organizational experience, it has now become [Experience: -79120/100000].

Looking at the experience debt of [-] yuan that has been repaid.

He really wanted to do some more mandatory tasks to continue repaying the high experience debt.

After all, mandatory tasks do give you a lot of experience.

It is an extremely important part of the long and arduous road to repayment.

When he tried to communicate with the system again.

The system's reply was still to ask him to wait patiently, without revealing any unnecessary information.

Everything was the same as the answer the system gave him when he was about to bring Poseidon back.


Chen Sheng didn't have time to be disappointed.

The intuition that was now so sharp that it was almost ridiculous suddenly became alert at this moment.

He noticed.

The arrival of some special situation.

Looking towards the plain outside Fuso Valley.

I saw the trident in Poseidon's hand, who was staying there meditating, suddenly began to vibrate.

There is a faint flicker of brilliance in it.

This movement.

Poseidon, who was meditating, opened his eyes in confusion.

It also made Chen Sheng narrow his eyes slightly not far away.

At the same time, Chen Sheng's perception could easily cover the whole world.

Also noticed something wrong.

On the Atlantic Ocean!
Near the Strait of Gibraltar!

There is a violent fluctuation of spiritual power!

That fluctuation echoed in the distance with the trident in Poseidon's hand at this moment.

Some kind of change!It's about to happen!
This caused countless thoughts to flash through Chen Sheng's mind.

If I remember correctly...

The Atlantis civilization that Plato talked about was located in that place on the earth, right?

Could it be that what mechanism was triggered after bringing back Poseidon and the trident?

Chen Sheng had many thoughts in his mind.

In fact, there is something special about that place on the earth where spiritual power suddenly fluctuates. It happens to be the location where Atlantis may exist in the legend.

Right now.

A line of text pops up on the system panel:
[The subsequent impact of the mandatory mission has arrived]

[Subsequent mandatory tasks will be announced within ten days]

Seeing this, Chen Sheng's eyes widened.

The so-called mandatory tasks are indeed not that simple.

The spiritual energy fluctuations in the Strait of Gibraltar should be the so-called subsequent effects.

It seems that every time the mandatory task is executed in the future, this subsequent impact may be triggered.

However, there are subsequent effects.

But the news of the next mandatory mission also arrived at this moment.


Chen Sheng looked into the distance, his eyes seemed to be able to reach directly to the Strait of Gibraltar across space.

The so-called subsequent effects.

All the details were unfolded in front of him.

"This influence..."

"It seems...not bad?"

Chen Sheng was a little surprised by this detection result.


This subsequent impact is not a bad direction, it can even be said to be some kind of reward!

Strait of Bratu.

It is located between the southernmost part of Spain in Europe and the northwestern part of Africa and Morocco.

It is an important gateway connecting the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

The narrowest part of the gorge is only 13 kilometers, and its west entrance is the widest, reaching 43 kilometers; the shallowest part is 301 meters deep, the deepest is 1181 meters deep, and the average depth is about 375 meters.

Since ancient times, the Strait has been a battleground for the economy, politics and military.

And the Strait of Gibraltar today.

It remains an important waterway from the Atlantic Ocean to southern Europe, North Africa and West Asia.

Rip Hunter as Channel Inspector.

Early in the morning, we were patrolling the coast of the Strait of Gibraltar near Europe.

Feeling the cold air and the blurry sky.

Hunter curled up subconsciously.

As one of the many members sent by the sun to manage the strait, he originally only had to land the passing ships.

But it's spring now.

His tasks became somewhat arduous.

In spring and winter, foggy weather occurs due to the temperature difference between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean and the convergence of warm and moist airflow above.

Visibility is very low, which poses a great threat to ship navigation.

Therefore, in spring and winter, he needs to patrol the coast to determine whether navigation is possible in the strait and check whether there are any dangers.

Of course, Hunter found this work arrangement completely boring.

Machines can take over his job long ago, and the judgment of satellite images will only be faster, more accurate, and clearer than manual work.

But now that it’s arranged like this.

Hunter could only continue to do what he thought was a meaningless task.

Stroll along the Strait of Gibraltar.

Looking at the unique environment and landforms brought by the nearby Mediterranean climate.Even after watching it a thousand times.

He couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy.

I have to say that my original choice was correct.

During the years of working in the Strait of Gibraltar, I never got bored.

Although the workload is large.

But the scenery here never disappoints.

Whenever I gaze at this strait that has existed for many years and condensed countless human history.

He could always vaguely feel the beauty in it.

Perhaps, this is the inadvertent touch of a liberal arts student.

It's like drifting on the coast not far away, looking at the ship that is about to hit it.

Also full of beauty...


Hunter reacted suddenly and stared at the water not far away with wide eyes.

Why is there a ship there?
Shouldn't it be necessary to restrict travel in this kind of foggy weather first, and then let the Strait of Gibraltar Management Office confirm whether it is passable before releasing it?
the most important is.

Are you about to hit the Strait shore? !
Without hesitation, he raised the strong flashlight in his hand, trying to signal the distant fog.


The radio communication equipment in his hand belonging to the official channel of the Gibraltar Strait Management Office was also constantly calling people nearby on the same channel.


The ship noticed his signal.

Controlled the ship heading in the wrong direction.

The voice of the person in charge of the ship also came from the radio communication equipment: "Thank you, we almost hit the coast."


Hunter shook his head helplessly and said.

He did not ask how the ship got in during this foggy time.

The gateway in the early morning.

Best for doing sneaky things.

As long as there are some appropriate bribes, it is actually not impossible to pass the traffic restrictions.

Just wait until early in the morning and go to the exit gate to bribe again.

In this regard, Hunter did not want to break the casserole and ask the truth.

This is a place jointly controlled by Spain and the sun. The personnel structure of the entire Gibraltar Strait Management Office is extremely complex, and the various personal relationships among them are even more chaotic.

If he finds out which leader's problem this is, he may not be able to reap the rewards.

Seeing that Hunter stopped saying anything, the ship also tacitly interrupted communication.

They also know their own problems and don't say a word about unnecessary things.

Driving slowly and silently.

Looking at the ships heading into the fog, Hunter stopped silently.

Prepare to wait until the ship is no longer visible before continuing your patrol mission.


The violent vibration came suddenly.

Hunter was driven by the shaking ground and fell down immediately.

Having never experienced an earthquake, his face turned pale.

Subconsciously, he grasped the nearby vegetation and the ground, trying to reduce the extent of his shaking.

But this is of no use.

The magnitude of the vibration does not slow down.

It would be better to say that after he lay down, his head was buzzing even more.

Along with the vibration, there was an extremely violent loud noise.

It made his ears ring a little.

I can only say that I'm glad there aren't any high-rise buildings around.

He was relatively safe.

However, amid this tremor, there is a high probability that the water surface of the strait will not be stable.

Hunter thought so.

While trying to raise his dizzy head, he looked at the ship not far away that had not gone far.

And this one.

Hunter's dizzy head suddenly sobered up.

It was like a cold air appeared from the feet and then immediately penetrated the whole body.

It made him look unusually energetic.

I saw the water of the Strait of Gibraltar not far away.

A piece of land seems to be rising!
Or should not say land!

It was a huge wall made of bluestone-like bricks.


In his field of vision, he could not see the ends to the left and right.

All I knew was that a huge wall appeared out of thin air.

It's like a dam cutting the entire Strait of Gibraltar in half.

However, it is much higher than the dam.

And the two sections have to be extended out, unlike the dam, which has a limited width.

Looking far away.

It seemed that a looming black spot could be seen at the top of the dam-like bluestone brick wall.

The shocked Hunter didn't wait for something to think about.

The radio communication equipment on his body suddenly sounded.


"are you still there?!"

"We...seem to be in heaven!"

The sound in the radio communication equipment came from the previous ship.

This made Hunter swallow his saliva.

Look at the looming black spot at the top of the wall.

He had a vague guess in his mind.


This sudden wall pushed the ship into the sky? !
This speculation made Hunter fall into silence.

Until the shaking slowly stopped.

Hunter remained silent for a long time.

He wanted to get up and take a look at the huge wall that suddenly appeared.

I also wanted to respond to the radio communication device with a frightened sound on my waist.

But fear and confusion.

It broke Hunter's mind.

It made him a little confused for a moment.

My body was too weak to stand up.

His hands tried to hold him up, but they immediately started to tremble like a thin dog.

Although Hunter does not have the habit of exercising.

However, it's not that he can't even get up from the ground.

This is an overly complex and exciting emotion that dominates Hunter's body.

in the end……

What happened? !
Hunter asked loudly in confusion.

He didn't know who to question, he only knew that his breathing was getting faster and faster in the process.

A huge wall suddenly appeared in the distance like a miracle.

It shattered his worldview.

He wanted to do something, just...

Struggling in his heart, Hunter suddenly discovered something.

The white fog blocked the sight at some point, making it difficult to see clearly even ten meters away.

Even when Hunter tried to take another look at the trace-like wall, it was already a bit blurry.

Although it was a foggy weather all around.

However, is the current situation too foggy and exaggerated?
Hunter swallowed.

The increasingly weird situation made him understand one thing.

If you don't stand up and leave here quickly, more weird things may happen.

He wants to go home and doesn't want to be here anymore.

The desire to survive finally forced him to stand.

Then he hurriedly followed the way he came, groping his way out in the heavy fog.

(End of this chapter)

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