Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 261 Facing the irresistible sinking of the will of the abyss

Chapter 261 Facing the will of the abyss·The irresistible sinking


Never pause because of personal will.

Some people may possess powerful power across the universe, but they are powerless over the entire length of time in the material universe.

Five days, fleeting.

In the past five days, Yongzhou has made some internal adjustments with the formal establishment of the Sage Committee.

In addition to the headquarters and its subordinate branches, the lunar scientific research department, and Chenxi Academy, these departments are directly under the leadership of the leader.

The Discipline and Law Department, the Foreign Affairs Department, the Palace of the Past, and the New Qin Supernumerary Force are all under the name of the Sage Committee.

The establishment of many members of Yongzhou has been adjusted.

These are all minor changes in work details and welfare systems, which are not worth mentioning.

For all Yongzhi members.

There are two most important changes in these five days.

The first is that with the appointment of the three sages, Yong Zhou went on a multi-day vacation.

Although not everyone takes a holiday at the same time.

But everyone was given a chance to take a vacation, which they could freely choose to use in non-emergency situations after passing the review of Yongzhou Headquarters.

This review will not be too strict.

As long as the department does not have too urgent work needs, it will basically pass.

The applicant’s reasons for taking leave are not of concern.

After all, Yong Zhou is not like the capitalists in most companies who treat people as tools and try every means to squeeze them.

Yongzhou is not a profit-oriented organization.

It is to save mankind and is a truly people-oriented organization.

In addition to reasons such as happiness and mourning, the applicant simply wants to take a break.

And it’s an added bonus vacation.

It does not belong to the regular holidays of Yongzhi.

Just in fact.

Most formal members and reserve members of Everday rarely take time off, and what drives them to act is lofty ideals and firm beliefs.

Moreover, Yongzhou's various benefits are also quite good, and in many cases it really doesn't take much time off.

Those benefits are enough to make people mad.

Just like a formal member of Yongzhi.

Even if we ignore the various benefits and benefits that Yongzhou provides in the extraordinary aspect, Yongzhou also provides enough benefits that are difficult to refuse in reality.

In terms of wages.

Among its peripheral organizations, Yongzhou will select organizations that are close to the members' bases and let them be officially affiliated with that company or organization.

Then the monthly salary is paid in advance on the first of every month, which is usually ten times the local average salary.And if necessary, it is allowed to borrow money without interest, conditions, no repayment period, no upper limit and forever.

Yongzhou will only regularly ask the disciplinary and legal departments to investigate whether the use of funds complies with various legal and ethical regulations.

After all, money is really just a number to Yong Zhou.

When you go on a mission, you can directly apply for reimbursement for all expenses, and the process is not much more complicated than closing the door when you return home.

In relation to relatives.

Relatives of formal members will receive overt or covert subsidies and help from various peripheral organizations of Yongzhi, which can almost keep them peaceful for a lifetime.

Whether it's life, old age, illness, death, food, clothing, housing, or transportation, Yong Zhou is behind everything.

In terms of subsidies.

Yongzhou provides meal subsidies, transportation subsidies, extreme weather subsidies, clothing subsidies, etc., which will be paid regularly.

As long as you can't imagine, there are all kinds of subsidies that Yongzhi can't get.

And so many benefits.

To be honest, it’s just a drop in the bucket.

There are these things that drive you.

In addition, every member of Yongzhi who has been screened at all levels has lofty ideals and beliefs.

In fact.

It doesn't matter what the holidays are.

For Yongzhou members, there are two important official announcements in the past five days.

Except the first thing is a holiday.

On the contrary, the second thing is more important.

That is, Chenxi Campus Network and Fuso Internal Network announced changes in a large new area outside Fuso Valley.

For the mythical beasts gestating everywhere in it.

Everyone has expectations.

Especially when they learned that these mythical beasts would be matched with all preliminary members and full members, most people couldn't help but feel a little excited on their faces.

The raven companion you get right after you enter school is really cool.

But who can refuse to add a mythical beast partner to themselves?

The daily life of many members today.

Just refresh the web page regularly to see how long it will take to start matching with partners.

As for some conspicuous bags.

Even more secretly, in the spiritual weapon refining class, he directly created a storage device that looked like a Poké Ball, just waiting to distribute his "Pokémon".

It's just that most of their refining techniques are unknown.

Except for the appearance, which is a high imitation, the remaining space functions and other functions are not very good.

Therefore, they were strictly prohibited from using their homemade Poké Balls to contain their future mythical beast partners.

It’s just because everyone’s voice is too loud.

The lunar scientific research department rushed to produce a large number of Poke Balls of decent quality, trying to give each of the official members and reserve members one.


The Pokémon Pokédex function proposed by some members was also launched in the Spark chat group.

This function will be integrated with the Abyss Monster Information, a compulsory subject at Dawn Academy, and renamed [Spiritual Creatures Illustrated Book].

In the future, you can view the relevant illustrations at any time in the Spark chat group.


And in this time when everything is calm.

Chen Sheng's new mandatory mission also quietly arrived at this moment.

The ten-day period has arrived.

The mandatory task has been refreshed.

Even though Chen Sheng's sense of crisis was extremely strong at the moment, he could not refuse such a mandatory task.

This made him a little helpless.

I can only pray that everything will be fine when I return from my mission.

Fortunately, he had arranged everything a few days ago.

He asked the out-of-staff troops of the New Qin Empire to pay attention to the strangeness of the earth. He established the Council of Sages and took control of the Eternal Spear...


Chen Sheng slowly opened the system panel:

[Mandatory Mission: The Boundless Sea of ​​Multiple Realms 2]

[Mission introduction: After this multidimensional worm crisis, you understand that the multidimensional sea is vast and the enemy is not just the abyss.At the same time, there are more than just enemies in the multidimensional sea. 】

[Mission requirements: Starting from the ancient starry sky road, go to the new world newly opened by the system to find Yong Zhou and the former allies of mankind. 】

This is very similar to the previous mission.

It's so similar that it's a mission description that's word-for-word.

It’s just that there’s a number 2 after the title.

If not for this 2.

Chen Sheng thought for a moment that there was a bug in the system, so he posted the previous task again.

Frowning, Chen Sheng took a step forward and reached the Starry Sky Ancient Road on Mars.

Looking into the distance, he began to build the New Qin Empire with some defensive measures according to his instructions a few days ago.

Chen Sheng felt a little confused.

Another mandatory mission to find allies?
Based on last experience, this should be a good thing.

But Chen Sheng still couldn't be happy.

He didn't know if the mandatory mission behind this was to still find allies.

But this repeatedly led him to seek allies.

illustrates a problem.

Could it be that……

What big thing will happen next?Even the system thinks he can’t stand it?
When a person wonders why he got the system.

Chen Sheng often puts the system into the perspective of a mastermind who is arrogant about everything, and even the abyss may not be able to reach a single hair of its body.

And now.

A system that was invincible in his imagination.

They all seemed to be trying to persuade him to shake people off in disguise.

What does this mean?
Chen Sheng shook his head and didn't dare to think about it.

He was afraid that if he thought about it any more, he might be forced to become a dog of the abyss and lead the way for the Abyss Prince.

After all, if you can't beat it at all.

Why not invest?

After pondering for a long time, Chen Sheng decided not to think about it and carry out the task seriously.


The system issued repeated mandatory tasks but didn't know what to ask him to do.


He opened the panel of Starry Sky Ancient Road.

[Name: Zhou Tianxing...(crossed out)] [Name: Starry Sky Ancient Road]

[Teleport: Another World (Click to view the map)]

[Teleport: This universe (click to view the map)]

[Settings (click to view details)]

Chen Sheng decisively clicked on the option to teleport to another world, and a map unfolded in front of him.

I saw countless parallel planes unfolding before my eyes.

These are obviously different worlds recorded in the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Except for the plane marked [Your current location] and the plane with the two names [Foreign Land Qin] and [Foreign Land Atlantis] written on it, they are all on.

There is another illuminated surface, now available for click selection.

【Exotic Land·Garden of Eden】

This familiar vocabulary.

Chen Sheng's breathing was stagnant.

All along, Christianity-related settings have never been mentioned in the background settings of the system.

It seems that this largest religion of mankind has been ignored by the system intentionally or unintentionally.

I never take it with me when I practice fake things to become real.

And now.

Obviously it has something to do with Christianity.

The Garden of Eden is a paradise on earth.

According to the records in the Bible, Old Testament, and Genesis, God, Jehovah, created the ancestor of mankind, the man Adam, in his own image, and then used one of Adam's ribs to create the woman Eve, and placed the man and woman to live in the Garden of Eden.

since ancient times.

This word is a reference to beautiful paradise and heaven, the most hopeful holy place.

And now he is going to a foreign land.

The name is Eden.

This made Chen Sheng couldn't help but think about the place he was going to.

This time.

What kind of allies will you find in that [Foreign Land, Garden of Eden]?



Or... that god?

If it were that god, the previous Odin would have been given a level five spiritual power level.

So that god can't be much weaker no matter what, right?

If it is of such intensity.

That can indeed be said to have added a great ally to Yong Zhou.

Chen Sheng, with various thoughts, slowly clicked the button to start the transmission.

The Tai Chi map on the ground in front of him.

Immediately, strange movements began, and various strange powers surged within it.

Chen Sheng saw such a scene again.

A thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

I saw that the half of the yin-yang fish that symbolized the other world began to glow, and a yin-yang fish eye appeared on the half of the yin-yang fish that symbolized the other world.


A brilliant flash of light burst out from the single yin-yang fish eye.

That is the power transmitted by the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

Chen Sheng allowed this ray of light to sweep past him.

The next moment, world-level space forces were launched wantonly.

The film of the world is ignored.

Chen Sheng was carried directly across the world membrane and toward the depths of the multi-dimensional ocean.

Only this time.

The journey that was supposed to be fleeting seemed to have undergone some changes.

A strong sense of crisis struck.

This made Chen Sheng so oppressed that he couldn't breathe.

next moment.

The wrapped space power suddenly collapsed.

Chen Sheng, who reacted promptly, widened his eyes.

Here is...

The boundless chaos of the multidimensional ocean!
There was chaos all around, and there seemed to be nothing else.

Chen Sheng immediately understood his situation.

Before the space power of the Starry Sky Ancient Road collapsed, it seemed that he could faintly feel the attack of something?

That is to say...

Was he shot down for unknown reasons halfway through the teleportation?
Too late to think about it.

Chen Sheng noticed that everything around him began to turn black.

This is no ordinary black.

This is the bottom, deepest, and most depraved blackness, and even the boundless chaos around it is infected.

contained in it.

It is a terror that can make countless worlds sink in an instant.

It was the turbidest darkness, standing in the void like an indestructible rock.

Chen Sheng understood his situation almost immediately.

as if...

Plunging headlong into the abyss of influence?
In his deep thought.

The surrounding darkness seems to have escalated?
Some kind of incomprehensible existence that seems to stand at the top of the darkness, as if it is the darkness itself.

In a way that was beyond his ability to receive information.

Like an indescribable evil god.

come quietly.

Chen Sheng, who was only at level six, was not even qualified to watch a breath of this being.

That being did nothing.

Just a breath appears here.

Everything around him that could still be understood immediately began to be eroded and assimilated, sliding in a direction that Chen Sheng could not understand.

Even Chen Sheng's sixth level of spiritual power had no effect at all at this moment, and it was difficult to stop the feeling of being assimilated and eroded.

everything around.

It seems that everything started to change the moment this existence came under the influence of insignificant power.

Crazy, unknown, indescribable...

The world around him began to collapse in an illogical and unreasonable direction.

Everything Chen Sheng perceived.

They all seem to have fallen into a feeling similar to the TV screen being blurred and then being mosaic.

I can't see it clearly and I can't understand it.

Obviously, it was not only Chen Sheng who found it difficult to accept the arrival of this being, but also the chaos of the surrounding multi-dimensional seas that could not bear the arrival of this being.


Chen Sheng could feel that there seemed to be some changes starting in his body.

Even the ability to "see".

Also disappearing.

All matter in the body, and even the spirit itself.

They all began to twist, deform, and proliferate, and then changed in unimaginable directions that were illogical.

Even his consciousness had no time to do anything.

It started to freeze immediately, and then entered an endless garbled code that was difficult to control:

It seemed like it was sinking.

until a certain moment.

The silent system made a sound:
[It is detected that the mandatory task executor is blocked]

【Under testing...】

[The obstructionist is a ray of the will of the abyss]

[Measures are being taken]

next moment.

A certain ray of light shines in the sea of ​​multiple worlds.

Hundreds of billions of light-years of "darkness" were torn apart.

Like a sharp sword tearing through cloth.

Like a ray of sunshine breaking through the dark clouds.

The whole person turned into a spiritual dissipation, turning into an indescribable existence attached to the dark Chen Sheng.

Be awake in this moment.

The garbled thoughts were swept away and returned to normal.

Powerful golden light flowed through his body and forced his eroded, distorted, and assimilated body and spirit to return to their original state.

next moment.

The golden light disappeared with Chen Sheng.

There was only an emotionless "eye" left, watching him leave from a distance in the "darkness".

(End of this chapter)

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