Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 271 Chen Sheng loves to be a father

Chapter 271 Chen Sheng loves to be a father

Endless sinking!
It's like falling into the infinite depths without ever reaching the bottom.

This feeling lingered around Chen Sheng.

Eternal day, human beings, planets, worlds, boundless chaos, seas of multiple realms...

Everything seems to have lost its meaning.

Chen Sheng didn't know where he came from, and he forgot where he was going.

All the essence of himself.

Also tending to assimilate under the vast darkness.

until a certain moment.

He felt strong light spread out from his body instantly.


This light is not light.

It only formed a sharp contrast with the boundless darkness and negativity around it, and forcibly tore a hole into this profound evil world.

This feeling.

It was like a ray of light tearing through the darkness.

It doesn't exactly spread out from within one's own body, either.

It was like power erupting from Chen Sheng's body.

But in fact, it comes from a mysterious and mysterious realm.

No matter how Chen Sheng senses it in his body.

He also has no idea where the source of this power is.

Chen Sheng understood.

This is the power of the system.

Although he was unaware of its source, he had a vague intuition.

next moment.

Chen Sheng seemed to have been cast a great purification spell.

All the negative states in the whole person were swept away at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Sheng was so helpless that he started to die violently just by looking at it.

Easily cut open by the light.

Then Chen Sheng was enveloped in this golden light.

Heading towards the infinite and far-reaching sea of ​​multiple worlds, Chen Sheng's consciousness stopped abruptly.

until a certain moment.

The cool feeling of drops falling on my forehead.

Chen Sheng suddenly opened his eyes.

He subconsciously stood up and looked around.

The surroundings are no longer a sea of ​​multiple realms, but in a certain world.

Above the head is the clear blue sky.

Surrounded by endless green grasslands and forests.

The ground was strewn with gold, pearls, and onyx.

Various trees grow out of the ground, blooming with all kinds of exotic flowers and fruits. The fruits on the trees can also be used as food.

There are two white and transparent vines in the distance, winding and stretching to the sky.

And right at his feet.

There is a starry sky ancient road pattern like a Tai Chi diagram, engraved on the grass.

This made Chen Sheng realize.

It seemed that he had reached his original destination at this moment.

After the power of the suspected system rescued him from a trace of the will of the abyss, he was still sent here according to the original plan - the Garden of Eden!

That is the world where the mandatory mission will go.

After pondering for a moment, Chen Sheng tried to understand the map of the ancient road in the starry sky at his feet.

Although there are no standard boulder formations around.

But Chen Sheng felt that this incomplete ancient starry sky road might still be usable.

And just as he expected.

The operation interface of Starry Sky Ancient Road lights up in front of you.

An operation interface that is as unique as the ancient road in the starry sky on Mars appears in front of you.

[Name: Zhou Tianxing...(crossed out)]

[Name: Starry Sky Ancient Road]

[Teleport: Another World (Click to view the map)]

[Teleport: This universe (cannot be clicked)]

[Settings (click to view details)]

Considering that the mandatory mission had not yet been completed, Chen Sheng did not immediately use the Starry Sky Ancient Road to go back.

Even when attacked by the will of the abyss.

He vaguely realized that something might have happened on the earth.

But the mandatory mission was not completed, and the system still sent him here instead of sending him back to Mars or Earth.

and so……

The most important thing now is the mandatory mission.

Otherwise the system will not let him go back.


Chen Sheng looked at the two white illusory vines in the distance.

If this is already [Foreign Land·Garden of Eden].

So maybe the two white and transparent vines reaching up to the sky and the earth in the distance are the legendary Tree of Life and Tree of Wisdom?
This is very different from what a tree looks like.

It is also different from what it looks like in the Bible.

However, what is spread in the Bible and earth mythology may not be true.

Perceive the past from a distance.

I can't sense anything either.

Maybe you have to get closer to "see" it clearly?

Thinking deeply, Chen Sheng walked towards the direction of the vines.

The mandatory mission this time is still to find allies.

So what kind of allies did you find in this [Foreign Land·Garden of Eden]?

Or... that god?

No matter what, there is a high probability that he will head towards the landmark-like vines.

With an anxious and anxious mood, Chen Sheng's pace unconsciously accelerated a little bit.

The space was easily crossed under his feet.

The gold, pearls, and onyx everywhere could not distract Chen Sheng.

On the way gradually approaching.

Chen Sheng did not see any living creatures other than trees and plants, nor various animals, nor did he see the legendary Adam and Eve.

Until you stand in front of the tree of life and the tree of wisdom.

There's nothing special to care about along the way.

Chen Sheng looked at it intently, releasing his perception to extend towards the two seemingly transparent trees.

next moment.

A strange feeling came to my heart.

He saw it.

Two fruits.

One on each vine.

One fruit seems to condense the source of all consciousness and wisdom in the world.

He can't see clearly.

And another fruit.

Chen Sheng vaguely saw some clues.

He saw three pillars, ten prakriti, four worlds, and 22 paths.

He saw the path to God and the way God created the world out of nothing.

He saw the essence of life.

Don't wait for him to take a closer look.

A very ethereal voice sounded in my ears: "Choose! Eat it!"

The meaning is very obvious.

Let Chen Sheng choose one of the two fruits and eat it directly.

Chen Sheng didn't want to make this choice.

He just wants the blue pill.

But the frozen time around him and his immobile body showed that he had to choose.

This made Chen Sheng think deeply.


This is the fruit of life and the fruit of wisdom that grow on the tree of life and wisdom.

If you must choose.

Chen Sheng looked in the direction of the Fruit of Life.

He can understand part of the path and rules of the Fruit of Life, and he can gain some insights.

The fruit of wisdom is that nothing can be seen.

What does this mean?
He is most likely more suitable for the Fruit of Life!

After pondering for a moment, Chen Sheng stretched out his hand directly towards the illusory and transparent fruit of life.

next moment.

The fruit of life is held in the hand.

Chen Sheng did not hesitate and put the fruit of life directly to his mouth.

No need to chew or gnaw.

The fruit of life turned into a rule and was directly integrated into Chen Sheng's body.

The vines representing the tree of life withered instantly.

Then it vanished into nothing.

In Chen Sheng's body, a change quietly began.

Chen Sheng felt that his life form began to evolve and transform at this moment.

The endless climb towards a higher realm.

And he began to have some vague insights into his understanding of life.

He has a higher level of spiritual power level seven.

I also vaguely realized some key points.

perhaps.Creation of living beings will be an important symbol in the realm of seventh-level spiritual power.

Although it has not reached the seventh level of spiritual power.

But Chen Sheng felt that he seemed to have a glimpse of the door.

There has been an opportunity for some kind of breakthrough.

at the same time.

The vines symbolizing the Tree of Wisdom began to gather and condense toward the middle, and together with the Fruit of Wisdom, they turned into a point of light.

This spot of light is particularly shining.


There is a faint consciousness gestating in it.

This made Chen Sheng unable to help but come back to his senses.

He didn't have time to observe the huge changes within his body, and he had already reached the perfect sixth level of spiritual power.

Instead, he looked at the light spot in surprise.

next second.

I saw that the consciousness in the light spot began some kind of crazy transformation and evolution.

Chen Sheng's body.

There are also wisps of aura of the Fruit of Life emanating from it, combined with the strange light spots condensed by the Fruit of Wisdom.

this moment.

Chen Sheng understood.

This is a born Holy Spirit.

A rather strange life was being born out of thin air before his eyes.

The potential is unimaginable.

The level of power it currently displays has definitely reached...

Level six spirit master!

The birth of life evolved here.

Chen Sheng's various insights from swallowing the Fruit of Life began to make further connections.

Even his own breath.

A hint of seventh-level spiritual power level was faintly touched.

Now he is half-step to level seven.

Half a foot has stepped into the threshold of the seventh-level creation realm.

This made him open his eyes in surprise.

Looking expectantly at the innate Holy Spirit being born in front of him.

till this moment.

The Fruit of Life allowed him to reach the half-step level of seventh-level spiritual power.

The fruit of wisdom is also transforming into the living Holy Spirit.

The harvest this time was far greater than last time.

I just don’t know what the Holy Spirit is about to be born and is based on the fruit of wisdom.


Combined with the rules of the fruit of life, the Holy Spirit transformed from the fruit of wisdom appears in front of you.

She looked like just a girl, with an unearthly face.

1.6 meters tall.

Feather-like skirt all over.

White hair, red eyes, right in the Chinese strike zone.

Chen Sheng looked at it carefully.

From the girl in front of me.

He felt the breath of the Ten Elements in the Fruit of Life. It seemed that this girl could become a powerful weapon containing the rules of the Ten Elements?

There is also the breath of the innate Holy Spirit.

According to the background of this girl's birth, maybe she can be called an angel?

A moment of silence.

Chen Sheng asked: "Are you..."


The girl spoke softly.

There seemed to be a trace of doubt.

She didn't know what to call her.

But as the Holy Spirit who was born with the fruit of wisdom as the foundation and the partial rules of the fruit of life as the skeleton.

She was very knowledgeable about many things.

The most important point is that she can't help but feel a very deep admiration and admiration for the man in front of her.

Girls understand.

This is a witness to her birth and an indispensable part of her birth.

She cannot do without him.

"Father, name me."

The girl approached Chen Sheng and pulled the corner of his clothes.

She didn't know what to call her.

I would like to ask this "father" what he thinks.

In this regard.

Chen Sheng was stunned at first by this title.

Immediately react.


He really deserves to be a father.

The Fruit of Life has become one with itself, and the birth of this Holy Spirit is inseparable from the rules provided by the Fruit of Life.

But this is the case.

He is busy practicing and saving the world all day long.

No girlfriend yet.

Already have a daughter?
There was something about this situation that made Chen Sheng feel dumbfounded.

I just thought about the vague feeling I had of wanting to get closer, and thought about the mandatory mission required by the system to bring back allies...


It would be better to recognize this daughter.

ponder for a moment.

Chen Sheng said: "As for the name is Chen Sheng, how about I call you Chen Yidian?"

The name has no special meaning.

Chen naturally shares his surname.

As for Yidian.

It's the Chinese homonym for Eden, changed to be slightly more feminine.

After all, Chen Sheng has always chosen bad names.

Considering that the girl I met in this [Foreign Land·Garden of Eden], I simply used the Chinese homophone of Eden to save trouble.

"it is good!"

Chen Yidian grabbed Chen Sheng's clothes in excitement.

Looking up at Chen Sheng, his eyes were full of dependence and admiration.

She was a newborn.

I feel like I have grasped the future at this moment.

Chen Sheng smiled and hugged Chen Yidian.

Then the system panel opens.

[Mandatory Mission: The Boundless Sea of ​​Multiple Realms 2]

[Mission introduction: After this multidimensional worm crisis, you understand that the multidimensional sea is vast and the enemy is not just the abyss.At the same time, there are more than just enemies in the multidimensional sea. 】

[Mission requirements: Starting from the ancient starry sky road, go to the new world newly opened by the system to find Yong Zhou and the former allies of mankind. 】

[Current status of mandatory tasks: Completed]

[Mandatory task completion score: seven stars]

[Evaluation for completing the mandatory mission: The past of Eden and Eternal Day may be unknown, but now this innate Holy Spirit is your best ally. 】

[Reward for completing mandatory tasks: [-] experience points]

The seven-star evaluation and the reward of [-] experience points brought a satisfied smile to Chen Sheng's lips.

This is more rewarding than the last time I went to Atlantis.

Much more.

All of a sudden, I only owed the system about [-] experience points.

And the reason why it is so high this time.

Chen Sheng also vaguely understood why.

Last time I brought back a level [-] trident, and a level [-] true god Poseidon that integrated the spirituality of all Atlanteans.

And this time.

The Chen Yidian in front of him was not simple.

Her strength level.

It's a sixth-level spiritual master!
This is on the same level as Chen Sheng.

And besides that, her potential is also extremely huge.

There are many things hidden in the fruit of wisdom.

It didn't quite show on her.

Just like the fruit of life at the same level, Chen Sheng only vaguely showed a trace of rules.

Let Chen Sheng reach the sixth level of perfection in one step, and take half a step towards the seventh level of spiritual power.

Chen Yidian still has great potential.

She might be able to keep up with Chen Sheng.

the most important is.

Chen Yidian's body contains the rules of the Ten Elements evolved from the Fruit of Life. These different structures express different spiritual levels.

Invisibility becomes the ultimate explanation for the entire system of spiritual rules.

Although it is not absolutely correct.

But the person who created the Fruit of Wisdom is obviously already on the path of trying to understand the entire spiritual rule system, and is a being of at least level eight or above.

At this moment, Chen Yidian.

Although the understanding of these ten rules of essence is not deep enough, it is enough for Chen Yidian to transform into a powerful weapon containing the ten rules of essence.

This is for Chen Sheng.

It is definitely easier to use than the eternal spear Gangnir.

(End of this chapter)

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