Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 289 Host, you are deeper than the abyss!

Chapter 289 Host, you are deeper than the abyss!

Shady alley.

Greg Yorn came out relaxed.

The midday sun shone through the no longer gray sky, making his three-dimensional face look more layered.

At this moment, not to mention that his body was stained with dust and blood.

In fact, there were no wrinkles in the clothes caused by even the slightest movement.

Dealing with two scumbags who have nothing special about them other than being ruthless.

It takes no effort at all.

In fact, those two scumbags were so called ruthless.

It's just a cowardly act that only dares to draw a knife on the weak.

In front of him, he was just an ordinary person.

The process of judging them is no more difficult than killing a chicken.

They can all be subdued by raising their hands.

As soon as his eyes moved, a spiritual power spell descending from hell was released.

It directly plunged the two of them into a never-ending sinking, facing the pain they feared the most.

Until it leads to spiritual death.

in all these procedures.

What really takes a lot of effort is to cover it up a little before the entire cleaning task is completed.

The two deceased people must be given a reasonable cause of death.

But fortunately, before dealing with these two people, Greg Yorn had already figured out how to deal with them.

He looked at the buildings around the alley.

Several aging spiritual power spells were fired, quickly modifying the aging degree of several key support points of the surrounding buildings, and then a little more push was applied.

next moment.

Under Greg Yorn's precise calculations.

A domino-like chain reaction occurs.

A variety of common problems that don't seem to be surprising have appeared in key structures, so that it is difficult to recover.

Under the influence of gravity.

Abandoned buildings collapsed and fell apart.

A large amount of dust was raised amidst the bursts of violent sounds, and the two mentally dead people were buried directly under the reinforced concrete.

It all makes sense.

After the disaster, ravaged by countless abyss monsters, dangerous buildings were everywhere.

Two people chatting in an alley were suddenly buried.

That's quite reasonable.

This can only be regarded as the two guys being unlucky.

Moreover, Greg Yorn’s method of trial was also spiritual death, while the bodies of those two scumbags were still alive and full of vitality.

Even if there is a forensic doctor to examine it.

The cause of death was also crushed to death, and no other possible wounds could be found.

The whole process seemed pretty seamless.

Even if it is not seamless, the surveillance network has been basically abolished and there is not much left in the entire police system.

There is simply not much power to engage in criminal investigation and solving cases.

There is a high probability that this matter will not be investigated further.

dead, also dead.

The survivor base didn't have enough energy to pay attention to whether the deaths of two ordinary survivors were really accidents.

Think about this.

Looking at the survivors who heard the sound in the distance and came over, as well as the accompanying base armed personnel.

Greg Yorn's figure quietly disappeared.

No one noticed that he had been there.

Only the dusty ruins behind him were left, as well as two bodies buried under the reinforced concrete fragments.

He still has many tasks ahead, and he has no time to waste here.

Those scum who attack their compatriots during the disaster, those scum who attack the soldiers who protect them during the disaster...

They are all waiting for this butcher knife, including him, to come to judge them.

Just in this New York survivor base.

The number of targets he was responsible for was ridiculous.

After all, the entire New York survivor base is basically left to him, Greg Yorn, to deal with the scum.

The number of survivors in the New York Survivor Base is a very large number.

Before the public sacrifice that symbolizes the end of the disaster begins.

He must complete all tasks assigned by the organization as quickly as possible.

"It seems we have to do it as soon as possible."


Greg Yorn, who reappeared on a tall building in the distance, murmured in a low voice.

I had a bold idea in my mind.

As an awakened person among the formal members of Yongzhi.

Having awakened his space ability, he is far more powerful than ordinary awakened people, and is much more powerful than his colleagues in Yongzhi.

and so.

Sometimes, his ideas can't help but be a little bold.

"Raven 1191, sent an application to the headquarters: Greg Yorn, a formal member of the first generation, requested to complete the mission as an assassin as soon as possible. I hope the organization can approve and cooperate."

Greg Yorn finished.

Looking toward the New York Survivor Base in the distance from a tall building.

If approved by the organization.


You can probably deal with all those countless scum in one go, right?

Maybe then.

Everyone will see:

A seemingly insane maniac who went on a killing spree in the survivor base?

In fact.

Every time this madman kills a person, he silently chants in his heart that the goal is accomplished?

Meditate on this.

Greg Yorn shook his head, thinking that this picture should be impossible.

In this case.

But there is no trial and record keeping.

Without this link, the disciplinary and law enforcement departments would cause trouble for him every day.

When I think about it, I come to my door every three days and check my basic mental condition every five days.

He felt that he still had to abide by the rules of the disciplinary department.


Yongzhi, the boundary between mountains and seas, the plain outside Fusang Valley.

Countless corpses of abyss monsters are continuously sent from all over the world.

Although it is because the earth spontaneously swallows monster spirituality.

Most of these corpses will become ordinary and will not have any impact on the outside world.

But actually.

Even if most of them will become ordinary or even disappear.

There will also be a small number of people who still cannot become ordinary and there are still dangers.

This cannot be ignored just because the base is small.

And before these endless corpses of monsters become commonplace.

It is also a great danger to outside survivors.

After all, it takes time to become ordinary.

As long as these monster corpses haven't completely become ordinary for a day.

Such huge and numerous monster corpses still affect their post-disaster reconstruction work.

After all, these things are big, heavy, and basically untouchable.

A touch means death.

So out of many considerations.

Even if the earth will swallow up spirituality and make these monster corpses ordinary.

Yong Zhou was still racing against time to clean up the corpses.

From the first day after the disaster, most members of Yongzhou have been committed to cleaning up the monster corpses near the major survivor bases.

Then gradually work your way outwards.


A large number of corpses of abyssal monsters are piling up on the plains of the Everlasting Mountain and Sea boundary.

And the numbers keep adding up.

Chen Sheng stayed aside. ˆ ˆ ˆ Withdrew from the ocean of spiritual rules.

Supervise and guide the spirits of the corpses of the abyss monsters, crossing the barriers of mountains and seas to where they should go.

Let the process of the earth devouring spirituality go more smoothly.

At the same time, it also guides the consciousness of the earth to give priority to swallowing the batch of monster corpses sent in front of it, so as to avoid the situation of accumulating more and more to the point where it cannot be put down.

beside him.

Gosla was sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed and concentrating.

As a part of the earth's consciousness, she is also transforming in this process.

It’s not just the spiritual wounds that are being healed.

The whole person is also slowly leaping and changing towards a higher level.

Said it before.

Only the spiritual power of the fourth-level spiritual power level possesses some vague shapes and appearances.

Because Gosla was born out of the consciousness of the earth, her spirituality is born with a vague shape and appearance, and she already has a part of the fourth-level foundation.

Coupled with her body, which is composed of a few branches of the hibiscus tree, hundreds of mulberries, and a few strands of silvery energy rich in the power of time and space from [Yuktrassil - Minimalist Version], she has a body with endless potential.

this moment.

She didn't feel the slightest obstacle or discomfort with the improvement of her essence.

On the contrary, it has been steadily improving.

Chen Sheng can predict.

The consciousness of the earth will initially awaken after it has devoured enough spiritual bodies of the monsters.

Gosla should have also reached the fourth level of spiritual power, or she is only one step away from the fourth level of spiritual power.

By the time.

The organization will add a fourth-level true god.

"It's a pity that Aya, Erlang, Shoumin and others don't have such treatment."

"Especially Shoumin..."

Chen Sheng murmured helplessly.

He did not expect these people to become stronger along with the awakening of the earth's consciousness like Gosla, but even if they could catch a ride on the earth's consciousness and recover from their injuries, it would be great.

in previous disasters.

These people all suffered varying degrees of injuries.

Among them, Aya and Erlang are in relatively good condition.

One is a demigod-level sage of [Song], and the other is blessed by the god of war with powerful abilities in mythology.

It can persist for a long time even under the siege of many Thousand-Eyed Demon Lords.

After Chen Yidian has dealt with all the monsters, he can still retain some strength.

It was even worse at Shoumin.

No matter how powerful his "nothing" power is, his own strength level is still only at the level of the third-level mid-level, and is no longer as powerful as it once was.

When facing many thousand-eyed demon kings.

His pressure was actually extremely high.

If Thousand-Eyed Demon King wasn't just a passing demigod, he would be a mass-produced assembly line product that even a demigod could beat.

If it weren't for the fact that his "nothing" power is extremely buggy.

He couldn't make a nearly life-threatening blow, which turned half of Antarctica into nothingness along with most of the Thousand-Eyed Demon Lord.

After the battle.

Most of the injured went to the Palace of the Past to receive treatment from the water of the past.

Only protect the people.

Even the water of afterlife can only hang one's life.

Fortunately, Chen Yidian serves as the fruit of wisdom as the foundation, and the fruit of life assists in the birth of living beings.

There are some methods at the moment.

Chen Yidian has been staying there these days, rescuing this Yongzhou member bit by bit, whose whole body is being consumed by the violent "nothing" power.

It's just that the progress of this rescue is a bit slow.

It is estimated that Shoumin will have to suffer like this for a few days.

Chen Sheng thought.

Suddenly I found a reminder from the system:

[Whether to check the Fruit of Time and Space battle report]

This reminder made Chen Sheng excited, and he couldn't help but smile.

More than ten days.

at last!

The fruit of time and space he stuffed back finally paid off.

system! ! ! Do you know how I spent these ten days?

Chen Sheng smiled ferociously.

Since he hadn't received any notification these days, he thought there wouldn't be any reports on the battle damage caused by the Abyss like the last multi-worm incident.

In fact, it will still be reported.

Ever since the will of the abyss ceased to be entangled with the material universe and returned to the abyss, the reports of damage caused by multi-dimensional worms to the abyss have stopped abruptly.

Apparently Abyss solved this problem.

Although it was impossible to kill this ancient being who coexisted with the sea of ​​multidimensional realms, the will of the abyss at least threw this multidimensional worm away from the abyss.

This time.

Chen Sheng's fun disappeared.

This made Chen Sheng's good mood every day because of seeing the losses in the abyss gone.


It seems like new fun has arrived.

Thinking about it, Chen Sheng quickly clicked on the system panel.

[Result: Although it only lasted for more than ten days with you, the chaotic space-time explosion caused chaos in the abyss field close to the 60th floor. It sank in trillions of years or even endless time, and was infinitely divided by the chaotic space in the world. and reorganization. 】

[While countless abyss monsters died as a result, a ninth-level pillar god of the abyss completely perished due to this, losing any possibility of returning. 】

[Evaluation: The explosion of the fruit of time and space is the self-annihilation of the most essential multidimensional time and space rules. Its impact is extremely far-reaching. As a result, a piece of the time and space rules of the multidimensional sea is really missing. 】

[Even though all this can be restored by itself, the pillars of the stable building of the multi-realm sea were briefly shaken because of this. In the abyss, because you lost a ninth-level pillar god who reached the realm of eternal certification, there are also countless high-end creatures in the multi-dimensional sea who failed to take the step of promotion. The influence you have has spread throughout the multi-dimensional sea, and the abyss has been doing evil for countless years but is still unable to catch up. 】

[To sum up: Host, my friend, you are the real abyss! 】

The panel appeal says it all.

The excited Chen Sheng couldn't help but be stunned.

What the hell?

The fruit of time and space contains the most essential multidimensional rules of time and space?

If it explodes, is it equivalent to taking away a supporting pillar from the building of plural rules?

How can you play so big? !

After understanding all this.

Chen Sheng couldn't help but smile excitedly.

OK OK! Very satisfying!

A pillar god died directly in the abyss!

There are countless dead abyss monsters.

It's just perfect!

Chen Sheng, who was depressed due to the disaster injury, couldn't help but feel much happier.

As for the system's sentence "You are the real abyss".

Chen Sheng actually didn't care.

Since the system says that the building of pluralistic rules was only briefly shaken, it means that the impact is not fatal and can be recovered.

He just needs to be less explosive in the future.

As for those people who are affected by the incomplete rules of time and space in the system's mouth.

Chen Sheng would not care even more.

Just some distant, never-seen intellectual life.

No matter how great and upright Yong Zhou is, he can only protect the three-thirds of his own land.

In fact, Chen Sheng only cares about human beings and Eternal Day.

Not caring whether he has influenced too many people in the multidimensional ocean has led to his current image that may be even deeper than the abyss.

Or should I say.

If the external image of human beings and Yong Zhou is deeper than the abyss.

Even better.

Chen Sheng is looking forward to this.

This is completely a golden sign, and a tiger skin that can scare people.

Anyone who sees it will tremble three times.

In this case, Chen Sheng would no longer have to worry about the possibility of invasion by forces outside the abyss after the multi-dimensional worm incident.

At least most of them exist.

I will not overestimate my capabilities and want to provoke a guy who is deeper than the abyss.


They will always have only one enemy, the abyss.

Even if there are people who are not afraid and want to provoke humans and Yong Zhou, then it doesn't matter.

Please queue up first!

He must first pass the abyss guarding the outside of the material universe.

Defeat the abyss!

Just meet my qualifications!

(End of this chapter)

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