Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 291 The Sacred and Weird Giant Eyeball

Chapter 291 The Sacred and Weird Giant Eyeball (two chapters in one)

[The sound of raindrops outside the window]

【Still there for three days and three nights】


Listening to the brisk yet somewhat sad side song sung by the smoker in the headphones.

Greg Yorn walked calmly in the rain.

Playing this song and taking action seems to be a good fit for the occasion.

As a member of Yongzhi, secretly working on Wushuang like Assassin's Creed is really not his main job.

But after getting permission from the superiors.

This can be regarded as the main job of acting according to orders.

If we talk about proficiency.

It can even be said to be beyond the proficiency of ordinary people in their main business.

Killing is a skill that every member of Yongzhi must learn.

As for killing scum.

When I was studying at Chenxi College, I often went out for social practice.

That’s not too much to do.

After all, Yongzhou's tradition is to use the criminals and scum that exist secretly in society as sandbags for students to practice.

Every official member would be embarrassed to say that he was a formal member if he had the lives of dozens of gang leaders, drug lords, and fraudsters on his hands.

And Greg Yorn is no exception.

After professional training and possessing extraordinary will, he never hesitated when raising or lowering his sword.

On the upper floor because of the time of public sacrifice.

And when he is allowed to kill on a large scale without deliberately hiding.

He has space ability.

He immediately started killing in the rain according to the planned route.

[A dark-looking street]

The street management staff of the survivor base, who look like humans, secretly pocketed supplies to support the front line during the disaster.

He was hanged from a street lamp.

【Muddy alley】

The three strong survivors secretly raped women and children during the disaster.

He was made into a human centipede.

[In a room with closed doors and windows]

The survivors who were sleeping soundly secretly stabbed to death the seriously injured soldiers in the team during the disaster.

After being woken up by him, he watched himself being stabbed three times and six times.


There are many such experiences.

Greg Yorn also saw too much in each memory.

If not for being a member of Yongzhi.

He felt that he felt that the world was full of filth, and then he started to massacre indiscriminately to purify the world.

Although he is a member of Yongzhou, he still feels that after completing this mission, he must go back and receive some psychological treatment.

After all, he was in those memories.

I have seen too many unpredictable evils in people’s hearts.

The evil in the human heart is as great as this.

The degenerates must be strictly purged.

This heavy rain seems to be just to cleanse the world of filth.

During Operation Greg Yohn.

Not only has it not become smaller, but it has become more and more intense.

The sky became a little darker.

It was obviously afternoon, but at this moment it was already very bright like the night.

And Greg Yorn, after acting for a while.

Then he began to move towards the goal that he had left until the end.

That's...the military camp.

Military barracks at the New York Survivor Base.

Here are some people who think their crimes will never be discovered.

But they do not know their sin.

In the face of the dimension-reducing blow of extraordinary power, it was completely revealed.

The kind of detection carried out by spiritual and causal means.

Ordinary people are totally defenseless.

Greg Yorn saved them for last.

He calmly passed by several engineering vehicles parked in the rain.

Don't worry about whether you will be seen.

He just headed towards the military camp with a clear goal.

Military camp is the abbreviation of this place.

The full name is New York Survivor Base Military Management and Garrison.

In today's era of military control,

This is the center of the New York Survivor Base.

It's brightly lit here.

Electricity that outside survivors dare not use indiscriminately.

There are no scruples here.

Although there is no city wall on the outermost edge of the military camp, there are sentry boxes and searchlights one by one.

Greg Yorn is just a flicker.

He casually overcame this obstacle.

Behind the posts, some people who were barely considered powerful after the disaster, some family members of soldiers, and some special talents lived outside the military camp.

Here is the outskirts of the military camp.

But it is the place in the entire New York survivor base that can be called the inner city.

The inner city is in the military camp.

The outer city is outside the military camp.

Although there are still a large number of survivor base troops patrolling and guarding outside the outer city.

But the closer to the garrison camp and the center of the base, the safer it will be.

Survivors who have experienced disaster.

Instinctively distinguish such an inner city and outer city.

Those with strong abilities and connections came to the inner city.

This inner city is quite sheltered from filth and evil.

Just walking on the street, Greg Yohn could feel the constant reminders from the crime identification spell that was temporarily fixed on his body.

among the many buildings around.

There are some people who deserve to be killed.

Because of the small size of the inner city, the density of people who deserved to be killed at this moment was much exaggerated compared to the outer city.

Greg Yorn stood in the middle of the street.

Calculating the next time I will spend.

Some of the corpses of the scum he killed in the outer city were slightly hidden, while others were not.

Even if it's raining heavily now.

It won't always be discovered.

Taking into account the time he has spent so far, in about twenty minutes at most, the news that there are many dead people in the city will reach the ears of some people in the inner city.

Although they cannot escape the judgment of death whether they know it or not.

But if they become alert because of this, they will still be in a little trouble.

Thinking like this.

Greg Yorn turned off the music in his headphones.

The sound of rain falling around me immediately reached my ears.

He didn't think much about anything else and quickened his pace slightly.


He will kill through this place quietly within twenty minutes.


In the dim rain.

A streetside bar is brightly lit.

Compared with ordinary survivors who are still under wartime control, their lives are relatively frugal.

The inner city is completely different.

After all, there are bars.

You can find out when you walk in.

It's even cleaner here than Qingba.

There is no lively bombing music, only a very soft and faint BGM as the background music.

On the TV in the center of the bar, an old movie recorded on the disc was playing.

Eight men who were obviously soldiers from the survivor base were sitting around in the teahouse, drinking steaming red wine specially brewed by the boss.

Dispel the chill caused by the sudden storm.

Apparently this place was booked by the military master.

In other words, most of the usual customers in this bar should be military personnel.

After all, during this wartime period of post-disaster reconstruction, only military personnel could afford to come to the bar to have fun.

Except for those eight soldiers.

There were two other officers sitting at the bar, drinking mulled wine made by the bar owner.

One had a scar at the corner of his eye, but he was holding a cross pendant in his hand.

The other one wore gold-rimmed glasses and looked particularly delicate.

The two were drinking and chatting.


"We have to carry out a mission later, so don't drink so much."

The man wearing gold-rimmed glasses said this.

His name is Steve Wells, and he and Thiago beside him are relatively large officers in the military camp, and can directly mobilize an army of hundreds of people.

The two of them now came out with eight elite soldiers because they had a mission to do.

Just because of the sudden rain.

I simply sat down in this bar and have been sitting there ever since.

"It's not an urgent task. Look, it's still raining heavily outside."

"Besides, mulled wine has low alcohol content."

Thiago smiled and raised his glass as a toast.

Without waiting for Wells to clink his glass, he raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

Wells calmly took back the glass and placed it on the table.

He pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and said, "No matter how low the degree is, you are not the one who drinks like this."

The degree of mulled wine will become lower no matter how hard it is.

That's wine too.

Not water!

I can’t stop drinking cup after cup.

The boss fired the mulled wine so fast that he could hardly keep up with Thiago.

"It's okay, I'll drink it as water."

Thiago replied calmly.

Seeing that Thiago was ignoring him, Wells said no more.

He wasn't very familiar with this person.

It can only be said that they are a little closer than an acquaintance.

Come out together because of the task arrangement.

Now we are stuck here together because of the sudden heavy rain.

So he said no more.

Instead, he looked at the cross pendant that Thiago still held tightly even if he was drunk like this.

With a hint of curiosity, he asked: "What's the story about this cross?"

As his words fell.

Thiago obviously paused while drinking.

The hand holding the cross ornament became a little tighter.

Wells was keenly aware of the sadness flashing in Thiago's eyes.

This made him couldn't help but smile.

Before the disaster period, he used his position to do all kinds of evil, and during the disaster period, he secretly played tricks on many people and killed them.

I really like seeing other people sad.

This drove him crazy with excitement.

It drove him crazy to the point where he could no longer hide his humanlike disguise.

But when I saw the deep sadness in Thiago's eyes gradually disappearing and becoming radiant again.

Wells couldn't help but frown.

He doesn't like to see light in other people's eyes.

Anyone who dared to show such a look during the disaster has his eyeballs dug out and kept as a treasure.

and so.

Wells spoke decisively, interrupting Thiago who was obviously lost in memory.

"Whose relic is it?"

Wells asked directly.

He was keenly aware that this cross ornament most likely belonged to someone else.

After all, the shiny small particle decoration on the chain behind the pendant does not look like the style of a 1.9-meter-tall male soldier with scars at the corners of his eyes.

And maybe it's because of the desolate atmosphere on a rainy day.

Faced with Wells' repeated questioning, Thiago did not continue to hide it.

Understanding that everyone in the disaster had experienced separation to some extent, he slowly said: "She is a beautiful woman..."

Thiago’s story is not long.

in the story.

Tiago and the woman met in the chapel, and both were believers in the Lord.

Because of some beautiful coincidences.

They entered the palace of marriage together.

Only three years passed, when the two of them were thinking about having a child.

Disaster struck.

Although he rushed to church as quickly as he could.

All he saw was a bloody ruin and cross necklaces scattered on the ruins.

It was a token of love between the two.

After that, it's time to meet the army, return to the team, and gather the refugees.

Until the day Chen Yidian appeared.

The scene of countless pure white feathers killing monsters seemed to make him see the coming of the Lord.

From the moment disaster struck, Thiago had been praying for an angel to come.

I was deeply impressed at that moment.

He knew it was an angel!

The Lord is eternal day!

Perhaps, his wife just went to heaven to enjoy happiness before him.

From that day on. He just regained a little hope of life.

Every day I hold the cross left by my deceased wife in my hand and resume my daily prayers before the disaster.

It is for the sake of his wife's peace in the afterlife.

It also gives you a reason to persist.

Thiago said.

Tears flashed in his eyes.

Wells, on the other hand, could hardly contain his excitement.

Especially when he heard Tiago talk about the bloody ruins, combined with the sadness on Tiago's face, it was almost unbearable for him as a pervert.

Unfortunately, the story is not long.

Thiago obviously didn't want to describe the details.

Wells wanted to say something more.

But the communicator on Thiago was heard ringing.

Seeing this, he remained silent.

Thiago put the communicator to his ear and said in a drunken tone: "Hiccup~ This is... Thiago Carletto."

Wells did not deliberately come closer to listen.

In fact, with the current distance between him and Thiago, even if Thiago doesn't communicate openly, he can still hear him.

Distinguish it a little bit.

Then he heard the voice of his immediate superior.

"Stop drinking!"

"Tiago, there is a problem in the outer city! Many patrols have discovered the bodies of survivors, and now some elites in the outer city are investigating everywhere."

"You and Wells' mission is cancelled. Take your people to patrol the inner city immediately to see what happened. Are there many corpses in the inner city?"

The voice on the other side of the communicator was a little anxious.

However, this urgent tone from his boss made Thiago sober up a bit.

"Yes! Got it!"

Thiago shouted seriously into the communicator.

Then he hung up the call and looked at Wells, who had a serious look on his face.

"It goes without saying, I heard you."

"Leave now?"

Wells raised his hand to signal Thiago not to say anything more.

Just about to stand up and get ready to go.

But suddenly I heard the door of the bar creaking.

The sound of wind and rain poured in outside the house.

The bar immediately fell silent.

Everyone subconsciously followed the sound.

Because everyone knows that it has been raining heavily outside for a while now.

It's time to come in and take shelter from the rain.

It's long overdue to come in.

Most of the people who come here now are wandering on the streets in heavy rain.

and so.

Everyone followed the sound.

I wonder who this person is who came in the heavy rain.

Under the eyes of everyone.

A hooded man slowly pushed open the door and entered.

He lowered his head.

Can't see the face clearly.

It was obviously raining heavily outside, but this man didn't bring an umbrella, but he didn't get wet at all.

As the man closed the door.

When blocking the sound of wind and rain outside the house.

The eight battle-hardened soldiers and two officers present could not help but tremble, feeling a shudder.

They feel as if they have become lambs locked up to be slaughtered at this moment.

There was an aura oppressing the hooded man.

This person is definitely not simple!

Everyone couldn't help but secretly be vigilant.

The bar owner even consciously took a few steps back silently.

"Hello everyone, my name is Greg Yorn."

"Sorry, too many kills."

"I couldn't control my murderous intent for a moment."

Greg Yorn took off his hood and showed an innocent smile.

Paired with his blond hair and blue eyes.

He looks extremely handsome.

But no one present cared about this handsomeness.

All of them at the moment their hoods opened.

I felt a stronger sense of oppression.

This Greg Yorn's aura has not weakened just because the hood was taken off.

It was like an ordinary rabbit suddenly facing a tiger.

Instinct is warning myself: I can't beat him!

Everyone can't breathe.

And Greg Yorn looked at the people around him who were shocked by his aura, and understood why.

He saw too much evil in people's hearts today.

There are also a lot of scum who take action to deal with them.

So much so that even though the total spiritual power was used to deal with it, there was no blood or traces all over his body.

But it still keeps increasing its murderous intent.

This kind of thing exists in the dark.

He can restrain himself.

But it's not necessary.

To say that he failed to control his murderous aura is just talk.

For the last scumbag that is about to be eliminated before him, approaching with murderous intent will probably leave a deeper impression on him before his death.

It turns out.

Wells was shocked by this murderous aura.

My legs are a little weak.

He had a gut feeling.

He understood that this mysterious man who suddenly appeared was meant for him.

This intuition is so strong.

In a trance.

The approaching murderous intent gave him hallucinations.

It seemed as if he saw a surging mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood approaching him.

this moment.

He felt as if he understood the life he once played with at will, and what it felt like to face his own approach when he was unable to resist.

But the good thing is.

He finally struggled and made a sound: "The man who subdued..."

Wells hasn't finished speaking yet.

I felt my eyes blur, and then there was a sense of pressure in my throat and neck.

Wait for the reaction.

He found that Greg Yorn was already standing in front of him, and he lifted him up directly by his neck.

Those eight elite subordinates in military uniforms.

At this moment, they all fell to the ground and did not know whether they were alive or dead.

A strong sense of fear and a sense of suffocation began to arise.

Wells's face began to feel congested.


Wells struggled to kick his legs, struggling to pry away Greg Yorn's hand, and at the same time he kept trying to cry for help.

It's a pity that eight of his subordinates were knocked unconscious when Greg Yohn came over.

The bar owner and Thiago Carletto were also knocked unconscious together.

Wells was left alone.

I clearly feel the hope that is getting further and further away from me.

"Come on, prepare to count your sins..."

Greg Yorn was about to say something,

But his expression suddenly changed and he looked at Thiago who was knocked unconscious by him.

Or should I say.

He looked at the cross pendant in Thiago's hand who was knocked unconscious.

He can feel it.

There is a faint power.

A constantly fluctuating spiritual reaction flickered on the cross pendant.

Special spiritual props?

Who made it? ! What is the effect? !

Something must be done now!

This thing looks like it's getting ready to go!

Numerous thoughts ran through Greg Yorn's mind.

Looking at Wells who was being choked by him.

He didn't have time to think too much, and directly cooperated with the raven in a tacit understanding, quickly and continuously inscribing various forbidden spells on Wells, a living person.

Those are special energy supply and amplification spells such as burning soul, burning flesh and blood, and burning spirituality, as well as several sealing spells.

Treat a natural pervert and scumbag like Wells.

Greg Yorn wasn't rigid about making sure he was put on trial.

Yong Zhou has never been rigid.

In this special situation where I don’t know what happened.

When it is necessary to deal with the cross that has no idea what effect it is preparing to produce.

It's great as a mobile battery and health pack.

"Don't forget to use hell to judge him. In this case, you can also add a spell to him that absorbs pain and converts it into energy."

Raven 1191 reminded from the side.

Apparently, Greg Yorn felt that what he did was not enough.

Greg Yorn glances at Raven 1191.

He gave me a "you are the real scum look" and then did what Raven 1191 said without hesitation.

Hell has descended on this mental torture technique.

It immediately caused endless pain to Wells.

It is then converted into energy by spiritual magic.

Many other spiritual power spells are also activated at this moment.

Wells, who had fainted, immediately began to tremble, his flesh and blood withering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But at the same time.

The filled energy lit up several sealing techniques on Wells' body, turning this scumbag into a golden scumbag at this moment.

"It's now!"

Greg Yorn shouted.

He directly carried Wells to the cross that was surging with spiritual power.

Without hesitation, he pressed down the already skinny man.

In an instant.

The sealing technique is activated.

After absorbing the energy of various sacrifices and sacrifices from Wells, as well as the energy continuously provided by Greg Yorn.

The sealing technique is very powerful.

The spiritual uprising of that cross seemed to have stalled.

This relieved Greg Yorn.

But the breath was not finished yet.

Wells, who had transformed into a humanoid seal, felt a faint surge of more powerful power within his body.


Obviously useless.

Not only that.

The little flesh and blood on Wells's body also began to roll and gather from the outside in.

Along with the bones.

It condensed into a ball of meat and wrapped around the cross.


The mass of flesh evaporated, leaving only the cross that seemed to have absorbed it all.

It turned into blood red.

It makes people feel a little bit ominous just looking at it.

"Oops, something went wrong."

Greg Yorn swallowed.

Things developed too quickly and unexpectedly.

The sudden appearance of a spiritually rioting cross made him subconsciously stop continuing the trial and killing.

He then sacrificed Wells in preparation for sealing the cross.

As a result, Wells, the last person he wanted to kill, could not even make a human seal at this moment, and instead turned into... nutrients absorbed by the cross pendant?

And this cross hanging ornament.

Also in the process of sealing failure, after absorbing the flesh and blood...

It became weird.

The blood-red appearance doesn't look like a serious cross.

next moment.

In the blood-red cross, there is a blood-red light rising into the sky.

Under Greg Yorn's confused gaze, it penetrated the ceiling of the bar and reached to the sky.

The amplification turned into endless blood.

The bloody light dispersed the dark clouds that enveloped the survivors' base in New York.

The afternoon light was supposed to shine through.

But at the moment.

Instead of the dark clouds and rain coming to this world, there is the majesty that appears after the bloody light.

It was a huge eye that enveloped the entire New York survivor base.

Countless white feathers form wings, waving behind the huge eyes.

The bloodshot eyes are clearly visible.

The blinking eyelids and the constantly changing focus of the pupils seem to mean one thing:

This eyeball... is "alive"!

It looks extremely scary at the same time.

There was also an ethereal voice like singing, coming from a high place along with the appearance of the eyes.

In the ears of everyone who saw the eyes, he kept repeating unintelligible meanings.


They are all so weird and sacred.

(End of this chapter)

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