Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 293: Countdown to Public Sacrifice: Survivors Isolated from the World

Chapter 293: Countdown to Public Sacrifice: Survivors Isolated from the World

What happened at the New York survivor base.

It cannot be hidden.

There are too many survivors in the New York Survivor Base at Nottingham University who have witnessed everything.

In addition, the control of [White Feather Mobile Phone] is under the name of the Global United Front supervised by Yong Zhou, and there is no way to change the New York Survivor Base.

And Yong Zhou, who is behind the Global United Front, did not indicate the need to block this matter.

and so……


After this incident ended, many survivors posted on the world forum for discussion.

Related posts quickly became popular.

After all, in today's major survivor bases, which are basically under wartime control, any big movement from the outside world will become a rare source of conversation and entertainment for countless survivors.

Survivors from many other areas.

It was indeed a climax because of it.

Sects related to Chen Yidian came into being, almost replacing Christianity's status.

At the World Forum.

There are even many posts calling on survivors to believe in the great Lord Chen Yidian.

Yong Zhou is happy to hear about this.

The survivors after the disaster need a united strength and faith.

But behind the scenes.

They have many modification rights in the World Forum and are also providing various guidance.

To ensure that this fanatical belief does not harm the survivors.

And in the realm of mountains and seas.

The shadow of Chen Yidian also appeared here.

Standing next to Chen Sheng who closed his eyes and concentrated.

She did not disturb Chen Sheng, but Chen Sheng was also aware of her arrival.

"Is everything settled?"

Chen Sheng opened his eyes and looked at the shadow in front of him.

He already basically knew everything, but he still had to let Chen Yidian report.


"The anomaly that father ordered has been killed."

Chen Yidian's shadow nodded, stretched out his delicate palm and came to Chen Sheng.

On the palm of your hand.

There is a transparent ball floating.

Among them, the mustard seed Naxumi technique is used to contain all the feathers of the big-eyed monster.

Obviously, Chen Yidian also has a fine tradition of never leaving empty-handed.

From the subsequent impact of this mandatory mission.

Got the wool.

The feathers on these level 4 monsters can be used to refine weapons.

It can also be used for formations, refining medicine and many other aspects.

As a special material with sacred and weird properties, it has some value.

Chen Sheng nodded upon seeing this.

He reached out and took the transparent ball, then let it float beside him for a while.

The materials left behind after the sixth-level spiritual power monster was slaughtered have not been processed yet, and the materials left behind by this monster with big eyes are even less urgent.

The subsequent impact of this forced mission is different from the one in Atlantis.

That time it was a mirage of giant cities and fog.

This time it's a giant monster.

But they all have something in common.

Atlantis allowed a new rule to be embedded in the physical universe.

After the giant city Poseidonia appeared in the mist, subtle changes appeared in the rules of the world.

It's the same this time.

A tiny wisp of rules appeared after the big-eyed monster appeared, causing some inexplicable changes in the whole world.

This is not a bad thing.

Chen Sheng thought for a moment and stopped paying attention.

He looked at Chen Yidian's shadow.

He asked with a serious face: "How is the situation at Shoumin's place?"

What is here now is just the shadow of Chen Yidian.

The one who appears in the sky above the New York survivor base to kill monsters is also a phantom.

Chen Yidian himself is still staying in the Shambhala Cave, which is the Palace of Rebirth.

There she healed the defenders.

Most of the survivors of Eternal Day recovered completely after taking a dip in the water of the past life in the Palace of Purity.

But Shoumin's situation is rather special.

It's still not completely healed until now.

After all, he had a basic to intermediate level of third-level spiritual power, and he forcibly used Bug's "nothing" power to deal with several Thousand-Eyed Demon Lords.

While the battle is won.

He himself was severely repelled.

Even if he has reached the fourth level of spiritual power or even higher.

But now he is only a level three after all.

It is indeed a bit overloaded to deal with so many opponents by leapfrogging.

Chen Sheng is very concerned about this.

Among Yongzhou's middle and senior management, only he was the most seriously injured at this moment.

"Shoumin is recovering slowly."

"The situation is not getting worse just yet."

Chen Yidian reported truthfully.

With her participation, Shoumin is definitely out of death now.

But this recovery process will take a long time.

"Ah That's good."

Chen Sheng nodded.

A trace of relief flashed in his eyes.

This disaster has indeed left profound pain and impact on mankind and eternal life.

But the good thing is.

Nothing happened to the senior members of Yongzhou, and many humans are still alive.

The power of human resistance still exists.

Thinking, he fell silent.

There are many people alive.

However, there were also many deaths.

Too many good people and innocent people.

All disappeared in this disaster.

Chen Sheng understood that everyone in the world, including Yong Zhou.

They are all waiting for a public sacrifice.

An opportunity to honor the dead awaits.

In order to maintain order, major survivor bases maintained military control after the disaster.

The complicated matter of public sacrifice has not been carried out for a long time.

Now everyone is waiting for Yong Zhou to finish his work and take the lead in launching this public sacrifice that all living beings are looking forward to.

Only after that.

Humanity has truly come out.


Everyone is still stuck on that day.

It seems that I have come out, but in fact I am trapped in it.

And this is the time of public sacrifice.

Arriving soon too.

Chen Sheng understood that after the more urgent tasks were almost completed, Yong Zhou would officially take the lead in starting the public sacrifice.

And that final time.

The countdown can already begin.


Chen Sheng looked far away in the direction of the Palace of Purity.

Countless eternal day undead.

At this moment, I am under the water of death there, waiting for the final farewell.


After the disaster.

Everything is returning to order.

In each survivor base, there is already a thriving scene.

But in many cities in the wild where members of Yongzhou simply cleaned up monster corpses and human corpses, it was a different scene.

There are no survivor bases around these places.

There is no one here to collect resources or do other work.

Only the expedition exploration teams from various survivor bases came a few times and basically transported away the survivors in these places.

In addition, numerous animals in nature were killed and injured in this disaster.

There is nothing but desolation here at the moment.

Fires caused by various reasons have burned large areas of buildings and turned them black.

The roads are full of potholes.

At a glance, it is a lonely dead city. Leather boots stepped on burnt charcoal.

There were bursts of cracking sounds.

I saw three men with the marks of the peripheral members of Yongzhi walking calmly on this wasteland.

You can tell just by looking at the details on that logo.

These three people are of high rank in Yongzhou's peripheral organization.

They are all fifth-level authority elites who are very close to the official members of Yongzhou.

"[Convenient location], how far is it from the target?"

The leading man asked the person behind him.

This [location] is the code name of the person behind.

The codenames of the three of them are Tianshi, Geli, and Renhe.

The leading, questioning man.

It's the [timing time].

"It's not far, there are still about two kilometers."

[Poor location] looked at the map in his hand and made this judgment.

Hear the words.

[Tianshi] nodded with satisfaction.

This operation is to shut down special equipment in dangerous areas, such as power plants and nuclear power plants.

These places are left unattended.

Generally it can last for a while.

But it can't exist forever without explosions.

Therefore, they always have to do this kind of thing when the various survivor bases have no time to do this kind of thing.

The three of them are responsible for the small nuclear energy laboratory in this city, which only stores some radioactive materials and equipment, but there is no risk of explosion.

"It's a pity that the car can't come in."

[Hehe] stretched out and complained while looking at the deserted city around him.

It's relatively remote here.

There's not even a survivor base around here.

So there is no special road clearing.

A large number of broken stones and vehicles fell on the road, and some sections of the road itself collapsed and broke.

Except for the limited main roads that have been cleared by expedition exploration teams from various survivor bases, there are no other roads accessible to vehicles.

and so.

They had to advance on foot.

"Stop complaining."

"If we finish our work early, we can go back and rest early."

"The public sacrifice will begin in a few days."

[Tianshi] As the captain.

At this moment, he opened his mouth to encourage the two teammates behind him.

And these words.

It also cheered up the two of them.

Yes, I haven’t had much rest these days.

Now that this last task is done, I can go back and have a good rest.

the most important is.

The public sacrifice is about to begin.

They each have relatives they can no longer see and want to take this opportunity to mourn.

After this.

The three-person team remained silent.

However, the speed of travel has accelerated a lot.

All kinds of terrain along the way could not stop their progress.

Until some time later.

The distance of two kilometers was covered by several people.

What appeared in front of me was an ordinary-looking building.

But everyone who received the mission knew it.

This is a secret nuclear energy laboratory, one of thousands of nuclear energy-related laboratories based on extended research on meteorite materials.

They looked at each other.

A flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

Although there are many pits at the entrance of this laboratory.

Apparently monsters once roamed the area.

But there was no problem of this building collapsing due to disaster.

It's overall in pretty good shape.

This means that there are three people in the right place at the right time, and no additional excavation work is needed.

This also means that some of the special radioactive materials they are looking for should still be well preserved as expected.

They stared at each other for a moment.

Then they stopped together and began to take out various equipment from their backpacks.

Wear radioactive protective clothing.

Only a few people strode into this building.

It was dark inside.

[Tianshi] waited until someone turned on the searchlight in his hand to see clearly the scene inside.

The interior looks like an ordinary office building.

Except for the various tables, chairs and computers scattered all over the ground, there seems to be nothing special.

The three of them fumbled to turn on the light.

But found that it could not be opened.

Apparently, something was wrong with the self-powered facility beneath the nuclear energy laboratory.

This is not surprising.

The periphery of this nuclear energy laboratory had been ravaged by monsters, so it was lucky that the building itself did not suffer structural collapse.

It is normal for the circuit system to have problems.

The three of them expected this and continued to move forward according to the information given in the mission.

They groped along.

Come to a staircase.

The part of the stairs leading to the underground collapsed, but it was not a problem for a few people.

[He] stepped forward and easily moved away the collapsed concrete slabs.

Everyone immediately overcame the obstacles and continued moving forward.

An iron door blocking the road was also easily torn open.

He continued walking underground for a short time.

The main body of the nuclear energy laboratory is revealed.

It was a heavy, explosion-proof iron door that required password verification.

behind it.

It's a nuclear energy laboratory located underground.

The small building above is just a cover.

Upon seeing this, the three people stepped forward and pressed the special button on the door according to the instructions on the mission information, opening a hidden compartment full of various buttons.

This is the information informed by superiors when issuing tasks.

This is exactly where you enter your password.

And they also know the password.

After pressing twenty digits, there was a sound inside the door.

Apparently, the power supply to the small building above was cut off from the independent power supply of this underground nuclear energy laboratory.

But that doesn’t mean that an independent power source for this underground nuclear energy laboratory no longer exists.


The electric gate opens slowly.

However, when the door was opened a crack, the three of them clearly heard a noise inside.

"The sound of human breathing, twelve."

[Renhe], who is more talented in cultivation among the three, frowned and said.

"Are there any survivors?"

[Tianshi] The captain also frowned.

The expedition team from the nearby survivor base has searched the city several times. Theoretically, there should be no other survivors in the wild.

But there are too many humans.

It's normal to have exceptions.

And considering that these twelve people were hiding in an underground nuclear energy laboratory, this situation does not seem impossible.

This underground nuclear energy laboratory has a high level of protection.

When the disaster occurred, the central government of China used the satellite network that had not been disconnected at that time to remotely control and automatically lock everything.

This is to prevent internal highly radioactive materials from leaking, which will only make human survival more dangerous.

In this locked state.

Only people who know the special opening password can open it from the outside.

Otherwise the only way.

Just use powerful force to break open this place.

With the level of protection here.

At least it was easy to block a dozen anti-tank missiles.

and so……

When the people here are in danger, they will indeed be much safer than many ordinary people if they hide here.

As long as there's enough food in it.

It doesn't seem strange that he has been hiding until now.

Captain [Tianshi] nodded after thinking about this, and sent a message to the nearby survivor base on the communication device to pick up people.

(End of this chapter)

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