Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 296 Global Network Monitoring Defense System 1

Chapter 296 Global Network Monitoring and Defense System Integration

"A fourth-level spiritual power level, astral consciousness transformed in the direction of artificial intelligence..."

"It looks pretty good."

Chen Sheng looked at the humanoid shape formed by a ball of soil beside him and commented.

It can be seen at a glance based on his ability.

While the entire earth has become particularly resistant to beatings at this moment, its entire body has been integrated into the astral consciousness of this fourth-level spiritual power level - Gaia.

[Gaia] can appear anywhere on the entire earth, and can also control the movement of part of the earth's material.

Because everywhere on earth.

They are all part of her body, and they are all hardware through which consciousness can be extended.

Such interesting power.

There is no doubt about Yong Zhou’s help.

As long as [Gaia] is in Yong Zhou's hands, it is equivalent to controlling the entire earth.

Whether it is to monitor any corner of the earth in real time, or to remotely fine-tune and control a part of the area.

All can be done.

Chen Sheng understood that this meant a lot of changes.

This means that the spiritual network system can be cancelled.

In other words, we can try to integrate with the consciousness of the entire star to create a detection and monitoring system with a larger range and higher accuracy.

This detection system will be more accurate and have a wider range.

At the same time, it is also more difficult to easily isolate related detection functions.

It will not be like this disaster. Every spiritual network node is basically covered by a black energy barrier, so that the spiritual network that detects the presence of enemies plays almost no role in this disaster.


Relying on the fact that this astral consciousness has considerable control over the entire planet, some other interesting constructions can be made.

For example, integrating the Internet with astral consciousness.

A network whose signal covers the entire planet without weakening is created, and its authority is still firmly controlled by Yong Zhou.

the most important is.

There is no need to worry about any hacker masters appearing in reality to cause damage. The new network combined with astral consciousness can ignore this.

In addition to combining the spiritual network to form a detection system and the network to form a super network.

With Gaia, the astral consciousness, as the center, a global protective measure is created.

It also seems feasible.

If another disaster occurs, this protective measure will respond promptly.

Cooperating with Yong Zhou's actions, we can definitely minimize global casualties.

Chen Sheng thought.

How to use this existence that is like artificial intelligence on earth.

There were thousands of thoughts running through his mind.

But before completing these ideas, he wanted to try out the specific performance of [Gaia].

"Follow me."

Chen Sheng said this.

Followed by.

He took a step forward and disappeared.

It only took an instant to reach the area with a thin atmosphere, which was not far from the universe.

beside him.

Those thin atmospheres quickly converged into a vague human figure, controlling the vibration of the air and making a sound: "Master."

This is obviously the astral consciousness [Gaia] that follows the instructions.

Chen Sheng nodded.

Then he came to a place farther away.

A distance that is almost completely out of the atmosphere.

it's here.

There is no longer matter to make up the human form.

It's not that there isn't enough material here to manipulate.

It's because [Gaia] cannot reach it.

From Chen Sheng's perception, it can be determined that the limit of [Gaia's] extended range is here.

Think for a moment.

Chen Sheng's figure disappeared again.

Next, he appeared in glaciers, deserts, oceans, forests, grasslands...

Without exception, they all saw the human form of [Gaia] made of various materials.

As long as it is still within the computer range of the earth.

As its artificial intelligence, the astral consciousness [Gaia] can be everywhere.

Even in the earth's core or mantle.

She can also appear as a shadow.

the most important is.

She does not necessarily need to appear, she can also just control the vibration of the air to make sounds, and she can also communicate directly with her mental power.

As an artificial intelligence transformed from astral consciousness, she perfectly covers almost every corner of the earth.

"Without affecting the habitation of surface organisms as much as possible, the material quality you can currently control is only one ten millionth of the entire planet?"

Standing in the cloud, Chen Sheng relied on his own perception.

He asked the human figure made of clouds next to him.


"The operation at a fine scale is okay, but there are still certain limits on the total amount."

[Gaia] nodded.

The blurry cloud figure became solid and clear during the words, and suddenly had clear facial features.

This shows that her operation accuracy is very high.

Obviously, as an artificial intelligence transformed from astral consciousness, her control over the planet is not absolute, but it is powerful enough.


At the same time, it can still only control one ten millionth of the mass of the earth.

No amount is impossible.

After all, her essence is a true god with a level four spiritual power equivalent to that of a planet.

But too many words.

It will affect the stability of the overall structure of the planet and the survival of surface organisms.

"Well, that's enough."

"The purpose of creating you is more to serve as the hub of various global network systems, detection systems, and defense systems. You are not expected to fight."

Chen Sheng nodded.

Even if it was just like this, he was already satisfied.

Even if it is only one ten millionth, [Gaia] can control approximately 5.965*10 to the 17th power kilogram of matter.

It's about 5.965 trillion tons.

Barely lifting a 700 billion ton Pacific Ocean is about the same.

This kind of power can be said to be more than enough.

This is already destructive power at the level of a demigod.

As for trying to destroy the entire earth and unleash the full power of [Gaia], that is totally unnecessary.

Although the essence of [Gaia] has reached the level of a true god at the fourth level of spiritual power.

However, this power will never be lacking.

There is no need to risk destroying the entire earth by forcefully using the power of Gaia.

The existence of [Gaia].

It is more about assisting in the establishment of a super network with global coverage, assisting in establishing a global monitoring system, and assisting in establishing a global overall defense measure...

At the same time, it can also quickly deal with the traces of the battle and suppress the spread of the aftermath and scope of the battle.

"Stay peacefully and wait for my return."

Say this to [Gaia].

Then Chen Sheng crossed over to the mountain and sea realm in one step.

[Gaia] cannot follow here.

The purpose of Chen Sheng's return here was to deal with the pile of feathers ripped off from the big-eyed monster and the pile of carapace appendages ripped off from the sixth-level spiritual power level monster.

Previously, he had been busy supervising and guiding the hazy consciousness of the earth to devour the spirituality of monster corpses.

It has now been devoured.

The advanced earth consciousness was transformed by him into a being similar to artificial intelligence.

It seems like I'm finally free.

And now, he also has certain ideas on how to deal with these refining materials.

Just now, he planned to use [Gaia] as the center to build a global defense system, preferably an extremely powerful formation.

These materials can be helpful.

Thinking. Chen Sheng came to the foot of the fusang tree.

He looked at the sleeping Gosela in the canopy, surrounded by little golden crows.

He understood that Gosla was absorbing the essence he dug out from the advanced earth consciousness, and was undergoing a transformation at the moment.

If this transformation is successful.

Gosla no longer has a trace of earth consciousness.

Rather, it is a completely new star spirit.

From then on, the sea is wide enough for fish to leap, and the sky is high for birds to fly, with even broader potential.

Chen Sheng believed that Gesla could do it.

After all, ten little golden crows were surrounding her at the moment, constantly sending profound rules to her to help her understand.

Think for a moment.

Chen Sheng didn't look any further.

He reached out and made a move, and the feathers stored in the mustard method appeared in his hand.

Chen Sheng's spiritual perception covered it.

A series of skillful spiritual runes are burned into each feather.

Then the feathers began to melt.

It turned into a white liquid and melted into a ball, with countless runes faintly flowing in it.


Chen Sheng stretched out his hand again.

The global spiritual network nodes began to dim, and the core regular light spots among them had crossed endless time and space and floated in Chen Sheng's open palm.

Chen Sheng blended these light spots directly into the liquid transformed from white feathers.

next moment.

The liquid turned into white feathers changes.

It keeps condensing.

It changed from liquid to a white crystal with golden rune carvings.

The crystal is not big, only about the size of a thumb.

But they already have the special ability of the Spiritual Network to monitor fluctuations in spiritual power around the world.

Then, Chen Sheng stretched out his hand to grab some invisible concepts, changed them through simple forging, and blended them into the crystal.

As a person at the peak of the sixth-level spiritual power level and half-step to the seventh-level creation realm, he is already proficient in metaphysical operations at this conceptual level.

He is now blended into the crystal.

It is a network used uniformly by the outside world [Baiyu Mobile], and it is the concept of this unified network itself.

He captured its overall concept and performed some operations to combine it with the ocean of spiritual rules, turning its transmission method into a system similar to electromagnetic waves and spiritual rules.

Its network is compatible with [Baiyu Mobile Phone] at the electromagnetic wave level and [Astral Consciousness Gaia] at the spiritual level.

But it is neither.

Seeing this, Chen Sheng nodded with satisfaction.

Then he stepped out of the world of mountains and seas and appeared where he disappeared.

The figure of [Gaia] slowly appeared next to her.

Without saying a word, Chen Sheng put the crystal in his hand into [Gaia]'s hand.

The crystal disappears the moment it touches [Gaia].

Transformed into infinite rules for fusion.

This caused [Gaia], which had transformed into a human form, to dissipate.

Chen Sheng silently stared at the ocean of spiritual rules.

Watching the transformation of [Gaia], the ultimate eternal day steward, is completed.


[Gaia] once again gathered its human form around Chen Sheng.

She seemed no different than before.

But Chen Sheng knew.


He has given her the ability of the spiritual network to monitor spiritual energy fluctuations around the world.

At this moment, as long as [Gaia] is running at full power, it can sense special spiritual movements almost anywhere on the earth.

Any member of Everday in the world.

At this moment, you can directly call [Gaia] on the spot and ask about the spiritual energy fluctuations around it.


The functions of integrating the unified network were also given to her.


[Gaia] is the only god in the universal network designated by Yongzhi in the post-order era, and is the controller of the entire network system.

Any member of Everday in the world.

At this moment, you can directly call [Gaia] on the spot and communicate with it directly to complete what needs to be done on the Internet.

just now.

[Gaia] is the artificial intelligence steward that can be summoned from any corner of the world. Everywhere on the earth is the running hardware of this artificial intelligence.

Yong Zhou's work efficiency will be greatly improved because of her.

As for the global defense system that was originally planned to be built with [Gaia] as the center.

Chen Sheng is not ready to do it yet.

Or should I say, I'm not available at the moment.

He plans to use the corpse materials of the sixth-level spiritual monsters to build a global defense system and try to ensure the strength of this defense system.

However, there is a problem with this:

If those things were used as materials for refining, even he wouldn't be able to complete it within a few days.

This takes a relatively long time.

He has less than eight days to go on his next mandatory mission.

After all, his debt to the system has not yet been repaid.

There are less than eight days left to try to use the corpses of monsters with level 6 spiritual power as materials for refining.

There is absolutely not enough time.

And he doesn't want to use a inferior defense system to temporarily top it.

and so.

He temporarily installed [Gaia] with the monitoring function of the spiritual network, and turned [Gaia] into the controller of the unified network.

As for the global defense system.

He still needs to wait until he comes back from completing the mandatory mission, and the mission experience is enough for him to pay off the experience debt, and there is no need to do any more mandatory missions.

by that time.

There will be plenty of time to use the corpses of monsters with sixth level spiritual power as materials to refine a powerful magic circle as a global independent defense system.

after that.

As long as the invasion of the abyss is not too exaggerated.

Then the global disaster will no longer be as serious as this time, and the safety of the people can be guaranteed to a certain extent.


Chen Sheng assigned all members of Yongzhou different levels of authority to operate [Gaia] according to their respective levels of authority.

Immediately, announcement information was released in the Spark chat group and the Ravens' central network.

in this announcement message.

Announced the existence of [Gaia] to all members.

The general functions of [Gaia] and how to use them are announced.

Announced the precautions when using [Gaia].

Since then.

With Gaia, the great steward of the earth, the work of all members of Yongzhi will be much easier.

Because at this moment, the entire earth seems to have become "operable" to the members of Yongzhi, becoming more like a computer that can complete relevant operations autonomously by just giving instructions.

Or should I say.

At this moment, the earth coupled with [Gaia] is already a half-finished astral computer.

Because we lost a lot of colleagues, we had a lot of work after the disaster.

So all the members of Yongzhi.

The emergence of this new thing that can reduce the burden is greatly welcomed.

 Push books.

  Introduction: Good news: I traveled to parallel time and space and awakened the film and television system.

  Bad news: You need to find someone of the opposite sex to bind you to.

  Good news: There is someone of the opposite sex who has a crush on you.

  Bad news: The short video she shot before was falsely accused of plagiarism, and she even had a conflict.

  Good news: The conflict has been resolved, and the bond with her has been successful.

  Having filmed the world-famous Dragon Queen with a Crooked Mouth, countless people complained that Lin Yi would only do such mindless dramas.

  But Lin Yi took out god-level scripts such as "The Matrix", "Star Wars" and "District " and said fiercely:

  "I can only take pictures of the Dragon King with a crooked mouth? I'm afraid you won't appreciate it!"



(End of this chapter)

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