Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 301 Lose your bestiality and lose everything!

Chapter 301 Lose your bestiality and lose everything!

Post-Order Era·First Year·January 25th.

On the day Chen Sheng returned from completing his mandatory mission, the Indian Ocean incident did not cause much trouble.

Except that the Indian Ocean, which was very red with blood, has returned to normal, there will no longer be any problems because of it.

Also because of the fact that only the core survivor bases of some major countries, which have access to the remaining satellites that were not destroyed by the abyssal monsters, can know that something happened in the center of the Indian Ocean.

most people.

Don't know anything about it.

The whole world is still immersed in the process of holding high the flag and engaging in construction.

After the public sacrifice.

Large-scale construction and restoration of order have become the mainstream in the world today.

Construction and restoration of road traffic.

It is the top priority.

The exploration of resources in old cities is also a very important issue.

In today's situation where small countries exist in name only and big countries have undergone earth-shaking changes.

In addition, considering the possibility of another monster invasion in the future.

The situation of the new city-state gradually took shape.

Each major survivor base is centered on itself and only obeys the dispatch of the global united front, and only nominally obeys the country to which it originally belonged.

Humanity's original concept of statehood is weakening.

The establishment of a new unified human federation seems to be just around the corner.

But this trend is only barely there.

before true unification.

There are still many problems.

For the major survivor bases, the biggest problem now is to explore the resources of the old cities to build their own survivor bases.

Monsters will approach humans and other creatures based on their own senses.

Therefore, in order to stay away from monsters, most survivor bases gather in refuge areas outside cities during disasters.

At the end of this disaster.

In addition to the core survivor bases in various countries such as Washington, Kyoto, and Moscow, large-scale urban cleanups are being carried out for some symbolic meaning, and they are trying to return to the devastated city to live.

Most of the survivor bases that have been set up outside will not be moved.

Because even after a lot of tidying up and cleaning up, the city is still difficult to live in.

Various roads have collapsed or bulged, and various high-rise buildings have tilted or collapsed.

For the sake of current stability, most survivor bases would not do such a thing rashly.

The less you do, the less mistakes you make, and the less you do, the better.

Most of the managers of the survivor base basically have this mentality.

But a devastated city cannot be placed there. In fact, it contains a large number of daily necessities, high-tech technology, daily necessities, etc.

Especially in places such as docks, storage areas, and industrial parks, the amount of materials and technology has reached a huge amount.

These things all play a decisive role in the development of each survivor base.

If you just explore resources instead of cleaning them up to a livable level.

For the vast majority of survivor bases, this is actually something they would like to hear.

And just when various places are seeking development.

Leader Chen Sheng is currently staying in the Shanhai Realm, Yongzhou's headquarters.

After he returns to Earth.

First, we dealt with the subsequent impact of the mandatory mission, and handed over the resulting dragon to Chen Tiya to manage.

Then I went to express condolences and visit the restoration and construction work of Chenxi College to see what the foundation of Yongzhi is now.

After all, it won't be long.

Recruitment for the third batch of Yongzhou will begin.

Some supplements must be made to account for the large combat attrition in this disaster.

After experiencing the hidden effects of disasters and the transformation of the earth, there are actually many more humans on the earth who have enough character and qualifications to join the Eternal Sun.

Don't worry that the previous two recruitments will recruit all the human elites on earth.

After all, new humans are being born all the time, and old humans are changing all the time.

And it can be discovered and confirmed based on Chen Sheng's simple condolences and inspection.

It won't be long before Chenxi Academy can resume teaching.

Disasters have little impact here.

After all, in the original black energy barrier circle in Northern Europe, there were Zhang Zihang, the vice president of Chenxi College, Philip holding the explosive seed of Thor's hammer, and Kun who came to Northern Europe before the disaster to deal with the secret discharge of nuclear sewage by a large country...

In addition, many students stationed in Chenxi Cave came out to help.

Even within the circle of Northern Europe, the damage was not serious.

This is especially true for the Dawn Cave located here.

Vice Dean Zhang Zihang and Chen Sheng assured that recruitment would begin as soon as possible within fifteen days.

After all, we still have to consider the impact of current changes around the world on the third batch of recruitment.

Fifteen days is no longer long.

After Chen Sheng understood these things clearly, he returned to the world of mountains and seas.

After letting Chen Tiya go find the embryo of the mythical beast in the world of mountains and seas and play with the little Golden Crow.

He went to take out the body materials left by the monster with a level six spiritual power level.

He had planned to use these things to refine weapons before.

But because the level of these things is too high, I'm afraid it will take a long time.

So Chen Sheng decided to refine the weapon after completing the mandatory tasks.

Now! It's just the right time!

The mandatory mission has ended!

There was no longer a systematic little whip waving behind him.

There is no sense of urgency of time anymore.

All he needed to do.

It's the weapon refining that An Xin has been imagining for a long time.

Think so.

Countless body fragments were reduced to microscopic sizes, flying around him.

Chen Sheng also carefully understood and perceived the essence of these materials during this process.

As the corpse of a monster with level six spiritual power.

They are undoubtedly the most advanced materials that Chen Sheng has encountered so far.

This process of analysis and manipulation should have been lengthy.

But Chen Sheng found that after walking in [Foreign Land·Salt Water], his whole person changed.

His understanding of the force of life is deeper.

Regarding everything about this corpse, there is a kind of thinking from the perspective of the designer.


He had the illusion of understanding everything.

three days later.

Post-Order Era·First Year·January 28th.

All the pieces of the corpse melted.

The carapace, which would not melt even if put into the core of the sun, was instantly turned into black liquid by Chen Sheng.

It is a liquid that combines the essence and rules of a sixth-level spiritual power level monster.

A total of 120 million drops.

That is, roughly 6000 liters of purple-black liquid, now flying in the air around Chen Sheng like an arm.

Chen Sheng nodded with satisfaction upon seeing this.

This first step was much faster than he expected, and the experience of exploding and dying in [Foreign Land·Salt Water] seemed not bad.

Among the many rules that Chen Tiya knew, he also benefited a lot from the rules of vitality.

Therefore, the step of making the monster corpse suitable for weapon refining went extremely smoothly and quickly.


Chen Sheng methodically drove countless rule runes into the purple-black liquid.

As a master of weapon refining.

His operation can be said to be very skillful.

Various special spiritual rules were given to this purple-black liquid by him, giving it more precise properties.

Chen Sheng's idea is to create a special defense system that covers the whole world, preferably a large formation that can be assisted and controlled by Gaia intelligence.

In addition to the necessary self-power function, it must also have two functions: one is the global precise positioning and fixed-point strike function, and the other is the anti-counterfeit function against external attacks.

The former is to clean up hidden dangers inside the earth.

The latter is to defend against high-energy external attacks.

Both of these are quite important.

And they all have offensive attributes. After all, the so-called counterattack means defense and counterattack. For the former, precise positioning can already be achieved by relying on the spiritual network function installed on Gaia. As long as Gaia maintains this formation, precise positioning can be guaranteed.

As for fixed-point attacks.

There is no need to be fancy, just accumulate energy for beam attacks or bombings.

Firepower is truth!

Thinking like this.

Chen Sheng continued to type more spiritual power runes, and the surrounding purple-black liquid was also constantly changing, becoming more unpredictable.

Every little bit of imagination.

They are all changing the liquid little by little.

Some of the rules of creation that Chen Sheng learned from Chen Tiya also played a certain role at this moment.

It made Chen Sheng's weapon refining process particularly smooth.


Another day passed.

Post-Order Era·First Year·January 29th.

The purple-black liquid has turned into a compressed black liquid sphere.

But it's about the size of a palm.

But it contains the essence of a sixth-level spiritual power level monster, and the exquisite insights of a half-step seventh-level creation realm existence.

If this thing were to wander to any world outside the material universe, it would be regarded as a divine treasure passed down for hundreds of millions of years.

As for Chen Sheng.

It is also a precious thing.

It can be deployed at critical moments and rely on its self-powered function to absorb and transform the power of the ocean of spiritual rules for a long period of time.

In the absence of Yongzhi's high-level officials, mankind has reached a critical moment of life and death.

This thing can be used as a trump card.

When it is unfolded, it can instantly kill the existences below the sixth level of spiritual power on the whole map, and it can also be in a stalemate for a while against the existences of the sixth level of spiritual power.

If we encounter the same disaster again.

Relying on this formation, at least most casualties can be reduced.

As long as the formation is opened as soon as possible, except for those who were killed or injured before the formation was opened, everyone else can basically be said to be safe.

This would have kept the number of casualties down to at least a million.

As for why this formation is not always turned on, it is naturally due to self-supply of energy.

Although the formation is powerful, it even has the function of self-powering.

But this does not mean that it can be maintained forever. It can be supported by self-supply for at most one month.

and so……

This is only something you can use in emergencies.

There is no catastrophe now.

Relying on the existing Yongzhi members, the Global United Front, and official personnel of major survivor bases are enough to solve most problems.

As long as there is no abyss invasion involved, it is a small problem that even Yong Zhou does not need to take action.

Most of them are transformations and growth that humans must go through on their own development journey.

Yong Zhou will not intervene in most cases.

Not to mention opening a global emergency formation for this.

Only when we encounter a large-scale invasion from the abyss again, threatening human life and death.

Even the members of Yongzhou felt a little powerless.

Only this formation can be useful.

Thinking like this.

Chen Sheng took a step forward and left the world of mountains and seas.

When he reappeared, he randomly came to a crater somewhere on the earth.

beside him.

The planetary intelligence Gaia then appeared in the form of volcanic ash.

Chen Sheng looked at the illusory figure made of sand beside him, and then said: "The emergency formation function accessories that I said I would install for you are ready."


Chen Sheng waved his hand and took out the purple-black liquid.

Then he pressed it directly on the body of Guyana's figure made of sand.

For an instant.

This purple-black liquid started to flow.

The dispersed covering poured into the puppet body of Gaia, turning it into its own color.


This body of Gaia dissipated into thin air.

The purple-black liquid that was immersed in did not fall to the ground, but dissipated along with it.

Chen Sheng then put his spiritual perception deep into the consciousness of Gaia hidden in the core of the earth.

He can sense it.

The purple-black liquid is like a fourth-level true god that can be spiritualized. It has spiritualized while covering Gaia's clone, and penetrated into Gaia's ontological consciousness.

During this whole process.

Gaia has no ability to resist.

After all, the caster is Chen Sheng, who is in the half-step seventh-level creation realm, and the material is a sixth-level spiritual power level.

For Gaia, who has just reached the fourth level of spiritual power.

They are all powerful forces from above.

The most important thing is that recognizing Chen Sheng as the master is the core program of Gaia.

She would not resist Chen Sheng's behavior.

So very quickly.

This integration process is over.

Chen Sheng withdrew his spiritual gaze and looked at the unchanging land around him.

The dust and soil once again condensed into the human form of Gaia.

"Leader, you have received the new functions."

"According to the preset commands in the function, the defensive formation will only be activated when three situations occur."

"First: Automatically activate when encountering the highest level of dangerous situation that puts human beings on the verge of life and death. Second: The Council of Sages unanimously votes to allow activation. Third: The leader orders."

Gaia reported seriously.

Chen Sheng listened and nodded with satisfaction.

That's it.

The defensive formation is completed.

Gaia has finally become the ultimate steward that integrates detection, network, and defense.

Humanity has also successfully added new back-ups.

Chen Sheng smiled slightly at this.

So far, except for Yongzhi's senior combatants.

The backup plans prepared by the fourth generation of Yongzhou include but are not limited to: the escape plan to cut off the cave sky and reality, the plan to escape from the ancient starry sky to a foreign land, the eternal gun controlled by the Sage Committee, the Moon Palace battle fortress, the threat plan of the fruit of time and space, and the global defense array Law……

This kind of thing.

There is never too much.

Everything is for human survival.

Didn’t you see that the first and second generations of Yongzhou in the system settings had back-up plans including the **** plan, the boundary monument plan, etc.

Facing a future in which he might not be able to defeat the Abyss, Chen Sheng prepared a series of backup plans to lead humans to either escape, die together, or resist stubbornly.

That's right.

Except for resistance.

Chen Sheng even considered escaping and dying together.

The more he grows up, the more Chen Sheng understands.

The gap between our side and the sea of ​​multidimensional realms is still huge.

In the abyss, there are even nine-level pillar gods with far more than one digit.

The strongest one here is his own half-step seventh-level creation realm.

Without the big daddy of the material universe, all mankind would have died eight hundred times.

Facing the abyss that engulfs the sea of ​​multiple realms.

Do whatever it takes and make the right decision considering every situation.

Lose humanity and lose a lot.

Lose your bestiality and lose everything.

(End of this chapter)

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