Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 309 Yong Zhou is serious about playing games

Chapter 309 Yong Zhou is serious about playing games

Early morning - morning light in the cave sky.

In the post-Order era, a song written by a survivor to commemorate all the dead resounded throughout the sky.

Wake up the sleeping students.

According to the old rules of Chenxi Academy.

Everything here is determined by students with excellent grades or outstanding performance in some aspects.

Including but not limited to wake-up bell, teaching area decoration style, canteen food...

However, in recent times, the decision-making power of the wake-up call is not in the hands of outstanding students.

In order to mourn the dead, and to let all members of Eternal Day be full of the passion to fight against the abyss.

Zhang Zihang, the vice president of Chenxi College, discussed with the Sage Committee and decided to use fifty excellent songs composed by people from all over the world after the disaster as a wake-up call for the recent period.

Most of these selected songs are inevitably full of the sadness of the times, but at the same time they do not lose the underlying fighting spirit and unyielding will.

Members of Yongzhou are always reminded to keep in mind their original aspirations and never forget their mission.

And after the wake-up bell rang today.

Lin Miao, Zhou Ziying, and Liu Xinyue, who requested to be assigned to the same dormitory, all opened their eyes.

"Miaomiao, I'll sleep for another five minutes. Wake me up later."

Zhou Ziying yawned and muttered without opening her eyes.

Then he covered the quilt more tightly.

Lin Miao nodded in response, and then got off the bed with Liu Xinyue.

We came to the sink to wash up together.

At this time, a reminder popped up when I got the [Bai Yu's mobile phone] by the pool.

The name of the reminder is: Schedule Change Details.

Seeing this, Lin Miao, who was brushing his teeth, turned on his phone to check.

"Today's class schedule is... eh?"

"The virtual reality NPC serves as a tutor, and there are still two credits left?"

Lin Miao, who had a mouthful of foam in her mouth, widened her eyes in surprise.

[Baiyu Mobile] On the interface of the internal Yongzhou official website, there are various work arrangements for Chenxi College.

Today's class schedule for these students who are recruiting for the third time has changed.

"All new students recruited for the third time will gather at the central teaching area of ​​Academy City Tromsø to participate in the virtual reality NPC instruction class?"

"The class area assigned to our dormitory seems to be Hall 101 of Building in the central teaching area."

Liu Xinyue also picked up the [Baiyu mobile phone] used internally by Yongzhou, looked at the specific work arrangements on it and read out aloud.


"When we watched last night, wasn't today's class still a fighting training?"

"Why did it suddenly become like this?"

Zhou Ziying lifted the quilt and asked with some doubts.

These students who have just joined Chenxi College have not yet officially taken Mulberry and linked to Spark, so naturally they cannot use the idea of ​​​​Starfire chat group to surf the Internet.

For changes to the class schedule.

Like the peripheral members, they can only use [Baiyu mobile phone] to log in to the Yongzhou official website of the insiders to check the specific situation.

"I don't know. How about I ask the Sage of [Song] later?"

Liu Xinyue said this after spitting out the foam in her mouth.

Because of her outstanding talent, she once served as an intern in Team Three of the Sage's Quick Response Force for a period of time.

There was a promise that after she studied at Chenxi College for a period of time, she could transfer the organization directly.

Therefore, she is relatively familiar with it.

In response to Liu Xinyue's inquiry, Lin Miao and Zhou Ziying looked at each other, and then shook their heads in unison.

Because of this matter, I would not bother such a senior Yong Zhou cadre.

It’s no different than using anti-aircraft guns to kill mosquitoes.

The course adjustment is completely normal and there is no need to inquire too much.

Regarding the so-called virtual reality, someone will naturally explain it when I attend the lecture in the central teaching area.


Academy City Tromso.

This place has been very lively since its establishment.

However, the excitement today was a bit more lively than the days when the third recruitment was in progress.

In the train station as the entrance to Dawn Cave.

There was an endless stream of preparatory members walking out, and occasionally one or two could be seen as formal members who should have returned to Chenxi Academy for a period of advanced study.

They were running around Academy City wearing short-sleeved shirts.

It looked out of place with the heavy snow falling outside the dome.

But that's not surprising.

Although Tromsø is supposed to be a land of ice and snow near the pole, the dome was recently added with new features that can control the weather.

and so.

It is not surprising that everyone is wearing short-sleeves inside the dome, which is generally sunny at this moment.

And the three Lin Miao people were dressed.

At this moment, he also left the Dawn Cave and mingled with the people coming and going in Academy City.

Lin Miao looked at the free breakfast not far away and ran over excitedly.

Since the establishment of Academy City.

In addition to the dormitories, all the convenient services related to food, clothing, housing and transportation for students in Dawn Cave Sky have been transferred to Academy City, making the academy functions of Dawn Cave Sky more precise.

The remaining additional functions to serve students are concentrated in Academy City.

This brings significant benefits:

That is, after these functions were concentrated in Academy City, they became more professional.

For example, food-related items have become much more delicious.

At least Lin Miao is eating happily these days.

After leaving Chenxi Cave and seeing the breakfast shop, I immediately became excited.

In response, Liu Xinyue and Zhou Ziying followed helplessly behind.

"It seems that this so-called virtual reality is no small matter."

Zhou Ziying looked at the people going around.

A trace of thought flashed in his eyes.

At a cursory glance, in addition to a large number of preparatory members like them who can become full members after studying for a period of time, there are also many peripheral members and full members.

The overall quantity is huge.

There were a lot more than those in Academy City a few days ago.

It's very possible that it's all because of one thing.


"You can probably guess something from the four words called virtual reality."

Liu Xinyue murmured like this.

Virtual reality is a virtual world that uses computers and other equipment to produce a realistic three-dimensional vision, touch, smell and other sensory experiences, so that people in the virtual world can have an immersive feeling.

It often appears in many science fiction novels.

Now this sudden [Virtual Reality NPC serves as a guidance course] probably means that Yongzhou has conquered this concept through various means.

Virtual reality may enter every household. Thinking of this, Liu Xinyue became more and more sure of her guess.

Today's post-disaster era seems somewhat similar to the concepts of cyberspace and wasteland described in many science fiction works.

In this case, it seems that the restless people really need a place to vent and comfort.

As a possessor of the ability to listen to the voices of all things, Liu Xinyue is very aware of the unforgettable restless emotions hidden in the hearts of survivors in today's post-order era.

Even though there were no problems for a long time because of the catharsis of public sacrifices and the suppression of military management.

However, this status quo is still difficult to maintain for a long time.

A virtual spiritual world seems to be exactly what is needed at this moment.

Think so.

Liu Xinyue looked towards the central teaching area in the distance, her eyes flashing with light.


Central teaching area - Hall 101, Building .

This large classroom, which can accommodate more than a thousand people, has people coming in one after another at this moment.

Liu Xinyue and the other three also came here and sat down according to their respective seat numbers.

In many other places in the central teaching area, many people are basically entering one after another at this moment.

This [Virtual Reality NPC Tutoring Class] is obviously a course that most students in Academy City must take at this moment.

I sat in my seat and waited for a while.

The classroom door opens.

A gentle-looking man walked in slowly.

The whole classroom fell silent immediately.

Everyone present looked at him silently.

Liu Xinyue also cast a curious look.

"Hello everyone, I am your [Virtual Reality NPC as Instructor] teacher, from the Lunar Research Department."

"My surname is Li, you can call me Teacher Li."

"I will probably meet with you three times this semester. I will try to cover the key points in four classes without taking up your time in other classes."

Teacher Li said this with a smile.

With the help of Academy City's excellent high-tech teaching aids, Teacher Li's quiet voice was bone-conducted through everyone's desks and into the minds of everyone in the classroom.

Everyone heard clearly.

Everyone did not speak to ask questions, but waited silently for Teacher Li to continue explaining.

"As the name suggests, [Virtual Reality NPC Acting Guidance Course] teaches you how to act as an NPC in a virtual reality game. From how to operate the virtual reality game to the professionalism of NPCs, you will be taught."

"As for this so-called virtual reality game, it is a creation of the recent past. Regardless of the principle, the effect is the same as the virtual reality game in science fiction novels, and it is even more exaggerated than that with 99% realism. No, I say it is 100% just because of our rigorous and scientific attitude."

"After the game is released to the world, you will serve as intelligent NPCs in the game and guide people around the world to play safe and healthy games. This will not be your main task in the future, but you still need to go online to do some things more or less occasionally. After all, This is about the mental state of survivors around the world."

Teacher Li gave a long speech.

It clarified some of the doubts of everyone present.

Everyone understood what this sudden course was for.

This made everyone a little interested.

If this is the case, it seems interesting to be an NPC in the game?

"Because this technology has not been officially installed globally, the first class will not teach you how to operate everything related to this game."

"What I'm teaching you now is the professionalism of an NPC."

"I will first introduce how the game should be made... fun from the perspective of game planning!"

With that said, Teacher Li turned on the holographic projection function in the classroom.

On the smart electronic desk in front of everyone, a holographic projection that was exactly the same as the one displayed by Teacher Li on the podium, but was smaller, appeared immediately.

This prevents anyone from being confused.

Liu Xinyue carefully looked at the content on the holographic projection.

[The tentative name of the game world is: Spiritual World·Yuktrassil]

[Challenge: Willing to spend time improving your skills and game understanding to complete difficult goals. 】

[Destroy: Pursue the fun of destroying items or destroying enemies in the game. 】

[Immersion/Fantasy: I like to be fully immersed in the game world and enjoy the process of exploration. 】

[Complete/Collect: Pursue to achieve all goals provided by the game. 】

[Story/plot: I like to have an in-depth understanding of the world view, story, characters, etc. of the game. 】

[Strategy: Repeatedly weigh the results of your choices and responses during the game (such as lineup matching). 】

[Creation/Design: I like to freely combine within the game and create game content to actively express myself. 】

[Competition: The process of pursuing comparison with other players. 】

[Growth: I like to become stronger in the game and make a series of efforts to this end. 】

[Social: Enjoy the process of communicating, cooperating, and interacting with other players. 】


There are several pages full of content like this. It is obvious that Yong Zhou is also very attentive to the creation of virtual reality games.

Liu Xinyue understood that she was in the next learning process.

It is very likely that he will become a professional game planner under Yong Zhou's guidance.

She didn't reject such an experience, and instead found it quite interesting.

Yong Zhou's mission obviously won't be all about fighting and killing, and such missions are normal.

After all, this is a major event that affects the psychological state of survivors around the world. It is not just a game.

And if it is really basically 100% realistic, this virtual reality game can do far more than that.

In addition to comforting survivors.

It may also be used to guide survivors to learn some necessary skills related to combat, survival, etc.

Can be used to expand survivors' knowledge of monsters in the abyss.

She alone has thought of many functions of virtual reality games.


The name [Spiritual World·Yuktra Hill] also made Liu Xinyue, who was fairly knowledgeable before joining Yongzhou, think of something.

If I remember correctly, Yggdrasil is the name of the world tree in Norse mythology and legend.

And as far as she knew.

The source of Nordic mythology seems to be his own eternal day?

It was precisely what Yongji did thousands of years ago that was witnessed and remembered by the world, and that led to the Nordic mythology that is widely circulated today.

So the name of this Yggdrasil.

At this moment, it seems that there should be some profound meaning?

Liu Xinyue couldn't help but think about this.

While Liu Xinyue was thinking this way.

Teacher Li also started the lecture based on the content displayed on the holographic projection.

The in-depth explanation proves it.

This teacher Li has really studied the game well.

He had been preparing for this lesson for a long time.

In other words, Yong Zhou spent a lot of energy on this lesson.

no doubt.

Yong Zhou is serious about playing games.

(End of this chapter)

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