Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 311 People are always responsible for their own choices

Chapter 311 People are always responsible for their own choices

Post-order era, first year, March 1st.

Three months have passed since the catastrophe.

The remaining humans are developing silently with heavy hearts.

Even if there is the catharsis of illusions during public sacrifices and the support of faith provided by Yidian Cult.

The hearts of all survivors are still heavy.

This kind of pain.

Usually only time heals.

But early this morning, Yong Zhou brought a message to survivors around the world.

On the [Baiyu mobile phone] that everyone keeps in their hands, the survival guarantee app and the Yongzhou official website app both have homepage banners to remind everyone: A 99% realistic virtual reality game developed by Yongzhou is ready to be launched today. A public beta will be held tonight.

Such news is naturally confusing.

The world is obviously still in a state of exhaustion, and it would be great if the level of science and technology does not drop.

As a result, a so-called virtual reality game suddenly popped up, which is naturally confusing.

But with Yongji's endorsement and guarantee.

This kind of news is naturally different from those spread through rumors.

But full of credibility.

Survivors around the world were immediately looking forward to it.

As we all know, Yong Zhou cannot talk nonsense.

So how realistic is the virtual reality game that Yongzhou guarantees to be 99% realistic?

Everyone has different opinions.

This matter has been discussed in many hot topics on the World Forum.

This is the eternal day.

There is even a special game section specially opened for the World Forum, so that players who will be in public beta in the future can discuss freely here.


Among the major survivor bases.

The army also began to strengthen patrols everywhere.

While ensuring order, the news was spread to all residents to announce the unified distribution of virtual reality game login bracelets at noon.

This has raised people's expectations even more.


In a large survivor base in Jiangnan Province.

Li Hongtu, who was transferred here, looked up at the much bluer sky on the balcony.

I couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Humanity has collectively reduced most of its industrial activities in just three months.

It actually caused immediate changes in the skies around the world.

As a high-level peripheral member of Yongzhi.

He's seen other parts of the world through channels that regular survivors don't have.

Basically, the environment everywhere has been significantly improved.

This disaster is painful for mankind.

Two billion people died and two billion people were left alive. This can be called a catastrophe.

But for the earth.

Maybe a good thing?

It is said that the earth itself has been improved due to the escaping spirituality of a large number of abyss monsters. The Gaia intelligence that everyone uses today comes from this.

If you think about it.

The Abyss is simply the mass extinction of intelligent life.

Think so.

Li Hongtu shook his head helplessly.

He drank the can of beer in his hand, and the waves of relief he felt made him forget his meaningless thoughts.

Today is the time for players to collectively test.

Since he doesn't need to be an NPC and has no other tasks for the time being, it's rare for him to be on vacation.

"If you have wine today, you will get drunk today..."

Li Hongtu murmured and looked downstairs.

I saw the base official's car parked downstairs, busy distributing the landing bracelets Yong Zhou gave them one by one.

At this time, Lin Yun just opened the door and walked in.

Because her daughter Lin Miao decided to join Yongzhou Chenxi Academy before the third recruitment, she asked Lin Yun to come here to hang out with Captain Li Hongtu and participate in the supervision of family reorganization and orphan adoption policies.

So Lin Yun and Li Hongtu lived together.

Lin Yun, who heard Li Hongtu's murmuring, shook the bracelet on his hand without hesitation and complained to Li Hongtu: "Why are you still drinking here? Hurry down and get the login bracelet. I have made an appointment with Lin Miao. We are the NPC guides."

When Lin Yun came up just now, he picked one up from downstairs.

But I didn’t pick it up for Li Hongtu.

It's not that he doesn't want to.

It's because the issuance of the login bracelet requires recording and verifying Baiyu's mobile phone number and a series of biological information of the holder.

This approach is to ensure that everyone has a login bracelet.

And there is only one for each person, and scalpers and other people who buy and sell are strictly prohibited.

Li Hongtu paused after hearing this.

Looking down at the base officials who were still handing out login wristbands to people in line, they were not in a hurry.

"Let them line up for a while."

"I'll drink for a while."

Li Hongtu said, picking up another can of beer from the side and opening the tab.

Start drinking in big gulps.

After the disaster.

He hadn't been this relaxed in a long time.

Lin Yun saw this.

He sighed helplessly in his heart.

During the time he came here, he knew what happened to Li Hongtu.

This tall and powerful senior peripheral member of Yongzhou also has a fragile side in his heart.

Not long after the disaster ended.

After some big-picture work is almost completed.

Yongzhou has carried out the resettlement work for relatives and friends of organization members.

Ah Wei persuaded Li Hongtu, who was leading an exploration team to search for survivors, to end the mission and arrange for him to participate in the rescue and resettlement work in his hometown.

But Li Hongtu refused.

Don’t just stand up for what you should do for the sake of the greater good.

In fact, I am also afraid.

Afraid of knowing the current situation of my relatives and friends.

Although his relatives and friends are not in the circle, it will not be as tragic as in the circle.

But outside the circle is not safe when disaster strikes.

Such a doomsday tragedy has occurred around the world, and he doesn't know what will happen to his relatives and friends.

Escape has become the instinct in this situation.

after that.

Li Hongtu said goodbye to Lin Miao and others and left Linjiang City Survivor Base.

Arriving at the large survivor base in Jiangnan Province.

Participate in the supervision of restructured families and adoption agencies.

He has become a complete workaholic.

Trying to numb yourself with work.


The truth cannot be kept hidden forever.

Not long after that, Li Hongtu's good brother Ah Wei came to him seriously and explained the whole situation in a serious and thoughtful manner.

Like most tragedies in this catastrophe.

Li Hongtu’s relatives and friends were not lucky.

After investigation, it was learned that the huge monster appeared directly next to Li Hongtu's relatives and friends.

They were at the beginning of the disaster.

They ended their lives directly.

Such news made the iron-clad man take leave that day. It is said that I went to the Yongzhou headquarters, and under the arrangement from above, I went to the survivor base in my hometown. I stared at the cemetery officially established by the base there for a long time.

The next day, he came back like a normal person.

But after that.

Li Hongtu had a habit of drinking.

Whenever I have free time, I often drink can after can.

He didn't confide or complain to anyone.

Except for Ah Wei, Li Hongtu's many friends, including Lin Miao, basically didn't know about this.

All I know is that Li Hongtu is running around in Jiangnan Province for the children who have become orphans due to disasters.

Lin Yun stood aside and said nothing.

He knew that Li Hongtu didn't need to persuade him to say anything.

This man is a brave and fearless warrior.

Lin Yun just walked to Li Hongtu on the balcony, picked up a can of beer on the ground and pulled the tab.

Same as Li Hongtu.

He immediately started drinking heavily.

What Li Hongtu lacks now may just be a drinking buddy.

"Old Lin."

"We need to ask Miaomiao to give us more guidance tonight. These special NPCs should have many special tasks on their hands."

"I'll just thank you in advance."

After drinking for three rounds, Li Hongtu murmured to Lin Yun beside him.

Looking at the bright sun in the sky.

Li Hongtu's voice seemed a bit drunk.

"Your boy is a peripheral member of Yongzhou."

"You expect a reserve member to open the back door for you, right? Don't harm my Miaomiao's future. I'll report you to the disciplinary and law enforcement department."

Lin Yun rolled his eyes at Li Hongtu helplessly and started complaining with a smile.

Li Hongtu's idea of ​​using the back door was naturally just a joke. In fact, he just wanted to inadvertently say the thank you he wanted to say to Lin Yun for a long time.

Lin Yun's report was naturally just a joke. In fact, he was just complaining about Li Hongtu's pretentiousness. Even saying thank you was so vague.

There was a long silence.

The two of them clinked glasses in tacit understanding without looking back.

Then they started chatting again.

"Old Lin, do you dare to compare who can level up faster in [Spiritual World·Yuktra Hill]?"

"You've got the wrong person. When I was young, I was the arcade god who killed all the invincible players in the arcade city!"

"Haha, arcades and virtual reality online games are different. Don't blow your mind."

"Huh? Let me show you what I'm doing!"


[Spiritual World·Yuktrassil]

Novice Village 10086·Huangmengxing.

Four people, Sun Hongcheng, Qiyi Weibeina, Dieter Rong, and Giovanni Gabrielli, were assigned here as intern NPCs.

Above the small dome of life-supporting glass is the starry sky.

Below is a space base that is much more advanced than BNULM's previous manned spacecraft.

The few people staying here do not need to wear space suits to protect the space environment.

"I thought that after joining Yongzhi, I would lead a wonderful life of slaying demons, but in fact..."

"It seems to be no different from before?"

Sun Hongcheng complained helplessly.

After being brought to Yongzhou by Professor Du Xing, the four of them successfully passed many tests and officially became the third recruitment students of Chenxi College.

After that, they learned a lot of cultural knowledge and extraordinary common sense.

I gained a lot of knowledge.

They were even allowed to take a few glances at their relatives from a distance.

All this makes the four of them look forward to their respective futures.


After the mission of entering [Spiritual World·Yectrasil] as an NPC was released, the four of them always felt as if they were back on Mars.

It's like he never left.

Because of the background of the virtual game [Spiritual World·Yectrasil].

The technologically prosperous Human Galactic Empire was invaded by the Abyss. Players need to play the role of the civilization seed embryos left by the Human Galactic Empire on countless remote planets.

In the ruins of this prosperous civilization that was destroyed, you can choose to vigorously rebuild civilization, or choose to fight to the end with some monsters left behind in the abyss.

This background is doomed to one thing:

That is the novice village for all players, which are all different desolate planets.

Nothing but a space base.

And for a long time in the game, you can't leave the planet of origin.

And such a birthplace.

For Sun Hongcheng, Qiyi Weibena, Dieter Jong, and Giovanni Gabrielli, it is simply a dream to return to Mars.

It's like going back to the time of the exploration mission on Mars.

In addition to watching the stars every day.

There seems to be only infinite loneliness.

Fortunately, this loneliness will not last long.

The four are well aware of the incoming large number of players.

What a group of creative people they are.

By then, I'm afraid it will feel like the excitement here is a bit too much.

Just thinking so.

A sound of bells rang in the ears of several people, which made several people look at each other excitedly.

They have been trained to understand.

This is a reminder that the open beta has officially begun.

Starting from the morning, notifications, warm-ups, and landing bracelets were distributed to major survivor bases.

By noon, major survivor bases began to formally distribute landing bracelets door-to-door.

until 9:59 p.m.

When the public beta time was about to arrive, everyone basically got their login bracelets and were lying on the bed waiting for the card to enter the game.

Wait until the in-game bell rings.

This means that it is already ten o'clock in the evening in the East Eighth District outside the game.

All survivors who are idle are basically logging into the game.

Sun Hongcheng, Qi'an Weibeina, Dieter Rong, and Giovanni Gabrielli immediately walked towards the clone cultivation center of the Novice Village 10086·Huangmengxing Space Base.

Human cloning breeding center.

It is the birth point of the players in the game.

They will be born as clones. If they die in the future, they can be cloned and resurrected, but this will require starting over.

Sun Hongcheng, Qi Ya Weibeina, Dieter Rong, and Giovanni Gabrielli stood in the control room of the clone breeding center.

Look at the thousand cultivation chambers on the monitoring screen.

A line of text appeared on most of the cultivation bulkheads.

Those are the names given to their characters by the players who are making faces and naming them at this moment.

The names on these cultivation cabins will accompany these players throughout their lives in [Spiritual World·Yectrasil].

Even death and rebirth cannot change it.

Sun Hongcheng and others looked at the strange names in the control room and couldn't help showing a look of fun.

[Turkey-flavored crispy rice], [Taklimakan carvings], [Abin’s grades are not ideal], [Ah Man has a good plan], [People live for His Excellency Chen Yidian], [word is very large], [Log out The button can’t be found], [Convertible with a lot of imagination], [I will always be Yidian-sama’s dog]...

Basically, each of these names is extremely personal.

You must know that in [Spiritual World·Yuktrassil], there is no name change card.

This setting.

It is the thoughtful setting of Eternal Day members who know the characters of the players.

Let the initial name accompany the player for life.

People are always responsible for their own choices.

——A certain game planner from the Yongzhi Moon Scientific Research Department said this.

(End of this chapter)

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