Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 36 Abnormal Countermeasure Bureau

Chapter 36 Abnormal Countermeasure Bureau
Taos Town, inside the temporary command post of the U.S. Anomaly Countermeasures Bureau.

Andrew rubbed his temples, feeling a headache about the current development of things.

Since the various videos and research records of the fight against the white ape monster were uploaded to the White Palace three days ago, the group of elders who were idle all day were stunned.

Whether it is the real existence of extraordinary power or the participation of that unknown third-party force, it has made the elders fall into deep thought.

Whether it's a monster or a person from a third-party force, the performance of these extraordinary forces in this incident is enough to be taken seriously.

The fighting power of the monster's tough main battle tank, and the power revealed by the third-party forces clearing their own traces, are all frightening.

This is an event that undoubtedly requires the attention of the entire country.

Almost on the night when the report was uploaded, Andrew transformed from a temporary anomalous investigator and deputy director of the National Security Agency to the boss of the newest agency - the Bureau of Abnormality Countermeasures.

The White Palace Lord who has a good relationship with him has contributed a lot to Andrew's promotion.

All aspects of personnel and resources are constantly coordinating and building. The headquarters of the entire department in New York City is under construction in an orderly manner. Branches and eyeliners in various places are also developing rapidly with the support of the state.

The Bureau of Abnormality Countermeasures suddenly had the level of reporting to the White Palace, and had the highest level of authority in most matters.

Then, as the chief of the bureau, Andrew simply stayed near Taos town on the spot.

He mobilized experts in various fields sent from above to conduct in-depth investigations in this place where the United States first discovered an abnormal event.

More scientific experts have invested in the research of some monster residual tissues.

The third-party force did take away the monster's corpse before, but the monster's biological tissues left over from the battle, such as hair, blood, dander and other substances, were all found by the Abnormal Countermeasures Bureau, which cleaned up every inch of the land.

Because monsters have never been seen before, and the total amount of matter that can be studied is very small, it will take a long time to try to study some supernatural related things.

Major General Chris was authorized by him to send more troops. He not only searched the San Cristo Mountains to confirm that there were no monsters, but also deployed and controlled a large area spread out from the San Cristo Mountains to prevent the third attack. The possibility of monsters appearing suddenly.

Andrew, on the other hand, followed the word Eternal Sun left by the third-party force to conduct related investigations.

Some singers who sang the song named Eternal Sun were quietly taken away by the secret department for investigation and interrogation.

In the game, there is a boss game company named Eternal Sun, which has also been thoroughly investigated by the secret department.

And Andrew led a team of experts in Taos Town to conduct a more in-depth investigation on the painter named Luke.

After all, he painted a portrait of a person code-named Eternal Sun in Taos Town, a place close to the abnormal event. It is very likely that the person in the portrait is the mysterious person who appeared before.

The investigation found that Luke's background was normal, and there were no clues. He was just a wandering painter who traveled around in pursuit of art.

And screening based on the appearance of Luke's portrait, not only did not find anything in the information base of the United States.In all the surveillance images in Taos Town at that time, the mysterious person who Luke painted a portrait for was completely invisible.

According to a series of interrogations by psychologists, interrogation experts and other professional teams, it can be found that Luke also knows nothing about that mysterious person, and he doesn't seem to have much impression in his mind.

Knowing that a person has really existed here, but the camera can't capture it, and I can't remember it in my mind. I don't even know whether he is a man or a woman.

This is outrageous, but normal.

Because Andrew knew that the witnesses in Major General Chris's unit left different vague impressions, and the features depicted by each person were different, male or female, old or young...

So he knew that this matter was normal, and it was not surprising that he could not find any clues about the mysterious person.

As for the sun pattern on the chest of the mysterious man in the portrait, domestic experts in history, culture, customs, art, etc. have also been commissioned to investigate, but there is no result yet.


Everything has no clue, and the mess is waiting for Andrew to solve it.

While pondering, Andrew looked at the portraits shot and recorded on the computer screen in front of him, and fell into a long period of contemplation.


Chen Sheng walked calmly among the dense forests of the San Cristobal Mountains, and every step he took seemed to be more than ten meters away.

It has been three days since he dealt with the white ape monster last time. While he was busy training his new members these days, he discovered that the abyss crack in the San Cristo Mountains was not doing anything.

For three days in a row no monsters had squeezed through the turbulent space into the real world.

What made him bored was that apart from his daily study, he practiced those new members every day, and gradually improved his skills.

However, this is not a reason to let the abyss crack stay here.

After the organization was upgraded, a reward was given for the opportunity to compose a secret realm and ruins. After the secret realm was placed, it could stabilize the space and erase the cracks in the abyss.

Chen Sheng now has a secret realm available for use.Then erasing the cracks in the abyss has already been put on the task list.

It is necessary to seal and erase it.

Now is also the time.

However, how to use the secret realm and ruins in hand also needs to be thought deeply.

Casually placed near the cracks in the abyss, only used to erase the cracks in the abyss, it is really a bit of a waste.

You must know that maintaining the ancient mysterious persona of the organization can increase the experience of the organization.

Although the secret realm and ruins in hand can't bring ready-made benefits, it is a good thing that can maintain the organization's personality.

The ruins of the secret realm can forge traces of the existence of the organization, leaving some shocking murals, statues, cultural relics, etc. inside.

After being discovered by others, wouldn't it be another wave of organization Yongri's character design, so that his ancient and mysterious image broke the worldview of many people.

Thinking about it, with Chen Sheng's wide-ranging perception ability, he discovered a team that was bypassing a small number of garrisons outside the San Cristo Mountains and trying to enter the mountains.

There have just been two unusual incidents near here, and the army has already searched the place.Then send a large force around to explore other possible anomalous events, leaving a small group stationed at the foot of the mountain to block anyone who tries to go up the mountain.

All this team, which was carefully trying to bypass the military quarantine, attracted Chen Sheng's curiosity.

Chen Sheng activated the power of Xihe, and activated the bug-like ability [Past Memories Witnessed by the Stars] again, and information about that team flooded into his mind.

This is a historical team that was originally studying the remains of ancient American civilizations near the town of Taos, and the San Cristo Mountains are also in their action plan.

Now, because of various reasons, he was refused entry, and the leading professor, who was eager to complete the research project and get a certain achievement, decided to find a way to bypass the isolated army.

(End of this chapter)

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