Chapter 41
The fourth mural is longer.

It is roughly about people gradually gaining the power of monsters in their resistance.

Carioca can infer from the human figures in the murals that have become half-human and half-monster that this process of learning the power of monsters is not very pleasant.

The two remaining remained silent, and continued walking all the way, browsing the murals on the wall.

This fourth mural is much longer than the previous ones.

One by one, the painful price paid for studying and learning the power of monsters is depicted on the murals.

Some people took the monster's flesh directly, or turned it into powder, or were assimilated by the monster to become half-human, half-monster.

In order to capture the monster alive for experiments, countless people died one after another.

Even if they are not sure whether these contents are true or not, Carioca and Professor Dukes still seem to be able to feel through the murals the hardships of this long process of human continuous learning.

Not long after, the content of the fourth mural stopped at a Yin Shang-style village.

A human with a sword appeared.

The sword in his hand has a very strong Yin Shang bronze dagger style.

I saw him stepping on the corpses of countless monsters, beheading the last monster in front of him, and the price was the left arm destroyed by the monster.

Both Carioca and Professor Dukes are in a heavy mood at the moment.

When the two did not explain the murals with the exaggeration of artistic creation for the time being, but slowly browsed these contents as real.

An indescribable sense of tragedy and epic emerged in their hearts.

The human beings in the murals seem to have defeated the monsters for the first time here.

This is victory.

But it was also a miserable victory.

The long fourth mural and the previous murals are enough to illustrate the price paid before this tragic victory.

"That kind of text hasn't appeared yet, so keep reading."

Carioca shook her head, dispelling her sudden sadness.

He took the lead and walked forward, and Professor Dukes was behind him.

The beginning of the fifth mural is that familiar yet unfamiliar text.

The unfamiliar words that should not be understood are now the same as before, allowing Carioca and Professor Dukes to understand the meaning the moment they read them.

【Then become a spark】

This sentence made Carioca and the two couldn't help but squint their eyes and think deeply about the meaning.

Without thinking too much, they continued to browse the contents of the mural.

It is still the village of Yin Shang style.

The man with the broken arm of the monster with the sword and the head of the owl reappeared on the mural again. At this moment, a large number of people holding various weapons had gathered behind him.

They made rafts to travel across the oceans.

They went to other places from the land of Yin and Shang to save other human beings who were in dire straits.

They took the warm sun as a sign, and then gathered more strength to continue their journey.

After that there are no murals.

There are no murals depicting their subsequent experiences and endings, but judging from the fact that human beings are still intact, everything is fine.

The last of the fifth mural.

There is only a huge pattern of the sun left on the wall, and the inexplicable words written with the word "Yongzhou".

Apparently, that's the name of the organization created by the people who became Spark.

A single spark lights up the boundless night into eternal light.

Carioca stared blankly at the murals. At this moment, he understood the meaning of the beginning of the fifth mural, "Then become a spark".

These pioneers, for the survival of mankind, became the flame of hope and opened the fire of the prairie fire for mankind to resist monsters.

This organization started from Spark.

Everday's goal has been achieved.

"I understand……"

"It's never been a Yin person traveling east."

"It's a single spark running around with a group of people in order to save the world."

"The older the civilization, the more it has many similarities. The reason seems to be found."

"Because there used to be such an organization like the light of humanity, which started from Huaguo and briefly connected the cultures of the whole world once."

Professor Dukes kept chanting.

The theory of Yin Ren Dongdu, which he has studied for a long time, seems to have come to light.

Those Yin people who took the lead in igniting the spark did not only travel eastward, they spread their hope all over the world, and in the process formed a prairie fire.

"Why haven't we heard of Yongri so far? Could it be that this organization has been wiped out in the long river of history?"

Carioca soon had new doubts.

"If they still exist..."

Professor Dukes murmured.


"Of course we still exist."

A warm and calm but somewhat unfamiliar voice rang in the ears of the two of them.

This made Carioca and Professor Dukes' eyes widen instantly.

Strange voice!
Here, is there anyone else? !

Frightened, they didn't pay attention to the meaning of those words for a moment.

They follow the reputation.

I saw a man appearing at the third mural they had browsed before.

The man stroked the murals on the jade wall, and his expression looked complicated.

Carioca wanted to ask who this man was.

But suddenly, he realized what the man who didn't know when had just said.

[We naturally still exist. 】

This sentence was undoubtedly an answer to what Professor Dukes had just muttered to himself.

In other words, this man is from Yongzhou.

Although this man is wearing modern clothes, he is most likely a member of the organization that saved the world thousands of years ago.

Shock filled his mind.

Professor Dukes, who was stunned to the point of being out of breath, obviously thought of this too.

The two dare not speak a word at the moment.

"Recalling it from a distant level, I didn't expect it to be so broken."

"All the defensive and confusing functions in the baptismal room have lost their effect."

"You ordinary people can also enter here."

Chen Sheng used his acting skills far beyond the actor's level to make an expression that he has experienced a lot.

Coupled with Chen Sheng exuding a subconsciously convincing temperament with the power of Xi He, both Carioca and Professor Dukes seemed to be taken aback.

"Are you a member of Eternal Day?!"

Carioca tried to stabilize her emotions, looked at Chen Sheng with some fear and excitement and asked.


"Do not……"

"I am the fourth generation leader of Yongri."

Chen Sheng said the absolutely astonishing words with a calm face.

Before Carioca and Professor Dukes could react, Chen Sheng stretched out his hand to hold down the jade stones everywhere around him.

The next moment, the light that bloomed from the jade seemed to be extracted continuously.

The surrounding jade lost its light.

On Chen Sheng's palm, a circular light group that gathered all the jade lights appeared, and soon this group of light turned into a swaying white flame.

The light of this flame was not dazzling, but it directly hit the hearts of the two of Carioca, allowing them to see the spirits of countless pioneers condensed from the murals.

Courage, hope, tenacity... Just looking at it makes them feel baptized, and feel that they have become a little different.

Leaving aside Carioca, the two were stunned at the moment as if they were watching a miracle.

At this moment, Chen Sheng was looking with great interest at the light cluster full of hope and various complex components in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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