Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 47 Arriving in the first year of Xuande

Chapter 47 Arrival · The first year of Xuande

Chen Sheng's expression was confused.

Because every time the rift is opened, it will be erased, so you choose to try to open the rift in the past across the timeline?

This was a bit too decisive.

He only sealed two abyss cracks in total.

"It really doesn't allow people to rest." Chen Sheng shook his head helplessly, and then said to the system, "Then send me to travel through time and space."

Needless to say the rest, he also understood the requirement of being cautious in words and deeds in the past.

After all, any insignificant perturbation on the space-time scale may have unintended consequences.

If he had had any influence, entirely new and different possible timelines might have been covered.

[In order to ensure that the current host time and space are not disturbed, a time and space disturbance threshold has been set, which can withstand a disturbance of up to 100 points. If the disturbance exceeds the disturbance value, it will be sent back to the current time and space immediately. 】

[The time channel is being opened. 】

[Transmission starts. 】

As the system's voice fell, Chen Sheng only felt a burst of strange feelings rushing to his heart.

It was a feeling of countless information flashing through his mind. Even Chen Sheng, who could memorize 200 million monster information in three days, couldn't help feeling dizzy.

This is materialized time running in the mind.

Before Chen Sheng could take a closer look, a bright light flashed in front of his eyes.

He wanted to see something through the strong light, but he couldn't see anything.

Wait until the vision deprived by the glare returns.

The beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers came into view again.

The surrounding terrain has not changed much, but the coverage of green plants has expanded a lot, and groups of brown swallows fly overhead.

Brown swallows are more cherished birds in later generations, because the vegetation that they inhabit all the year round has been severely damaged in later generations, and it is difficult to see them in Shu.

However, the number of brown swallows in front of me does not seem to be very endangered.

Obviously, this environment is better, and the place where animals don't need much protection is no longer the 21st century that Chen Sheng was in before.

The position has not changed, but the time has been quietly dialed back.

"Have you already come to the past? System, your movement through time and space is really unpretentious."

Chen Sheng complained helplessly.

There is no dazzling space-time channel, and there is no time machine that can be sat on by opening the drawer.

It was just the information and a burst of bright light constantly circulating in his mind, and Chen Sheng came to the past.

[The time travel has ended. 】

[The current era is: 597 years ago. 】

[The crack in the abyss has not yet appeared, please wait patiently for the host. 】

" that the first year of Xuande? Zhu Zhanji has just taken office not long ago."

Chen Sheng roughly calculated the time and understood what kind of era he was in now.

The hexagonal emperor Ming Xuanzong, the hexagonal emperor who said "Wen Neng draws a pen to secure the world, and Wu Neng mounts a horse to determine the universe", has just come to power. His series of measures have led to unprecedented social and economic development. Xuan Zhizhi".

"However, if the crack in the abyss has not yet appeared, the time for your shuttle is a bit earlier? Do you want me to find it myself after it appears?"

As Chen Sheng said, he skillfully hooked up the solar qi machine, making sure that his ability to use the sun to perform large-scale fuzzy perception has not changed much.

In this case, you can rest assured.If there is an abyss crack in the area covered by the sun, he can roughly perceive it.

It's just that every time he uses his ability, it seems that the time and space disturbance value will increase.

Looking at the [time-space disturbance value: 0.05/100] record on the system panel, Chen Sheng understood that he could stay in this time-space for at most three years when he perceives twice a day.

In addition, his existence itself will continue to increase the time-space disturbance value, and to deal with monsters in the abyss cracks requires the use of abilities to increase the time-space disturbance value.

The time he can really stay in this time and space will be greatly reduced.

If the shuttle time is too early, it will be really troublesome.

If the crack in the abyss is not resolved, after he returns to the future, he may see the earth swallowed by the abyss and full of monsters.

Or maybe, his own future will disappear because of the changes in the present, so that he can't even go back to that future at all.

No matter what kind of possibility it was, it was unacceptable to Chen Sheng.

[This time shuttle arrived in January ahead of the Abyss Will, and the place where the Abyss Will will open the crack has been locked by the system and pulled here. 】

"One month? That's okay."

"The place where the crack was opened was also locked and pulled here? What do you mean..."

Chen Sheng asked.

[The system pulls the target of the will of the abyss by special means to a radius of hundreds of miles centered on the current location of the host. 】

Hearing this, Chen Sheng fell into deep thought.

This kind of traction is indeed beneficial to him, so that he does not need to look for the chasm of the abyss.

Just stay where you are and wait.


Since the system has this kind of means, there will be an answer to a question that has been troubling Chen Sheng.

"The system said that the will of the abyss has never seen a world as large as this material universe, and the target of its erosion has always been the universe as a whole."

"I have been thinking about it before, why is the universe eroded, and the place where the cracks in the abyss are opened is always the earth."

"The earth is not the center of the universe, but the will of the abyss always wants to do things on the earth."

"Now it seems that you did it?"

Chen Sheng asked the system a question he had always had.

【Insufficient permissions】

Hearing the system's answer, Chen Sheng pouted helplessly.

It seems that there are some secrets that he cannot know.

Although this kind of feeling is very annoying, Chen Sheng is not the one who struggles with it.

Now, let's make some preparations for the abyss crack.


On the mountain path, Zhang Zihang and Owens walked with serious faces.

They plan to put the magical jade back to the small canyon where Owens planted the tree, which is where the jade was first discovered by Owens, and the police will wait until later.

In order to avoid any problems, let the monster mentioned in the jade run out.

Brown swallows flew over their heads, setting off the silent and dignified atmosphere between the two of them.

"Over the years, the number of brown swallows has increased a lot under your cultivation."

In order to break the solemn atmosphere, Zhang Zihang spoke to Owens beside him.

"I have $500 billion and a multinational oil company. I can get countless people to plant trees for me, but I can't stop the madness of mankind."

"The whole human race is the same. As long as civilization develops like this, the brown swallow I want to save will become extinct sooner or later. It's just a matter of time."

When talking about the issues he was concerned about, Owens was no longer silent, and began to talk about his philosophy that he had insisted on for half his life.

He is a biologist, a son of a rich man, and a volunteer who is keen on protecting the environment.

He is not extreme, and he is well aware of the inevitable conflict between the development of human civilization and the environment.

Therefore, he did not hinder the progress of any human beings, but only vigorously supported the cause of environmental protection. He even devoted himself to the Huaguo Shu, planting trees for six years to protect a certain endangered bird.

Seeing Zhang Zihang, whose atmosphere had become even more serious, he subconsciously twitched his lips.

"Perhaps there is a supernatural existence, and your pessimistic theory may introduce new variables."

Zhang Zihang shook the jade in his hand, and said to the pessimistic Owens in front of him.

Hearing this, Owens' eyes couldn't help flickering with light.

(End of this chapter)

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