Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 66 The wolf into the flock

Chapter 66 The wolf into the flock
Night and snow.

It's not just blocking the vision of Russell and others.

For many people in the lair, it is undoubtedly a hindrance.

It can even be said that this kind of hindrance has a far greater impact on the lair's minions than Russell and the others.

The rumbling gust of wind and the snowflakes sweeping around in front of them made it impossible for the minions of the lair to detect the surrounding situation clearly, even though they had become cautious because of the death of the patrolling personnel.

The few people who had joined Martha who had rushed back were lying in the white snow in the dawn battle suit.

The same color as the surrounding snow, giving just the right amount of protection.

Moreover, the dawn suit has the function of anti-detection. Even if the people in the lair have infrared temperature detection devices, they cannot be detected wearing the dawn suit.

At this moment, the few people were lying on the side of the valley where the lair was located, almost staying under the nose of the opponent.

"I checked the surroundings roughly, and the defense layout of the lair hasn't changed much, but the peripheral forces are shrinking inward. Several loose lines of defense converged into a thicker line of defense."

Romero used his spiritual power to send his voice to the ears of several people lying beside him.

The loud noise of howling wind and snow around him made it necessary for him to do this to let the people around him hear clearly, and to ensure that the minions of the lair not far away could not hear it.

"Have you investigated the south side? From the rough defense map you drew before, the defense there seems to be relatively weak."

Russell used the same method to directly transmit the voice into Romero's ear.

"They are emphatically armed, and the sudden death of the patrolman makes them very cautious."

Romero replied.

"Their criminal network has been covered by big figures from all over Europe all the year round, and they are also puzzled by this sudden attack."

"Now we should be cautiously deploying defenses, while constantly contacting their people in Europa's high-level management to confirm whether someone in Europa and even the world suddenly wants to attack them recently."

John stared sharply at the nest in the distance through the numerous snow-covered gaps on his body.

The more he looked at the fortress-like nest made of concrete, the more John could understand how much power the high-level Europa had contributed to it.

Without some high-level support, how could they develop like this.

Damn, not just minions in the lair!
"Let's not think about it for now, let's think about the current situation first."

"We can attack the teams they send out on the periphery from time to time, keeping them on alert at all times like a frightened bird."

"But considering their recent new arrivals, the sooner we get started, the more victims we may be able to save."

Russell first stated what he thought was the calmest method, and then immediately mentioned what he was most worried about at the moment.

There is no doubt that the longer these victims from all over the world stay in that lair, the more likely they will suffer inhuman torture.

He couldn't guarantee that these scumbags wouldn't torture their victims when they were on alert.

"So, let's rush in."

"There are four sentry posts in front of us. We solved them one by one and went directly to the wall."

Romero said decisively.

He has always been very inclined to the choice of being tough.

Martha and John didn't speak, but silently glanced at Russell.

"Infiltrate into the lair first, the more complex the terrain, the better for us, no matter how much firepower they have, they will not be able to deploy it more effectively."

"As Romero said, we will solve a guard post by ourselves, and then rush in directly."

"What we will do next will be the best flash bomb."

After Russell finished speaking, he rushed out like a rabbit in an instant, and a thick layer of snow covered his body instantly fluttering.

Seeing this, Romero, Martha, and John followed without hesitation.

The four of them drew unreal white phantoms in the dense forest where the wind and snow were whistling.

The glass of several sentry boxes protruding from the door shattered instantly, and the piercing sound was covered by the whistling wind and snow, and could not be heard very far.

The people in several sentry booths naturally noticed the gust of wind that swept across broken glass and snowflakes.

But the white figure following the gust of wind made it impossible for them to react in time, and their necks were instantly twisted as soon as they pressed the alarm.

The next moment, the rapid siren echoed throughout the lair.

The four of Russell looked at each other.

"After entering, use the complex terrain to fight guerrillas. The louder the noise, the better. As long as the leaders and their support arrive, it will be considered a victory."

After Russell finished speaking quickly, he rushed to the wall first.

The fingers dug into the concrete firmly fixed the figure, and quickly climbed over the wall in three steps and two steps.

The power grid on the top floor of the wall was directly smashed by them, and they couldn't stop them who were wearing dawn battle suits at all.

Although the inside of the lair is on alert, it is only prepared to deal with ordinary people.

The muzzle and muzzle are aimed at the door.

They had no idea that four figures would descend from the sky over the thick wall.

Although he reacted in time and turned the gun, the howling bullets could only collide with the bodies of the four white phantoms, sparking little by little.

Then I saw those four figures running rampant like wolves into a herd of sheep, and ordinary bullets couldn't even have a slight deceleration effect.

As the four figures rushed into their line of defense, the guarded minions around them almost spit blood and flew out when they were touched.

The entire line of defense is like a piece of paper.

Torn apart easily.

All the guarded minions in the lair couldn't help but widen their eyes.

What the hell is this inhuman performance? !

Where did the four people they fought with come from as superheroes? !

While they were in a daze of shock and hadn't had time to continue to increase their firepower.

The four white phantoms rushed in different directions without any reluctance to fight, and shuttled around the complex building complex inside the lair.

No one can stop it.

The captain who was in charge of guarding the wall here recovered from the shock.

He could clearly imagine how much commotion these four extraordinary people could make in this base with complex terrain and numerous buildings.

Perhaps today, the base that is the core of the criminal network in the Europa region is about to fall?
Such an idea that he thought was unrealistic came to the captain's mind.

It is really the performance of these four people that is too outrageous, which makes him think so unconsciously.

After a moment of silence, he still turned on the communication device.

He had no time to think about whether the four people were wearing exoskeletons developed by some country, and quickly turned on the communication channel to report to the entire base that the place had fallen.

At least the base has not fallen yet, and the consequences of not reporting in time make him shudder.

 Is the recent plot boring?
(End of this chapter)

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