Chapter 68 Praising the Leader
Russell, Romero, Martha, and John, who were harassing guerrillas everywhere, mostly did not have any problems after Bai Yu arrived in time to support them.

Except for Russell who walked through the gate of hell to save the child from the enemy's firepower, the rest of them basically only lost their physical strength.

Then, Bai Yu, Owens, and Zhang Zihang arrived in time and entered the battle as a living force.

The lair forces, which were already battered, became even more defeated.

Their strength was originally going around trying to suppress the four of Russell.

Outside the undefended area, three equally inhuman beings suddenly broke in, and the internal and external forces tore their team apart.

In addition, Zhang Zihang, who is already at the peak of level 0 spiritual power, can mow Wushuang almost at will after wearing the Liming battle suit. Only some powerful explosives can stop his footsteps.

The battle soon ended.

This evil place was once filled with countless darkness and blood, and contributed a lot to the human trafficking network all over the world.

Today, it is in ruins.

The curtain came to an end in the whistling wind and snow.

They had a large number of protective umbrellas and a group of private armed forces in the Europa region, and they were directly hit by a more powerful force to reduce dimensionality.

On the ruins, Romero and Zhang Zihang, who still had enough energy among them, walked around, making sure that there were no minions pretending to be dead, and searched for some valuable survivors along the way.

The rest of the people gathered in the lobby of a building, all frowning and thinking.

There are 820 five children with numb expressions here, and all the new goods in this nest were brought here by them.

Looking at the silent children, they all fell into deep thought.

What to do with these kids is a question.

"If we leave it to the various peripheral forces that we secretly support to deal with, it can help these children either send them home or find a way to resettle them."

Owens suggested so.

What these members have done the most in the past three months is to develop these peripheral forces, and this is the time to play their role.

"We did the same before. The small group of victims rescued by other evil forces were all handled with the help of our developed peripheral forces."

"But this time..."

Russell fell silent as he spoke.

The news of their extraordinary team making a fuss in the nest must have been reported to their umbrella by the higher-ups of the nest, and even some people in the nest have fled from places they couldn't care about.

Immediately afterwards, that part of Europa's high-level executives who act as the umbrella will definitely investigate their shocking and extraordinary team immediately.

No matter how much the external forces who received the child concealed it, they didn't have time to hide it from the high-level executives of Europa who were investigating in this direction.

At that time, some peripheral forces that have just been created will be directly known to be related to Chaofan.

Although the peripheral powers were created for use, they were very careful not to have too much to do with themselves when developing the peripheral powers.

But if it is exposed so soon, they worry that it will affect the leader's strategic plan.After all, the policy that the organization needs external forces was put forward by the leader himself three months ago.

When everyone was silent, Romero walked over from the outside carrying the half-dead high-level executive of the lair. This was a high-level executive captured by Romero from a certain secret room, and he dragged it all the way across the ice and snow.

Everyone looked at the high-level lair who was pale and cold, and looked like he was about to freeze, without any pity in their eyes.

"This guy said that they tried to contact the outside from the beginning. But the signal here seems to be blocked, until the entire lair was wiped out by us, there was no response from the outside world."

"When some of them tried to escape, they would also be blocked by a golden barrier that appeared inexplicably. So this guy had to hide in a secret room and pray to survive. I heard him in the underground secret room just now heartbeat."

Romero smiled.

His hearing has always been very good, and he had saved Captain Russell from the black spider before.

Now that he has spiritual power, he is even more sensitive. On this snowy night, even the heartbeat in the basement can be heard clearly by him.

When everyone heard the words, they all opened their eyes with excitement.

Golden barrier?Can't send out the signal?
They keenly captured such key words in Romero's words.

There is no doubt that this is an extraordinary method using spiritual power, and there is only one person in the world who can do this!

Their great leader is here now.

Watch them!

The leaders are silently wiping their buttocks for their incomplete actions of "not blocking the signal and preventing the enemy from escaping".

Now they can safely use peripheral forces to settle these children.

Because at this moment, the top executives of Europa who act as the umbrella from the outside world don't know that the lair has been destroyed.

They can use the remaining high-level survivors to hide from those umbrellas for a period of time, making them think that everything in the lair is operating normally.

Then get rid of those protective umbrellas during this period, and those powerful people who knew the existence of the lair are dead, then everything will be fine, and no one will go to investigate the truth of the lair's destruction.

After everyone realized this, they first straightened their backs and wanted to behave better in front of the leader.

But soon subconsciously put away their straight backs with some shame, because they understood the meaning of the leader's coming here very intelligently, and they seemed to have disappointed the leader.

"It seems that this incident is a test for us."

Bai Yu nodded and said.

She only knew that she was ordered to come to support Russell and the others, but she didn't know that the leader was there.

It should be so if you think about it carefully, there must be leaders who care about their growth.

However, it was already their mistake to let the leader who wanted to test them make a move.

"The leader hasn't shown up yet, which means that the test and training is not over yet, so our next target should naturally be the protective umbrella above this lair—some high-level executives in the Europa region."

"This time, we can't make mistakes."

Russell narrowed his eyes and tightened his grip on the cane.

The difficulty of this test and exercise is not low.

However, he is looking forward to it!

The leader has already made a move to smooth things over for them once, and it can't be justified if it can't be done well.

"Praise the leader."

Romero said silently.

Unlike others lamenting the leader's attention and action, Romero praised the leader because he finally had the opportunity to kill those scumbags in high positions.

If they were not superhumans before, they would never have such an opportunity.


In the lair of Xueshan, the members of the organization held their praises to the leader and began to get busy with the placement of the children and the deceptive work of pretending that the lair was fine.

A small town under the snow mountain.

Chen Sheng was sitting in the coffee shop, keeping a general focus on the mountain, while looking at the calm little boy in front of him, lost in thought.

He was only distracted and went to help the members of Yongzhou on the mountain with a long-range shot. This Gu Ermei really dared to run out when he was distracted.

However, Chen Sheng naturally couldn't just let Gourme run away at will, he easily made Gourme come back and sit on the chair "voluntarily".

For this little boy's eagerness to personally participate in the destruction of the nest, and being forced to "voluntarily" come back, he knew how to judge the situation and not resist, Chen Sheng actually quite appreciated it.

Dare to fight but also know Congxin, he is really a good seedling.

(End of this chapter)

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