Building a Salvation Organization from Scratch

Chapter 86 I'm Probably Sick

Chapter 86 I'm Probably Sick
Is it... hallucination?

Bai Tao swallowed, unable to react to what happened for a while.

Why can ravens talk?
Bai Tao felt that his cpu was about to burn.

Before he could react to the real zombie just now, he heard Raven speak again.

What is this...

"Since your mood is still not calmed down, I suggest you go to the corridor to take a look first."

While Raven 12138 was talking, he glanced at Bai Tao with helpless eyes in a very humane way.

Immediately, it flew up to Bai Tao's shoulder and landed.

Bai Tao looked at the seemingly empty shoulder, the raven 12138 landed there as if without weight, Bai Tao could not feel its existence at all.

Silently, Baitao chose to follow what Raven 12138 said and went to the corridor.

Opening the door, bursts of hustle and bustle came into my mind.

The nurse pushing the trolley was chatting with a patient in a hospital gown, and people passed by from time to time in the corridor.

Watching the chatting nurse and patient stop, Bai Tao resisted the urge to turn around and run.

In the memory of that zombie.

The nurse and the patient were the two zombies who were attacked and knocked down by him.

Although they appear to be more unrecognizable and full of stench in memory, Bai Tao can be sure that he remembers correctly.

After the silence, the girl's crisp voice sounded: "Big Brother, is Grandpa awake?"

Bai Tao followed the prestige, and the little girl who was hiding behind the door and sobbing in that zombie memory was standing in the middle of the corridor and looking at him at the moment.

There was a smile on the girl's face.

The innocent and beautiful smile, like a shooting star bursting into glory, gently wiped away the doubts and fears in Bai Tao's heart.

"No, let's let the old man sleep for a while."

Bai Tao said as he knelt down and stroked the head of the little girl in front of him.

The girl closed her eyes happily.

"Can we have a good chat now?"

Raven 12138's voice sounded on his shoulder.

This made Bai Tao pause, and he looked around nervously.

But he found that the nurses and patients around him, and even the little girl whose head was touched in front of him, didn't seem to hear the voice of the raven on his shoulder.

This strangeness caused Bai Tao to fall into silence.

Yes, it stands to reason that he walked out with a raven on his shoulder, which should have attracted the curious eyes of everyone around him.

But no one has noticed until now.

Silently, Bai Tao bid farewell to the little girl without saying a word, and slowly came to the unoccupied stairwell on a certain floor of Zhonghai City Hospital.

Looking at the reflection in the surrounding tiles, Bai Tao could clearly see a raven in his shadow.

However, others cannot see it.

"Are you my hallucination?"

"Just like the zombies I imagined before, this talking raven is also my hallucination."

Bai Tao made a rational analysis.

"Zombies are hallucinations, but I am not."

Raven 12138 said this to Bai Tao.

"What do you mean?"

Bai Tao frowned.

"Zombies are hallucinations and a test for you."

"And I am the messenger who will take you to the new world."

After Raven 12138 finished speaking, the whole thing turned into a group of glittering golden spots.

Before Bai Tao was surprised, the spots of light converged on Bai Tao's palm, and condensed into a pale yellow blank paper.

Touching the tactile paper, Bai Tao was silent for a long time.

Then, a light flickered on the paper.

This light attracted Bai Tao's attention.

First of all, on the top of the paper, a pattern of sun patterns slowly emerged.

Below it is marked the word Yongzhou.

On the lower part, rows of small characters continue to emerge in the light.

【Eternal Day Dawn Academy】

[President: Chen Sheng, the fourth-generation leader of Yongzhou]

【Dear Mr. Baitao: We solemnly inform you that you have been approved to study in Yongri Chenxi Academy. 】

[If you agree to dedicate your strength to the bright future of mankind, please silently agree. 】

[Vice President: Sincerely Zhang Zihang]


Bai Tao couldn't help being silent for a long time after reading the contents of this letter.

"I'm probably sick."

"Also, I'm obviously very ill."

Bai Tao whispered so silently.

First there was the hallucination of zombies, and then there was a talking raven.

Now even this letter, which seems to be carved out of the same mold as the Hogwarts invitation letter, has appeared.

Bai Tao felt that maybe he was under too much pressure recently. His father was imprisoned, his grandfather was hospitalized, and his sister became more and more strange.

It must be that these things overwhelmed him and made him have such fantasies.

So much so that an organization was imagined.

A paranormal organization that sends out talking ravens to deliver invitations.

And in this illusion, I became Harry Potter, a fool who was told that he would enter a new world.

When he was ten years old, he stopped doing this kind of middle school dream.

"What if I agree?"

Bai Tao frowned, and said in a low voice, puzzled.

As if hearing Bai Tao's voice, the content on the pale yellow paper changed after a burst of light, and new content emerged.

【Thank you for agreeing to contribute to the future of mankind. 】

[It is recommended that freshmen arrive at the college before August 8, and consult the Raven assigned to you for details. 】

[The learning content of freshmen after enrollment includes: camouflage, reconnaissance, tracking, interrogation, fighting, knowledge of spiritual power, illustrated book of monsters in the abyss, basics of physics, basics of chemistry, basics of biology...]

[It is recommended that you prepare recommended reference books before joining, and do some preview work by yourself. 】

[A list of books required for study is attached with the letter, and the related bibliography will be prepared by your Raven. 】

["how to be a spy" by the Special Operations Committee on which the sun never sets, "Tiangong Kaiwu" by Song Yingxing, "Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica" by Newton, "Abyss Illustrated Book" by Baiyu... 】

Among the large amount of words, Bai Tao saw the word "Bai Yu" at a glance.

His pupils dilated slightly in shock, and his breathing became slightly rapid.

Could it be that……

What my younger sister Bai Yu has been busy with recently is related to this mysterious organization? !

Bai Tao swallowed, and after taking a few deep breaths, he regained his energy.

He wanted to know what his sister was doing!
In the previous phone call, the answer he got was just hesitant and incomprehensible. Now it seems that there is such a chance to know the truth.

"Then the most important thing now is to prove that all this is not my hallucination."

"If it's not a hallucination..."

Bai Tao looked at the paper in his hand and murmured.

At the same time as Bai Tao's words fell, the paper in his hand turned into golden light spots all over the sky, and then gathered on his shoulder to form a raven.

Bai Tao stared at Raven 12138's blood-red eyes: "Raven 12138, right? Now, right now, right now! Take me to Eternal Day·Dawn Academy!"

Raven 12138 stared at Bai Tao in silence.

A moment later, the mobile phone in Bai Tao's pocket rang an email notification.

Seeing Raven 12138's meaningful eyes, Bai Tao slowly took out his mobile phone and clicked on the email.

 There are still chapters today, but please wait patiently, because the teacher asked to revise the thesis recently, and I am a little busy.

(End of this chapter)

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