Chapter 21 The Ninth Backtracking

[The talent has taken effect, the contract of the heroic spirit has been recorded, the current 6 times]

Bai Yu's face turned even paler, he took a deep breath, drank some water, and moistened his throat.

"Go on," he said.

Officer Liu couldn't stand it any longer: "Young man, are you putting your life here?"

"I'm fine." Bai Yu gestured to a weak scissorsman.

He cast a provocative look at the memory teacher: "Again?"

From the sound, it was clear that the mnemonist was a young man.

Since you are a young man, how can you bear this kind of grievance?
The opponent's dog's head is dancing under the tower, so I can't help but give me a set of qwers?Unless you really quit.

This is called an upright conspiracy!
The memory teacher also accepted the challenge: "I'm going to do something heavy, and it's useless to continue repeating it."

Bai Yu nodded heavily, and met the memory teacher's gaze.


Zhou Liu just ended the call, she rubbed the center of her brows, looking a little tired.

There are still no clues, all kinds of information have been circulated, even so, the coordinates of the Shadow World cannot be found.

She picked up the teacup, noticed that it was cold, and got up to make a cup of tea.

When I came to the corridor, I saw a group of people gathered around a door.

"What are you all doing here?"

"Ah, Captain Zhou." A policeman hastily stepped aside.

"What are you looking at?" Zhou Liu's cat ears trembled.

"It's nothing, just memory recall."

"What's so strange about recalling memory?"

"Ordinary memory recall is indeed not uncommon. The problem is that this is already the eighth time."


Zhou Liu was startled, she immediately yelled at the crowd, came to the interrogation room, looked through the single translucent glass window, and could see the memory teacher's face flushed and Bai Yu's face turned pale.

The two of them seemed to be engaged in an arm wrestling match, each holding back a breath of anger.

"It's already the eighth time. Young people are full of energy."

"Still awake?"

"Not yet."

The police officer in charge of the record was talking, a hand reached out and snatched the record away, and when he looked up, he saw a stern face.

Zhou Liu flipped through the records quickly, and after more than ten seconds, she slapped the table heavily: "It's nonsense! Eight consecutive memory recalls, won't he turn him into a vegetative state?"

Officer Liu said with a dry smile, "Young people are not sensible..."

"Young children are ignorant, and your group of professional interrogation departments are following suit?" Zhou Liu glared. If something goes wrong, she will definitely be blamed.

Officer Liu added helplessly: "This young man is not talking about classmate Bai, but a memory teacher... He is also a young man who has just participated in an internship. He has no skills, but he is more impulsive and agitated."

Zhou Liu put his hand on his forehead: "Hurry up and tell me to stop, hurry up."

"I'll go." Officer Liu couldn't stand it anymore.

He just pushed open the door, and Bai Yu just woke up.

[The talent has taken effect, the contract of the heroic spirit has been recorded, the current 8 times]

He covered his forehead, sucked in the cold air, and his face became paler and paler.

The light in the memory teacher's eyes also dimmed a lot at this time.

"How does it feel?"

"Not bad, I can do it!" Bai Yu patted his cheek: "Where's you?"

"Hehe, don't underestimate my professional ability." The memory master raised his head and sighed with a deep breath: "Today is my chance to break the record. I have never performed nine times in a row in one day."

"Me too, no one has ever made me dream nine times in a row..."

Bai Yu wiped her nose... being teased by Su Ruoli repeatedly is not a psychological shadow, but a different kind of spiritual enjoyment.

The two looked at each other, and there was a little more sympathy in their eyes.

"Come again?"

"Come again!"

Although both sides are mentally exhausted, their fighting spirit is still high.

The atmosphere is lit up.

"Come on! Stop everything!" Officer Liu rushed in and patted the table: "Are you planning to go directly to the luxury mortuary of the hospital!"

Bai Yu's face remained motionless, as if he didn't hear the other party's stop at all.

His eyes were burning, and although his face was pale, he looked righteous: "I have to go back to the end of my memory today, please don't hinder me...!"

Police Officer Liu gave a pause. He was a good-natured man, and he persuaded him angrily and anxiously: "Why are you working so hard? You should take a break anyway, even if you come back tomorrow."

"Time is running out." Bai Yu repeated in a low voice: "Time is running out..."

This sentence made everyone startled.

Time is indeed running out.

All the students have been missing for more than three days.

If the delay continues, the rescue will become more and more difficult, and the probability of survival will become more and more slim.

In terms of anxiety, the night watchmen in Changye Division are of course even more anxious, but most of them are not happy and will not show it. Anxiety and stress will also be silently swallowed, but they have never expressed it.

Everyone has a steelyard in his heart. If he didn't have enthusiasm, who would choose Chang Yesi, who has a high risk factor, to take up the post. If emotions can't be expressed, it doesn't mean that there is no flame in his heart.

After hearing these repeated words, Zhou Liu, who was a little numb after three days of torment, also felt a heavy impact on her chest. The Honglu bell was roaring, which made her feel a long-lost feeling from conscience. Tortured and deeply shocked.

An ordinary high school student can work so hard for his classmates in the same period.

It is impossible for him not to know the danger of continuous memory recall, and it is impossible for him not to realize that so many memory recalls have no effect, and it is likely to be futile to continue.

There is a reason to do so.In order to search for even the slightest clue, he forced himself to face the psychological shadow again and again.

Not because of how powerful he is, nor because of how talented he is, just because this is what he can do, and he just wants to do it the best.

Even though he is suffering from amnesia, he still remains unwavering. This kind of willpower is really amazing... It is precisely because he is just an ordinary high school student that it is so shocking.

Zhou Liu held the microphone, and the words he stopped for a moment got stuck in his throat and he couldn't speak.

It is for his own good to stop him, but is it really right?

Didn't he trample on the boy's determination?

She fell into hesitation and entanglement, and then became silent and embarrassed... For the first time, she felt as if she had done something wrong, and she shouldn't have let him be so reluctant from the beginning.

Officer Liu was also speechless. He raised his hand several times and put it down again, neither slapping the table nor leaving.

The atmosphere was a little stalemate.

At this time, the memory teacher laughed, and the laughter seemed extremely carefree.

"I did see the right person."

"I knew you had this determination early on."

"Then, today I will risk my life to accompany the gentleman!"

He opened a small bottle of blue drink and drank it in one gulp.

The slightly gloomy light in his eyes became even more dazzling, becoming extremely hot, and even emitting a deep blue.

The memory master slapped his hands together, and drank in a low voice, the light in his eyes swirled like a spiral: "This is my last spiritual power! Let me fall into a dream!"


[Ancient Relic: Golden Eagle Claw]

[One-Star Heroic Spirit: Eagle King Beast]

【Status: full shadow】

【Contract failure】

[The afterimage of the heroic spirit has been returned to history]

[Heroic Spirit Contract has been logged in, there are currently 9 times in total]

"It's the ninth time." Bai Yu was deeply encouraged.

A total of nine memory recalls, only one more time is needed to conclude the heroic spirit contract.

This time it was a heroic spirit of a beast... I don't know if it was bad luck, Bai Yu only got the afterimage of a two-star heroic spirit, and has not yet come into contact with a higher-level heroic spirit, and there is no two-star full-shadow heroic spirit.

He has some regrets.

Bai Yu returned to the classroom, and a shadow appeared on the ground. No one could escape in time, and everyone was swallowed by the shadow world.

Feeling the feeling of falling, Bai Yu thought that it was time to wake up from the dream.

The usual memory recall can be directly interrupted here.

He had tried eight times before, and every memory recall would break at the moment when the shadow world appeared.

After getting there, the memory will be completely lost, and it always feels futile to continue trying.


"It seems a little different this time..."

He followed the memory backtracking and continued down.

Suddenly, there was a sense of stuttering and pause... It was as if the computer had finally run the calculation and passed a node that was extremely easy to get stuck.

Bai Yu fell to the ground, surrounded by darkness, he touched the wall and stood up.

At this time, Bai Yu's limbs were no longer under his control, and he seemed to be experiencing a cutscene, and the scene was a preview that had already been decided.

Step by step, go forward.

In a pitch-black world, all the landscapes he saw were pitch-black, but in varying degrees.

He didn't dare to open his mouth to shout, Bai Yu could feel his hands and feet trembling in fear...

He wanted to find his companions, so he mustered up the courage to go forward, searching for the whereabouts of his classmates aimlessly.

I don't know how long I walked, I don't know how far I walked.

He walked through the dark and long corridor, and there was an open land in front of him, which seemed to be a square, with a six-storey commercial building at the end of the square.

He walked towards the commercial building, walking forward cautiously, without bumping into anything along the way, as if he felt that something was staring at him.

That sense of fear made the body tremble naturally.

He walked forward slowly, entered the commercial building, and walked in the dark. In a place where there was no light, he walked forward, and suddenly touched something furry with his palm, which was stinging, and it was cold. Like ice cubes covered with needles.

He watched the furry thing turn, slowly expand and lift.

Accompanied by the weird creaking sound, the thing turned around, and three pairs of blood-red eyes locked on him.

A spider, a spider with a height of three meters.

Bai Yu's body stiffened, fear made his body betray his brain, his breathing stopped, and he couldn't move.

And then, in a panic, trying to escape, his footsteps missed, the stairs under his feet collapsed, and he fell downwards. At a height of less than ten meters, he fell into a pitch-black hole.

Without light, he couldn't see clearly what was under him, but he could hear various sounds, like a large pile of wood hitting together.

He raised his hand and grabbed one of them. In the darkness, his eyes finally adapted to the light, and he could vaguely see...

Holding it in both hands... is a pale and broken skull.

(End of this chapter)

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