Age of Heroes, ten consecutive guarantees.

Chapter 729 Her in the mirror

Chapter 729 Her in the mirror

The battle between Jeanne and the corpse-carrying man was not very exciting.

Pull the progress bar directly to fast forward the time to the end review stage of this battle.

Facing the bloodline of the fourth-level innate heroic spirits in their heyday, the corpse-carrying man's advantages could not be used at all.

Even though the Black Knight was summoned, the Black Knight was seriously injured by the Dragon Mother before and has not recovered yet.

The two sides exchanged blows for about thirty rounds, and the Black Knight showed his decline.

Afterwards, the corpse bearer continued to pull out seven strong men from the coffin.

Some of them are nameless, while others are instantly recognizable.

However, these strong men look no different from living people. They can think, talk, trot, and jump. However, they are not considered living people, but are clones of the corpse-carrying person.

Jeanne knew that a long battle would be disadvantageous, so she directly chose to target the person carrying the corpse.

He found an opportunity and blew up the tall and thin corpse-carrying man.

But he is not dead, or in other words, although he is dead, he is still able to act.

He seems to be the real body, but he is not the real body either.

The other besieged strong men continued to move without being affected.

At this time, Jeanne gradually understood what kind of mystery the corpse-carrying person held.

Although it looks similar to the Necromancer, there are actually differences.

The undead and undead spirits created by the necromancer do not have a will of their own, but are obedient puppets.

As for the puppets made by the corpse-carrying people, there is no obvious difference from the ones in life, and their combat effectiveness is very intact.

So he can't be a necromancer.

This means that there is no weakness that can kill the corpse bearer in one blow.

So Jeanne changed her strategy and destroyed the three bodies of the corpse carrier at the cost of minor injuries.

By this time, Jeanne completely understood the operating principle of the other party.

It's very simple to say.

The corpse-carrying person is not the title of a single person, but a whole huge group.

They share life and consciousness.

It's like a person can split into multiple different personalities.

Similarly, multiple different personalities and memories can also form a whole.

Every different individual here is an integral part of the corpse-carrying people.

Just like a spider's legs, breaking off more of its legs will not directly threaten its life.

Strictly speaking, the people here are not immortal, but their self-consciousness has long been integrated into the group, so individual survival is no longer important, as long as parts are available, they can be replaced.

This means that the corpse carriers can rely on their numerical advantage to exert huge combat power.

If Jeanne wants to kill the corpse-carrying man, she must completely destroy everything that makes up this group, and she lacks such extreme attack power.

Therefore, the outcome of this battle did not determine the winner.

Jeanne was slightly injured, and the person carrying the corpse also broke a few fingers and chose to run away.

If she delayed, she could get Bai Yu to come, but she knew that delaying was of little significance.

You may be able to kill a brown bear, but you can't stop an entire pack of wolves.

She took out the holy water and poured it on the wound, washed the blood on her hands, then turned around, thinking that it was time to go back after the treatment was done.

"where are you going?"

The voice of inquiry sounded, right in the sky.

Jeanne turned around, but only she could hear the deafening sound that resounded through the sky.

The next moment, a beam of light fell from the sky.


Carrying the coffin he ran all the way.

The person carrying the body remained silent, but a crack opened in the coffin behind him.

Lumina stuck her head out: "If we continue to fight, there is at least a 70% chance that we can keep her."

"What can I do if I keep her?"

“This is Romania, where the hand of the Church cannot come in.”

"What if there is more than just a church?" The person carrying the corpse said in a low voice, "I ran away not because I was afraid of the holy face, but because I received God's revelation. If we delay any longer, even for ten seconds, we will all die here."


The beam of light fell to the ground, as if a door had opened.

From the door of light, two figures walked out.

One is a tall woman holding a scepter of scales. She is dressed very similar to a saint. She looks to be in her early thirties. Her mature and plump body is hidden under her robe, and her radiant feathers are constantly falling down.

The other one was a child who looked about ten years old. He couldn't identify whether he was a boy or a girl. He was only dressed in white silk wrapping his body, but his immature face exuded a melancholic temperament.

Jeanne stiffened subconsciously.

She naturally knew who the two people in front of her were.

Saints: Saint Libra; Saints: Saint Child of Melancholy.

The former is the last saint who was canonized fifty years ago; and the latter, like her, is a bloodline of heroic spirits who have rejuvenated their youth.

She knew that her hiding could not last long, but she did not expect that the church would actually ask two saints to come directly to pick her up.

In particular, Saint Libra is Jeanne's guide, both her guardian and her instructor. When she saw the Libra Saint, Jeanne already secretly thought something was wrong.

The melancholy baby said with melancholy eyes: "Little Jeanne, you were a little too naughty this time, why don't you admit your mistake quickly?"

Jeanne remained silent and moved back.

"In front of the saints, you have no possibility of escaping." The daughter of Libra said lightly: "Not giving up is your advantage and your flaw. I don't know why you eloped with that man, but As a saint, your responsibilities are very important. I have told you many times... just let me go back and be punished, don't force me to use violence."

Jeanne took a deep breath: "That means I can't beat you now."

The daughter of Libra interrupted: "You won't say these big words until you become a saint!"

Jeanne continued: "This is a venue in Romania. If two saints barge in directly, you won't be afraid of directly alerting the vampire demigods."

"This is not an issue you need to consider." The daughter of Libra said calmly: "Of course we have complete procedures and sufficient reasons."

At this time, there was another thunder in the sky.

Dark shadows covered the moon like bats.

When the darkness converged toward the center, a richly dressed vampire appeared in the center. His appearance fit all the stereotypes of a vampire. He even held a glass of red wine in his hand. He had sharp ears and sharp fangs.

The vampire demigod cast an indifferent gaze: "What are you doing with these two saints suddenly visiting Romania? If there is nothing important, please leave directly."

If two nuclear bombs suddenly appeared in your own home, it would be impossible for anyone to keep smiling and saying welcome. It would be normal to be highly nervous.

Taking advantage of the meeting between the demigod and the saint, Jeanne immediately turned around and ran away as fast as driving.

The Melancholy Infant looked at the Libra Saint, spread out his hands, and showed an attitude of showing off.

The latter sighed heavily, looked at the vampire demigod, and slowly said: "Actually..."


safe house.

Bai Yu held Peggy in his arms and returned as quickly as possible. The journey took only one minute, which was a lightning-fast ride.

Paige's mental state is still relatively strong at this time, but she is not in a good state, and she is not far away from completely shutting down when the battery is exhausted.

And once she shuts down, it will take an unknown amount of time just to wake her up and restart her.

After Frederica saw Peggy in this state, she even forgot about calling an army to accuse him, and went straight to Tianling Gai with anger. She took a kitchen knife and said she wanted to open a skylight for the murderer.

Angelica hugged Paige and cried loudly.

Seeing her two roommates in such high spirits, Paige couldn't help but laugh.

She has always been unable to let go of them in her heart.

Now that the three of them are close together, it feels like they are back in the past in the dormitory.

She was lying on the bed, lazily half asleep, while Angelica and Frederica bickered and quarreled with each other, while Elise sat in her seat and read quietly.

That kind of time obviously didn't last long, but it makes people miss it very much.

"Okay..." Peggy patted Angelica's shoulder gently: "Don't cry, your snot is stuck to my clothes. I still have something to say."

She opened her mouth and recited a spell, and a string of wrist ropes around her wrists automatically loosened, turning into a small dark snake that swam to her chest, then dissipated the magic power and returned to its original appearance.

"this is……"

The name of the item appeared in Bai Yu's eyes.

【Afterglow of Star Chaser】

[Also known as the debris of the star beast]

[The original Star Chasers once shouldered the heavy pressure from the stars. In the process of their spiritual wills being shattered one by one, countless scattered fragments turned into dust. Only the strongest wills can leave traces]

[Note: Its existence symbolizes a huge secret; if you choose to swallow it, you may have some unexpected surprises]

Everything has to do with Star Chaser and Star Forger.

The note said this, and he was thinking about whether he should swallow it to see what the special surprise was.

While he was hesitating and thinking.

Angelica stopped crying, lowered her head, approached Paige, and said softly: "Thank you, Paige, thank you for everything you have done for me..."

Paige didn't understand what this meant, but when Angelica lowered her head and kissed her forehead gently, she felt a sense of familiarity and the metaphor behind this familiarity that made her feel stunned and surprised.

Memories that should have been vague suddenly came to mind.

"Angelica?" Frederica shouted, and she also felt a strong sense of strangeness and familiarity from the other person.

When Angelica stood up, she picked up the afterglow, faced everyone, and kept retreating.

Her eyes went around several people in turn, and finally stopped on Bai Yu's shoulders.

She was smiling slightly without saying a word.

Step by step, he stepped back to the window, leaning against the ajar window, and the shadow cast by the light fell on the window sill.

The moonlight and lights blended together, and in the reflection of the mirror, Bai Yu saw the woman she had been searching for for so long.

"What on earth are you—" Frederica was about to question loudly.

Paige had already whispered her name first: "Elise..."


Angelica spoke, and the girl in the mirror also spoke.

"Long time no see, everyone."

She looked at the silent young man with a light smile.

"Long time no see, sir."

(End of this chapter)

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