Chapter 116 Shock the world
Sakura Country.

The news of the demise of the six innate masters spread throughout the alien world.

For a time, public opinion was in an uproar.

After learning that all of this was done by a person from the Dragon Kingdom, they were even more collectively fried.

In a Japanese-style building, a group of people sat still.

Everyone was dressed in black mourning clothes, and their faces were extremely dignified.

This is the Black Dragon Club, where Kimura Yuan's funeral is being held.

"Baga! A mere member of the Dragon Kingdom actually came to our land and killed our innate master. It is a great shame!"

A man got up with a roar, his eyes were red.

"Kill him! Must kill him!"

Everyone around looked at him without speaking.

An old man glanced at the man, and said lightly: "Mr. Yamada, all of us want to kill that man, but can we do it?"

"He, but killed six innate masters!"

Yamada caught his breath and sat down slumped.

"Baga, how could such a monster appear in the Dragon Kingdom?"

Everyone present sighed.

Yes, how could this kind of monster appear?
Those are the six innate masters.

Faced with this lineup, Xing Qianlei could only flee in embarrassment.

In the end, Chen Yu actually wiped out the other party directly?

The entire mourning hall was deadly silent.

This kind of scene appeared in the major forces in the Sakura country.

To be honest, everyone was stunned when they first heard the news.

Subsequently, the first reaction was to question the authenticity of the news.

After all, this kind of thing is too incredible.

Some people even suspected that this was a smoke bomb released by the Iga family.

But finally the news was confirmed.

All the forces in the Sakura Kingdom were shocked by this news.

Shock, fear, anger, bewilderment. . .

Various complex emotions emerged in everyone's mind.

Dragon Kingdom, Chen Yu.

These words are like a mountain, overwhelming everyone in Sakura Country.

On the Internet, there is also a forum in the alien world of Sakura Country, which is dedicated to discussing major events in the alien world.

Before Xing Qianlei was killed, it caused a huge commotion on the forum.

At that time, there was a lot of applause on the forum.

Everyone believed that the death of Xing Qianlei demonstrated the majesty of the Sakura Kingdom.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, Chen Yu came to kill six.

The entire forum was full of mourning.

"Shame! We have become sick men!"

"I am in despair, my heart of martial arts has been completely destroyed."

"That man is like a mountain, standing in front of us."

"This is a great pain that our alien world has never experienced!"

"That man is a nightmare! A disaster!"

"Why does Dragon Council have that kind of character?"

"When you have seen the scene, you know what hell is."

"It's the first time I know that the people of Dragon Kingdom are so powerful."

Many people committed suicide by disemboweling themselves after posting on the forum.

There are also warriors who cannot accept such a huge humiliation and choose to quit the world of aliens.

There are also some warriors who plan to carry out the Jade Fragmentation operation and go to the Dragon Kingdom to assassinate Chen Yu.

There were also violent fluctuations in the society of Sakura Country.

Although the six innate masters are all figures from the alien world.

However, there are several well-known consortiums in the Sakura Kingdom, but they are actually standing behind them.

The Iga family is more obvious.

It is a huge business empire involving real estate, finance, medicine and many other industries.

Many members of the Iga family work in it.

So, a funny scene appeared.

How does it feel when you go to work and find that more than half of the company's executives are gone?
Just ask, these executives are all hung up.

Then, most of the executives of the entire consortium disappeared.

This kind of thing immediately became big news in Sakura Country.

The whole society is discussing this matter.

In the end, under the strong pressure of the Sakura Country government, the enthusiasm was suppressed.

Even so, it still caused a violent commotion.

Besides the Iga family, although the influence of several other consortiums was relatively small, they also experienced shocks.

The stock price fell across the board, which directly led to the stock market crash in Sakura Country!

On Longguo's side, the alien world was also shocked.

All major forces are discussing it.

"Oh my god, is this true? Mr. Chen picked the entire Iga family by himself?"

"One kills six, this, this is a feat to be recorded in history!"

"Hiss, such behavior is simply a martial arts myth!"

"Haha, Mr. Chen is really a role model for my generation!"

"I have a feeling that an invincible giant was born!"

On a mountain forest, a one-armed old man knelt on his knees, facing the direction of Jinchuan City, knocking his head loudly.

Tears welled up in his eyes and he continued to cry.

"Mr. Chen, thank you, thank you!"

"Son, father watched those beasts invade us and ruined your mother back then."

"Father is incompetent, there is no way to avenge your mother. Daddy hates! Daddy has been hating for so many years! No matter how many Yinghua country dogs you have killed, it is not enough!"

"Now, Mr. Chen has avenged us!"

"Son, it's been so many years. Daddy's remnants are still there, and he dare not go to see your mother. Now I will go to see you!"

The old man laughed again and again, and jumped down from the cliff.

Laughter, happy and heroic!

. . . . . .

A small wooden house by the sea.

Wild laughter soared into the sky, seeming to suppress the sound of the waves in the entire sea.

The door of the cabin was opened, and an old man waved his fist at the sea.

"Hahahaha, good job! Mr. Chen is really good job!"

"My generation should be self-improvement, my generation should be self-improvement!"

"Learning about this today, it is enough to comfort my whole life!!! Hahahaha..."

The old man picked up a jar of old wine with one hand and gulped it down.

. . . . . .

A luxurious mansion.

A middle-aged man paced back and forth in the room, constantly rubbing his hands.

There was an uncontrollable shock on his face.

On the side, the secretary stood still.

"It's amazing! It's amazing!"

"Mr. Chen, how can he be so strong?"

"Hurry up, reach a strategic cooperation with Tiancheng Group immediately! All the conditions they put forward are met!"

"Oh, what's the deal, this kind of person, even if you give him money for nothing!"

Because of Chen Yu, the Tiancheng Group also went up.

Liu Tianhao was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

For this matter, although many people feel excited.

But there were also people who showed disdain.

"Hmph, one kills six? This must be some kind of dirty trick!"

"Hey, can't my warriors from the Dragon Kingdom fight in an upright duel like the Sakura Kingdom?"

"No way, we are rotten from the root."

"Heh, this Chen Yu really has no brains. Didn't he think about how this will make others think of our Long Country Alien Realm?"

"That's right, isn't this destroying the image of our Dragon Kingdom?"

On the Internet, two groups of people sprayed each other.

Everything, Chen Yu didn't know.

After returning from the country of cherry blossoms, he returned to the university, lying on the bed in the dormitory and swiping his mobile phone, enjoying the rare relaxation.

Wang Hao and others pushed open the door and walked into the dormitory with excited faces.

"Old Six, big news, big news!"

"What big news?"

Chen Yu was a little confused.

Wang Hao said: "Look at the school forum, I, Cao, really didn't expect such a thing to happen."

Chen Yu was a little curious and opened the school forum.

(End of this chapter)

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