I predicted the future live and shocked the whole network

Chapter 173 Press conference, the counterattack is coming!

Chapter 173 Press conference, the counterattack is coming!

"Mr. Su Lou, thank you for your contribution to Ying Jiang."

During the dinner, a man with white hair came over with a smile, holding red wine in his hand.

The man was slightly fat and wore a tailored suit.

A pair of eyes kept rolling around, looking very cunning.

Su Lou was so flattered that he immediately raised his wine glass and bowed his waist slightly.

"Mr. Steven, you are really too polite."

"It's our honor to dedicate the power of our Su family to Ying Jiang!"

"The money we lost is nothing compared to what we did for Eagle Sauce."

Steven nodded in satisfaction.

"Mr. Su Lou's mind and bearing are so great that he doesn't look like a Dragon Country person at all."

"Hehe, that's natural, because I'm a Yingjiang person."

"Haha, well said. Come on, let's toast to the great Eagle Sauce!"


The wine glasses collided, and the two drank it down with a smile.

Afterwards, Steven patted Su Lou on the shoulder.

"Su Lou, you are smart people. I will never forget your investment this time."

"After Chen Yu's matter is resolved, your Su family will officially enter Yingjiang's political circle!"

Hearing this, Su Lou's eyes brightened, and he smiled from ear to ear.

It's not a fool without a brain that the Su family can get to this point.

Withdrawing from the Longguo market, who would not be distressed by the huge amount of loss?

However, the Su family had to do this!

Over the years, the Su family has developed rapidly and the family property is huge.

But even though they have been courting Ying Jiang, they are from the Dragon Country after all!

Therefore, the Su family's development path in Yingjiang is not smooth.

They are naturally prosperous in the business world.

But in the political world, it is always difficult to make a big breakthrough.

So this time, the Su family will do this kind of thing.

In order to withdraw from the Longguo market, he threatened to hand over Chen Yu.

Taking the health of tens of thousands of ordinary patients in Longguo as a bargaining chip, forcing Chen Yu to submit!

This is also their vote!

It is their means to open a new situation in Eagle Sauce!

As a result, they were also very satisfied.

Steve has made it clear that Eagle Sauce is very satisfied.

After solving Chen Yu, their Su family will be fully recognized and enter the political world!
Even if the amount of money lost is doubled, it is worth it.

"Thank you Mr. Steve! We will never forget your kindness."

"I would like to toast you again. The agreed money has already reached your personal account."

Hearing this, Steve laughed and drank the wine in his glass.

The whole banquet was filled with joyful atmosphere.

Everyone was intoxicated by the power of Ying Jiang.

Many people were already discussing how to deal with Chen Yu after he got Ying Jiang.

"Throw him into our cruelest prison, let those villains destroy his chrysanthemum!"

"Our biotechnology is enough to destroy a person's will!"

"Use various poisons to make him addicted!"

"Destroy him mentally and let him crawl on the ground like a dog every day!"

These high-ranking people who are usually bright and beautiful, but what they say now is more vicious than the other.

Su Lou listened to these voices and sipped the red wine in his glass comfortably.

Stand in the clouds, taste fine wine, and talk to superior people.

This is fucking life.

Chen Yu, I really want to thank you.

Without you, how could I have such an opportunity to ask Ying Jiang for credit?
So what, no matter how good you are?
Don't you want to be played around by my Su family's conspiracy?

In this society, it is not enough to be able to fight, what is needed is a brain.

After taking a sip of the wine, Su Lou looked complacent.

Not long after he finished speaking, a person rushed into the room in a panic.

"Mr. Steven, it's not good, it's not good!"

The lively reception suddenly fell silent.

Everyone looked at this unexpected guest who appeared suddenly, a little surprised.

Steven frowned and said, "Hall, what's going on? What's wrong with being so happy?"

"Don't worry, speak slowly."

Hall swallowed, and said: "News! It's news! Longguo has released a reply about Su Group's delisting!"

"Heh, they will reply naturally. After all, the delisting of my Su Group still has a lot of energy."

Holding a wine glass, Su Lou walked over with a smile.

"Is it because they expressed their intention to negotiate with us?"

There was a strong sense of confidence on Su Lou's face.

Everyone else at the scene laughed and relaxed.

This result is also normal and nothing special.

Hall shook his head and said, "No. You can see for yourself."

The reception site is equipped with electronic display screens.

After a little modulation, a video appeared on the screen.

In the video, it is the scene of a press conference.

A spokesman for the business side speaks forcefully.

"The actions of the Su Group violate human rights, disrespect the majority of patients, and disregard and trample on life!"

"For this kind of threat, we will not accept it, and we will not compromise."

"We also ask the majority of netizens to rest assured that our country's research and development team has developed a new type of specific drug that can completely replace the specific drug of the Su Group."

"In terms of efficacy, it is more than ten times stronger, and the price is more than ten times lower!"

"The special drug will be officially launched in 20 days and sold all over the world."

"At the same time, we will take countermeasures against the Su Group. Any company that has any business dealings with the Su Group will be included in the unwelcome list."


When watching the video at first, Su Lou still looked disdainful.

What strong condemnation and resolute opposition are not all face-saving words?

Can there be a fart?
But when the following words came out, Su Lou's expression changed.

Special medicine?
Ten times stronger?Ten times less expensive?
How can this be?

There was a panic in his heart.

If this is the case, not only will the loss of the Su family be in vain this time, but it will also be a devastating blow to their family business.

"Mr. Su Lou, is this true?"

Steven frowned and stared at Su Lou.

The others did the same, looking at Su Lou.

They are not stupid.

Upon hearing this, he immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

If this is the case, then the Su Group's threat will be useless!
Su Lou shook his head quickly.

"No, it's impossible! The investment and cycle of drug research and development are extremely long. They can never be so fast! Impossible!"

Su Lou explained with a trembling voice, as if trying to cheer himself up.

It's just that the panic in my heart is constantly magnifying.

The development conference has already been released, how could it be fake?

But how could they do this?
How much manpower and financial resources the Su Group has invested in successfully developing these special medicines.

20 days?
How can this be?

Steven squinted his eyes and stared at the screen for a long time without saying a word.

After a long time, he let out a long sigh.

"It seems that today's reception can only end here. I need to go back and report this matter."

After saying hello, Steven left in a hurry.

Others also left.

At Nuo Da's reception, only Su Lou was left.

He slumped on the ground, feeling a chill all over his body.

On the screen, the video of the press conference was still playing.

"No, it won't, it's fake, it must be fake."

Trembling, Su Lou took out his mobile phone and dialed his father's number.

. . . . . .

Jinchuan City, Villa No. 1 of Ziyue Xingchen Residence.

Du Yuanming sat on the sofa and stared at Chen Yu closely.

"Xiaoyu, do you really have special medicine?!"

(End of this chapter)

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