Chapter 175 Acquisition
"Acquisition of a pharmaceutical company? Sir, could it be!!!"

On the opposite side, Liu Tianhao stood up suddenly, his eyes widened, and he gasped heavily.

He also saw the news on the Internet.

It was a big deal, and he was very concerned about it.

After the press conference, he was still wondering who would be able to produce these things 20 days later.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Chen Yu!
"Well, as long as you know it, be careful not to leak the news."

"Okay, don't worry sir, I will pay attention."

Liu Tianhao nodded like pounding garlic, his face flushed.

After hanging up the phone, he took two deep breaths to calm down his excitement.

Looking at the group of executives, Liu Tianhao said, "This concludes today's meeting."

There was a commotion.

Today's meeting is very important and involves several major projects.

In the end, the meeting was terminated after just answering a phone call?

That Mr. Chen, how much energy does he have.

"There is an urgent task now!"

"Lu Ming stays, the others go out."

Liu Tianhao dispersed the crowd, leaving Lu Ming behind.

"Mr. Liu, what happened?"

"If these projects are uncertain, it will have a considerable impact on the group."

Lu Ming was a little curious.

Liu Tianhao patted Lu Ming on the shoulder.

"I won't hide it from you. It's Mr. Chen's call. He needs to acquire a mature pharmaceutical company. There is only one day."

"What? Buying a pharmaceutical company? One day?"

Lu Ming was taken aback, and after thinking about it for a while, he realized that he took a deep breath.

"Could it be!!!"

"That's right, as long as you know what to do about this matter, do it right away. Don't delay Mr. Chen's important event!"

"Remember, time is the most important thing! No matter what the cost!"

Liu Tianhao spoke seriously.

"I know, I'll do it now."

Lu Ming nodded and left the conference room immediately.

There was still a touch of shock and excitement on his face.

Never thought that by accident, he would get involved in this big event attracting worldwide attention?

This matter must be done beautifully!

After three o'clock in the afternoon that day, Lu Ming finished everything.

Liu Tianhao told Chen Yu everything.

"Tianmin Pharmaceutical in Jinchuan City?"

"I go to sign the contract tomorrow morning? Yes."

"Don't send me there, I'll go and see by myself tomorrow morning."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Yu checked the relevant information of Tianmin Pharmaceutical on the Internet.

The research and development strength of this pharmaceutical company is not very strong, but it is not weak either.

The production lines are also very neat, and all kinds of modern pharmaceutical equipment are relatively complete.

Another point is that Chen Yu is very satisfied.

Tianmin Pharmaceutical started out with Chinese patent medicines, so it has a lot of equipment for making Chinese patent medicines.

And the elixir he needs to refine this time is called Rejuvenation Pill, which means the rejuvenation of a wonderful hand.

The raw materials in it are all traditional Chinese medicines, and Tianmin Group just happened to be able to seamlessly connect them.

After confirming everything, Chen Yu browsed some information online.

Nowadays, the entire Internet is frantically discussing the press conference.

There are all kinds of comments.

But most of them are not optimistic.

Some people have been slandering and slandering, thinking that the culprit is Chen Yu. As long as Chen Yu is handed over, Yingjiang will not deal with us.

"Can't you bow your head and admit your mistake in exchange for peace?"

"Ying Jiang is so advanced, he is the most reasonable, why don't you trust him?"

"The arrogance and arrogance of the people of the country will bring us into a state of eternal doom!"

Comments like these can be seen everywhere.

Seeing this, Chen Yu couldn't help but shook his head with a smile.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

Muyang dogs are one after another.

They have low self-esteem from the bottom of their bones and cannot recognize their own shortcomings and advantages.

But whatever belongs to others is good.

But whatever is your own is bad.

Whatever happens, right or wrong, is your own problem.

Pin the hope of peace on others.

I hope that by wagging the tail, I can get the master's appreciation.

Even at the expense of biting each other and slandering the same race.


Chen Yu shook his head helplessly and put down his phone.

He has no intention of arguing.

Because when arguing with such idiots, you lose.

They will pull your IQ to the same level as theirs, and then use stupid thinking to beat you.

Only hard facts can make them shut up.

"Then, in 20 days, use the destruction of the Su family to break the backbone of these Muyang dogs."

The corner of Chen Yu's mouth raised a faint smile.

Early the next morning, Chen Yu took a taxi and rushed to Tianmin Pharmaceutical.

Tianmin Pharmaceutical is neither large nor small, and bought the 6th floor of a building in the city as its headquarters.

Chen Yu arrived earlier than the agreed time.

This is also to see the situation of this enterprise on the ground.

Chen Yu sat on the sofa in the lobby on the first floor, watching the people coming and going.

Since it was time to go to work in the morning, everyone seemed in a hurry.

At this moment, a young girl walked up to Chen Yu.

"Student, are you also applying for a job at Tianmin Pharmaceutical?"

Chen Yu froze for a moment, looking at the girl.

1.6 meters five, good looks, good figure.

A white shirt, a pair of blue jeans, and a pair of canvas shoes.

It looks very fresh.

"My name is Ying Shishi, from the Bioengineering Department of Jiangshu University, hello."

Ying Shishi was generous and extended her hand.

Chen Yu laughed dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, today was just in time for Tianmin Pharmaceutical's recruitment.

That's fine, just to see the strength of this unit.

"Hi, my name is Chen Yu."

After shaking hands, the two became officially acquainted.

"Hee hee, maybe we will be colleagues in the future, we should take care of each other."

"The elevator is here, let's go up."

Ying Shishi greeted her, took the elevator with Chen Yu, and went straight to the 26th floor.

After a brief contact, Chen Yu already had some understanding of Shi Shi.

This girl is such a social cow!
Complete self-familiarity, not afraid of strangers, not stage fright.

It was just because Chen Yu was handsome that he came up to talk to him.

"I heard that this recruitment is very competitive!"

"Hey, how hopeful do you think I am?"

"You must apply successfully. I hope to have a handsome colleague."

"Tianmin Pharmaceutical is very good. I have been looking for it for a long time."

Chattering along the way, the two soon reached the 26th floor.

Ying Shishi asked someone to ask, and took Chen Yu to a conference room.

There were already a dozen people in the room, all of whom had come to apply for the job.

Everyone was very nervous and was sorting out their appearance, and some even took out pre-printed materials to review some professional knowledge on the spot.

Chen Yu looked around, but his face was relaxed.

He took out his mobile phone and read Chase's novel.

The dog author has not updated yet.

At this moment, there was a burst of noise outside, which caught the attention of Chen Yu and Ying Shishi.

"Hey, what's going on?"

Ying Shishi was a little curious.

A boy wearing glasses has been staring at Ying Shishi since she first came in.

Hearing the words, he immediately leaned forward and said, "You didn't know when you came here, something big happened to Tianmin Pharmaceutical!"

"Huh? What's the big deal?"

Ying Shishi looked curious about the baby.

The man with glasses pushed his glasses and said, "Just now, there was news from Tianmin Pharmaceutical."

"Tiancheng Group has acquired Tianmin Pharmaceuticals, and they will sign a contract today!"

(End of this chapter)

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