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Chapter 189 It's Useless for You to Kneel Down, and I Have No Plan to Forgive You

Chapter 189 It's Useless for You to Kneel Down, and I Have No Plan to Forgive You

a conference room.

Du Yuanming sat on the seat with earplugs in his ears, listening to the little song, leisurely.

Ye Cangsheng crossed his legs and checked the news on his mobile phone with a relaxed expression.

Wang Hongyi looked serene, holding a book and reading it quietly.

Su Lou was also there, but he couldn't sit still, shaking his legs all the time, looking at the door from time to time.

Several times, he hesitated to speak.

He wanted to ask Du Yuanming and Ye Cangsheng, but was afraid of disturbing them.

In the end, I couldn't hold back anymore, and with a smiling face, rubbing my hands together, I spoke slowly.

"Well, Mr. Wang, hey, may I ask, how long will Mr. Chen be there?"

When speaking, Su Lou bent over with a humble expression.

Wang Hongyi raised his eyelids and glanced at Su Lou.

"What? Can't wait? Why don't you go back first."

"No no no, don't worry, don't worry, I can wait, I can wait."

Su Lou hurriedly waved his hands and spoke repeatedly.

This time I came here to make amends to Chen Yu.

This is related to the life and death of the entire Su Group, and it is worthwhile to suffer a little grievance.

The room fell silent again.

About 20 minutes later, Chen Yu arrived late.

"Yo, Xiao Yu is here."

When Du Yuanming, Ye Cangsheng, and Wang Hongyi saw Chen Yu, they stood up to greet him.

Seeing this, Su Lou also jumped up in a daze, took three steps in parallel, and rushed in front of Chen Yu.

Holding Chen Yu's hand tightly with both hands, Su Lou looked excited.

"Hello, Mr. Chen, oops, I haven't seen you for a few days, I miss you so much."

Chen Yu frowned and withdrew his hand.

"Su Lou, tell me something, I'm in a hurry."

Su Lou knelt on the ground all of a sudden, which surprised several people.

clap clap clap!
Before he could speak, Su Lou had already slapped himself three times.

"Mr. Chen, it's all my fault. It's my obsession that made me do that kind of thing."

"Actually, I was coerced by Yingjiang. I am also from the Dragon Kingdom, and I have a heart of the Dragon Kingdom. How can I bear to see my fellow countrymen suffer?"

"It's all Yingying sauce's fault. You know, it's not easy for us to survive overseas. We all behave with our tails between our legs."

"Please forgive us. Don't worry, with you in front, our Su Group will go through fire and water, and will do whatever it takes to fight for the health of tens of thousands of people in the Dragon Kingdom!"

Su Lou wept bitterly, as if he had been wronged by the heavens, he was extremely pitiful.

Chen Yu's eyes were cold.

On the side, Du Yuanming and the other three also watched Su Lou's performance coldly.

"Su Lou, I know you are shameless, but I didn't expect you to be so shameless."

Du Yuanming snorted coldly and said, "When you threatened us with the lives of those patients, how arrogant were you?"

"Why are you so cowardly now?"

Su Lou whimpered and cried, knocking his head loudly.

"Master Du, it's because Su Lou is confused."

"Your Excellency has a lot, please forgive us. I really regret it."

Chen Yu didn't speak, just watched Su Lou's performance.

Finally, after more than thirty knocks, Su Lou stopped.

What the hell, the plot is wrong.

I am so sincere, shouldn't you be moved and ask me to stop?
I'm going to have a concussion on my head!

"Why don't you continue?"

Chen Yu spoke lightly, with a hint of mockery on the corner of his mouth.

Su Lou was shaken all over, and his eyes were full of tears.

"Mr. Chen, I really know that I was wrong. Please, for the sake of being a member of the Dragon Kingdom, give me a way to survive."

"Look, we all have black eyes, black hair and yellow skin, we have the same roots!"

Chen Yu frowned.

"Same root? Are you worthy too?"

"From the moment your Su Group is delisted, you are no longer a member of Longguo."

"Su Lou, there's no need to act."

"I, Chen Yu, am not a soft-hearted person. Here, I don't repay grievances with kindness, only repay grievances with straightness."

After a pause, Chen Yu continued to speak.

"I just want to kill the Su Group."


In a word, Su Lou is like being struck by lightning.

Him, he won't forgive me?
"Chen Yu! I'm so humbled, can't you hold your hands high?"

"What do you want from me?"

Su Lou stood up suddenly, glared at Chen Yu, and roared mournfully.

Chen Yu looked indifferent and looked at Su Lou coldly.

"I want your Su Group to die."

"I want everyone to know that you can't afford to mess with the current Dragon Kingdom."

"Whoever provokes you will wait for my revenge!"

"And my revenge is more violent than you can imagine."

Ding Deng Deng.

Su Lou retreated three steps in a row, staring at Chen Yu in a daze, his whole body was cold.

This, what kind of man is this.

Me, why would I provoke him?

At this moment, endless regret filled Su Lou's heart.

In his eyes, the Su Group is a behemoth that will never fall down.

But it just fell apart overnight.

What a horror this is.

Even Su Lou was in a trance for a moment.

Maybe, in the near future, the tyrannical eagle sauce will also fall in front of this man?

At this thought, Su Lou was terrified, feeling unbelievable to himself.

At this time, Wang Hongyi stood up and looked at Su Lou coldly.

"Su Lou, you, the Su Group, could have benefited the Dragon Kingdom."

"But you have forgotten your ancestors and are willing to be other people's lackeys."

"It's just that you forgot one thing."

Su Lou was taken aback, and subconsciously asked, "What's the matter?"

Wang Hongyi narrowed his eyes and spoke slowly.

"A lackey for one day, and a lackey for life. The moment you kneel down on all fours, you have lost your qualifications to be human."

"It's not that you have abandoned the people of the Dragon Kingdom, but the people of the Dragon Kingdom have abandoned you!"


Su Lou couldn't hold on any longer, staggered and fell on the chair.

In my mind, there seemed to be thousands of thunderbolts that exploded.

So, I, am I already a lost dog?
Laughing at himself, Su Lou left the conference room desolately.

Instead of returning to Yingjiang, he took the high-speed train to another city and came to the rooftop of an abandoned six-story building.

He just stood there quietly, staring at the already dilapidated surroundings.

I heard from the deceased grandpa that their family used to live here.

Surrounded by friendly neighbors.

The third aunt gave his father the big white rabbit toffee.

The son of Uncle Li's family took his father to fight.

Grandpa said that at that time, my father and the others played the roles of dragon warriors, and no one wanted to play ghosts, thinking it was an insult.

By the way, Xiaoqiaoqiao, who is at the opposite door, has always been secretly in love with her father.

What a time.

If they didn't go abroad with their family, they must be the big Su family respected by everyone now.

It's a pity that they have lost their qualifications as human beings.

"In the next life, I really can't be a running dog who defected."

Laughing at himself, Su Lou jumped down from the roof!

On the second day, a piece of news shocked people at home and abroad.

Su Lou's father, Su Chaosheng, died in a car accident in Yingjiang.

Su Lou committed suicide by jumping off the building!

The Su Group fell apart.

The relevant departments of Yingjiang found out that the Su Group had multiple illegal activities, and the relevant assets were frozen and returned to the state treasury!

When Chen Yu heard the news, his eyes flashed.

Looking out the window, he smiled coldly.

"Steven? You are really a bunch of vultures."

"I don't know what tricks you will have next?"

"It's okay, I'll play with you to the end."

(End of this chapter)

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